Minimizing Access Program Window

Feb 1, 2007

I have a VBA program that I wrote in access. My question is this: Is there anyway to eliminate or minimize the main Microsoft Access program window so all the user would see is my forms and the desktop? Not that ugly gray back drop? Thank you in advance for your help.


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Minimizing All The Windows Within Access On

Apr 10, 2006

When the user clicks on the file name, I want the form to load automatically & also at the same time minimize the database window (i.e. the window where all the tables, queries etc are listed). Any suggestions?

Thx in advance,


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Minimizing Security On DB ?

Feb 13, 2008

when i open DB (using Shift + Enter)


for any Query design - just grid view with FILe, WINDOW, HELP again

where are TOOLS and all other choices ? How can i get them back ?

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Question On Form Minimizing

Feb 22, 2007

I am not really sure if this is a form issue or not.

I am running Access 2002 with a SQL back end for the database in question.

The forms were original run from queries but are now being run from the tables to make them faster.
Since I have done that the users are complaining of an issue when they minimize and then maximize the form.

Here is a little history to explain the process they do.
The open the form and have to hit the New Record button to add a new record. They do that and when they are finished with the record hit the New Record button again. So their form is on a blank record. They will then minimize the form and go into another form. When they maximize the first form to do more data entry the form will go back to the first record in the table instead of being on the New Record they thought it would be on.

Apparently this was working that way when the form was based on a query but since I change it to be based on the Table it started going back to the first record.

Is there anyway to fix this?
If I am not clear about this let me know.


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Is Access 2003 The Right Program For Me?

Aug 3, 2006

Before I start on this seemingly endless journey of learning Access 2003, I thought it appropriate to ask the question;

Will this program do what I need it to do?

I apologise in advance if this is not the right place to ask the question, I am a complete beginner to Access 2003.

I want to make an electronic log book for the guys at work, there are 5 people of different trades who would need to keep the log.

A typical entry would be as follows

Mon 22/3/06 Alan Smith B Shift

Compressor house (heading)
No 1 compressor (plant)
Oil pump (component)
Filter cleaned (action taken)

Personel (heading)
John Jones (personel)
Phoned in sick at 15:00hrs, will phone tomorrow to update

Boiler house (heading)
No 4 boiler (plant)
Water vlave leak (problem)
Tightened gland (action taken)

There are many headings, probably hundreds of plant, thousands of components and actions taken

We would need to view events to particular plant or areas between certain dates, some personel would need to enter data, some would only view the data without being able to enter it, few would need to alter the data.

Is Access 2003 capable of this, should I start the journey?


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Simple Access Program, Anyone Help?

Sep 13, 2006

Hello all!

Please forgive me for being a COMPLETE novice at Access, but I am trying!

What I need to do, is have an ordered list, which has check boxes along side each item.

When the relevant items have been checked, I need to be able to save or export to CSV, with ONLY the items which have been checked!!

I need the list to be pulled from a seperate source (like an excel spreadsheet) so that it can be updated easily...

Can anyone help?


Item 1 [X]
Item 2 [ ]
Item 3 [ ]
Item 4 [X]
Item 5 [ ]
Item 6 [X]

would produce a CSV file:

Item 1, Item 4, Item 6,

Simple enough?

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Access Repair Program

Dec 10, 2006


I am looking for a program that will repair a MsAccess 2000 .mdb file. So far all I have been able to find is those that repair the tables, does anyone know of a program that will repair the entire file including the forms?



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Is Access Stable DB Program?

Apr 13, 2007

I believed that Access is a stable DB program. It looks like I may have to change this view. Yesterday, due to some fault in power supply (SMPS), my PC suddenly went off while I was working in my Access DB. My DB is a personal DB (single user). Today, after replacing the SMPS, when I opened my DB, Access gave a message that my DB is corrupted while it was being used last time. It asked to attempt repair with Yes/No button. I clicked the Yes button and it did nothing. In my third attempt, I was able to open my DB but I am worried whether it will work as before. Could the experts in this forum throw some light about Access DB' stability and measures to prevent corruption? Grateful for advice.

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Calling Another Program From Access

Oct 5, 2004

Can anyone tell me how on a macro to call another application. I am trying to open up a mainframe session so need to run something like c:mainframe.rsf???

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How To Close Access Program?

