I have a database that will be used by a few users who are not very comfortable with Microsoft Access. I have a login screen and a introduction/splash popup. I was wondering if it is possible to bypass the Microsoft Access pop-ups that ask the user if they want to "block unsafe code.." or The security popup that says "This file may not be safe" so that the users go right to the login screen I created within the database. I am worried that there will be variations in answering/clicking these Microsoft Access questions thus causing a variety of complaints when trying to access the database. Thank you
My main experience is with MySQL and PHP so I'm kindof stumbling around in the dark here. Heres my story:
We recieved a new server and migrating from (Windows Server 2000, IIS 5.0, Access 2000) to (Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0, Access 2003) has been nothing but problems.
I have setup IIS to work with ASP, I've also setup a system DSN. The access file was copied over from the previous server. We're running Access 2003 and now I can't seem to get this ASP script to work.
When I try to upload a file to the script I get this error:
Line: 42 Char: 7 Error: HELP!!! Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL statement expected 'DELETE','INSERT','PROCEDURE','SELECT', OR 'UPDATE'. Code: 0 Url: (URL address blocked: See forum rules)
Its included in a file called FileRead.htm here is the part that refers to the error lines: Code: var TheFile, FileStrm;// Retrieved field namesvar M_ssn, M_inits, M_Lname, M_Fname, M_DSSN, M_ruc, M_paycode;var M_normamt, M_payamt, M_pgrp, M_poe, M_pltcd, Payrollnum, Payrolldate;// var Trash, FieldData, FieldNames;var TrashLineNum = 1;// Create the file Stream Object (ReadOnly)TheFile = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");FileStrm = TheFile.OpenTextFile(FName,1,false);// Setup the Database Connectionvar SQLCommand, TheRS, TheConnection, DSNString, Commands, MyDC;FieldNames = new Array("ssn","inits","lname","fname","dssn","ruc","cco", "payamt","normamt","notsureone","pgrp","poe", "pltcode","recstatus","paychgflg","paystatuscode", "payrollnum","payrolldate");// Connect the the DatabaseDataLib.ConToDB();MyDC = DataLib.GetDC();// Get Payroll NumberPString = prompt("Enter Payroll Number","025");Payrollnum = parseInt(PString,10);// Get Payroll DateDString = prompt("Enter Payroll Date","20000101");Payrolldate = DateLib.FromMil(DString);// Setup the Database Connectionvar NumRecs = 0;//MyTest = DataLib.GetRS("PaydayUpdate1");alert("About to cross into the CurExtract!!!");MyRS = DataLib.GetRS("SELECT * FROM CurExtract");
I set an alert after this line but it doesn't pop up.
ANY HELP WOULD BE VERY GREATLY APPRECIATED. I'll be checking this very frequently.
I would like to convert a database, which was made for me, in order to enable it to be used on my current system.
I get the error message below when trying to open the database in Microsoft Access 2003.
The database was made using Microsoft Access 2.0.
Will I need Microsoft Access 2.0 to update/delete the database all the time?
Or can I convert this to be used with Microsoft Access 2003?
I have tried opening the file exclusively and I get the same error.
I have selected Show Help and it advises me to import all the objects from the database into a new database. This can`t be achieved as I can`t open the file to retrieve the contents.
Thank you very much for your help and all responses are appreciated, Sam
I would like to convert a database, which was made for me, in order to enable it to be used on my current system.
I get the error message below when trying to open the database in Microsoft Access 2003.
The database was made using Microsoft Access 2.0.
Will I need Microsoft Access 2.0 to update/delete the database all the time?
Or can I convert this to be used with Microsoft Access 2003?
I have tried opening the file exclusively and I get the same error.
I have selected Show Help and it advises me to import all the objects from the database into a new database. This can`t be achieved as I can`t open the file to retrieve the contents.
Thank you very much for your help and all responses are appreciated, Sam
What I would like to know about Microsoft SQL Server & Access 2003 : I am a novice at creating my own database. I would like to use Microsoft SQL Server & Access 2003 . I have in the last 3 months read all I can about creating a database in Microsoft Access 2003 . Now I need to learn about Microsoft SQL Server, and it is very different from Access 2003. I have purchase many bussiness applications over the last 5 years, and fount that over software are to rigid, as I need something very specifil to my bussness. If you intend to reply, please be very specific & in plain English.
Can someone help me ?
