Minimizing Number Length In Queries

Aug 24, 2011

I have a table with temperature readings over a 12 hour time period. I have to find the average temperature over that time period. I built a query for a specific time period that listed all of the temperatures. I then queried that query to get the average temperature. It works great but there are at least 10 numbers to the right of the decimal place that I don't need. I can't figure out how to minimize the quantity of numbers that are displayed. I tried adjusting the size in the original table but have had no luck.

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Minimizing Security On DB ?

Feb 13, 2008

when i open DB (using Shift + Enter)


for any Query design - just grid view with FILe, WINDOW, HELP again

where are TOOLS and all other choices ? How can i get them back ?

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Queries :: Separating A Mixed Length String

Mar 14, 2015

I have strings of names in a calculated field named [CurrentDelReverse] that are separated by spaces, but some strings have 2 names and some strings have 7 names.

They look like this:

tjcrane becca002
shiel001 donohue ekaler
jpohl jhalling jsleifer laerwin chan ekaler

I need to separate the names, but I only need the first two names in two separate fields.

I am able to capture the first name with no problem using:

Delegatee: Left([CurrentDelReverse],InStr([CurrentDelReverse]," "))

My problem is trying to grab the second name in the list to show in a new column.

I have tried so many different things and the closest I got to solving it was:
Delegator: Trim(Mid([CurrentDelReverse],InStr(1,[CurrentDelReverse]," ")+1,IIf(InStr(InStr(1,[CurrentDelReverse]," ")+1,[CurrentDelReverse]," ")=0,0,InStr(InStr(1,[CurrentDelReverse]," ")+1,[CurrentDelReverse]," ")-InStr(1,[CurrentDelReverse]," "))))

This returned the second name in the list but ONLY if it had more than two names in the string.

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Minimizing All The Windows Within Access On

Apr 10, 2006

When the user clicks on the file name, I want the form to load automatically & also at the same time minimize the database window (i.e. the window where all the tables, queries etc are listed). Any suggestions?

Thx in advance,


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Question On Form Minimizing

Feb 22, 2007

I am not really sure if this is a form issue or not.

I am running Access 2002 with a SQL back end for the database in question.

The forms were original run from queries but are now being run from the tables to make them faster.
Since I have done that the users are complaining of an issue when they minimize and then maximize the form.

Here is a little history to explain the process they do.
The open the form and have to hit the New Record button to add a new record. They do that and when they are finished with the record hit the New Record button again. So their form is on a blank record. They will then minimize the form and go into another form. When they maximize the first form to do more data entry the form will go back to the first record in the table instead of being on the New Record they thought it would be on.

Apparently this was working that way when the form was based on a query but since I change it to be based on the Table it started going back to the first record.

Is there anyway to fix this?
If I am not clear about this let me know.


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Minimizing Access Program Window

Feb 1, 2007

I have a VBA program that I wrote in access. My question is this: Is there anyway to eliminate or minimize the main Microsoft Access program window so all the user would see is my forms and the desktop? Not that ugly gray back drop? Thank you in advance for your help.


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Modules & VBA :: Minimizing Empty Lines On A Report?

Jul 30, 2013

The overall goal is to hide a whole line of a report using "canshrink" on a series of boxes, some of which are numbers and some that aren't. Some will be blank when the data is loaded into the form and I want these to make the rest of the form adjust.

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.Label33.Value = "<1" Then
Me.Label34.Caption = "Nothing."
End If
End Sub

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Queries :: Removing Special Characters Where Original Data Length Varies

Mar 1, 2014

I thought I had solved my initial problem of removing the apostrophe character for each zip code field. Most of the fields have data that reads '12345-1234'. I want to remove each (') character and the "-1234" so I end up with a zipcode of 12345.

I created 2 queries for this process. I first run a query with the following statement "Left([ZIP],Len([ZIP])-6)". That gets rid of the "-1234' ".

The I run the second query with this statement "Right([ZIP],Len([ZIP])-6)".

These 2 queries work perfectly if the original zipcode is " '12345-1234' ", but if it is " '12345' ", the entire zipcode is deleted.

I have attached 3 (.jpg)'s to show you what I am talking about.

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Queries :: Extract Number Out Of Field And Update Extracted Number To Another Field

Feb 6, 2015

791335.12pack. This is the object that is in one of my access fields. I need to extract the 12 and place that in another column called qty.

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Queries :: How To Run A Number Of Queries In Sequence

Aug 4, 2014

I do same thing each month and would like to make it easier/faster: is there a way to run many queries, one after another?

I cannot use macro, cause Run SQL is restricted to 255 characters and my queries SQL codes are longer than that.

