Modules & VBA :: Adding A Field To Access DB

Aug 6, 2013

I use the following 3 calls to add 3 fields to an Access db,


Call subCreateField("tblRootCanalTreatment", "lngMethodID", "dbLong", strPath, 606)
Call subCreateField("tblRootCanalTreatment", "txtReferencePoint", "dbText", strPath, 620)
Call subCreateField("tblRootCanalTreatment", "txtSpaceForPole", "dbText", strPath, 644)

The sub is indicated below,


Private Sub subCreateField(strTable As String, strField As String, strFieldType As String, strPath As String, lngVersion As Long)

Dim rstSerial As ADODB.Recordset
Set rstSerial = New ADODB.Recordset
rstSerial.Open "tblSerial", CurrentProject.connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
If rstSerial!lngVersion < lngVersion Then


Only the first field ("lngMethodID") gets created. The other two fields ("txtReferencePoint") and ("txtSpaceForPole") do not get created. If I exit the db before each sub call then all fields get added. Do I need to add some "refresh field" action or other action.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Y Or N To A Field If It Is Not Null In Access 2010

Dec 18, 2014

how to make this two fields in my form to say Y or N if the field is Not Null. Like if the field is not null = Y Else = N for the two fields. I have a picture to show what i'm talking about.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding A Number To A Field

Nov 11, 2013

I have a table with 100,000 plus unique rows and I want to add a column (call it 'ID') and place a value in each row starting with 000001 and adding one on to each row. What is the correct code to do this. I've tried with various combinations of but can't get anything to work.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding To A Access Form

Dec 19, 2014

i have a form in access 2010 and i have a text box called USLINE and other one called USOFlag and i want the USLINE field to do like if it's is not null then it is a Y else N i try to do it in the LostFocus function but i cant get it to work.Here is the the code that i used:

Private Sub USLine9_LostFocus()
If IsNull(USLine9.Value) Then
USOFlag.Value = "Y"
USOFlag.Value = "N"
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Email Address To TO Field In Outlook

May 2, 2014

I have vba code set up to automate a query output to email with outlook. I am having issues with the "TO" field. I have tried different types of code, such as the following:

1) MyMail.To = MailList.Fields("EmailAddress")
2) MyMail.To = MailList.Fields("EmailAddress") & ";"

Both of these work, but the issue I am having is the "TO" field in the outlook message looks like this:

Why my code is adding the email address twice, I need to get rid of the #mailto:admin@blahblah# but I do not know how or why it keeps adding that end part.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Calculated Field To Existing Query

Nov 12, 2014

I am looking for a way to add a calculated field to the end of an existing query using VBA. Is there an easy way to do this?

The data I receive from an external supplier shows monthly data split by column with a new column added in each month. I then need to reflect this by adding a new column to the end of the query. It is currently a manual tweak, but I want to automate this with code.

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Adding To Access From The Field

Nov 26, 2007

Hi again. I finally have time to start working on my access project, and what I want to know is how could a field technician add to access from the field, either with a laptop or possible even a pda. things a tech would need to add are notes, different readings that monitor job progress, equipment placed at the job site, other things like that.

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Adding A Value To New Field In Access

Jun 5, 2012

I'm importing a text file into Access. The file is just a string of numbers that I'm breaking apart into three fields. Once those three fields have been broken apart by the import tool I need to add a new field that just contains the year.

For example, I import the 1990 data file that is .txt format and I break apart the three fields while it's imported. Once imported into three fields, I want to add a 4th field that says 1990 for every record. This has to be a pretty simple thing to do, but I can't figure out how to add a single number as a new field to every record in the database.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding New Record In Access 2010

May 16, 2015

I want to enable a few fields when i click on the Add button on my form.I have change the onclick to Event Procedure to be able to add the following code

Category_Desc.Enabled = True

My Category_Desc field get enable as expected but the Add button no long work

Private Sub add_Click()
Category_Desc.Enabled = True
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Various Values Based On Select Case To Value Of Field

Oct 1, 2014

I am trying to add various values based on Select Case to the value of field. The problem I face is that each time when I get different Case in select statement, the value of the field rather changing adds the value on top.

Private Sub ProductID_AfterUpdate()
Dim qflPrice As Variant
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim sqlQry As String
Dim instID As Integer

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: On Click Of Checkbox - Adding Notes To Memo Field

Feb 5, 2014

I have code which is attached to onclick of a checkbox,

What I want it to do is if the user clicks it and checks it then to add some note to a memo field, if the user clicks it and its already checked then it doesn't add a note to a memo field.

Private Sub Check45_Click()
If Check45 = 0 Then
Check45 = 1
If Len([Forms]![Customer]!Notes.Value & "") = 0 Then

[Code] ....

