Messagebox Made By Form

Jul 12, 2005

I need a special messagebox witch returns integer value to public variable.

now I have made it the problem is how to use it.

In Sub where the messagebox form is opened the Sub should wait until it get the response from messagebox_form. That is because this sub will save it in the table.

So how to get te sub to stop and wait until the public variable is changed

(if I use some kind of loop I can't use the form at the same time)

-thans, Jalmari

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Messagebox Help

Sep 26, 2007

I am trying to add an expression into a messagebox but I am not sure how to make access view it as an expression instead of as text (I am new at using the expression builder)

=MsgBox("The current severity rate is: @ «Expr» Reports![File name]![No of Lost Days].RunningSum «Expr» @ ",64,"Severity Rate")

I am sure that i am probably way off with the actual expression as well but I can look at that afterwards. Thanks in advance for any help.

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If With Messagebox

Dec 14, 2006

Hi I am new to Access and I am interested in knowing how can I make a messagebox that will pop up when a user has not put in information in a certain field.

Before the record is save I would like the messagebox to say "You have to put something in such and such before saving record". I don't know if this is hard but any help would be appreciated!

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Logging Changes Made In A Form

Jun 10, 2005

I was wondering if there is a simple way to check if any changes have been made to a record when the form is closed because I would like to create a log of records that were changed. I'm sure I could create some variables to store the fields when the form is opened then check if they're still the same when the form closes, but I figured there's probably already a built-in way of doing this (since the undo button must obviously use it)



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Messagebox Query

Feb 27, 2007

I was wondering if any one could help me? i wish to create a button and that button will bring up a messagebox showing items of more than a 3 year peroid.

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Suppress Messagebox

Dec 20, 2006

Hello all:


Dim rs as object
Set rs = Me!RecordSet.Clone
rs.Find first "[Student_ID]='" & Me![Combo134] & "'"

If Me! Major_CD = "F16" or "616" or "611"
End if

End sub

A student ID number is entered into a combobox and it returns name, Major_CD(Major Code) and Degree type.
If the major code is "F16" or "616", a message is displayed.

How do I suppress this messagebox the the student has a different major code? In other words, there are students in the database with other major codes that are 111, 121, 363. I would like for the other major codes to NOT display a message box. Right now, it displays a messagebox for everyone.

Any ideas?

Many, many thanks


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General :: Undo Changes Made To A Form?

Jul 23, 2012

It has really been awhile I posted in this forum
I have a form purchase order details, that I used to enter quantity of items purchased. I found out that I can't delete quantities entered on the form. It appears to delete, but on checking the quantity in the inventory, it was not deleted. The vba code in my quantity section of the page is this

Dim IT As InventoryTransaction
If Me![Quantity] = 0 Then
End If
AddPurchase Me![Purchase Order ID], Me![Item ID], Me![Quantity], NewInventoryID
End Sub

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Warning Messagebox From MS-Access

Sep 5, 2005

I designed a combox and also set the property of 'limited to list' to yes. I also declared the function NotInList with my own message box. But, the MS-Access default warning message box still comes up after displaying my one.

If I turned the property of 'limited to list' to no, it can trigger the function at all.

Does anyone here have any idea on how to turn the system default warning message box off?

Many thanks

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Queries :: Show New Record Entries Made From A Form

Feb 26, 2014

I created a form for data entry only where records could be continually added until you were done and closed the form. Into that form I dropped a query that kept a running list in datasheet form of all the new records entered while the form was open, and then cleared when the form was closed (so the query was empty when the form was opened again).

My Problem: I accidentally deleted that query.

What I need:

-Query to be empty when form is opened.
-Records added while form is open get displayed in the query after record is saved.

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Report Which Keeps Track Of Data Changes Made In DB Form Fields

Dec 13, 2014

How to generate either a form or report able to show me the history of data changes made by users in the fields of Access Objects. I'm more interested in Forms, since the users will use Forms to change data in the db.

Let me give an example:

My db has, for instance, a form named Frm1 and a form named Frm2. Both were built including several fields such as text boxes, combo boxes, etc.

So, if the user Paul first changes the field Color of the record Id 235 in the Frm1 from Green to Yellow, and then, down the road George changes the field Size of the record Id 14 in the Frm2 from Big to Small, I need to know what changes were made, by who, and when changes happened. Also, it is important to know if a record Id is added or excluded.

