Modules & VBA :: Appending / Adding Certain Records To Another Database
Feb 17, 2015
The goal I am trying to accomplish using VBA within Access 2010 is to append/add certain records to another database (Customer Service) from my database (Client Request). I tried using a macro to append then update records in my database but there is a "lag" time as to when the information is updated in the 'Customer Service' database causing my updates not to occur.
Here is the SQL from my query:
INSERT INTO Issues ( Customer, Title, [Due Date], [Opened By], [Opened Date], Priority, Comments, [Job Number], Description )
SELECT [TBL003_Combined Data].CUSTOMER, [TBL003_Combined Data].TITLE, [TBL003_Combined Data].[DUE DATE], [TBL003_Combined Data].[OPENED BY], [TBL003_Combined Data].[OPENED DATE], [TBL003_Combined Data].PRIORITY,
[Code] ....
And here is how I "thought" I could fix it through Access VBA:
Function UpdateIssuesDatabase()
Dim con As Object
Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
On Error GoTo UpdateIssuesDatabase_OpenError
con.Open _
[Code] .....
I have highlighted where it is giving me the issue.
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Nov 4, 2006
Hello all, Im trying to append data from one table in one database to another table in another database, my problem is... I have a field in the first database which has a value say 5 or 123 etc... but I need it to go into the other database as "5" or "123" , is there a way I can do this?
Any help would be awesome.
Cheers Ezy
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Jun 6, 2007
Hi there,
I have a bit of a dilemma here.
I have an old database, which is very comprehensive, filled with client names, addresses, and other information.
I have been given a new database, which is more relational and effectient, which splits the client addresses into a seperate table.
I need to add the old data to the new database - so is there a way of doing this whilst maintaining the links between the old addresses and the rest of the old data? What I don't want to have to do is end up going through 3000+ entries sorting out what new CompanyID I should assign...
Any thoughts?
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Aug 9, 2006
I'm trying to add a record to the members table in the access database located at c:dbmyforum.mdb. So I looked it up and did a copy and paste from an example, and edited it to match what i need. here's what I've got:
Code:<html><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open "c:/db/myforum.mdb"sql="INSERT INTO Members (SN,Password,)"sql=sql & " VALUES "sql=sql & "('" & Request.Form("sn") & "',"sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("pw") & "')"on error resume nextconn.Execute sql,recaffectedif err<>0 then Response.Write("No update permissions!")else Response.Write("<h3>" & recaffected & " record added</h3>")end ifconn.close%></body></html>
But it keeps coming back with errors. What am I doing wrong? I'm sure that the info from the form is going through, and I've checked the sql several times, although I'm not sure about the vb script cause I'm new to asp(trying to learn it now).
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Jan 30, 2006
I was wondering if any one could help me.
I have a database at work with 5500 records, how ever the first 1000 have been lost. There remains records for each customer but the first 1000 records showing what they ordered have disapeared.
I have back ups of the database going back with the first 1000 records complete.
How would i take the 1000 records and add this to the current database where the information is missing? so it wouldnt mess up recent records?
could some one provide me with a step by step account. Would be much appreciated!
Many thanks
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Sep 9, 2013
I have button the when pressed will insert a record (via an insert into query) to the frmMain and several records to the frmSub.The problem is when a new record is created in the main form the auto number primary key advances. This is fine however the linked Child field which is a foreign key of the main form is not added and the value is blank. I thought this would happen automatically and the Master field would force the child field to be update but this is not happening.Do I have to determine the max number used in the auto number then add 1 to it?
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Feb 27, 2015
Can I create a table in the back end of my database using VBA in the front end? My client is using this system and I can't easily go to their location. I need to create a table on the back end and have it available in the front end applications. My thought is to create a front end only for the purpose of updating the backend with this new table. My idea is now to have it open with a button for the user to click - this will add the table to the backend with the required fields, confirm the update was completed and then close. This app then would be trashed so it would not be run again. (Though I would put a check in the VBA that if the table existed, the user would get a message box and the coding stopped to avoid overwriting the existing file.)
