Modules & VBA :: Any Way To Disable Security Warning?

Oct 9, 2013

I'm new to access , and i need one of the common security in access , for example i create a new project and all the data has been secure but when open the database in start up that Security warning is appear.

However , now i want to disable that message box using vba or modules ...

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Modules & VBA :: How To Disable Security Pop Ups When Opening External Files In Access 2010

Aug 1, 2013


I have a button on a form, when it is clicked it opens a video file located in a folder on the local computer. Each time the button is clicked a security pop up appears that says "Opening file://C:lahblahyadayadaFile.mp4 Some files can contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computer. It is important to be certain that this file is from a trustworthy source. Would you like to open this file?" options are open or cancel. How can these messages be turned off?

I have already played around in the trust center of Access 2010 and changed the "trusted documents", "trusted locations", and "message Bar" tabs with no results. Do I have to play with regedit in windows to get rid of these pop ups? Or can I somehow use VBA code to disable them?They are just a nescience.

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How To Disable The Warning When Opening Access

Nov 14, 2006


i was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out here. I've been spending hours but to no avail. It seems to be a very trivial problem but i'm just out of luck.

I've been getting this pop-up message everytime i try to open up an access application such as .mdb files.

Open file - Security Warning
Do you want to open this file
two buttons: Open & Cancel

My question is if there is a way to turn it off or disable this warning from popping up when opening an access application.

Thank you in advance

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Access 2003 Security Warning

Aug 2, 2005

Every time I open a database, no matter than I've opened it before, it asks opening blalala.mbd maybe harmful to your computer. Is there some way to stop that message? I went searching around in tools customize and nothing.

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ACCESS 2003 Security Warning

Dec 11, 2005

I have read through the various posting regarding ACCESS 2003 security warnings. As like everyone else, I receive a security warning stating, “This file may not be safe if it contains code that was intended to harm your computer.” I have already installed Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 and I have already enabled sandbox mode. This warning still appears when I try to open databases sent to me by other people. It also appears when I try to create a new database from my own computer. I understand why this message may appear when I open other peoples’ databases, but why would this error message appear on my own computer after I create a database from the very same computer? I would like to market my databases to specific clients, but I need to eliminate the security warnings that would appear each time they opened my databases from their computers. I don’t want to suggest that people change their security levels to low in order to open my database. For this reason, I am considering the option of digitally signing my databases with an authenticated signature. As something like this would run anywhere up to about $400.00, I want to make sure that it would be the best, and correct, option for me. My ultimate question: If I am already trying to create databases from my own computer and receive this warning message, would a digital certificate work in eliminating the error message for my future clients? Also, I understand that I may use the signatures for up to a year. Would I be able to use this for multiple databases that I create as long as it’s within that one year, or would I only be able to sign one specific database and use that same database for the entire year? This is a bit of a pricey endeavor for me, so if there are any other options, I’d love to hear those, too. Thank for the help in advance!

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Macro Security Warning When Opening Database

May 15, 2006

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anybody knew a way to disable the security warning in Access that pops up saying "This file may not be safe if it contains code that was intended to harm your computer. Do you want to open this file or cancel the operation?"

If possible, I'd like to disable the message for just my database, but we currently don't use any other database anyway, so I'm not too concerned with turning it off completely if that's all I can do. I'm sure there has to be an option somewhere to not check for macros or something, but I can't find it.

If anyone knows how to do this or if you know that it is not possible, please let me know.


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Blocking Security Warning When Access Starts

Apr 18, 2007

When I open my DB (I use Access 2003), Access flashes a window 'Security warning : This file may not be safe if it contains code that was intended to harm your computer. Do you want to open this file or cancel the operation?'
How do I stop this annoying message so that my DB opens directly?

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Security Warning Every Time I Open .mdb File

Mar 14, 2005

every time i open .mdb file, i get a security warning that the file may be not safe to be opened if it conatins some code that might harm my computer.
in order to open the file' i have to press open.
how can i avoid this warning?
thank you.

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General :: Disable Security Warnings

Sep 21, 2012

I will be sending out copies of a program to several locations. Once I send the program I have absolutely no control over it. The FE file will always be in the same folder. The setup process creates C:MyFolder with the FE file in there. Is there a way to to programmatically disable the warnings throughout setup or to make C:MyFolder a trusted location?

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Modules & VBA :: Only Suppressing - Do You Want To Append XX Records? - Warning

Dec 2, 2014

I have code that loops through a lot of objects, and adds them to a table. Right now I have suppressed the warnings via the DoCmd.Setwarnings = False command, in order to avoid the user seeing the message confirming that they want to make changes to the table.

