Modules & VBA :: Add Page Number To Header?

May 16, 2015

I'm using VBA to insert the page number in a header. It's working, exept for a couple of things. I want it to insert the page number at the current position, and restart numbering at each section. I increment the section # with the variable x. Currently, it's inserting the page number at top-left of header. I want it to insert the page number after the word "Page" followed by 2 lines breaks.

Here's snippet of my code:

'Create Header
With ActiveDocument.Sections(x)
.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).LinkToPrevious = False
.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Font.Size = 9
.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text = "Session: [" & rst!SessionNum & "] " & rst!SessionTitle & _
Chr(13) & "Presenter: " & rst!Full_Name & Chr(13) & "Page " & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).PageNumbers.Add pagenumberalignment:=wdAlignPageNumberLeft, FirstPage:=True
End With

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Section Header At Bottom Of Page And Detail Lines On Next Page

Nov 22, 2004

I have a report that lists states and cities within the states. When a state name happens to be at the end of the page the individual cities appear on the next page with no State heading. I solved the second page problem by setting the "repeatSection = Yes" in the Section Header (though I haven't shown that in the example below).

But the previous page (which just shows the State Name and no cities looks dumb. Is there some sort of solution.??
(Actually I would also like any State that continues to a next page to not just have the state name but something like
" Colorado (Continued)" Is there anything I can do in VB to make a page break if the section is going to print but therer isn't enough room for one detail line?

This is what I currently see

Prudo Bay


------------------------Page Break ---------------------------------
Colorado Springs



Thanks !

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Reports :: Page Header - Don't Display If No Detail Records - On Last Page

Jun 13, 2015

If I have a report and it has controls (labels representing column titles) in the page header. Now when I print the report - if it happens that the last page has no detail records - but there is text boxes and so forth in the report footer. Is there a way to not display the page header on the last page?

I have a report where the last page shows the page header - and the field/column labels on the page header - but for which there is no detail records left to display - on the last page. There is report footer information that should display. It just looks weird because the field/column labels show at the top of the page - but there is no data remaining to print under them on that last page.

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Page Header For A Table

Sep 18, 2007


Is there any way I can put a page header on a table in Access - so that when it gets printer in Data View I can identify who's work it is

(sorry this is needed for a ICT class)

At the moment the only way I can think to do it is to rename the table with the student name in it e.g. Table1 John

Any help would be great


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Forms :: Page Header Not Appearing?

May 28, 2014

I made a blank form, created everything on my form then added a header to put the title etc in and tried to view it using form view and the header isn't appearing. What do I need to change?

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Reports :: Repeat Header On Every Page Of Report?

Aug 1, 2014

Any way to repeat the Report Header on every page?

I had my header in the Page Header so that it would repeat on every page, but it did not have the CanShrink option so I put it in the Report Header so it shrinks when I want it to, but now it doesn't repeat. I was hoping there was some kind of code I could implement that would let me repeat the Report Header on every page.

Or is there a way that I could get the CanShrink property in the Page Header?

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Forms :: Put Command Buttons In Page Header

Sep 2, 2014

I want to put command buttons in the Page Header, however the page header is not visible from form view?

What is the purpose of Page headers?

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Reports :: Repeat Page Header On Multiple Columns

Aug 24, 2013

I have a report, a phone list, which has two columns, see the attached file for a screen shot.

The Employee Name, Mobile Phone and Desk Phone text is in the "Page Header". The Data fields that retrieve from the table are in the "Detail" section. The whole report is 8.89cm wide. The two columns fit perfectly across a portrait A4 sheet.

When I run the report to Print Preview, I get the two columns fine, but the Employee Name, Mobile Phone and Desk Phone text doesn't repeat at the top of the second column. Is there some way of achieving this? I want the part I have circled in RED to appear over the top of the second column as well.

I would have thought there would be a simple check box somehwere that would be something like : "Repeat Page Header on multiple columns", or something as equally useful. Strange that this is so difficult to do, as am sure that this sort of thing is something that lots of people would want to do?

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Forms :: Labels In Page Header With Continuous Default View

Apr 8, 2015

I created a form with a continuous default view and created labels in the page header of the form. When I view the form, I can see the data from the form detail, but the lables in the page header do not appear. Why can't I see the labes in the page header ?

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Reports :: Hiding A Field In Page Header Based On A Variable

Oct 6, 2013

I have a report where I number pages based on the Store (muliple stores in report but page numbering resets when Store changes) I do this by manipulating the page number field on the report by code in the report sections to reset it and to increment it.


Private Sub GroupHeader0_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = 0
End Sub
Private Sub PageFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = Me!PageNum + 1
End Sub
Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = 0
End Sub

The report has a Page Header with various fields and labels and that's been fine however I've had a request to hide a field on subsequent pages (i.e. print it on the 1st page of each store then hide it).

So I added the following code to various sections, but can't get it to work correctly. The fields (label and text box) appear on Page 1 for the first store then get hidden but never return even though when I step through the code it is functioning 'correctly'. The GroupHeader code is performed but the fields don't get displayed on the report. I think is isn't re-painting that section but adding code to the Paint event does nothing, and in fact doesn't actually get run, so not sure when that event is triggered.


Private Sub GroupHeader0_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = 0
lblMemberNo.Visible = True
MemberNo.Visible = True

[Code] ....

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How Do I Set The Number Of Records For A Page?

Apr 26, 2005

Is there a way to set the number of records to say....25 per page then starts a new page?

I do have a footer with the inserted "Page Numbers"

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Showing Page Number

Jun 5, 2005

Is there a way for my inventory form to show what page that item is on a report?
I tried directly adding a text box with control source directing to the report's "Page" [Page] of [Pages], but i guess that's not the way it works?

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Page Number By Groups

Dec 8, 2007

I've tried looking at the Northwind DB report for an example for printing out "Page of Page" by grouping but I just can't associate there code with my DB. In my report I have different "Equip" that gets calibrated throughout the month. I print a report out at the end of the month. Most of the equip reports are 1 page but some do turn into 2 or 3 pages. Could someone look at my DB and show me what to put in the code for the report header and footer to show Page of Page for each Equip in the report.


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Modules & VBA :: Unparsable Record For Header Row

Aug 28, 2013

I have a saved import that my office will be performing monthly (or more often). We pull a report from another system that comes out in a delimited text file. I prefer to keep the header row in the document - I don't want to force my personnel to remove the header row, but I also want the header row to be available in case we need to import it to Excel or provide it to other users - with no header row they may not be wise enough to figure out what some of the data details.

However I receive the "Unparsable Record" error currently when importing.

Is there a way to prevent the first row from importing to the table so we don't get an error table created?

Private Sub UsersUD_Button_Click()
Dim Alert
Alert = MsgBox("Have you updated the F9046REP text file?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Confirm Update")
If Alert = vbNo Then Exit Sub
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM F9046REP_Table"
DoCmd.RunSavedImportExport "F9046REP_IMPORT"
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Add Different Header In Each Section Using Automation To Word

May 14, 2015

I have programmed a letter using automation to Word VBA. The letter works like a mail merge so it might cycle thru several records when it runs. I've separated each letter in the document with a section break. I'm having a problem with the header. I've successfully added a header, but when it moves to the next record, it replaces the header in the entire document with the current record. I want each section to insert data from that record. How can I fix this? Below is a sample of my code (note: the linktoprevious doesn't seem to work either).

x = 1
'Create Header
With ActiveDocument.Sections(x)
.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).LinkToPrevious = False
.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True


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Modules & VBA :: Form Header Not Showing In Continuous View

Feb 20, 2015

I have a mainform. When I click on a command button, it opens up another form. That form is designed to be as a continuous form, yet it does not display the header. The header is present in the form view. I have attached the screenprints to show the header in my form and the corresponding properties window.

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Modules & VBA :: Form Header And Detail Backcolor Error

Jul 10, 2013

A user requested a change that would change the form header and detail back ground color to white when they click the button print record and then change the color back all in one click after the record prints. I keeping getting a run time error, type mismatch on the line where to code is to be changed. The colors are numbers not vbColors. I am using Access 2007.

Me.FormHeader.BackColor = "#FFFFFF"
Me.Detail.BackColor = "#FFFFFF"

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Send A Large Number Of Reports (actually 1 Page Invoices) As Faxes?

Aug 8, 2011

I need to send a large number of reports (actually 1 page invoices) as faxes. A few years ago I used to use a version of WinFax Pro with command line parameters to accomplish this. I would actually print each invoice to the WinFax Printer with a command line that contained the fax number for that client and using this method I was able to send each invoice to a different fax number (customer).WinFax is no longer available.

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Reports :: Footer Information Moving Up Or Down Depending On Number Of Lines On Page

Dec 20, 2014

I am trying to create a report that has a header ( all ok ) then could have 1 or 15 detail lines ( all ok ) which contain cost for each line

then I have a footer with the subtotals of the costs and also bank details
then I have footnotes

What I need the report to do is keep the subtotals, bank details and the footer notes at the bottom of the page all the time weather I have one detail line or 15 detail lines

What is happening at this time is the footer information is moving up or down depending on the number of lines I have.

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Modules & VBA :: Sequence Number In Query Use A Starting Number

Sep 20, 2014

creating sequence number in a query using a starting number. For example i want to use the starting sequence number as 5


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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Formatting After Page Break

Jan 13, 2014

Is it possible to do conditional formating after a page break?

I have been given someone elses mess to clean up. It is a massive procedure which runs dozens of queries, then formats the results and pastes them into a word file at given bookmarks

For most tables there is one record for each lake. However there are several where many entries per lake. The logic being applied is that the font colour for the column is made white, then for each first instance of a lake name the font colour for that cell is made black again.

The problem is there are many times were the first row of data on a new page is not the first record for a particular lake making the reader have to flip back to the previous page to double check which lake they are looking at data for.

So what I want to do is leave the existing logic, and just add turning additional cell's (Column 1, after a page break) font colour back to black.

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Modules & VBA :: Taking Data Form A Web Page

Aug 12, 2013

I am successfully using some code to open a web page and log in for me.


Dim ieApp As InternetExplorer
Set ieApp = New InternetExplorer
ieApp.visible = True

[Code] ....

The bit I am really stuck on and still after reading various posts and googling I cannot seem to get a bit of code to read a value from the web page.

<tr><tdvalign="top"style="width: 50%">


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Modules & VBA :: How To Open Form With Page Up Screen

Dec 26, 2013

My form opening with page down screen, how could I open it with page up screen?

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Modules & VBA :: Web Page Template - Adding Characters Before And After Sentence

May 6, 2014

I'm using Access to create some web page templates. To Do this I have a memo field called "Description" into which I'm entering text. Example:

This is an obvious description example

What I need to be able to do is put a "<p>" before each sentence and a "</p>" at the end of each sentence. Examle

<p>This is an obvious description example</p>

The information is stored in a form page, and the text have paragraphs.

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Modules & VBA :: Formatting Page Layout (Margins / Orientation)

Mar 21, 2014

I have the following code in a module to set certain formatting properties when exporting an Access 2010 query to Excel:

With xlApp
.Application.Selection.Font.Bold = True


This works perfect but now I need to set some of the page layout properties (margins, orientation, etc.)

I have tried adding this:

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.PaperSize = xlPaperA4
End With

But I get a complie error (Method or data member not found) on the .InchesToPoints part of the line.

But I get a complie error (Method or data member not found) on the .InchesToPoints part of the line.

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Modules & VBA :: Automated Printer Selection And Page Setup?

Mar 7, 2014

Is it possible, within an OnOpen even of a specific report, to set the printer selection and page setup (size, margins, etc.) to certain things? If so, how would I go about accomplishing this?

I would like to do this for specific users within our domain (this I won't have any trouble with).

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