1Can Microsoft SQL Server 2000 work with Microsoft access 2003. a.Is this do-able .
2Can Mysql also work with Microsoft access 2003
3What is the difference between Microsoft SQL Server & Mysql.
I have a problem where i unchecked the "allow built in toolbars" , "allow toolbar menu changes","allow full menus" and " allow default shortcut menus" from the TOOLS Menu item (STARTUP) How do i get back all the menus to show when the application starts up?
Hello to everyone!, Could I ask a help how could I possibly code MS Access Startup to set the MenuBar, ShortCut Menu, FormMenu, Special Keys to OFF to prevent user from using these keys when my application starts?
Hi I've just moved my PC over to Office 2007. I have previously created an application in A2003 that consists of three databases which I move between frequently using command buttons running the following code to close the current one and open the new one:-
Private Sub Command14_Click() Dim RegSet As New QwestLib.QRegistryFunctions On Error GoTo Err_command14_Click
Application.Quit acQuitSaveAll Exit_command14_Click: Exit Sub
Err_command14_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_command14_Click End Sub
In 2003 this worked fine but we always had to enable macros on opening the new one. This is now not required as the application is "Trusted" but in A2007 every time a database opens the "Getting Started with MS Access" window opens.
Is there some way I can switch this off as it is unnecessary and time consuming.
I'm trying to migrate an Access 2000 project to Access 2007. I want that the frontend doesn't look like Access. This means: no ribbons, no office button, no Quick Access Toolbar, no database panel. In 2K, this was rather simple, but in 2007 I only managed so far to get rid of the ribbon (by replacing it with a blank ribbon) and the navigation pane, but I can't figure out what to do to hide the Office button and the QAT. Can anyone help me with this ?
I thought I had this figured out, but apparently am still missing something...
When I start my DB, I get the default 'Security Warning' message every time asking if I want to cancel or continue... I thought this was an options setting under the Tools/Macro/Security setting. However, when I change this setting (default is Medium) to Low, exit Access and restart the DB I get the same warning message and the security setting is back to medium.
Am I in the right area to fix this? Why would my settings default back?
I'm trying to migrate an Access 2000 project to Access 2007. I want that the frontend doesn't look like Access. This means: no ribbons, no office button, no Quick Access Toolbar, no database panel. In 2K, this was rather simple, but in 2007 I only managed so far to get rid of the ribbon (by replacing it with a blank ribbon) and the navigation pane, but I can't figure out what to do to hide the Office button and the QAT. Can anyone help me with this ?
Sorry if this is a really dumb question - I have just started using Access and I couldn't find the answer to this doing a forum search.
I have made a database consisting of a table and a form. All I want to do is get the form to appear automatically when the database is opened. I am using Access 2007.
I know that I can startup MS-Access manually and bypass the startup options, including any macro that is set to run automatically, by holding the Shift key down when launching the application. I have:
Code: Public Sub AccessStuff() Dim myaccess As New Access.Application myaccess.OpenCurrentDatabase(" orfs006slsops_repts\_RS DevSOPSOP.MDB") Dim db = myaccess.CurrentDb() End Sub
which works nicely and opens the database just fine. However, this mdb has a startup macro defined in it. I can't hold down the Shift key since I'm doing this from a program. In this case, how can I bypass the startup macro?
Thought I best ask this question BEFORE I run into trouble.
If I were to set my database to hide the database window and all menus on startup so that users can only do what I want them to do and not edit anything. How do I go about reversing this if I needed to edit something as I would not be able to see any of the regular menus?
It would be good if the solution involved some sort of admin password rather than a sneaky short cut that a user may accidently stumble across.
I'd like to first thank you for any help you can offer on any of the following issues.
Situation: I've been tasked to streamline our in-processing requirements for new employees and told that the Access program can help tremendously. In order for this program to work I need to make it as easy to use as possible for some of my more computer illiterate bosses.
Tasker: Design a one-stop-shop program that is in-depth and both easy to input data and easy to show multiple outputs if we want. For example: If Jon Doe is coming into our business then I might need his prior work experience, social security number, date of birth, name, address, phone number, supervisor name etc. I know how to do some of this but I don’t know how to:
1. Make a drop down menu in a specific field to allow only the pre placed answers to work.
2. Allow a supervisor to see a 90 day forecast of only the employees who will require an evaluation. (this would require an easy to navigate program that allows the supervisor to click on the desired output and time frame to see the info)
3. Make it a clean and professional tool that will be relatively simple to maintain for future employees.
Thank you again for any help or reference material you can offer. Have a great day.