However, I WOULD like them to see a warning if any of the table additions were unsuccessful for some reason. Is there a way to eliminate the user needing to confirm adding or modifying records, but NOT lose the warnings related to errors with adding these records? Even if it's a separate table that contains those warnings that they could look at afterward?

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Modules & VBA :: Device Table - Warning Message Based On Combobox Selection

Jul 26, 2013

I have a combobox with several options for a device's parts. When one part is selected, it gets added to a device table.

Generator A
Generator B
Gearbox A
Gearbox B
Blades A
Blades B
Blades C
Tower A
Tower B

I want to display an error message if an option is being selected more than once.

For example, if a gearbox has been chosen, then another gearbox cant be chosen too.

How do i display this warning message.

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Modules & VBA :: Table With 3 Fields - Warning Message Based On Combobox Selection

Jul 29, 2013

I have a table (ComponentT) of different device components a user can select from ( generators, gearboxes, etc.)

The table has 3 fields - ComponentName, ComponentType, ComponenentDetails

I have a query returning all the ComponentDetails values.

I then have a combobox that uses this query as a row source.

The user can select different components they want from the combobox. Once something is selected, it is added to a new table - UserSelectedComponentsT

As a device can have only one gearbox or one generator etc. I want a warning messagebox to be displayed if the user tries to select a generator from the combobox when one has been previously selected.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Disable Running Database

Jul 23, 2015

I created a database that uses the "lngEmpName " number to give user permissions , what I need is to be able to disable the running of the database (or main form)and show an error message using vba if I have not logged in for around two weeks is this possible ? if so how and even better a demo would be fantastic.

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Modules & VBA :: Disable And Clear Text Box?

May 23, 2015

using Ms access 2010.I have two text boxes where depending on what is entered on the first the 2nd disabled.that works fine but if I make a mistake and enters a value on the 2nd while it is enabled and return back to the first and enters a value which disable the 2nd, it disable it ok but keeps the value and even save it to the table.

Private Sub q300_AfterUpdate()
If Me.q300 = "1" Then
Me.q300_1.Text = ""
Me.q300_1.Enabled = False
Me.q300_1.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: How To Disable SAVEAS In Excel From Access

May 14, 2014

I am wondering if there is a way to disable the "saveas" in excel from access with vba? I have the following code:

Private Sub cmdReport_Click()
Dim path As String
Dim XL As Object


Which I have used in another excel file. But I can't use that now. The file I am opening from access is a workbook generated from an excel template, and I have yet to find a way on how to transfer this Workbook_BeforeSave sub from the template to the new workbook.

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Modules & VBA :: Disable Multiple Textboxes With A Check Box?

Dec 27, 2014

When UseDDelivery is checked the three textboxes should be disable and when the form is opened UseDDelivery is set to be checked by default so the textboxes should be disabled when the form opens but they aren't. the two different ways of doing it are shown below.

Elements specific to my system :UseDDelivery = checkbox
AltDeliveryAddress = textbox1
AltDeliveryTown = textbox 2
AltdeliveryPostcode = textbox3
Solution 1:

Me.AltDeliveryAddress.Enabled = UseDDelivery.Value
Me.AltDeliveryTown.Enabled = UseDDelivery.Value
Me.AltDeliveryPostcode.Enabled = UseDDelivery.Value

This is a bit of vba a friend wrote for me quickly, it includes all three textboxes but the checkbox enables them instead of disables.

solution 2:

Private Sub UseDDelivery_AfterUpdate()
If AltDeliveryAddress.Enabled = True Then
AltDeliveryAddress.Enabled = False
AltDeliveryAddress.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

With this bit of vba I found the checkbox enables the textbox instead of disabling it and I can't figure out how to include the other two textboxes

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Modules & VBA :: Disable Update On Subform If Field Is Not Set

Jul 23, 2015

I have a main form and 2 subform. The first subform has a field for %. And the 2nd subform has series of checkbox (Checklist or error made by the student)

Because every checkbox will lower the mark from 100 to x points per checkbox.So, I want that, if the field is not set to 100 yet, then they will not be able to check any box in the subform.I tried, before update of the subform, etc, but none work properly.

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Modules & VBA :: Disable Design / Layout View

Apr 19, 2015

I am working on adding a layer of security to my current DB. I've got usernames and passwords set up, along with access info (controlling what aspects of my DB certain users are able to interact with)....

I've managed to disable the navigation pane and ribbon for most users (only me and another user will have access) and now i want to try and disable editing....

Cannot find any VBA coding online to allow me to prevent people from editing forms/reports/queries in Design or Layout view.... How this can be accomplished?

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Modules & VBA :: Enable / Disable A Control Through Expressions?

May 11, 2015


Not working through expressions

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Modules & VBA :: Disable Navigation Pane - Not Just Minimize / Hide It

Mar 5, 2015

I would like to disable the Navigation Pane completely, based on the security level of the user that logs in, of course.

