Modules & VBA :: Application Quit Doesn't Work On Network Users

May 26, 2014

My database is used by a few users on a shared drive in "read-only" mode so they can't change any data.I set a scheduled task to copy an updated version of the database (which I edit) every morning.

The problem is that when the users forget to close the database file I can't overwrite it.For this purpose I wrote a small code that quits the application at 00:00 using Application.Quit.The code WORKS when I test it on my computer, but every morning when I try to open the file I see that it is opened by another user since I also open it as "read-only" - meaning the code didn't work...getting the code to work properly OR get a better solution to be able to overwrite the file even though it's opened by other users.

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Modules & VBA :: Main Form Load Event Firing On Application Quit?

Aug 6, 2013

I'm developing in Access 2007 and created a runtime version.

When the user clicks the X to close the runtime application, the main form's Load event fires. Any clues as to why this might be? Some of the code is based on other forms that do close, so of course errors start flying. Note, this is only in the runtime version; the accdb file works just fine.

My current workaround is to put the offending code into the forms On Current event, which I'm able to do in this context.

Is it wrong to think that a forms On_Load event shouldn't be firing when the application is closing?

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My Code To Quit The Application Has A Bug!

May 19, 2005

Hi I have succsefully used the code suggested on theis excellent forum to boot user from the db to repair it. It is FE/BE set up and the ONTIMER on the login form is used to chuck people off over the network.

My ug is: I like to give people the waring before I chuck them off, but sometimes when they are using another application with the db running in the background they dont get the message, therefore dont click ok so my Code wont carry on and Quit application when I want it to.

The code is trapped in

MsgBox "Please finish what your doin, as the db will shut down", vbinformation

Is there any way I can make my code bypass this if they user hasnt clicked ok?

Many thanks in advance

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General :: Parameter Box Pops Up On Application Quit

Jul 17, 2013

When my database application is closed a parameter box pops up asking for parameter from text16 but only if the Navigation Pane is hidden.

Some information:

The application starts with a login screen that has a hidden text box (text16) that allows me to limit what users can access throughout the database by setting it as the query criteria.

If a form is open that is gathering its data from one of these querys and you try to close the application the parameter box opens which is simply annoying for my users who do not know about access.

The interesting thing about this is that if I unhide the Navigation Pane and close the application with one of these forms open it closes fine with no parameter box pop up.

The goal is to have the Navigation Pane hidden and the parameter box not pop up.

Added information if the navigation pane is hidden I can use a command button with a macro that closes all open forms then quits application and this does not cause the parameter box to pop up.

So another fix for my problem would be to disable the "X" close button at the top right of the application.

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Modules & VBA :: Users With Different Mapped Network Drives

May 13, 2015

I need to make sure that all users on the network can access a specific network drive folder.

Most users don't have a problem but some users have the network drive mapped differently so when running the feature required their system can't find the file at that specified location.

I have the location of the files hard wired into the VBA code.


The location is outside of the project address.

I need to be able to make sure the address of the folder is the same for all users.

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Modules & VBA :: Why Does Emailing A PDF Work But Saving A PDF Doesn't

Jul 24, 2013

I'm trying to figure out why I can email a report as a PDF, but not save it as a PDF using the code below? When I save, I get the dreaded error 2501.

The searching I did for this said to uninstall and reinstall printers (I've done that - seems to have no effect), or took issue with filtering the report with a where clause (but if that was an issue, why does it email a PDF just fine?).I'd just like to be able to save a report as a PDF to a specified location.

Developing in: Access 2010; Win7
For use in a mixed 2007/2010 XP/7 environment


Private Sub EmailDietCardBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo MyErrorHandler
Dim stReport As String
Dim stWhere As String
Dim stSubject As String
Dim stEmailMessage As String
Dim stCaption As String
Dim myPath As String


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Modules & VBA :: Switchboard Form Doesn't Work

May 27, 2014

I have developed a project in Access 2003 and it works absolutely fine. There is a switchboard form too and that works fine as well. But now in our company we are moving all the projects developed in 2003 to 2010. And so I have noticed the switchboard form doesn't work in Access 2010 the way it works in 2003. The Switchboard form doesn't display all the options in 2010.

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Modules & VBA :: Repaint Doesn't Work Until End Of Code

Jul 31, 2015

I have a process which runs lots of slow append queries, so I want to reassure the user of progress, by changing the font colour of labels to green when the relevant queries have finished. This is the code I'm using

'Update the older data if that option is selected
If Me.Menu_YearOption.Value = 1 Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery "2-10 Append FY1112"
Me.lbl1112.ForeColor = 32768
DoCmd.OpenQuery "2-12 Append FY1213"


Each query takes about a minute to run, as it gets data from a sharepoint server, but the labels don't turn green one at a time as expected. Instead, I get the spinning wheel until all the queries have run, then all the labels turn green together.