Ok so I have a new project. I have run all queries and appended them to my tab inventory. My mission is to take all of the query's and create a table that combines all missing parts info (I.E.> date, part#, plant, location, inventory, reorder pt.) How do i do this and if you need more information please message me back. I would greatly appreciate any help.
I have a report writer in access which i use to generate reports from act! (a CRM software by sage).
Recently, there has been some changes and development in act! software (we added new fields into it). I am trying to update the tables in access with the new fileds, but am not able to do so.
Hello, I'm new to Access. I've recently started helping here at a non-profit literacy org. They have a small library and they were keeping track of it in an Excel spreadsheet. I moved it over to an Access database which seems much more appropriate and better in a lot of ways... Anyway, I'm not sure where to look or even exactly what I need to ask but here goes.
I think what we want to do is something like an invoice. The current database has one record for every book in the library and each record has fields like: book name, checked out (yes/no), date due, and borrower name.
It was nice and easy to write a little query with "<date()" on the due date field to generate a list of overdue books, then we used Word to merge the data and generate letters to send to the people with the overdue books. The problem is that most people have checked out more than one book so our simple merge ends up making one letter for every overdue book.
The first thing we'd like to accomplish is: how do we make a table? querry? report? which makes a new table with one record per borrower then each of the books that borrower has checked out?
It doesn't matter to me which way we do it, just so long as we can end up making just one letter per borrower, with that letter having each of the books listed. This seems kind of like an invoice to me, so maybe if I looked at invoice examples that would help? But that might just be more complicated and confusing?
If it's not too hard, there's a 2nd thing we'd like to do, and that is to, either from a 2nd database, or from data in the same database, but in a different "table"(?) get the person's address and merge that into the letter too, based on the borrower name.
Sorry if I'm being an annoying NOOB ~ if you think there are some things I should read first before asking these sorts of questions, perhaps you can point me too them? I'm at the stage where I don't even know enough to know what I don't know yet.
Just for reference, I do have tons of general PC & software experience, and have learned the C/C++, BASIC, Pascal, FORTRAN (77), 65816 assembly/machine code, and even a little LISP.
First, if I have a table, and I want to combine two records together, how would I accomplish this? For example, say I have the following table.
NAME SALES Bill 2000 Jim 500 Ted 1000
And by some miracle of science, Bill and Jim are able to fuse together to become Jill, combining their sales together. So the new table would look ilke this.
NAME SALES Jill 2500 Ted 1000
My second question is, say I have an extended list of the same table with 30 names and corresponding sales. However, I want to find out Ted's percentage of sales of the TOP 15, not all 30. How can I accomplish this?
Thanks so much in advance for helping out a complete newbie. :)
Hi all, I've played a bit with MS Access 2003 the last week. I've made a form wich should contain information about stores (phone numbers, locations e.g.).
I'm trying to imagine myself (what could be a real) scenario, that way it's easier to give myself practice and tasks :)
As I'm new to MS Access, I'd like you to take a look at my forms. I want to know if there's better ways to do what I have done, and if I have done something wrong.
I also got a couple of questions; Lets say I want to print one post by clicking on a button, is that hard to implement? Is it possible to make a button, which exports the form to an .xls -file by clicking on it? I did make these forms on a computer that had the resolution to 1280/1024, when I tried to open the form on a computer with 1024/768 resolution, the forms won't be displayed in the center of the screen :confused:
I think that's all.. Thanks! :)
Here's the access -file (http://www.home.no/f00b/stores.rar) (180kB) (use winrar to extract it) I've tried to transalate to forms into english, sorry for the bad english :o
For a databse which I am going to create, I would like to have an authentication system which utilises the database users which I specify, however instaed of using a password the idea would be to use a fingerprint scanner to logon. T^his would be for an A - Level IT project and I would seriously like to know how to integrate biometric security into a database. If anyone knows how to do this please post CLEAR instruction possibly with some SCREENSHOTS if possible.
This query is in relation to an Access 97 database.
A problem that we are consistently having is that whenever people are using the database under different user names, it only allows one user at a time to use it. So basically if three of us are on it updating files or enquiring on client details, two of us are locked out leaving only one in. Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated.