Modules & VBA :: Add Client - Button Creates Two Identical Records

Jul 4, 2013

I have a database that was created by a colleague. They have created a form for adding client records onto the database.This is done via a button that, when pressed, checks mandatory fields for correct entries and then saves the record.However, when we do this, it is creating two identical records on the database.

She cannot see what she has done wrong in the code, and I know next to nothing about coding,

Private Sub CmdAdd_Click()
Dim dbAddClient As DAO.Database
Dim rstAddClient As DAO.Recordset
Set dbAddClient = CurrentDb
Set rstAddClient = dbAddClient.OpenRecordset("ClientInfo")


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Forms :: Hitting Next Record Button Creates A New Job Instead Of Stopping?

Dec 28, 2014

I created a basic database in Access 2013 to keep up with jobs, and each job has a job number assigned to make each job unique (Primary Key).

At first I had it where I had to enter the new job number manually for each job. I have updated it and now it takes the last job number and adds 1 to it and then fills in the Job Number field automatically.

The problem is when I clicked the Last Record button, it will go to the last existing record, but if I click the Next Record button while on the last record, it will create a new record. It creates a new job instead of stopping at the last record. I assume it has to do with the auto numbering I have setup for the job numbers, since it didn't do this before, but I am not sure why. I ONLY want to be able to click the New Record (Blank) button to create a new job, NOT by also clicking the Next Record button.

Is there a way to force only the New Record button to add a new record? I still need the Previous and Next Record buttons to maneuver through the existing records. I just don't want to create new jobs accidentally by clicking the Next Record button when I'm at the end of the existing records. It should just stop, or say last record or something similar.

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Subform Creates Two Records

Aug 23, 2005

I have several forms with subforms attached for data entry purposes. In a nutshell - this program is for an interview - where we need the respondent to give us a listing (say as to what intices them to join a study, etc.), but for some cognitive research method we need to be able to know the order they gave us the list in then we have them rank their list, thus the order may not be in the order they gave us the list. I hope that made sense. Anyway, when a form is called and loaded the subform always adds an extra record. Below is a screen shot of what I am talking about:

So, not only do I get an extra record, but when I am entering data and get down to the new record line, the cursor will jump up to the top of the column. What can I do to prevent the extra record and also the cursor skip? I am thinking if I resolve one issue the other will fall into place.



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Form With Join Creates Two New Records

Aug 15, 2006

I have a form that uses the following join as its control source:SELECT * FROM [Purchase Order]
LEFT JOIN [Work Orders]
ON [Purchase Order].WorkOrderID = [Work Orders].WorkOrderID;
I also enclosed a small picture of the relationship between the two tables. This is the problem I'm getting when using my purchase order form.

What I Want:
When I type in the "Work Order #" it will lookup the most recent work order with the same number and put its ID into the purchase order record.

What I'm Getting:
When I type in the "Work Order #" a brand new work order is created and the "Work Order ID" field gets the next number in the sequence.

Make note that I'm not using code for any of this. This is happening all on its own. I think the join is messing things up here. Any ideas?

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Forms :: Subform Creates Duplicate Records

Aug 29, 2013

I have a form that uses Table A as a record source and has a subform that uses Table B as a record source. There is a one to many relationship between Table A (one) and Table B (many).The user opens the form to a set record, then uses the subform to create a new record in Table B.

This works perfectly and I can do everything I want. But sometimes the subform creates a blank entry in Table B before I enter any data. Then, once I start entering data, it creates another record in which it stores the data that I am entering.The result is two records: One that only has the date of the record's creation (I set that to be automatic upon creating a new record) and the primary key that links Table B to Table A. A second one is the "true" record, the one which stores all of the data that I am entering.

It won't happen for 10 records or something and there is no apparent pattern. In case it makes a difference, the form is set to open as the subform as the focus.

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Entering Multiple New Records (nearly Identical)

Jul 7, 2006

One set of users enter sales orders that are pretty simple in nature... Order Number, Item, Quantity, Ship To... etc. They occasionally run across the need to make multiple entries that are identical, because a customer wants the order delivered on a regular time schedule or they want invoiced in increments, etc.

So, they have a need to be able to enter as many as 50 orders, all identical except for the Order Number (and delivery date), all at once. None of these fields is a key field or an autonumber. Order Number is manually entered, though it is indexed - no duplicates. I'd like to create the ability within a form for them to put in a list of Order Numbers, plus the values for the other required entries, and have them populate the source table by applying all the entries to each of the individual Order Numbers.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!


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Queries :: Hiding Records With Identical Address Details

Sep 11, 2013

I have written a simple query for address label printing purposes, but I do not want to print labels to identical postal addresses.This sounds such a simple requirement but my efforts to write a simple 'criteria' in the Address1 Field have been unsuccessful.

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Multiple Records For Same Client

Dec 8, 2013

I want to create tables with clients and another table to populate multiple orders for each client. How these tables will look like and how to create one to multiple relationship.

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Modules & VBA :: Code That Creates A Long String That Works Most Of Time But Sometimes Gets Cut Short

Nov 5, 2014

I have the following code that creates a long string that works most of the time but sometimes gets cut short. I can't understand why it does this. When it cuts the string short it cuts it short in the same place. Everything gets in the string up to/or about the following code '</Practice Name>'This string is needed to upload info to a server.

dim msg as string

msg = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & vbCrLf & _
"<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:xsd="""" xmlns:soap="""">" & vbCrLf & _
" <soap:Body>" & vbCrLf & _
" <UpdateDataForScreens xmlns="""">" & vbCrLf & _
" <PatientObj>" & vbCrLf & _


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Current Client/Prospective Client Database

Nov 9, 2005

Hi all

Brand new on here and desparate for some help and guidence.

So far with Access I have just used it as a store of addresses to mailshot prospective clients.

However, I now need a more complex database and this is where you might be able to help.

First things first, most of my clients are in universities. This means that I can be used by more than one person in more than one department at a university.

Does this mean I need to do three tables:

1/ "University Details" which gives the address details
2/ "Department" storing the departments of the unis we work for
3/ "Client" Name of the client(s) in that department.

After this how do I link them?



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Client Not Able To View Current Records?

May 23, 2006

Hi guys. I am trying to help a client regards an un-supported access database. They have a DB that is shared across a network (only have experiance on database on single client, never set up security etc....). The DB is installed on the Server.
The DB is access via a mapped network drive. The Database folder contains the following files:
MKC Clients_Quesries.mdb
MKC Clients.mde
MKC Clients_.des

On one machine the MKC Clients.mde is launched and 1086 records are visible. On a second machine the same MKC Clients.mde is opened but displays only 977 records?? An I missing the obvious?

Any help appreciated, she is a nice lady!!

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Client Records/Table: Creating A Pop Up?

Jan 25, 2008


Firstly, I apologise if this has been posted before. I have done a couple of searches of the forums, but can't find what I'm after... and being new to access, I'm finding it hard to know what exactly to look for. How to even explain what I want is difficult!

I am designing a database for the clients we deal with a work. It started out as being a database of 'post' and correspondence, so the Idea was, we'd have a databse of all the clients... and by selecting their names, it would bring up a list of all the letters that have come in for them. I have managed this part fine - probably basic, but fine.

What I would like to do, is expand it to more than just 'letters'. Each client has done a particular 'work' with us, and each client has particular details that are unique. For example, a client will have made certain transactions through a bank account.

I hope to be able to click on a client, and have a screen or page pop up with details and comments about that particular client. I have tried hyperlinking but that doesn't really produce what I'm after. For example, I tried creating a "report" with a page for each client, so that I could have comments for each client - hyperlinked to the table. But all it does is link to the "whole report" and not a particular page for a particular client.

I'm sure this is sounding really confusing:
I have a client named "Peter Litman". His name and details are within a "client" table (listing all clients). I hope to be able to click on his name (or row) and bring information (comments, details etc.) about him. I thought this could be some sort of "pop up", or link to a special page. ??

The same would then apply with all other clients.

Any ideas? questions?


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Modules & VBA :: Archiving Data - Table Structures Are Identical

Jul 26, 2013

I'm trying to create an archiving routine as my database is becoming very large. For about 10 tables I want to shift certain records to an external database which would have the required 10 tables with the same table names and structure.

So far so good. I now want to automate everything using vba. I can see how to use the INSERT INTO statement but I don't want to have to name every field as there are hundreds. I just can't see how to do this.

If the table structures are identical how do I neatly shift a bunch of records from one to the other using code.

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Forms :: Create Set Number Of Identical Records Based On User-defined Text Box

May 12, 2015

I'm trying to create a database for a construction company, as an experiment more than anything, and my problem is this:

I need to create a set of identical records in the table "buildings" based on the information entered into a text box by a user on the form for registering a new project. I want each record to be identical except for the "plot number" field, which I want to start at one and increase to the number of buildings defined in the text box.

"Projects" is one table and "Plots" is in the other.

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Modules & VBA :: Merge Identical Tables From Different Databases Into One Master Database

Mar 4, 2014

I have database for each location. Every location will update some information in the databases and send it back to me. In those location based databases, information will be stored in one table called "consolidate_input". I will store these databases in one specific directory and then I want to accommodate the data of "consolidate_input" into one master database having the same identical table in the database.

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Modules & VBA :: Move 10 Records At A Time Button

Nov 29, 2013

I'm using a form with next record and previous record buttons that works fine but as the size of the database has grown it's clear I need a faster way to move through records.

My solution was to have an advance 10 records at a time button but I'm having problems when reaching the far sides of the records.

For example: If I'm on record 9 and I press go back 10 button then access tries to go to record 0 (which doesn't exist) and brings up and error. The same happens if I try to advance more than total number of records.

I found a solution to this which was to disable the button when the recordcount was less than 10. This works except now if I'm on say record 14 and want to go back to 4, i press the button, i goes back to record 10, the button is disabled so it can't go back further and i get an error.

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Queries :: Table With Duplicate Records - Return Distinct Data For Each Client

Jan 17, 2014

I have a table with duplicate records (which is ok) and I want to return distinct data for each client.

It works fine when there is only two fields returned however, when I add a third field to the query it no longer returns only the Distinct records - I am getting Duplicates returned.


SELECT DISTINCT tblClient.ClientNo, tblClient.Name
FROM tblClient

Works fine with only the Distinct records for each client returned


SELECT DISTINCT tblClient.ClientNo, tblClient.Name, tblClient.Address, tblClient.OrderValue
FROM tblClient

Now returns Duplicates!

Is there a limit to the number of fields to be returned using DISTINCT or what else could be the problem? Should I be doing this some other way?

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Linking Records Between Multiple Lists - Client And Products For Finance Company?

Oct 8, 2012

I am trying to put together a database that tracks individual clients and what products they selected for a finance company. I have setup the CLIENTS list but because each client will have different (and multiple) services I wanted to add the SERVICES list as a separate item and then link each product to the individuals that each record relates to. There may also be two clients on the one product so again it would be ideal if the product (i.e a Home Loan product) was setup in the SERVICES list, and then I could link One or Two clients to that individual mortgage record using their data which is stored in the CLIENTS list.

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Modules & VBA :: Client Table - Add New Record If None Found

Nov 23, 2013

The Setup: There is a clients table, a property table and a jobs table. Each client can have multiple properties and there can be multiple jobs done on each property.

The form: I created a form that uses a drop down to select the client, once the client is selected the subform shows the properties for that client. I can navigate through the properties to select any of the required properties and on this same subform, there is a button to open the jobs related to the property selected.

The problem: The form and subform work fine. The last form (the button that opens up the jobs) works ONLY IF there are records available. If there are no jobs for that property, it doesn't allow me to enter a new record. I'm pretty sure that the issue is because the jobs form has a query record source that uses all three tables linked (I'm pulling the clients name from the clients table and the property name from property table).

