Military Time Format Need To Include Seconds?

Mar 19, 2015

I am currently working on a database where my source data has the times in military format which includes the seconds; 18:45:30. All my time fields are set to data/time and format is Short Time. The Short Time format gives me military time but only down to the minute. I need to include the seconds into my time fields. I tried creating an input mask but it converts it to standard time.

how I can show military time down to the seconds as in my example above?

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Subtracting Military Time

Oct 21, 2005

My new job requires me to use access so I'm learning as I go. :confused:
I have already used previous threads from this forum to answer another problem I encountered. Thanks for providing this forum to the public!

I am attemping to run a query that will subtract military time. (I am not allowed to change the format of the times in the original tables. )


Column A Column B
1111 6.5

I need 1111 - 6.5 in Column C

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Military Time - No Colon Separator For Key Entry

Mar 15, 2014

We have a new contractual requirement to track all time spent on Military contracts and report it to our Prime Contractor annually.

I am trying to put into Access 2010, basically the same functionality that I have built into Excel time sheets for years; that is simple entry of time in military time using 3 or 4 keystrokes depending on the time of day.

I have a table which records an employee's employee number and job that he or she is working on. I have formatted fields to short for Start Time and Stop Time, and I have a Calculated field also formatted short for elapsed time, however I need to have it simplified to where there is no colon separator on key entry in the form to 700 for 0700 hrs military and 1317 for 1:17 PM.

I will be using this database on several computers, but only a couple that will be used for time entry.

The Excel spreadsheets work well, but I have found them cumbersome trying to dump all the information into a Master spreadsheet from several different individual spreadsheets and I am using Access as our ERP so it will save time if I just add a simple form to track time from there putting it in the hands of the Repairmen and save someone from data entry late.

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Calculating Military Time And Putting Result To Nearest .25

Mar 14, 2013

I have to fields in military time. I need to calculate and have the result in decimal format to the nearest .25 minutes.

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Convert Short Time To A Number (seconds)

Feb 26, 2006

This must have been answered before, but I can't find it by searching so sorry for the dumb question.

I input a time in hours and minutes in a field with a Short Time format. I would like then to convert this to seconds in a field with a number format so that I can total the seconds and then add them to the results of a calculated DateDiff control to get the grand total of time spent on a project.

Any help would be gratefully received.



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Reports :: Average Of Time In Minutes And Seconds

Feb 7, 2014

Basically, I get daily reports from the client and the AHT and ACW values come in seconds. I've recently added code to the query changing the data to nn:ss which works perfectly. Below is some info:

[Calls] (number of calls answered)
[AHT] (in seconds)
[ACW] (in seconds)

[Code] ....

The above code works very well, where I'm stuck is in the attempt to average the fields [AHTMinSec] & [ACWMinSec] by Agent in a report.

Using [AHTMinSec] as an example:

I have the daily values for each agent [AHTMinSec] in the detail, Avg([AHTMinSec]) in the Agent group footer showing each agent's average, Avg([AHTMinSec]) in the Team group footer showing team averages and Avg([AHTMinSec]) in the report footer showing the campaign average including all teams. When I run the report the details are hidden providing each agent's average, the team average, and the campaign average.

The report worked just fine until I converted to minutes with the above code. Is there a reason that I'm getting an error stating that the calculation is too complex? I've done enough research to determine that the db can't Sum in order to average...

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Time Format - Short Time Displayed As Medium Time

May 23, 2006

I have an application with a backend db on PC 1, and the same application on PC 2 linked to the backend db on PC 1 via the network.

The link works fine but the time formats are different.

On PC 1 the time format is shortime and displays as it should i.e. in 24 hour clock format

However on PC 2, opening the same database via the network, the time format is still shorttime but when you read the time within the code it comes out in AM/PM format. Also, when the defaul tiem should be #20:00:00# but this changes to #8:00:00 PM#

Weirdly though, when you just open the table, the times are in the correct shorttime format.

Guessing, it must be a setting within the main core of Access 2003 that is different between the 2 instances?

Any ideas?

This screen shot may help:

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Time Format - Short Time Displayed As Medium Time

May 23, 2006

I have an application with a backend db on PC 1, and the same application on PC 2 linked to the backend db on PC 1 via the network.

The link works fine but the time formats are different.

On PC 1 the time format is shortime and displays as it should i.e. in 24 hour clock format

However on PC 2, opening the same database via the network, the time format is still short time but the format is in AM/PM or medium time.

Guessing, it must be a setting within the main core of Access 2003 that is different between the 2 instances?

Any ideas?

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Forms :: Assign Field With Special Format Based On Date / Time Format

Feb 17, 2014

I wanted to assign the field "Number of magazine" with special format based on date/time format but showing only year and month in the format: "yyyy-mm".

So in property of this field in format I put yyyy-mm and in input mask I type 0000-00;;-

I also created the form based on the table containing above field and I defined format and input mask for corresponding formant in the same way like at the table.

But if I try to type date for example 2014-01 in text box of the form it comes up with the full date 2014-01-01. Why does it do like this? What do I do incorrectly?

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Time In Access: Keeping "medium Time" Format

Mar 25, 2008

I've run into a bug, I think. I have a time field with it set to show "Medium Time" which is "hh:mm(AM/PM)", however, when I combine the information with another field in a query (=[OfficeDay]&" - "&[POfficeTime]), the time comes out as "Long Time" or "hh:mm:ss(AM/PM)". End result is Wednesday - 10:30:00AM when it should be Wednesday - 10:30AMDoes anyone know a way around this?

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Time Format

Feb 24, 2006

I have this code for an excel file in vba, strDate = Format(Date, "mm-dd-yy") & " " & " at " & Format(Time, "h-mm-ss").

