Modules & VBA :: Before / After Delete Confirm Events

Oct 4, 2013

I'm using Access 2007..I have a table that contains transaction records from a bound form.When the user enters a certain type of transaction, I create a corresponding transaction in the after insert event.

User record - tranId = 1, tranAmt = 10, tranType = DISB, tranAssocID = 0
My record - tranId = 2, tranAmt = 10, tranType = RECV, tranAssocID = 1

When the user deletes a record, I want to delete my corresponding record using the tranAssocID ( delete * from tran_tbl where tranAssocID = (the tranID of the user's record)

1) I don't know how to save the tranID of the users record
2) I don't know how to reference the saved tranID in the delete statement.

I'm using the before delete confirm event to try to save the users tranID to no avail.I'm using the after delete confirm to delete my record in a case statement - acDeleteOK...I tried to save the value of the ID in the form (Me.tid) to a public long variable, a hidden field on the form, and a temporary variable to no avail.

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Access 2010 - Delete Form Command Button With A Password To Confirm Delete

May 6, 2014

All I am trying to do is insert to have a form with a "Delete Record" button on it. The problem is I don't want anyone to be able to delete a record, I would like someone to have to insert a password to confirm the delete.

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Delete Record Code Prevents Nested Events From Firing.

Apr 5, 2006

I need to give users the option to cancel a record they're creating. Whilst the delete code works fine, the following events in red no longer fire.

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdCancel_Click

If MsgBox("Once YES is selected this cancel cannot be undone", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Are you sure you wish to cancel this entire record?") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 6, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmNewRec"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmSelectNew"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSwitchboard"

End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Record deleted"
Resume Exit_cmdCancel_Click

End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Msgbox To Confirm Changes To Specific Control

Oct 3, 2013

I have a database in which users have the ability to search by last name...nothing fancy there. However, the users continue to forget to click the Find Client button and instead just type what name they are looking for in the LASTNAME control thus changing the record that they are currently in!!!

I am looking for a way to have a msgbox pop up any time the LASTNAME control is changed. I found the code below but this works for the entire record and I don't want them to have to click Yes every time they make change.


Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If MsgBox("Changes have been made to this record." _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you want to save these changes?" _
, vbYesNo, "Changes Made...") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Confirm Changes Using Before Update Based On Specific Value?

Dec 24, 2014

looking to have the following code run only when I have a specific value present in one of my combo boxes: e.g. cbo.status = "Approved"

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
'Provide the user with the option to save/undo
'changes made to the record in the form
If MsgBox("Changes have been made to this record." _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you want to save these changes?" _
, vbYesNo, "Changes Made...") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
End If
End Sub

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Confirm Delete "No"

Jun 13, 2005

I use datasheetview, when I want to delete the record I just select the row and press delete button and click "yes". However, when I click "no" (means I don't want to delete) the record is disappeared.

I create refresh button to Requery and Refresh the form but the record still not comes up. I have to close and open my form every time.

Any suggestion would be very appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Ignore Certain Events In A Form?

Apr 9, 2014

In my database I have module that checks if tick box is True and then closes all the forms and kicks the user out of the database. However in most of my forms, there is a custom Save command in the On Click of cmdSave button and the Form_BeforeUpdate. The save requires certain things to be true so naturally if a user has made a change to a record, the form won't allow you to close it if you haven't saved your changes or undone them.

Is there anyway I can get my module to bypass certain events in the form?

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Modules & VBA :: Mouse Events On A Form

May 27, 2015

I have a parts order form (FrmORDER)with a list of parts selected stored in it. e.g Part #, Part Description, Qty, Price etc

I also have assemblies stored with the same detail that are composed of individual parts.

What I would like to do is

Open formA if I do a single click (to select a new part or assembly)
Open formB if I do a double click (to open the contents of the selected assembly in the order form

It would seem that the following series of events occurs

When the user double-clicks a control other than a command button: MouseDown → MouseUp → Click → DblClick → MouseUp

Hence I can't actually open formB with a double click unless I remove the single click event.

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Modules & VBA :: Object Or Class Does Not Support Set Of Events

Mar 19, 2014

I have this below which some people cant run and some people can. All are using 2010 runtime version. Apart from the one guy who can run the macro who has full 2010 version. I have 2010 runtime installed and i can also run the macro fine.