But I can't seem to add any other lines which make sense to me that it doesnt add "letter sent" to a memo field if its already checked?

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Adding A Field To A Table In Access

Aug 4, 2006

I have created the code below to add a new column to a table each month. This may not be the best database design but it meets our needs for now.

However I am having difficultly with the code below. The CreateField Function is unable to accept the parameter periodDate. Any Suggestions on this would be apprerciated

Function DateField() As Long

Dim colFullName As Object
Dim dbsCurrent As Object
Dim yearInt As Integer
Dim monthInt As Integer
Dim table1 As Object

Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb
Set table1 = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef("103TblCustomerBalancesCombined")

yearInt = Year(Date)
monthInt = Month(Date) - 1

If monthInt = 0 Then
periodDate = CLng(yearInt - 1 & 12)
Exit Function
End If

If monthInt < 10 Then
periodDate = CLng(yearInt & "0" & monthInt)
periodDate = CLng(yearInt & "" & monthInt)
End If

Set colFullName = table1.CreateField(periodDate, DB_TEXT)
table1.Fields.Append colFullName

End Function

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How To Update Access After Adding A New Field?

Apr 27, 2007


1. I need to know how to update the field list of the query after
adding a new field into the table and the query?
2. I need to know how to update the records table after adding
calculated filed?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Data In Listbox From Access Table

Jun 5, 2014

The following code gives me runtime error message "couldn't set the list property , Type mismatch".

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim j As Long
j = 0

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Inserting Field Value When Adding Record Using Data Entry Form?

Dec 14, 2014

I have a form for entry and some fields are computed or result of a query from another table. I have a function that looks up a value from another table like so

************************************************** ********
Public Function GetTargetType() As Variant
GetTargetType = DLookup("type", "tblFormulations", "[tblFormulations!formulation]=Forms![frmNmsConsumptionEntry]![formulation]")
End Function
************************************************** ********

Which works fine when I test in the immediate window.Then I have this form event. This however does not insert this value when I am adding records using my continuous form.

************************************************** ********
Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
Me!target_group = GetTargetType()
'Forms!frmNmsConsumptionEntry!target_group = GetTargetType()
'[tblNmsConsumption.target_group] = GetTargetType()
End Sub
************************************************** ********

making sure I can insert this value once retrieved.

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Adding A New Field To A Table In Access 2000

Jul 31, 2006

I want to add a new field to a table each month end. the name of this field should reflect the previous month. For example when running the update in August 2006 the name of the field should be for July 2006, the format of the field should be as follows: 2006 07. Is there any way to create a function in Access to do this, thanks

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Access 2003 Database - Adding A Field?

May 31, 2006


I'm adding to a database that someone else set up. I went to the Design View page and clicked on one of the buttons at the bottom to add a text box etc etc. It all looks fine, but the field doesn't seem to be active - if I add some text into it for one page of the databse, the same text appears on every page of the databse. I notice that my "new field" is not listed in the fields list. How do I add it? I keep looking through "The Missing Manual" but without spending 3 days reading the whole thing (which I don't have time for) and learning much much more than I need to know just to get to the part that I need to know, it isn't helping me much.

Please can anyone enlighten me? My email is



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General :: Adding Access Field To Mail Merge?

Jun 19, 2013

Is it possible to add an access field to a mail merge without having to recreate/redo the mail merge?

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Modules & VBA :: Get Last Updated Value Of Excel File In A Field In Access

Mar 18, 2014

Some vba code which is able to get the last updated or last modified value of an excel file stored in a folder in a shared drive and update a field on a form in ms access.

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 Copy Data From One Field To Another In Form

Jul 1, 2013

I am using Access 2010.Most of the time a tenant pays his exact rent. When that happens, I currently type in the payment (taken form the Rent field) and date of payment (current date) into a form. The date should not change.

I would like to place a checkbox into the form. If checked, the rent would be entered into the payment field and payment date (current date) would be entered automatically. Otherwise, I would just enter in the payment and date manually.



on form chkPayment

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Modules & VBA :: Check If Column D Value Is Present In Access Table Ref Field

Oct 14, 2014

I am designing a project in which there is a form and on that form there is a textbox and Browse button. With browse button you can select a file from the dialog box and that file path will appear in the textbox. This part has been done as below:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Sub ChooseFile()

Dim fd As FileDialog
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

[Code] ....

Now the next Part i.e Part2 in which we have to see the references present in Column D of the "Summary" worksheet of the workbook whose path is present in textbox1 and check if they match with any of the references in field "Ref" of the Access table named tblLiterature.

