Modules & VBA :: Automatic Mail To Be Triggered From Access

Mar 11, 2015

I have a table in Access with a field End Date with couple of other fields like Company Name and Description associated with the End Date as one record. In other words, one record has fields Company Name, Description and End could I get Access trigger an email automatically to a set of people let's say a month before the End Date is approaching. If the End Date is 30/4/2015, I would need Access to be triggering an email to the recipients on 30/3/2015.

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Automatic E Mail Query.

Apr 21, 2006

I have developed a database, which holds the information about different policies we use in the organisation. There are people responsible for reviewing and updating these policies by a dead line. All the information is tored in the main regarding each policy and person responsible against it.

Is it possible to send a notification to the person responsible saying that this is the reminder or is is possible to fire a report to this person with detials of outstanding policies he/she is responsible for.

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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge In MS Word (using Data From MS Access)

Mar 9, 2014

I often create contract using mail merge. I have an access file that I want to use as data source for word file. But it does not automatically.

Please see the attached file !

If there are 1 customer and 1 property, I do not need to do anything. Conversely, if there are many customers and many properties, I take time to manipulate.

Firstly, I open the word file. I have to copy and paste paragraphs that I want. Highlight of the original paragraphs is blue.

Secondly, I click 'Insert Word Field' -> select 'Next Record'.

In short, I want to use VBA in access file to automatically perform the steps that I have outlined.

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Modules & VBA :: Import Lotus Notes Mail Into Access Database

May 28, 2015

Reading all mails from a Lotus Notes database, a view, a collection is not that difficult.

What I Need, but no where found is HOW TO Import the actual marked or opened mail, so only ONE mail, the current mail.

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Mail Once Again - Opening 'new' Mail-window And Export Mail Adress

Jun 23, 2006

Hi, this is probably a very easy question for you “Access-gods” out there.

I’ve made a database (MS Access 2000) with all my clients. I collect a lot of contact info, including e-mail.

I want to make a function which opens a new mail window (Outlook 2003) and automatically puts in the e-mail from my form (In the send-to field of outlook).

Is this possible? And how?

(BTW: I’m a newbie with VBA)

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OnChange Triggered Before Change In Value

May 30, 2005

I have a combobox which needs to call a function f(combobox.value) during its onChange event. Currently though, combobox.value appears not to change before the onChange event, and so the function receives the wrong (last) value.

Note - the actual text in the text field of the combobox *has* changed to the new value before the onChange event occurs.

Any ideas why this might be?

Edit - Also the problem doesn't happen when selecting with the mouse, only when using the up and down arrow keys to move through the list.

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Forms :: Update Event Not Triggered?

Oct 4, 2013

I have a form which displays information in the footer until the use has accomplished some tasks. Once I verify that all is well I allow the user to change the fields in the footer. I want to verify that the proper changes were made but the BeforeUpdate event does not fire until the form is closed.

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Email Triggered By Query Date

May 20, 2014

I would like to create a query that would do the following give me all dates that occurred within the last six months triggered by a date entered into table which when reached it would trigger an email being sent. To explain more detail I am working on a funeral home database. (Which seems like a never ending but I am learning so much so I want to keep building it). Once I enter the date of death field name (DOD) I want query to all deaths that happen prior to past six months from current date. Which would trigger and email that would notify me to send a follow up letter for family.

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General :: Bulk Mail Send With Different Mail Body Contents

Apr 26, 2013

I have a ms access table with two fields...tablename is ..."Addresses"..

Field1:= Employee_mail_id
Field2:= Leave_balance

What I need to do is that,I need to send individual mail (in Bulk) two each employee intimating their leave balances.
Is it possible to do it in vb .I want it to assign the codes in a button.

Below iss the code.

Dim r As Recordset
Dim email As String
Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from Addresses")
Do While Not r.EOF
email = email & r(2) & ";"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, Null, Null, email, Null, Null, "Test subject", "Message body of the test letter", False, Null

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Modules & VBA :: One To Many Mail Merge

Sep 8, 2014

Any simple working mail merge application with a one to many field filling into the word document. I have no problem with a one to one, but if the subform has 2 or more associated records related to the main form, I cannot pass all the fields. Build a recordset loop or concatenated script so I can learn from it and add it to an existing project.

main form: CustomerID, Customer, Address
subform: ProductID, Product, Cost, fk_CustomerID

Sample data:
main form: 1, James Smith, 118 Clover Lane
subform entry 1: 4, Small Shipping Boxes, 2.00, 1
subform entry 2: 5, packing tape, 1.75, 1
subform entry 3: 3, Large Shipping Boxes, 3.00, 1

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Modules & VBA :: Automatic Data Export To XML

Sep 22, 2014

I have back-end on LINUX, is there any possibilities to automatic export data to *xml? e.g. every 5 min. Maybe some code in vba which can be connected to system timer?