Is there something else I should be doing rather than Me.Repaint ?

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General :: Application Always Quit In Access Runtime On Every Run-time Error

Mar 24, 2014

I have setup a small application with front/back end in local network. On client machines i have installed access runtime. Although it works fine but it suddenly quit when there is any run time error while working on client machine. Although on server machine ( where full version is running it didn't close the application ).

What i need is an option to not quit the application completely. As i am not expert in coding of try/catch statements I need a simple solution for time being .

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Parameters To Report Doesn't Work

Feb 23, 2015

I have a query that sums up the number of parts used. This works fine.

I want to be able to limit this query to parts used after a specific date.

I have in my report

DoCmd.OpenReport "Part Totals Report", acViewPreview, , "[Part Date])>= " & SQLDate

The report is bound to a query that has 2 group by fields, 1 count field a a further field, a date field ([Part Date], that I put a default criteria on. This field is not displayed. If I don't put a criteria on this field disappears when I close and open again.

I pass a date to the program via a form and this ultimately ends up in SQLDate. When I run this I get promted to enter [Part Date] even though I'm setting it equal to SQLDate above. I can out garbage to a proper date in here either way the report picks up the default date entered in by the query.

1. Get rid of all of the parameters off the query.

2. Then you can use the Where Clause of the DoCmd.OpenReport code to specify the parameters based on your variables.

1.Not sure what this means but when I get rid of the criteria for the parameter the field disappears (I'm setting the show field to no as I don't want totals group by date). Getting rid of the field gives me all parts used.

2.I think I'm doing this in the above but will bow to superior knowledge!!

or is it I can't pass a parameter to a report run by a query that is grouping fields together to produce a count.

Incidentally once the report has been run (albeit with the wrong parameters) and I go into design mode and look at the property sheet for the report the correct filter is there (i.e., the date that has been input) but it quite clearly ignores this.

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Modules & VBA :: Record Locking Multi-users Over Network Split Database / Access 2007

Aug 5, 2015

I have designed a database which I intend to split for multi-users to access from one front end icon on a shared folder at work. I have designed a form bound to cmr record table and on it a subform to another table where cmrs activities will be saved. The form has buttons to and blank controls.

User can create a new activity entry by typing into the blank controls and pressing the save button which saves to the activity table. the edit button extracts a selected records details (selected on the subform) from the activity table and populates the blank field for a user to edit and then hit save to save changes. The delete button deletes a selected record from the activity table. I intend to have multi-users either accessing, viewing and a possibly editing the same customer at the same time. The simultaneous viewing is essential but the simultaneous editing, though not desired is inevitably going to occur.

What I would like to know is:

1. Can you lock an individual record in a table or does the whole table have to be locked. E.g If Colleague 1 is editing Cmr A's record in Table1 can he lock it so Colleague 2 can view and edit Cmr B's record in Table1

2.Can Colleague 1 access/read Cmr A's record in Table1 to retrieve details toe the form controls if Colleague 2 is viewing or editing Cmr A's record in Table1

3. If record lock is possible, how can I initiate it in my example code below.Edit activity record Code

Private Sub Edit_A_Click()
'Get Data to text box control
With Me.R_P_Data_P_Subfrm.Form
Me.txtrID = !rID
Me.txtrID.Tag = !rID
Me.txtrefNo = !refNo
Me.cmbrpc = !rPC


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Creating Application On A Network

Nov 4, 2007

Hi guys,

I was given a task to make an application that will enter/monitor job assignments of our technical staff on a daily basis (roughly 15-30 assignment per day), so I created a table which has all the fields and it worked well.

So after the dressing up the database, I split the table and saved it on our server, copied a FE on workstations but the data is not refreshing the way it supposed to be, what I want is whenever a user accessed the application data will be refreshed on diff. workstation in real time.

Can someone point a link on the forum regarding my problem or can someone help me to solved this problem from ground up?

Thanks in advance.


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Why Doesn't This Work ?

Oct 5, 2006

i am trying to run an append query in SQL which appends a calculated value into another table 50 times incrementing the day by one day each time. When I run it it asks me for the parameter [NewDay] each time. It is obviuosly not picking up the variable.

Can anyone tell me why ?

Dim NewDate As Date
Dim n As Integer

For n = 0 To 50

NewDate = Date + n

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO InventoryEvolution ( SAP, Stock, [Date] ) SELECT UK_Product_Estimate_Live.[RE SAP Code], ((Sum([Estimate01])+Sum([Estimate02]))/50)*-1 AS Stock, NewDate From UK_Product_Estimate_Live GROUP BY UK_Product_Estimate_Live.[RE SAP Code] HAVING (((UK_Product_Estimate_Live.[RE SAP Code])=513450))"

Next n

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Why It Doesn't Work?HELP!!

Sep 14, 2005

Hi all,
I get this error "You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'SITENAME' as part of an aggregate function."

The query is:

SELECT AS SITENAME, o1.vertical_loc/10000000 AS LAT, o1.horizontal_loc/10000000 AS LON, c.CELLGLID AS CELLID, 'traffic_total' AS Expr1, sum((MEBUSTCH_HR+MEBUSTCH_FR)*period_duration)/sum(period_duration) AS Traffic, 'traffic_hr' AS Expr2, sum(MEBUSTCH_HR*period_duration)/sum(period_duration) AS Traffic_HR
FROM objects AS o1, objects AS o2, c_bts AS c, p_generic_cell AS p
WHERE c.int_id = o2.int_id and
o2.parent_int_id = o1.int_id and
p.bts_int_id = o2.int_id

I know the problem is with the group by clause. In MySQL it just works using "group by p.bts_int_id. I learnt in access i have to include all non-aggregated fields in the group by clause, and that's what I've done!! WHY!!Please help me!!!

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Why Doesn't Like Work

Mar 14, 2007


The following what I do not understand:

Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT par1 FROM tblparameters Where tblparameters.gcnf = 'XMLexp' AND ((tblparameters.ccnf) Like 'ExpTijd*')"
Set rec = cmd.Execute()

Do While rec.EOF = False
MsgBox rec("par1").Value

I don't get any result back. If I changed it likt the following:
tblparameters.ccnf = 'ExpTijd1' , in the query, I get one record back.
So my conclusion the query is right but the Like doesn't work in these circumstances?

thanks in advance.


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Why Doesn't This Work?

Apr 14, 2005

hi folks,
I am designing an application for an assignment for college, all seems to be going ok except that I have to teach myself access from a book. When I update a record on a form and go to another page it works fine, but if I attempt the same action ( for example creating an appointment then moving to a new form to confirm they have arrived) a second time I am getting an error which tells me I can't save the record. I think it is to do with updating the recordset when the new form is opened. I have an update record button on the form (created by the wizard) but it wont update on the second attempt. Could someone please tell me the code to update a recordset on the formload procedure. Ive tried me.recordset.refresh and me.recordset.requery but I still can't solve the error. Please help I've got to hand this assignment in in 2 weeks. thanks in advance

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Max Users On A Network Drive

Oct 23, 2014

I was just wondering how many users Access would be able to handle on a split frontend and backend database? The backend will be on a network drive and the frontend will be installed on each workstation. My database is pretty simple with no relationships if that matters. Also using Win7 and some users will have Office 2010 and others will have 2013.

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Mdb Application Does Not Work Well After Running Mde???

Feb 9, 2006

Something odd is happening here. After I open and close a recently installed .mde application, I open a previously working .mdb file. It now runs exactly like a .mde file with limited menu items, etc. The only way I can get the .mdb file working again properly is to reinstall office 2000. Could it be that the newly installed .mde application is a higher version and therefore, somehow corrupts the mdb application. I need help.

Steve G.

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Why Doesn't This Work Anymore.

Jun 7, 2007

I'm trying to run an update query to trim a field to the first 8 characters.

I've used this in the past, but now it wont work. I'm stumped.


Now when I try the records remain unchanged, i.e. 13 characters.

Any ideas?

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Copied MDW Doesn't Work

Jun 14, 2007

Hi! I'm relatively new to Access (2003) . I had to modify a shared network app so I copied it off and renamed it, made my mods and everything is fine. I then went to another app that connects to the original app to obtain data for display and synchronization, modified the call to open the new app including the new mdw. When it hits the new mdw, it can't open it because it says it's being used exclusively or the workgroup file is missing. It's not being used exclusively and it doesn't appear to be missing. The network path is correct. If I use the mdw from the original source app, it works fine. Please advise! :(

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My Database Doesn't Work Like Before?

Aug 22, 2007

Hello everbody,

I'm sorry if my thread is in wrong section, cause I'm first time on this great forum :(! I hope you'll undrestand me ;)

My problem is with my database for my coffee bar, man who made database is still, and I don't have somebody to repair my database unfourtanetly :(

I formatted my C:, cause I installed new OS Windows XP PR SP2, and everything is deleted, but I save this .mdb file, but I don't have instalation CD for this program, cause man who installed me this database didn't give me instalation file :(!

And I saved this .mdb file, and now I try to run this POS.mdb,I can open "POS KASA" in english POS CASH, and I see articles - (ARTIKLI), and value of them it account values of them, just program doesn't count for me like before "sume" or "total" of EX. one count, for example coca cola 2.5 KM, fanta 2.5 KM = 5 KM, and now he doesn't count sume - total in program total is "UKUPNO", if somebody to know to repair this, or something another what is importing to work this database like before, please help me, database is on bosnian, if you need translating just ask me, cause I don't know to edit this file, and to have access to change words :(!