I'm trying to put colons ":" instead of the dashs "-" for the time but I get a debug error, is there any way I can make it work, or am i stuck with dashes. Thanks.

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Time Format My Bad

Apr 22, 2005

I imported an Excel Sheet into a database. In this sheet were several coulums list travel time from one place to another. In this sheet the time in minutes. ie 120 was the same as 2 hours.

Anyway Now that it is in my database it is still in the number format. Is there an easy way to convert this to a time Format ie hh:nn

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Format Time/date

Jun 15, 2006

Hi all,

i've a field that contains the systemdate n time
txtDate.value = Now

will give me this 11/30/1899 9:46:00 AM.

How do i get rid of the second hands??

i want 11/30/1899 9:46 AM instead.

Thank you

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Format For 24-hour Time

Mar 31, 2008


Missing something simple here and can't figure it out. I want to display a time in military 24-hour format but can't get it to show the first "0" between the times 0000 - 0959.

Current statement is:

datTripTime = Format(datArr, "HH:mm")

What am I missing please???


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Shorter Date/time Format

Oct 15, 2005

I wish to insert in a table, not the date, but just the month and year (yy/mm or mm/yy), for example 05/10 or 10/05 for October 2005 (the order of yy and mm does not matter). In addition, I need to be able to sort the records chronologically using the same field.
I have tried various solutions with the date/time field or the number field (e.g. using where the mm are the decimals). However, it does not seem to work correctly. Any suggestions for how I can do this by configuring the format, inputs mask and validation rule?

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Date/Time Format Issue

Dec 20, 2005


I'm very new to Access, so please be gentle;)

I have imported a appointment database that I need to analyse, however the Date & Time data within the table has been written as;
Date: 20051220 - which I would like to read dd/mm/yyyy (20/12/2005)
Time: 800 - which I would like to read as hh:mm (08:00)

I would like to produce a report of all the queries, i.e. longest appointment, shortest etc... but display them in the correct Date/Time format.

So how should I go about this?
I cannot alter the imported table in anyway.

1. Can I produce a mirror like table of the existing table, that automatically use the correct Date/Time format?
2. Can I alter the values within a query?
3. Can I alter the final output in the Report?

What is the best way to tackle this?

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Output Format Of Date/time

Sep 3, 2005

Hey guys, been away from Access and SQL for some time. I have a simple 2 column table with one thats set to Date/Time that displays the date only. Unfortunaly, when I run my query, the date comes out 7/9/2005 and I want it to come out as 7/09/2005. I know I am going to have to force it out with a format command, but its been so long that I have no idea how to. Right now my query, in SQL format, looks like this.


I just need the format command to force the date. If anyone can help, thx.

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Date And Time Format Calculation

Jul 13, 2007


I need to calculate the number of days between two days however the format on which i have my date includes the time in the same field -

2007-02-20 07:15:30.474

When I calculate one date minus an other the result is #error
I require the result to be in a count format e.g 2.3 days (like in excel)

Is there anyway to get around this without splitting the date and time?

Please help!:)

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Dd/mm/yyyy In Date/time Format

Apr 5, 2007

Hi everyone

I have 2 date fields date1 and date2 , and i have date/time data type but what i want to be inputed is in dd/mm/yyyy and not mm/dd/yyyy, what do i need to do in accees both date fields properties to make sure it is in UK date format. thanx

I have played with the format and input mask but i am lost dont know what to do.


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Converting Integer To Time Format

Sep 5, 2007

Is there an easy way to convert an integer into time? What I want is for the person to enter in 0820 or even 820a and then convert it to 8:20 am. This is mainly to save keystrokes.

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Linked Tables And 24hr Time Format

Mar 24, 2008

Using Access 2000, linking tables to Oracle 10g with a db trigger forcing the default display format within Oracle to dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss (ie 24hr time format). Unfortunately MS Access displays in 12 hr format in the datasheet grid. A Sybase article reported this issue: Do you know if this has been fixed for more recent versions of MS-Access?

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Recall - Adding Times In Time Format

Feb 22, 2005

I want to calculate total hours and mins by adding a load of times (in time format) on a report. I've got the total number of minutes and converted this to hours : [txtmins]/60

Now I want to get the remaining minutes by using : [totalmins] - ([totalhours]*60)

However, how do I round DOWN the [totalhours] before it goes into the above sum. I can round it, but it always seems to round up.

If anyone has an easier solution let me know


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Forms :: Keep Time Format Of Txt Box When Changing Record

Jun 4, 2014

I have a small issue, but cannot solve it. I have a form with a textbox bound to a time(7) on a SQL server linked table.

Even if I put the format as "Short time 24h" or "hh:mm" it will always come out with seconds, nanoseconds, etc as soon as you change record. I would like to avoid using the "current" event to keep the "hh:mm" at any record change.

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Reports :: Sum Time Greater Than 24 Hours And Keep The Format

Aug 1, 2013

I have a field in my report [Idle]

This has a time in a HH:MM:SS format (so 01:38:23)

What I need to be able to do is sum this greater than 24 hours and keep the format of HH:MM:SS - ideally I need to do this in the form field that I'll be using to sum it.

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Queries :: Change Format Of Date / Time?

Aug 5, 2013

I am struggling to change the format of 2013-07-29 11:33:03.6160000 to show dd/mm/yyyy

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General :: Time Format Changes In Edit Mode

Sep 4, 2012

Started working with access 2010

Have a text field in a form with following relevant properties:

Format tab - Format: Short Time
Data tab - Inputmask: 00:00;0;_
Data tab - Default value: =Time()

Goal: show a default but editable current time in HH:MM format

Behaviour: When entering form current time is displayed in HH:MM - problem is that when I enter field with the curser it automatically changes format to HH:MM:SS.

How can I avoid/control that behavior?

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