My final intent is to have a report/form that shows some sort of user activity log which I think could be like this:


By sorting this output by date, form and field it will easy to check/audit for user processing mistakes.

I know enough to build tables, queries, forms and reports, but don't know how to structure such thing. What kind of form event should I setup?

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How To MessageBox Contents Of A Table With A Button

Feb 27, 2007

This may seem a very simple question, but I really don't know how to do it. Basically, I want to MessageBox contents of a table with a button. I have a table called Map, and has two fiels: Column Number and Description. When a button is pressed, then I want a messagebox to come up and show the column number and the description of a single field. Although I know it is very wrong, here is the code I used for this (r![column Number] = 4 is meant to be the forth column number in the table):

Dim d As Database
Set d = CurrentDb
Dim r As Recordset
Set r = d.OpenRecordset("Map")

r![column Number] = 4
MsgBox "Column No: " & r![column Number] & ". Description: " & (r![Description])

By the way, there are seperate buttons for seperate fields. It is DAO as well
Thanx in advance

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Forms :: Get Main Form To Accept Changes Made To Underlying Subform?

Sep 24, 2014

I'm trying to resolve a problem with a form displayed as follows

-->SubForm1 embedded in main form
--->SubForm2 embedded in SubForm1

When I edit subform2, then return to the mainform and edit a field on the mainform, I get an error.

'The data has been changed. Another user edited this record.... Re-edit the record.'

My understanding to resolve this is to do a requery. So I added:


as part of the LostFocus event for subform2. However, I now get a Write Conflict error when returning to a field in the main form. I get a dialog box with the option to Copy to Clipboard or Drop Changes. I can select Drop Changes and it will let me edit the main form afterwards.

This is Access 2010 over SQL. how to get the main form to accept the changes made to the underlying subform?

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Forms :: Populate A Table Based On Selections Made Within A Form

Apr 27, 2015

So I'm trying to populate a table based on selections I make within a form.

The form is based of a query that pulls a new product category that needs to be added to my first reference table for products.

The form shows all the new unique product codes, and there is a drop down box with product categories whose source is also the first reference table, so a new code would be:

'JBL - TRX - FVB - TRZ' And based on that new info, I would select from the drop down to select the corresponding category and click 'Add Record' button.

I'm building the event for the button and the code is as follows so far :

Private Sub Add_Record_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmbAdd_Record_Click()
'add data to table
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO tblPVMTable(PVMJoinField, SummaryPVMCategory) " & _

[Code] ....

I keep getting errors with the main portion of code.

Name of table fields :


Name of Query Fields Populating the Form:


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When Changes Are Made...

Feb 7, 2008

I recently changed the code to a case statement which recoded a value into a new field


Case = 1
Me.Field2 = 2

and so on...

However the old data would not reflect this change as the Me.Field2 value had already been created.

Short of opening each form, changing a number closing it and then changing it back to original value, it there any way to get the database to rerun all the code in the background essentially?

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Query If Any Changes Have Been Made

May 19, 2005

I have created a button to save changes and to undo changes on a form. However if the user has not made any changes, i get a message saying that the Undo command is not available and the same with save changes.

Therefore if no changes had been made i would like to just ignore that part of the action and continue with the rest of the event procedure.

My code for undo is..

Public Sub UndoChanges_Click()

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70
Me.frmtabContact_Details.Enabled = False
Me.frmtabCustomer_AC.Enabled = False
Me.frmtabCustomer_Options.Enabled = False
Me.Edit_Contact.Visible = True
Me.frmSave_Changes.Visible = False

End Sub

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Made A Mistake, Now I Need Help

Feb 8, 2005

i named one of my fields in a table with spaces "quantity on hand"

Now i cant refrence is in vba.

If rsSa!D < rsInv.Fields!"quantity on hand" Then

this does not work. I cant go back and change the field name on the table.


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Pre-made Access Database

Aug 8, 2005

Does anybody know of a site where you can download/modify/use pre-made databases files?
I am looking to create a basic database to store survey details about signage on site for 200 sites.
Details i need to include are Site, Sign, and Components....
I think the database itself would be fairly standard, even if the fields needed tweaking
I don't want to invest the time into this if there is something I could use already out there

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Track Changes Made To Database

Mar 15, 2006

Hi guys,

Im fairly new to MS Access and have recently created a simple database to track the details of people in my department.