1'st colone in program interface (bosnian - english)

Sifarnici -something like codes

Artikli = Articles
Ulazi = Inputs
Storno racuna = storno count
Pregled storno racuna = review storno count

2-nd colone in program interface

Dokumenti - Documents

POS kasa = POS cash register
Dnevni promet = daily exchange
Trenutni saldo kase = current saldo of cash register

3-rd colone in program interface

Printanje prometa po broju = Printing exchange by number
Printanje prometa od datuma do datuma = Printing exchange from date to date
Printanje trenutnog prometa = Printing current exchange


Actually for me the most important is POS CASH REGISTER, cause it doesn't count total value of one count , total = ukupno doesn't work, sume doesn't work, and I can't give on my guests count, and I have problem with inspection cause I don't have counts :(, please help me and if you can repair this; IN ADVANCE TNX MUCH!

Greetings to all, from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegowina!

I'm sorry really on my bad english, and I hope you'll understand me :(!

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Queries :: IIF With Sum Doesn't Work

Jan 9, 2014

I need to do the price in table [price] multiply by 1.20 if the price is higher then 150. If the price is between 75 and 150 it have to multiply by 1.25. Continue... continue... continue...

expr1: IIF([Price]>"150",[Price]*1.20,IIF([Price]>75,"[Price]*1.25",IIF([Price]>50,"[Price]*1.28",IIF([Price]>30,"[Price]*1.35",IIF([Price]>15,"[Price]*1.45",IIF([Price]>0,"[Price]*1.6"))))))

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Access 2007 Max Network Users

Feb 13, 2008

Hi, Guys

Im just wondering what the maximum number of simultaneous connections to an ACCES 2007 DB over a network,(obviously a mapped drive).

I apologize if this is a double post....

Tristan F

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Track Users Computer Name & Network Name?

Nov 29, 2006

I have been searching and found a few great threads about checking users but the codes there were incomplete. Is there a way to effectively log a user's name & computer name when they open your database and also log when they close/exit your database. Without them noticing but just for your own personal security incase something happens and you would like to know who all was actually working in/on the database at that specific time?

Or just something that will show me who is in the database so I dont' have to keep seeing network333 something has it open.

Thanking you all in advance, and I know I am a P.I.T.A.!

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Where To Store FE / BE For Multiple Users On A Network

Nov 9, 2014

I will have around 10 simultaneous users of a database. Each will probably keep it open all day and subject it to fairly light use.

I will split it into front and back ends, the be going into a network folder.

Where would you recommend I put the fe?

Should I put one fe in the same folder and let them all use it at the same time? I presume that would be faster than giving them all a copy of the front end to use on their local hard drives?

I have considered adding the facility on the fe to allow user-definable defaults, like the user's name, to speed things up for them but i assume that will only work if they each have their own fe and not sure if it's worth the hassle if it's faster to have one fe in the same network folder as the back end.

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Access On A Wireless Network - Making It Work

Jan 23, 2007

There are posts elsewhere on this forum about the adjustments you can make to Access to improve its performance on a wireless network, i.e. make sure you have XP SP2 and not an earlier version of XP, but the fact is that no programme will perform well on a network if the network isn't performing well. Here are a few things I've learned (the hard way!)

- Use USB wireless adapters, not card type adapters. One of the prime rules of wireless networking is to keep your adapter - and your Router - away from electrical equipment and metal objects, so why anyone even makes card adapters is beyond me.

- Place your adapters/Router as high as possible (above head height is best) using a USB extension lead for the adapters if necessary. Do not put them on or near metal filing cabinets!

- Think about line of sight when placing your equipment. If your Router and an adaptor are just on either side of a wall , opposite each other, the signal may only have to pass through, say, 6 inches of wall. If they are at opposite ends of their respective rooms, however, it may have to pass through several feet of the same wall!

-If there are other wireless systems nearby using the same channel as yours, change yours to a different channel even if the other signal is weaker than yours. Remember that you need to be 5 channels away from anyone else before there is 0% overlap in the frequencies. If you cannot achieve this because there are too many nearby networks, any difference is better than none.

I have a 9 user (each in a separate room) p2p network in my office running a split Access 2000 db. The place looks a bit odd with USB adapters stuck high up on the walls but it works. Only one user has the occasional hanging problem (about once a week) but she's using an oldish laptop with only 256k of RAM and it has to run Norton Internet Security at the same time. Three of the users have the db open more or less constantly, the rest have no problem or speed issues getting in whenever they wish.

Nearly forgot, our Wireless system is standard 802.11g. max distance from an adapter to the router is about 80 feet.

Sorry if any of the above is stating the obvious, thought it might help.

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