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Modules & VBA :: Automatic Expanding List

Sep 2, 2013

I'm making an accounts package, the user creates job reports every time they complete a job. The user then creates an invoice which contains the information from a job report.Any one invoice can contain information from multiple job reports.There is a field called J_InvoiceNumber in the job reports table and field called I_InvoiceNumber in the Invoices table. A particular job report is linked to a invoice by using the same number in J_InvoiceNumber as was in I_InvoiceNumber. let me give you an example:

JobReport1, JobReport2 and Jobreport3 all have "1" in their J_InvoiceNumber Field
Jobreport4 has "2" in it's J_InvoiceNumber field.

so now Invoice1 which has "1" in it's I_InvoiceNumber field has 3 job reports and Invoice2 which has "2" in it's I_InvoiceNumber field has 1 job report.This works for presenting the information for each invoice in a Access Report but now I'm trying to make a table view just to see all the invoices and job reports in a big list.

The problem is that using a query presents me with the same information duplicated. So in the example the query would display I_InvoiceNumber as "1" for jobreport1 then a new record showing I_InvoiceNumber as "1" for jobreport2 and then another new record for jobreport3 again showing I_InvoiceNumber as "1".

What I want is for I_InvoiceNumber to be displayed once and then prehaps a expanding tree showing all the job reports sharing this number in their J_InvoiceNumber field.

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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge From Report?

Aug 7, 2013

I have a report in my database with a button called "MailMerge".

My aim is that when clicked, this will open a word document, that has already been created, but automatically complete the merge based on the data in a table.

The catches:

1) I need to be able to ask the user the content of the word document from within access, and automatically populate it

2) I need to be able to ask the user who has written the word document and automatically populate it

3) I need to use a document which I have already created, because of various reasons, but obviously the merge fields can be updated.

Currently, I am trying to append the results of the query into a table, TBL_Merge and then use code to both ask the questions above, and then complete the merge.

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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge With Attachment?

Jun 19, 2014

I'm wondering if it's possible to set up an automatic Outlook mail merge with attachments from Access. We have several account managers, and each one receives a different version of the same report - filtered to his/her accounts. For now, I have set it up for the user to select the account managers and hit "Print Reports" to save each individual report into a destination folder. The user then uses an email template, attaches the report, and sends the email to an account manager. She has to send this email separately to each account manager.

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Modules & VBA :: Lotus Notes Mail Save As PDF?

Sep 16, 2014

the user opens a certain mail and THIS mail should be either saved as PDF (for example by CutePDF - as it works with a word-doc) to disk or be imported to my Access datebase in a certain field (the Body of the mail).

But I could not find code to catch just the OPENED Mail, there are a lot of examples how to loop through a Folder or a view reading all mails in it, but no one for just the ONE.

There should be something like "uidoc", but I cannot manage it.

So in real, my problem will be to "detect" the opened (or at least the marked) mail in the Notes GUI. In Outlook I do this with ActiveInspector.CurrentItem, but in Notes?

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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge From Multiple Users?

Jun 11, 2014

I know this is possible (e.g. opendatasource) but search as I might I can't get the exact code.

Scenario: Multiple front ends, in different folders, linked to single back end.

When mail merging, a temp table is created in FE - thereby different source for each user.

The Word doct is linked to a source (via Mail Merge) and I want to change that source according to the logon of the user, which is held on an open form.

Ideally like:
Case Mary use C: Db1 emptable
Case Tom use C:Db2 emptable

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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge For Single Record

Feb 18, 2015

I have an access .adp project which is linked to a sql server tables (2008 r2), I have a button on an access form which I click and successfully gets customer details based on a query. What I wanted to know is when I am viewing a specific record i.e. details for Patient Number X, when I click on a mail merge button from their record form can the mail merge document only open with their details not all customers?

I have tried to delve into vba and modules to acheive this but I am a newbie.

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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge With Variable File Name

Aug 14, 2013

I might be able to get "super easy mail merge" to work, but the problem is i want clicking the "merge" button to launch a file chooser box- so i can navigate to the word doc i want to use for the merge (destination doc will change with the currently selected record- i'm not merging a single record, however).

Basically i want to do exactly what right clicking on a table/query, then choosing "export" then choosing "merge with word" does (access 2007).

Can't do as a report because we may have "complex" letters- with graphics and/or tables.

why is something that is a simple right-click menu option so difficult to automate??