Jul 28, 2005

I have tried using the DoCmd.Close method but I actaully want to close the whole program?

Any ideas?

Many thanks. Jon

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Minimizing Number Length In Queries

Aug 24, 2011

I have a table with temperature readings over a 12 hour time period. I have to find the average temperature over that time period. I built a query for a specific time period that listed all of the temperatures. I then queried that query to get the average temperature. It works great but there are at least 10 numbers to the right of the decimal place that I don't need. I can't figure out how to minimize the quantity of numbers that are displayed. I tried adjusting the size in the original table but have had no luck.

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Email Program And Access Database

Jun 27, 2005

Can anyone suggest a good program that will handle scheduled emails to people in our Access database? I need to send an email automatically to each of our employees on their birthday. I need the program for much more than that but that is what I am working on at this time.

Thank you!


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Can Access Accept An SQL Request From Another Program?

Feb 8, 2006

I have noticed diagrams showing Microsoft SQL Server accepting SQL statements sent by “SQL Requesters” over connections. I would like to know if Microsoft Access can be used in that fashion?

Put another way, can Access be configured to accept an SQL statement that another program (e.g. a VBA program in a VBA enabled 3rd party app) creates?

Currently, my VBA program instantiates an Access database object and then manipulates it (I just add a record to one of the tables), then closes and destroys it. This solution seems fragile (it stops working—I can explain more if needed). I would like to know if the technique inferred by my question would be more reliable.

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Can You Program Access To Automatically Close If Not In Use

Oct 12, 2006

We are having a problem with mulitple users leaving an Access db open and then I am not able to make new reports, etc. without calling everyone to close their session.

Is there a way to automatically close a db if user has not used in certain amount of time?

Thanks, Noreene

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Program That Document Access Applications

Jul 3, 2007

I have seen advertised a number of programs whose developers claim the program will document an application for you.

They're relatively expensive - several hundred $ as I recall. But if they work, it could save many days of headaches.

I was wondering if anyone had used them, if you'd recommend them etc.

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Eixt Help For Access Program URGENT!

Jun 6, 2005

hi to all,

does anyone know the code to close the access program.

That is when i select the close button on the switchboard, the whole of MS access is closed.


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Calling Another Access Program From A Form

Jul 27, 2005

How do you use a button on a form to call another access program? We have 8 access programs that we want to be able to call from one form.

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Modules & VBA :: Minimizing Empty Lines On A Report?

Jul 30, 2013

The overall goal is to hide a whole line of a report using "canshrink" on a series of boxes, some of which are numbers and some that aren't. Some will be blank when the data is loaded into the form and I want these to make the rest of the form adjust.

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.Label33.Value = "<1" Then
Me.Label34.Caption = "Nothing."
End If
End Sub

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Hiding Access ==&gt; Must Be A Sort Of Normal Program

Feb 8, 2006

Hello All!

As in the topic stands that im looking for a code that hides Access and it starts up like a normal program. Ive searched several things on the forums and i actually did found something only he didnt gave the code ;(.

So first question:

How can i do this with a code?

Second question:

What do i need to change on my forms?

Etc etc :)

Thanks alot in advance!

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How Can I Run MS Access Program Automatically From The Startup, Show It In Sys Tray

Jun 3, 2007

I developed a program. Would you please teach me how to run it automatically when the computer restarted, through the startup.

Plus this I want to let this program run through the system tray, and not shown in the the Taskbar, if this feature is provided by MS Access 2003


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MS Access: Logic For Point/Miles Rewards Program

Jul 9, 2007

Hi Everyone:

I am new to this forum as I recently started working in MS Access. I’m hoping someone can please help me with this query I’m trying to do using MS Access 2007.

This task is somewhat similar to a typical points/miles rewards credit card program.

The problem is as follow:

For every $2,000 of accrued purchases in a credit card, an individual will get a gift card.

So, any remaining balances over $2,000 will rollover and be added to next set of transactions, until it reaches $2,000 again. For instance, if on the first week I spent $2,500, I would qualify for my first gift card. The excess $500 would rollover and be added to the next set of transactions until they reach $2,000 again. Therefore, this would qualify me for another gift card.

So far, I’ve created two tables, one that stores accrued purchases (Promo History) and another table based on an Append Query which takes all qualified transactions from the first table and appends those records to the second table (Promo History Qualified) in order to track those qualified transactions over $2,000.