Is there a way to run them in a row? Like run query1, wait till its finished, then run 2..3..4.

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Field Max Length

Jul 17, 2005

Um, well hi

I am a VB programmer, and need a database for a diary program i am making. Only i need more then 255 characters in one of my fields.

Is this possible, if not, what are my options.

Thank you

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String Length.

Aug 19, 2005

I have a fax number field iwhich has a mask. +(000)-00-000-000 in a table of many records.
The problem is that every record has a number in the first part of country code +(001)which must have come there by mistakes, few records have complete and true fax numbers.

I need a query that can Update this Fax_Number field where the length of the string is less than 7 digits.
Some thing like UPDATE Contacts SET Contacts.Fax_Number = ""
WHERE ((Len("Fax_Number")>"6"));

How can i do this. Thanks.

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Integer Length

Aug 30, 2006

I have a field, integer, that needs to be exactly 6 characters long, no more, no less. How would I set this?:p

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Field Length

Mar 12, 2007


I'm looking for some advice on what the maximum field length is in Access. Which option will provide the maximum length. I am wanting the field to capture both numbers and text.

Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

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Max Length Of Query?

Jul 4, 2005

What is the maximum number of characters which can make up a query?
Is it 255?


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255 Max Text Length?

Aug 25, 2005

is there a way to allows more that 255 chars in to a text field in a mdb? or do i have to do something like save it to a test file then link to the text file (cos i really dont know how to do that :P)

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Length & Width

Dec 2, 2005

I've notice a situation in a few databases. One is where we track sidewalk construction. There are two called fields LENGTH and WIDTH. In my report I have text box with the control source =[Length]*[Width]. However it returns some bogus number. If I change the field names to something else like Width1, it works fine.

Any ideas?

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Length Of A String??

Oct 18, 2006

How can I extract a string and from a textbox and make out that it is x (here x can be any value, e.g. 15) characters long??

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Changing Allow Zero Length Default

Aug 18, 2005


Is it possible to change the default table setting in Access 2000 for the 'Allow Zero Length' property from No to Yes? Or does anyone know any code that can be run to change any existing fields with Allow Zero Length = No to = Yes?

Any assistance would be much appreciated.


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Variable Length Records

Mar 10, 2006


Would it be possible for someone to explain to me how to program a variable length text fields in a table, as opposed to a fixed length field?

Also - what would be the disadvantage of using this type of field ?


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Memo Field Length

Mar 26, 2007


If I read the documentation then memo field in a Access table can be 65.000 chars long.
I have three memo fields in a linked ODBC table which is filled by a append query from SQL-server database. The text in these field is cut off by 255 chars.
Does somebody know what the cause of this can be?

1. Is there a limitation/property where I can configure the length of Access memo field? DAO? I have read something about this but I don't understand this.

2. How can I trace that everything is send from the source? Maybe it's cut off at the source site. On this moment I don't know something about a Linked tabel.
Is there a sniffer or trace tool so that I can see what kind of data is realy send?

Thanks in advance


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Storage Length Of Field

Apr 2, 2008

Hi everyone,

I am using a table that stores data and one of the fields is just a text field with a maximum length of 10.

However, when I store the data in the field, if I only enter 5 letters in it, it stores the 5 letter word correctly but followed by some spaces (I assume 5 spaces but I may be wrong.

I cannot figure out why does anyone know why?

If not, then can I trim the field if I use it in a query/report?


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Adding New Fields - Allow Zero Length

Dec 15, 2005


I am using an Make-Table query to add many new fields to a Table using Fieldname: "".

However, when I use this, it sets the Allow Zero Length to No.

Is there code that I can use to stop this happening?

I am using this method for multiple fields and across multiple tables.

Your help appreciated,


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Query Specific Length

Feb 9, 2006

I have a query in which I need to pull all values from a field that is exactly 10 characters in length (Alpha or Numeric). Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you!

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Do I Need Zero Length String Query

Jan 22, 2007

In a database that holds membership records, I have three years worth of info relating to membership dues paid. I want to extract who has not paid a membership fee for the last three years, so we can strike them off our records, i.e. I have members' personal details, but there are no records in the payments table, nothing has been entered because they just have not paid. Do I run a query looking for a zero length string? Just how do I achieve this? Have I done right in not entering anything?

Help appreciated!

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Zero Length Strings In A2007

Apr 23, 2008

I posted this before, but didnt get any answers

In A2007, has anyone had a problem with checking whether a text field is equal to "" in a query

ie - select * from whatever where targetfield = ""

this generated a type mismatch (I actually had <is null or ""> in the query definition, but it was the "" it didnt like.

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