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Result Of A Query By Mail

Jan 2, 2015

In the following code, I debug a problem with the CurrentDb.OpenRecordset

' ---
' ---
' Entree : strEmail <- Adresse e-mail du destinataire
' strObj <- Objet du courrier
' strMsg <- Corps du message

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Mail Merge Letter

Aug 20, 2013

I basically have a form which the record source is either from a table or query and all I would like to do is to have a button which when pressed will open up a previously created word template and insert all relevant fields into the template. First Name, Last Name, Address etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Converting Dates Into Downtime With Automatic Calculation

Jul 20, 2015

Currently I have a form with these variables

- Assets
- Shifts
- Machine Offline Date
- Machine Offline Time
- Machine Online Date
- Machine Online Time

Now I have 82 assets in the factory and 20% of those machines run 3 shifts. Each shift is 8 hrs.What I have already done is allocate shifts per asset e.g. when I pick Asset (a) in the Asset combo box, in the shift box it will automatically generate 2 or 3 dependant on what I have set.

If an asset runs for 2 shifts, it would mean that, that asset is operational/running from 0700 - 2300 or 7:00am - 11:PM also if an asset runs for 3 shifts it would mean that, that asset is operational/running from 0700 - 0700 or 7:00AM - 7:00AM

Scenario A: Machine (a) breaks down at 1700/5:00PM on the 10/7/15 and was back online at 12:30 on 11/7/15, This machine runs for 3 shifts which would mean in the "Breakdown Downtime" the result should be 19.5 hrs

Scenario B: Machine (b) breaks down at 1900/7:00PM on the 10/7/15 and was back online at 10:00AM on 12/7/15, this machine runs for 2 shifts which would mean in the "Breakdown Downtime" the result would be 23 hrs.

I would like to make this an automatic calculation, Is this possible?

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Automatic Email From Access?

Jul 18, 2005

I have a table/form that has name, a specific date, and an email address. I would like that when the specified date matches the current date, it will automatically send an email to the address specified with a pre-built message. Is this possible? If so, how?

Thank you.

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Automatic Shutdown Of Access

Apr 26, 2006

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to automatically shut down Access after a given amount of time?

I have an Access application that runs across a network. Access is the front end of a SQL Server 2000 database.

Some of the users forget to close their application at night when they leave for the day. When I come in in the mornings, I like to run the Compact and Repair, but can't because someone is still logged in. So then I have to go to each and every computer to see if they are still logged in. By the time I vist each computer, the morning is almost started and people ARE logging in for the day.

So I'm hoping to find an application that will automatically either log each computer off across the network, or that will log the application off of each individual computer after a given amount of inactivity.

Thanks for your help...

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Automatic Sequencing - Can Access Do This?

Dec 7, 2007

Hi all,
We have a database here at work where we keep records of client marketing campaign materials, which lets us know when said materials have gone to print and such. The problem is that we've always had to type in the client info manually because none of us can seem to find a way to automatically update new client info in sequential order. We have to keep a list of the clients as well as the alphabetical code they've been assigned to, which has become very problematic, since everyone is not on the same page. I'll show you what I mean - below is an example of client names and the codes they've been assigned to:

(Existing client)Cleary - AFB

(New client) Greenville - AFC

(New client) UAW-DC - AFD

And so on....

If anyone could help me with this, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for listening.


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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge And Create Individual Files

Jan 11, 2014

I am looking to perform a mail merge from access to Publisher. I have linked everything together and got everything looking the way that I want it to look however...

What I want to do is when I perform the mail merge I would like publisher to save a copy of each individual record from the database as a specific file based on one field of the mail merge.

I will try to clarify...

One of the mail merge fields is ClientAccountNumber I would like the merge to save a copy of the publisher file into c:mailmerge as a PDF including the year 2014.

So this file(s)for example would look like
C:mailmerge123456 - 2014.pdf C:mailmerge123457 - 2014.pdf etc...

Sub MailMerge()
' Macro1 Macro
Dim TempDocCreate
Dim FileNameTemp As MailMergeDataField
Set FileNameTemp = Application.ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.DataFields.Item("Box 22 Rcp Acct No")
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource
Application.ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat pbFixedFormatTypePDF, Filename:= _
"L:Operations DatabaseProjects1042PublisherPDF2011 Merge" & "FileNameTemp" & " - 2011" & ".pdf"
End With

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Modules & VBA :: Losing Decimal Place In Mail Merge

Sep 4, 2013

My DB is merge in a currency field set to 2 decimal places into word. It's doing this by declaring the fields as variable, calling an instance of work then dropping the values into the bookmarks. All works fine....

When a value is 360.64 is fine, but when it's something that ends with a 0 (360.60) - is loses the 0 giving me 360.6.

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