Private Sub Option12_Click()
On Error GoTo Option12_Click_err
Dim CntlPay As String
Dim Lable As String
CntlPay = "D"


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Modules & VBA :: How To Link A Combobox Value To Two Single Events

May 28, 2014

I explain briefly what is my task, When the user selects a different name from the list, I would like to link it automatically with the current Date() . I want to do it for every single name of the field so that in case I need, it would be possible to track for how many days that particular name of the list has been clicked.

I explain it better…My DB aims to monitor some procedures that have 3 status, these are:

On Working,

Given the above I would like to track when every single procedure starts is “on working” and when it ends it. I want to automatically link every name of the combobox with an event that update a field of a table that monitor the beginning and to another that monitor the end (when another status is selected). After that my aim would be to calculate the diff between the two in order to have a number of the days that every single procedure is stuck into a single status. Do you think is something feasible? I hope to have explain it well… If you need I can try to explain it better

Is there a way, in access db or in its VBA, to capture the two columns of data from the combo box so that can monitor them?

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Modules & VBA :: Object Or Class Does Not Support Set Of Events

Oct 21, 2013

I have wrote a database in access 2010 and the database works fine for me (I am the db admin with full control).I gave the database to a group in which most of them also have no issue with the file. They are able to use the database with no issues..One of those members gets an error message when completing the initial step in the database: (select a drop down item from a combo box)

The expression After Update you entered as the event propoerty setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events

Something I cant seem to understand is why is this happoening on 5 machines but not on the 6th, they all have the same PC set up so there should be no error on one particular machine.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy A Record Without Triggering Form Events

Dec 30, 2014

I have a form which has been in use for some time now, and works extremely well for all users; as part of a recent update to that form, I added a few events to various controls; most of them are message box prompts to remind the user to do something, but one is automatic entry of text into a memo field when another field is updated, and it is really this last one that is causing an issue.

There is a command button on the form which has an embedded macro, created using the wizard - it is probably the last, or one of the last few buttons that have a macro as opposed to VBA.

Essentially, when this button is clicked, I would like a duplicate of the current record to be made (thus giving it an Autonumber ID of its own), and if possible I would like this to be done without triggering any of the after update events on the form. Is there a way to disable these events and copy a record in its entirety, re-enabling the events at the end?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Count Number Of Events Based On Type

Dec 3, 2014

I have a table that contains many records of events. I've already created a multiple item form based on the table. My form contains 2 textboxes for input of a date range and a dropdown box to select "yes or no".

What I am having difficulty with is the query that will count the records by type insert it into the recordsource such that the multiple item form will appear like this:

Event Type| Count
Input | 4
Output | 2
Update | 3

How do I go about doing so? I have been testing with this simple query:

Private Sub Command8_Click()
Dim Task As String

Task = "SELECT EventType, Count(EventType) FROM Final GROUP BY EventType;"
Me.RecordSource = Task
End Sub

But the column that contains the count keeps appearing as #name?

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Modules & VBA :: ActiveX Monthview - Reset Value To Today On Certain Events

Jul 23, 2013

I'm using this control to allow users to select a date as input to a subform. The control is working just fine, but I have a problem, I need to reset the value to today on certain events (for instance a reset button to reset the values back to today). I have tried:

Me.calThru.Value = Date
calThru.Value = Date

but with no success.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Events Log - Compare Username On Report To Table

May 22, 2015

I'm working on creating an events log. In my table I've got a field that pulls the individual's username (that they use to log into the computer) and logs it against their log entry.

As part of my query (for my daily events log report) I'm pulling up said username.

I'd like to give access to the specific user to edit his (and only his) entries from the report, but I'm getting a type mismatch with the below code:

If me.UsernameID = "KraussLJ" Or Environ$("Username") Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmShiftLog"
DoCmd.FindRecord Me.ID, acStart, , acSearchAll, , acAll
MsgBox ("You are not authorized to edit this entry")
End If

(before you ask, "KraussLJ" is our ops manager who insists on having final editorial control over the shift log before sending it higher up the chain)

I can get the msgbox to run if I block out the

Code : Environ$("Username")

, but beyond that I'm a little stuck. Should this be a dlookup function or am I overanalyzing this way too much?

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Modules & VBA :: Capturing Events On A Frame Within Multi Page (tab) Control

Aug 23, 2013

I have a form with a tab control and an option group (frame). When I built the layout of the contents of the first tab, the frame responded properly to click events. Now that I have copied them onto the tab control, the events seem to disappear.