I have code that checks their level (I'm an "Admin" and everyone else is a "User"). If they are a user, then it hides the ribbon and minimizes the nav pane. If the login is mine, it enables everything.

That works, but the only problem is that the user can just maximize the Nav Pane on their own and access all the tables, and I don't want that. I can't find any code that completely disables the pane.

I have this code connected to my login button on my login form:


If Security = "User" Then
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo
DoCmd.NavigateTo "acNavigationCategoryObjectType"
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarYes
DoCmd.NavigateTo "acNavigationCategoryObjectType"
End If

I can go to the options menu and disable the nav pane completely, so I know since only I have access to the ribbon, I could always go in each time and recheck the display nav pane option on that menu. But, that could be a little bit of a pain having to do that each time.

Also, I know I could finish the design and convert the DB to an MDE, but since my DB isn't broken up into a front/back end, I have to access that same DB everyone else uses, and if any changes need to be made, I don't want to have to use my backup, transfer over the changes any user made to the records, and then reconvert it back to an MDE each time.

If it's possible, I'd like to do all this using VBA. If they aren't an ADMIN user, then disable everything for them, but if I login, enable everything for me.

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Modules & VBA :: Disable Forms From Being Accessed For A Period Of Time

Jul 22, 2014

I'm in the process of creating a database in Access 2010 that has two front ends, basically. What I want to be able to do is lock out one of those front ends for a specific period of time every day.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Disable Buttons From Another App Which Is Called By Shell Execute

Sep 30, 2013

I'm using shellexecute in my form whenever a picture is clicked the respective program/ application will open to show the picture. Because I want to see the picture more clearly by zooming it in or out. But the problem is I don't know how to disable the delete button and prev./next button, because I want the user use the program only to zoom it in.

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Modules & VBA :: Disable Button When Text / Combo Fields Are Null

Aug 5, 2013

On a form, I want to disable the save button, 'cmdSave' whilst the form's mandatory fields have been left blank.

I've put in a smart tag, called, 'Req' against each required field and have used the following code on the forms current event.

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Or ctl.ControlType = acComboBox Or ctl.ControlType = acListBox Then

[Code] ....

The save button is disabled, but it won't enable again after each field has data entered against it.

I also have this code in the AfterUpdate event in each required field:

Private Sub cboErrorID_AfterUpdate()
Call Form_Current
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Look Up A Value In Table That Enable Or Disable Subform In Main Form

May 20, 2015

I have written code to look up a value in a table that then enables or disables a subform in my main form. The code works, but I know it is now as efficient as it can be. The main problem is that I have multiple values that determine if the subform should be enabled or disabled. I would like to use an IN statement but I'm pretty sure this doesn't work for Dlookup. Below is an example of the code I currently have:

Sub enablecontrols(setting As Boolean)
Inv_subform.Enabled = setting
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()

[Code] ....

Like I said, this works fine, but I am concerned if I need to add more items to look up and the stability of the code in general.

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Lock / Disable All Form Fields On Inputted Value?

Oct 25, 2013

I am looking to completely disable a record when a specific Yes/No tick box is checked.

By that I mean all form fields are locked and disabled when the Yes/No tick box is checked (Yes)

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Modules & VBA :: Create Disable Alphabetic Keys Function Based On Case Statement

Jul 31, 2015

I have a Profile form that tracks the expiration date for each client's various certifications. These dates are set up in the Short Date format in the table design of Access.

When a user accidentally presses an alphabetic key while updating an expiration date, an Access error message is triggered. This is confusing to my users as these messages are written in Access lingo. I would rather that nothing occurs at all. I wrote a case statement to disable each letter of the alphabet and applied it to the On Key Down Event for each expiration date control on my Profile form to solve this problem, but this must be applied to 28 separate controls. I would rather call a function that disables alphabetic keys for each date control in my form when called.

How do I transform my Disable Alphabetic Keys Case Statement into a function that I can call for each expiration date control? I know that when writing a function certain variables have to be declared and/or initialized.

Also, will I need to create a function to re-enable alphabetic keys or is this unnecessary because the disable alpha keys function will only be called for specific controls, not the entire form?

What I Have Tried:
I have tried copying and pasting my Disable Alphabetic Keys Case Statement into a module to attempt to create a function, but it needs work.

Below I have included 2 types of code:
(1) The original On Key Down code applied to each date control on my form
(2) The same code written as an attempt at a function

Original Profile Form Code to Disable Alphabetic Keys in the On Key Down event for each date control

Private Sub txtCert1ExpDate_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Select Case KeyCode
'All message box text is for me to test the code, not for the user to see
Case vbKeyA
MsgBox ("you pressed the A key")

[Code] .....

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