The database is on a shared drive and the idea was that when the details of the individual change, they open the database themselves and edit the appropiate field.

However, is it possible to track the changes that people make over a certain period (ie every month).

Thanking you in advance,


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Mde Made But Still Able To Use Design View

Feb 29, 2008

I've made my mde file from a mdb which is fine apart from the fact that I can still view all the tables and queries and more to the point able to change them. Has anyone come across this before, if so how can it be fixed?

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Log Changes Made To Mdw Security File

Mar 25, 2008

I need to know if there is anyway to view any changes made to the security workgroup file I have with my database. I need to know when or if someone is changing it to allow someone else full access to the database, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Prompt To Save Changes But No Changes Were Made

Feb 9, 2007

I was editing one of my tables in datasheet view and when I closed the table, Access asked me if I wanted to save changes. But I didn't make any changes to the design of the table or the filters I had set up. I just edited the data within datasheet view. The reason this is bothering me is that I am afraid I accidentally changed something. The only explanation I have for why it asked me if I wanted to save changes, is that I used the "undo" command to cancel a typo that I made while editing in datasheet view. When I hit "undo", it fixed the typo, and scaled back up to the first record of the datasheet. At first I thought using the "undo" command might have been the culprit, but when I re-opened the table and used the "undo" command again, it undid the change, but it didn't scale back up to the first record of the datasheet, like it did the first time I used the command. Anyway, I am staying away from the undo command from now on. It's about worthless in Access anyway, because it only undoes your last action. Have any other Access users been asked to save changes when they know they haven't made any changes to the design of the table?

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Undo Changes Made By Query.

Jul 26, 2007

Hi, i am stumped.

I have two tables Tbl_Referrals and Tbl_CMSData. Both of these tables have an identifier in called ConflictID. I have created a query which selects the records from both tables where the conflict ID is the same.

I have a form running this query. Down one side of the form i have all the details from Tbl_CMSData and on the otherside of the Form i have the corresponding details from Tbl_Referrals. I need the user to be able to update field by field from Tbl_CMSData to TblReferrals. This is done by means of a simple update query for each field. This all works fine.

Problem - I need an undo button for each field. Me.Undo does not work becuase the changes have been made by a query and not on the form.

Is there a way of undoing what the query has updated? Possibly by setting the focus to a Tbl_Referrals and then undoing the changes?

Thanks in advance

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Review Recent Changes Made

Nov 6, 2005


This is my first post.

I have built an access database (Access 2002) which contains around 370 records.

It would be useful to be able to click a button on a form to review which records (forms) have been amended or what records are new.

This could be presented by either (1) sorting the records so the newest/or latest changed records came first, followed by the next most recent etc etc, or by (2) presenting a list of record names which could be followed manually.

I have tried several text books but have been unable to find a solution so any help from the experts would be very welcome.

Thank you ~ David.

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Identify Any Changes Made To Query Criteria ?

May 10, 2007


I was wondering if there is anyway to be able to identify or monitor changes made to a query.

Basically looking to identify if anyone goes in and manipulates the criteria field within the query ?

Using Access 2003.

Any thoughts or help are greatly appreciated.


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Question 2: Pre-made Query Access In VBA

Aug 5, 2005

I would really like to populate a combobox with a list of queries. This would allow the user to add a group of data into a form's subform all at once. Although I have no clue how to use the pre-made queries from VBA or even how to get access to them via a combobox.

Any ideas? If I didn't make myself clear, I can explain further. Thanks in advance!

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Queries :: Check If Any Changes Have Been Made To The Record

Sep 23, 2013

I use the code below when a form is closed to either save or undo changes. However I only want the msg box to appear if there have been any changes to the record that the form is based on, if there aren't any changes then it will just docmd.close without the msgbox. How would I check if there have been any changes to the record? I think you have to use 'Dirty' but im not really sure how to use it.

Private Sub CLoseUR_Click()
Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String
strMsg = "Do you want to save changes?"
strTitle = " Save Changes?"

[Code] .....

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