And once the table is created, is there a way to programmatically link it to the front end. I will be providing a new front end with this update so I could add something in the new version.
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Aug 6, 2014
I need to add trim to all text boxes in my database. Any easier way than to add it to the afterupdate event of every text box or a complete list of all trims on buttons that save the records?
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Dec 29, 2014
I have a number of groups in a particular database. These are based on the month that they relate to, but they are also split into four separate groups for each month. So for example, I will have four groups for November 2014:
November 2014 Raw Data (which contains linked tables in another database)
November 2014 (which contains the bulk of the queries that are used for processing)
November 2014 Reporting (which are the queries that are used for month end reporting - obviously)
November 2014 Misc (anything that doesn't fit into the above, although there are always queries in these groups)
Now, I have been using this database since 2012, so as you can imagine there are quite a significant number of groups. Adding queries to new groups for each new month is therefore starting to take a while by scrolling down to the bottom... Is there a way to do this by using VBA? It would save a bit of time each month.
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May 26, 2015
I am working with a database that deals with trailers. What is happening is a salesman takes an order for a make and model for a trailer for a customer. The customer can then add some customization to the trailer such as more tail lights or tie down straps. They add the customization on a form called frmCustomQuote. On frmCustomQuote there is a subform called sfQuoteConfigs. On sfQuoteConfigs there is fields such as category and sub catergory that get populated bases on what was selected.
On frmCustomQuote there is a button called "Copy Quote" this will allow the salesman to make an exact copy of the trailer and customization. The quotes are held in a table called tblQuotes and the customization is held in tbQuoteConfigs. Now my problem is when I click on Copy Quote it only copies the first record into tbQuoteConfigs. I can't figure out a way to tell my code to move to the next record within sfQuoteConfigs.
My code:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'Setup ADODB connection to the tblQuotes
Dim adoQuotesCustomQuote As New ADODB.Recordset
'setup ADODB connection to the tbQuoteConfigs
Dim adoQuoteConfigsCustom As New ADODB.Recordset
'Dim the Variables
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Jun 3, 2014
I have got a received form that has 2 subforms.
The main form is based on Received Table
The 1st subform is based on a query that shows the order detail and how many units are outstanding.
The 2nd subform is based on a receivedDetail table. so will have a list of items with the original order qty, and the qty still outstanding.
When the main form loads i want it to create new records into the 2nd subform based on the 1st Subform.
so the 1st and 2nd subform run parallel with each other and appear to be as one to the user.
both subforms are continuous style.
Private Sub Form_Load()
With Me.Form.RecordsetClone
Do While Not .EOF
!UserFK = Forms!frmReceive!cbxUsername
[Code] ....
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Nov 13, 2013
I have two tables :
Table 1: Mission_Id , Mission_Type, Customer_Name...
Table 2: Supporter_Name, Report_Date, Area, Unit, Issue_Type, Error_Status,Mission_Id
I have a form that the users enter data into and send a report each day. I would like that in a click of a button all the data I entered the day before and that have ="Open" will be entered into the tables with today's date. Is that possible?
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Jun 9, 2014
Is there a way of looping through a form record set, while adding new records to a different form record set? using some data from the 1st record set in the new records?
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Sep 12, 2013
how do you loop through and insert selected data from a listbox on at a time?For example, lets say you have an insert statement that has a firstname, lastname, CarsID(foreign key) and address field. Lets say you had another table that has ID and CarsID(primary key) field. In the listbox, you have populated it with all the cars and they are selected.
INSERT INTO PEOPLE(firstname, lastname, CarsID) VALUES('John','Smith','Honda')
INSERT INTO PEOPLE(firstname, lastname, CarsID) VALUES('John','Smith','FORD')
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Aug 20, 2015
I am trying to add extra validation in a sample db (done in A97 (converted to A2003)see attached.
I am attempting the following: Please not that the db has existing validation which I would like to keep (or change if advised) ...