However, I’m stuck on how I would accommodate the remaining balances to be carried over. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you in advance,


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How To Open Access 2007 From Visual Basic Program

Nov 22, 2014

I have a fully operational Visual Basic program that uses MS Office XP and it's related MS Access. Because of security concerns, I recently upgraded to MS Office 2007 and MS Access 2007. I can open MS Access 2007 using the shortcut on the desktop and run any of the database queries. When I try to run the Visual Basic program (called prjPathfinder) and open Access 2007, it says "Error 5: The type initializer for prjPathfinder.Upgrade Support threw an exception". It then shows the first form in prjPathfinder but does not open Access 2007. What am I missing?

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Aggregate Function In MS Access Does Not Work In Budget Program

Aug 3, 2013

I am trying to prepare a mini budget program in ms access for my personal use in my office , but every time i fail to do so, my tables are as under

Field Name Properties
Code ID AutoNumber
001 Cash
002 Bank
846 conveyence
dt: Date/time
Code text (list selected by drop-down list)
des Description
Bill currency
yearly Budget currency
quartlyBudget currency

Query Question:

Group Aggregate function in my Budget data base file

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Code yearlyBudget quaterlyBudget quaterlyused Budget Available Budget
846 50000 12500 5000 7500
850 100000 25000 20000 5000

There are 100 entries in code no. 846 and 50 entries in code no.850 the above given amount is total of each code no.

My question is that how can i get result subtracting amount in column (D) from column (C) to get result in column (C)

Budget Available: in Code 846 i.e column (E)

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Automated Access Launch Causing Access Window To Fail To Hide

Jul 10, 2006

I have been using "fSetAccessWindow (SW_HIDDEN)" in the open event of my
main switchboard to hide the grey Access screen from being visible behind
forms, reports, etc in this db. But when I started using a .vbs script file
to launch the db, the Access window stopped being hidden. (The reason I use
the script for launching is that it temporarily sets the db's security level
to 1 which stops the macro security warning from coming up.) Apparently MS
knows about this happening and released a technique to rectify the situation,
but I don't understand their instructions. It looks like they expect one to
have more understanding than I have. Could someone help me get this
impliemented? Here is the article:

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Program Working In Access 2007 Not Working In Access 2010 Due To Missing OCX File

Dec 27, 2014

I have a program that runs under access 2007 that I use at my work. We will soon be updating to MS office 2010 and the program will not work now because a calender file .ocx was removed from access 2010. Is there a way to get the 2007 .ocx file to work in access 2010?The program I am using is a relatively simple stand-alone and unsupported app that we use to request patient arrival and departure from various radiology tests inside a hospital. No reports are made from the app other than the number of patient transports for the day.

The app is placed on a common drive accessed from any pc in the hospital. No special permissions are required. But our app does use the calendar, time and date functions in access 2007. When I tried the app on a pc with access 2010, it basically says it (access) cannot open the app because a .ocx file is not present.Is there a way to make the access 2010 calendar file work in access 2007?

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Access 2013 - Hiding And Showing Access Window

Apr 6, 2015

I am trying to Hide or Show the Access Window by using two buttons on a Form. Running Access 2013 in Windows 7 64bit.

I have used code from the Internet as below but added the PtrSafe item to the Function Declaration as below:-

Option Compare Database
'Hide Access desktop screen and float Forms on pc desktop
Private Declare PtrSafe Function IsWindowVisible Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long

Dim dwReturn As Long
Const SW_HIDE = 0

[Code] ....

I then have two buttons on a form coded as below:-

Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmd_Hide_dbw_Click()
Call fSetAccessWindow("Minimize", False, False)
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Test", acNormal
End Sub

[Code] .....

I have attached a Test Database which demonstrates the problem I am experiencing.

Do the following sequence...............

Open the Test Database. DO NOT ENABLE CONTENT
The Access 'Ribbon'Test_Database.accdb is active and usable
Open frm_Test in Design View in order to inspect, all should be as shown above.
Now click the Enable Content warning
Switch frm_Test to Form View

Click button Hide dbw. Closes the Access Window
Click button Show dbw. Opens the Access Window...HOWEVER....

Attachment 20252The Access Ribbon is locked and usable !!!

I cannot find a way to re-activate the Ribbon

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