(When I check the events for the controls, they are all still there, and selected by the Properties table).

I know it's probably one of the "doesn't use Access very much, does he" type of situations, so how to get these controls working again!

Here is the Form Code listing.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub SetSourceDescription()
If Me.frRunMode.Value = 0 Then
Me.lblSourceType.Caption = "Source for this run will be the Extract .pst file(s)"


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Modules & VBA :: ActiveX Control Events Aren't Raised While Calling Its Methods From The Open Event

Oct 9, 2013

We have an ActiveX grid control, 10Tec iGrid, written in VB6. One of its method, Group, used to group rows, raises the AfterAutoGroupRowCreated event so the developer can adjust the look and contents of every group row created during the automatic process of grouping.

When our ActiveX grid is hosted on an MS Access form and we call the Group method while populating the grid in the form's Open event, the AfterAutoGroupRowCreated event isn't triggered. But this event definitely works as expected in other development environments, and even in MS Access if we call Group from the form's Load event.

Is it a well know issue of MS Access, when any events of ActiveX controls aren't triggered while "executing" the Open event

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Confirm Logout!!!!!

Jul 21, 2005

can any i tell me how to create a form or a simple messege to show the user, whe click to close the db???

for eg, show a messege like " Are you sure you want exit" Yes for Exit and No for carryon.


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Confirm Record Changes In VBA

Aug 29, 2005

I have a bug in Access. Despite having turned off the confirm record changes (Tools>options>edit>Confirm) the prompt still appears in the app after it is converted to MDE and packaged for distribution.

My solution will be (if I can find it) to set the 'confirm record changes' setting to off in VBA code immediately prior to my update.

My problem is how to do it. I have looked everywhere without success.

Can anyone suggest the necessary code.

Thanks .

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Confirm Data Source

Jun 14, 2007

I am automating a mail merge with Access to Word. Does anyone know how to stop the Confirm Data Source dialog window from coming up and just except the default (orginal) data source? I have users that do not know they should just click the OK button, some are clicking NO and then I lose the connection because they dont know where the table link is. I dont know what else to do but tell them to always click the Yes button when confirming but not everone listens and then i have to do it all over again.:mad:

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Run MakeTable Query Without Confirm?

Apr 3, 2006

I have "unchecked" all the confirm options under tools, but when I run the make table query it still displays "The existing table will be deleted before you run the query, do you wish to contiue? I would like it to just run without this message, or at least give a message of my choosing. Is this possible?


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Confirm Update Message Box

Apr 2, 2005

I would like to have an update (requery) button on my form, that when clicked opens a message box that asks "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO UPDATE?", if yes, a yes button is pushed, which requeries the record and closes the message box. If a no button is pushed, the message box is closed without requerying the record.

Can someone walk me through the process?

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Pop-up To Confirm Running Query

Nov 29, 2004

I already turned off all the checkboxes for running query confirmation (in the tool/option/Edit&find) but the users of my database still receive the pop-ups every time they run the queries. How can I fix this problem? (My database is for multiple-user environment.)

Thanks in advance,

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Confirm Action Queries In Runtime

Mar 3, 2008

I use the Access 2007 runtime to run my Access database on a few client machines. How do I turn off the confirmation of Action Queries? On clients that are also running MS Access, I can simply open Access, go to Access Options and uncheck the box. When I make this change in Access, the same settings apply for the Runtime on that computer. Which makes me think perhaps there is a registry entry I can modify someplace? If anyone has an idea as to how to turn this off for the runtime please let me know.


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Confirm Undo (when User Presses Esc Key)

Nov 10, 2006

I have a small procedure I'd like to include in my database. I want to confirm with the user with some sort of modal popup message (I think that's the right term) when they abort data entry on a form (anywhere on that form which consists of several pages, and a linked subform on one page). I think I can use the "on undo" event, but I don't know what code to include to make this happen...

Tried searching for this to no avail, but I would think this is a common procedure to prevent users from accidental data entry abortion.


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Tables :: How To Confirm Record Has Been Saved

Jul 15, 2014

I have a Multi user Access Database which has been split into a Front and Back end. What I am noticing is sometimes when the user enters data into the Front end form, it is not being saved in the Backend tables....

How to confirm when the user clicks save that the data is actually being saved in the backend tables.

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