If value in column D matches with Ref field of the Access table then change the status field of the Access table to the corresponding columns A,B,C named as "Withdrawn","Obsolete","Updated". that means if the column A of the corresponding Reference is Y then change the status field to "Withdrawn". If column B is Y then change the status to "Obsolete" and if column C is Y then change the status to "Updated".

Please see attached the workbook as this kind of workbook will be searched against Access table .

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 / Loop Through Query To Assign A Value To A New Field?

Aug 16, 2013

Using Access 2010: I have a query with four fields: ORG_NAME, PERS_NAME_LAST, CountOfORG_NAME, and BdMbrCount. There are a couple hundred companies in the database with 1-7 people associated with each company. I need to number each person so that they have a number, 1-7 in the MemberCount field of my query.

I have my query connected to VBA code.

I have experimented with code that I have found on the forum, just to see if I could get something to work and I am getting “Undefined function ‘BdMbrCount’ in expression. I am trying to pass [ORG_NAME],[PERS_NAME_LAST] to my function and assign the value of BdMbrCount to a new field in my query, BdMbrCount.

Function BdMbrNumber()
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("YourBdMbrsRRecognizedQry")
'Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [ORG_Name],[PERS_NAME_LAST],[CountofORG_NAME], [BdMbrCount] FROM YourBdMbrsRRecognizedQry")
Dim ORG_NAME As String


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Modules & VBA :: Get Total Of One Field In Access Database Table Via Excel

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to do a select query in excel vba like the below and would like to put the result in one of the macro variable in excel vba.

lngAMT = accdb.execute "SELECT Sum(Summary.NQ) AS SumOfNQ FROM Summary HAVING (((Sum(Summary.NQ))<>0));"

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Number Field In Access Database Table

Aug 30, 2013

creating auto number field in access database. I have an access database which 20 million records. When i am trying to add auto number field i am getting error "File sharing lock count exceeded".Then i did some google search and got some information like editing the registry file , in my case its not possible due to security restrictions.And another option of adding a code in VB immediate window also i tried but this option is also not working.

"DAO.DBEngine.SetOption dbmaxlocksperfile,25000000"

how to auto populate the numbers in a specific field using VBA codes.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Memo Field Copy To Excel Truncates At 255 Characters

Nov 25, 2013

Two Solutions to address moving an Access Memo field into Excel when string has > 255 characters. All my 'reports' use Excel VBA (Access Reports are not used). The Excel reports can have 40,000 records. Speed to create the report can be an issue.

Describing 2 Solutions below to address moving Access memo fields with > 255 characters into Excel.After running this code

720 ObjXL.DisplayAlerts = False
ObjXL.Selection.NumberFormat = "@" ' set column to Text
730 ObjXL.Worksheets(intWorksheetNum).Cells(intRowPos, 1).CopyFromRecordset rsNutsAndBolts

The Comments column are limited to 255 characters. So, the CopyFromRecordset (recordsetvariable) creates the 255 character limitation.

The reason? The 255 character limit is because CopyFromRecordset sutomatically uses the Characters property of the Range object. The 255 limit would not be there if the Cell Value property is used to assign the string to that cell.

Dim sRx as String ' String Prescription
sRx = "String with > 255 characters ... you fill in the rest ...."
Cells(1, 1).Value = sRx ' Cell's Value property assignment can be very large

Solution 1:

The record set is still in memory. By using a loop, a cursor can start with record 1 (memo column) and assign that value to the Excel row / column using the .value as shown above. Basically, this moves one memo field at a time, record by record. e.g. Read First recordset in Access, copy to variable, assign value to Excel row/column Then move next on each Access and Excel.

Solution 2:

An Access Memo filed [RxNotes] can have up to 750 characters. Cut it apart into three new fields that end up out in the very right Excel columns AA, AB, AC.

Then using Excel Object - Concat the cells back cell by cell...

Then delete the columns AA, AB, AC to hide the evidence..Neither solution is all that elequent. Read about this and by golly, it made a difference

ConcatComments = "'" & CommentString

Before using the CopyFromRecordset be sure to add a single quote in front of the large string.

Turns out the interface between Access and Excel look for this to prepare Excel immediately for the string to be a string, not something else. Some of my strings had weird print characters that kind of looked like Japenese characters. It seemed random, it always happened if the string was 255 or more characters (ramdonly, not always). The single quote doesn't show up in Excel, but got rid of all the noise.

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Modules & VBA :: Error 2391 Field F1 Doesn't Exist In Destination Table - Access 2013

May 3, 2014

I'm getting error 2391 field 'f1' doesn't exist in destination table

Dim FileBrowse As Office.FileDialog
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim sFile As String
Set FileBrowse = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

[Code] ....

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