1. Input into field "ID" must start with the letter P or p or R or r
2. If field "ID" starts with the letter P or p and field "Code" starts with the letter R or r, then a message stating that this combination is invalid should appear
3. If field "ID" starts with the letter R or r and field "Code" starts with the letter P or p, then a message stating that this combination is invalid should appear.
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Dec 6, 2005
I have a 2 databases exactly the same I need to append the records from one of them to the other. The only tables that need appending are "Transactions" & "Details"...that's it.
Transaction Tbl:
TransactionID (PK) AutoNumer
Detail Tbl:
DetailID (FK to TransID)
The problem is how do I combine them because TransactionID is an Autonum?
If I append one Transaction table to the other one (without the autonum of course), a NEW autonum is assigned then I can't link the DetailID's when I append the detail tables together.
What to do?
I only have 44 total transactions to worry about so it's mostly curiousity.
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Nov 1, 2005
I have three tables, table 1 'ServerTest' contains 5 records which should not change, table 2 'Region' has 40+ records.
using an append quary all records are combined into table 3 'Junction1'
my problem...
the Region table will change over time and new records will be added.
how do I append the new records only to the junction1 table?
this is my append quary;
INSERT INTO Junction1 ( RegionID, TestID, TestNumber, TestDescription )
SELECT Region.RegionID, ServerTest.TestID, ServerTest.TestNumber, ServerTest.TestDescription
FROM Region, ServerTest;
thanks :)
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Dec 17, 2006
Hi Guys
this is a query I'm running, which I think is quite simple....why does it not bring anything across?
INSERT INTO tblRunItems ( SiteId, RunId )
SELECT tblsites.siteId, forms.frmRuns.runID
FROM tblSites INNER JOIN (tblRuns INNER JOIN tblRunItems ON tblRuns.runID=tblRunItems.RunId) ON tblSites.SiteId=tblRunItems.SiteId
WHERE ((tblSites.CollectionDay)=forms.frmRuns.runDay) And ((tblSites.CollectionZone)=forms.frmRuns.runZone);
Could someone please help me on this....
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Mar 4, 2015
I total novice at VBA. I am trying to code a button to modify (the last) record in a subform list and then add a new record based on values in unrelated or unbound fields on the button form.
The following code is based on the first of two YouTube tutorials (this bit on the edit) and looks like it should work. Except that my Access 2010 with Visual Basic for Aplication v7 does not recognise the type definition Database or Recordset
Private Sub ANOwner_Click()
Dim cn As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
[Code] .....
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Sep 12, 2013
I'm trying to run a saved import through VBA, add a new column called "Effective_Date", then update this field for all records to the effective date indicated by the user.
It currently works for all records except 1 is always omitted.
Private Sub cmd_upload_staffing_report_Click()
DoCmd.RunSavedImportExport ("Import-AccessUploadStaffingReport")
Dim strField As String
Dim curDatabase As Object
Dim tblTempEmployees As Object
Dim fldEffectiveDate As Object
[Code] .....
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Oct 10, 2006
i'm new with access and was wondering if i can get some help with an append query?
I'm getting an error message that state the following below:
*Microsoft Access can't append all the records in the append query.
Microsoft Access set 36 field(s) to Null due to a type conversion failure, and it didn't add 0 records to the table due to key violations, 0 records due to lock violations, and 0 records due to validation rule violations.