What I need is some vba coding to check if the recordset is empty and if it is then add this entry. Also, I'm not sure if this should add this code to the button or on the on_load of the jobs form.

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Modules & VBA :: Command Button To Delete Records In Sub And Main Forms

Jun 24, 2013

I am trying to create a command button that will delete the current records in both the subform and main form.

I know how to create a command button that will delete the current record of which ever form I'm in (either the sub or main form) but I wish to do so both at the same time with one event procedure. I currently have been experimenting with a button in the subform but I don't really care if it's in the subform or main form.

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Modules & VBA :: Button To Export All Records In Database In Specific Month

Nov 6, 2014

I am trying to create a button on an access form that will prompt the user to enter a search month and then export to excel all records in that database that match that month.

So, if the user prompt "what month" is October, then THE 30 records in the field [receivedate] that are in october (10/XX/XXXX) are exported to excel.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Multiple Records Using Button - Text Box To Say How Many To Create

Jul 22, 2015

I am looking for a way to enable a user to fill in a number of fields on a form press a button(CreateButton) and duplicate the records how ever many times is stated in a text box(TxtQty). I also need this to increase the serial number by the amount of times stated in the text box.

There will need to be another text box (TxtNextSerialNumber) stating the next first available serial number

For Example:
TxtNextSerialNumber = AD-Oracle-00010
TxtQty = 5
Press CreateButton to create 5 records
TxtNextSerialNumber = AD-Oracle-00014

5 new records created with the below fields duplicated and the above happening.

I will then need a message box informing the user of the serial numbers created:

'You have created serial numbers AD-Oracle-00010 to AD-Oracle-00014'

Table Name: ADOracle
Form Name: ADOracleTestData

Fields Names:
CustomerName: Duplicate
PartNumber: Duplicate
OrderNumber: Duplicate
OrderDate: Duplicate
HoseKit: Duplicate
Returns: Duplicate
Comments: Duplicate
SerialNumber: + the amount shown in TxtQty starting on next serial number available.

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Modules & VBA :: Add Records In Table Through Button From Unbound Text Box And Combo Box

Jun 27, 2013

how to add recoreds in table thru form. There are 10 fields. first two are txt boxes and rest of are combo boxes. combo box are with drop down list. But they are unbound. two txtbox are auto filled by the username and empid. Now need to write the code to update these value to table. Just i wanna do ti thru vba coding only.

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Modules & VBA :: Event Information - Deleting Record Creates A Blank Record

Sep 8, 2013

I have a form set to the table Client Information with a subform set to the table Event Information. Client Information has a one to many relationship to Event Information.

There is a button that deletes the current record in Client Information--also deleting the related records in Event Information--then closes the form. The code works fine but a blank record in Event Information is apparently being created before the form closes.

Here's the VBA that I'm using:

Private Sub CmdDelReturn_Click()
Dim CmdDelReturnMsg As String
CmdDelReturnMsg = MsgBox("Delete event & client then return to front?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "Delete and Return?")

[Code] ....

It's not a big deal because the button won't be used often and I can manually go into the table to delete the blank record. But if there's a simple solution to prevent this that would be nice.

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Modules & VBA :: Query Records By Current Date Then Email Results On Button Click

Feb 26, 2014

I am trying to query my records by the current records selected date then send the results in the body of an email on click. I believe I am close but I think there is a problem with the date format because I am getting 3421 Data type conversion error. Here is what I have:


Private Sub eMail_Click()
On Error GoTo EH
Dim dbExceptions As Database
Dim rstExceptions As Recordset
Dim dbDate As Database
Dim rstDate As Recordset


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Modules & VBA :: Daily Renting Cars System - Adding Dates When Client Not Paying

Jan 16, 2015

I'm making a daily renting cars system. The client should pay every day ( day by day). Everything is ok but if the client pay at these days....


At the date 15/01/2015 i want to check the payments. How to let the system show me that the dates


the client didn't pay the fees

Opening the payment form and make a new record everyday even if the client didn't pay and finally by a query I'm getting a list where the payment date field Is Null, but is there any other solution without adding the dates manually.

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