This is my append query below:
INSERT INTO CustExportHoldCiti ( Custodian, CustAcct, Ticker, Cusip, CurrCode, SecurityName, Shares, CustCost, CustValue, POI, OriginalDiscount, HoldingType, Loc, Expr1 )
SELECT DISTINCT [CitiBank Current Holdings].Custodian, [CitiBank Current Holdings].[Account Number], SecSymbolsAll.SecSymbol AS Ticker1, [CitiBank Current Holdings].CUSIP1, [CitiBank Current Holdings].Curr, [CitiBank Current Holdings].[Security Description], [CitiBank Current Holdings].Shares, [CitiBank Current Holdings].CustCost, [CitiBank Current Holdings].CustValue, [CitiBank Current Holdings].POI, [CitiBank Current Holdings].OriginalDiscount, [CitiBank Current Holdings].HoldingType, dbo_Locations.Location, [date] AS Expr1
FROM [CitiBank Current Holdings] LEFT JOIN (SecSymbolsAll LEFT JOIN dbo_Locations ON SecSymbolsAll.LocationID = dbo_Locations.LocationID) ON [CitiBank Current Holdings].Ticker = SecSymbolsAll.SecSymbol
WHERE (((SecSymbolsAll.SecSymbol) Is Not Null));
I can't figure out what is wrong with it. Thank you for the help.
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Oct 17, 2007
I have a query that will pull records, and append them to the table. The only problem is that not only will it pull all the "new" records, but also all the "old" records. I just want to append the records that are not already in the table. Any ideas? I have tried using the primary key, but then it dosnt import any records. There will be say 1850 records. And out of the 1850, 1 would be a new record.
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Jun 23, 2005
I'm not sure if this is the right discussion to ask this, but it seems the closest to my question, so I apologize if i'm mis-posting.
I'm doing a "run-time" insert into a table, from the VB Script. A button pops up an InputBox, and the returned string is added into the table, via a SQL command. However, upon execution of the SQL command:
st=InputBox("New Entry")
call DoCmd.RunSql("insert into table1 (field1) values ('" & st & "');")
I get a warning dialog pop-up from access, informing me that it's about to append 1 row(s) into the table. Is there anyway to deactivate that dialog warning box so it doesn't pop up every time i use an insert into statement?
Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Reac Ruiner
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Sep 11, 2005
can someone please help me with this problem.
currently im working on a student management system with MS ACCESS. Im stuck on the create_assessment_form that allows you to query previous assessment results or to create a new assessment. It has a subform that shows the assessment results of all the students relating to a selected assessment_ID.
The query of the results are working properly,
But I need everyone's help for the creating new assessment part.....
When I create a new assessment, I have to choose a course_ID the assessment is relating to.
How do I make it so that it will generate a list of assessment_results record for each of the student relating to the new assessment?
maybe my explaination is a bit messy. Please let me know if you do not understand my question. But I really need an answer to this question urgently!!!
Thanks in advance...
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Feb 18, 2013
I have a database where we regulary import excel data to generated from a form sent to our clients. The excel data that we import normally holds around 10 to 40 records at a time.
The current process I use to do this is to run a macro that creates a new table (tblImportForm), and then run an append query to append those records to our existing main table (tblJobDetails). I should also mention that the macro first deletes the existing tblImportForm before creating a new one with the same name with the new data.I have used this method rather than appending the data straight into the existing tblJobDetails as I found I came into more problems with generating IDs etc.
What I want to do is have a report come up after the data has been imported/appended, that lists the new data imported with the new record IDs generated in the main table tblJobDetails. It would be easy to do this is if I only needed the data or could use the IDs in the first table I import to, but the idea of the report is to give the user the new IDs (PrimeKeys) from the second table that the data is appended to.I could maybe do a count of records in tblImportForm and then produce a report using a query from tblJobDetails that pulls that number (the count) of data from the last record backwards? But I don't know exactly how to do this.
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Sep 8, 2014
I'm making a database for tracking purchase orders for contract workers in my department. Business rules dictate that a PO is created for each unique Contractor-Project instance.
I pulled a report (.csv format) of weekly timesheets from the company's project management database system. Some of the fields include: EmpUserName, EmpID, ProjectID, ProjectName, WeekEndDate, Hours. I linked to the file in my database and ran a query on it without WeekEndDate so that I get the total hours each contractor has worked for each project they've billed to. I created a table called tblContractorProject and appended the records to it. I'm going to be pulling this report each week so I can see if any contractors start billing to any new projects so I can create a purchase order for it. Is there a way to write an append query that can recognize if the EmpID and ProjectID combination is new and doesn't already exist in the table?
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