Modules & VBA :: Calculate Time Periods Based On A Given Tariff

Mar 25, 2014

Suppose that you want to make a formula which will calculate time periods based on a given tariff. To be more precise.

Suppose you can "get in" somewhere, entrance is $2.
You are free to stay there, without additional charge, for 5 days.
Then, for the next 5 days, the charge is $1 per day
The next 7 days, the charge is $1.5 per day
Thereafter, $3 per day.

In this scenario, we can make a query, we use datediff function to see the number of days between "gate in" and "gate out".

The problem is that the tariff is not very simple and the query gets to big and difficult to control with lot's of "iif" and may be I need to make more than 4 queries and union select and so on.

I tried to find in the docmd if there is any suitable function that I could use.

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Modules & VBA :: Tariff Change But Old Results Must Remain Untouched

Aug 16, 2014

I managed to make a simple VBA code.

The code calculates a tariff based on dates and gives currency results.

On 1st of September the tariff will change.

How can I tune the VBA code to the new tariff without affect the old records??

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Group Data Into Arbitrary Time Periods

Oct 18, 2006

I am new to Access and would be very grateful for some adivce on setting up a query.
The data in the table below comes from a photon counter. Both fields are numbers although TIME actually represents seconds.
I need to be able to group the DATA field by arbitrary TIME periods. e.g. to divide the table up into bins of, say, 8.7 seconds length, showing the total accumulated in the DATA field for each successive period of 8.7 seconds.
The tables are about 300,000 records long.
Any help would be much appreciated.


285748175.864557 - 100
285748175.874556 - 100
285748175.884556 - 0
285748175.894557 - 100
285748175.904557 - 0
285748175.914556 - 200
285748175.924556 - 300
285748175.934556 - 0

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Table Stucture Help - Tracking Varying Time Periods

Sep 10, 2007


I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how I should go about designing the table structure for the hours tracking for the database I'm working on. Basically, I have a table with projects (tblProj) that I need to track the number of labor hours worked per month. The problem lies in the fact that each project could have varying time periods, anywhere from less than a year to more than a year and can start and end at any time of the year.

I was thinking of creating a second table (tblProjHours) to store the hours for the project but I'm not sure what the most efficient way of doing this would be. My idea was to create a table as follows:

ProjHoursID (pk)
ProjID (fk)
Month3, etc....

I would create a large number of fields/columns, something like Month1 to Month36 just to make sure I have enough months to enter in the hours. This is of course inefficient since some projects would be way shorter than the maximum allowed months set by the table structure and there is always the possibility of surpassing the maximum allowed months based on the table structure. I was wondering if someone had any better ideas on how I should pursue the design. Thanks in advance!


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Counting Records For Specified Time Periods In Multiple Rows

Dec 14, 2004

I have a MS Access database that tracks when packages are received, returned, etc from different agencies. I need to create a query or report that shows how many packages were received, returned, etc PER MONTH, PER AGENCY. I was able to create a query that listed all the "Date Pkg Rec'd" dates for October (Between #10/1/2004# and #10/31/2004#), but I don't want a listing of all of the dates, rather a total of the records within those timeframes PER AGENCY. For example, APHIS 10, FAS 3, etc.

The other problem I have is I need this done across many columns without excluding those records without an October date (for example) in them. For example, I could have a "Date Pkg Rec'd" date in October, but not an October date listed in the "Date Pkg Returned" column.

Basically, I need the simpliest way to generate monthly "record totals" for several fields.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Calculate Next Service Month Based On Dates

Jan 16, 2015

I've been trying to solve this problem for the past month and at the verge of destroying my PC! I've trawled through numerous web sites but just cant seem to figure this one out.I'm trying to get access to tell me what the next service moth is based on the start date, end date, and the frequency of service.

For example:

Start date: 01/01/2014
End date: 31/12/2015

service frequency: Every 4 months

Using the above information the service months are:
1 - April 2014
2 - August 2014
3 - December 2014
4 - April 2015
5 - August 2015
6 - December 2015

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Modules & VBA :: Automation - Create Billing Periods For Project Duration

Nov 19, 2013

I developed a finance tracker database for tracking project revenues and costs (forecast and actual amounts). I have a form where we enter a new Work Order in the DB. This Work Order form has a continous subform where we create all the billing periods needed for the life of the Work Order. Once the billing periods are created (opened) we can then add our revenue and cost forecasts for each period. We have a Billing Period lookup table that has our billing periods with their respective start and end dates (which usually begin around the last week of a month and end about 3 weeks into the next month).

For the purpose of this question, lets say we only enter the required WO_Number and WBS_Code (Composite key) and the Work Order Start_Date and End_Date. I want to click a button to runs some code to automatically create all the billing periods for which their start and end dates fall into the Work Order start and end dates.

For example, say a Work Order starts on 5/1/2013 and ends on 7/31/2013

The billing period dates in the Billing Periods lookup table are as follows:
May-13 ---> 4/22/2013 - 5/19/2013
Jun-13 ---> 5/20/2013 - 6/23/2013
Jul-13 ---> 6/24/2013 - 7/21/2013
Aug-13 ---> 7/22/2013 - 8/18/2013

Then we would need the following billing periods created in the Work Order subform:

I don't even know where to start on this. Is it possible to automate this process with the setup I have? If so, how would I structure the VBA code/logic to use the billing period lookup table and create entries in the subform for all the billing periods that fall into the duration of the Work Order.

The attached DB is a stripped down version with only the tables and forms needed for this problem.

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Modules & VBA :: Return Integer Based On Time?

Oct 30, 2013

I have a query with a Start Time where the need to return a set integer in another field in my query. I am attempting to get this to work in my StripSecondsQry.

I am not getting any error messages and I am not getting any output, When I view this in the Locals window I can see that it should be returning 7, but instead I get nothing unless I change it to

Function SortStart(StartTime As String) As Integer

then I get zero.

I had this working within the query, but I had to add one more time and then received a message that the expression was too complex.

Sort_Start: IIf([StartTime]="7:00 AM",1,IIf([StartTime]="8:00 AM",2,IIf([StartTime]="8:45 AM",3,IIf([StartTime]="9:00 AM",4,IIf([StartTime]="9:15 AM",5,IIf([StartTime]="10:00 AM",6,IIf([StartTime]="10:15 AM",7,IIf([StartTime]="10:30 AM",8,IIf([StartTime]="12:00 PM",9,IIf([StartTime]="1:30 PM",10,IIf([StartTime]="1:45 PM",11,IIf([StartTime]="2:00 PM",12,IIf([StartTime]="3:00 PM",13,IIf([StartTime]="4:00 PM",14))))))))))))))

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Calculate Time Difference

Aug 3, 2005


I,ve made the following date fields in a form: begintime, endtime. I've also made a field Diff that calculates the difference between the two by the code : Diff = Format([begintime] - 1 - ([endtime], "Short Time").
Bij this code you can calculate the difference even over night.

But now I've got to calculate the part of the time someone worked between midnight and 06:00AM if that person indeed worked in those hours.

e.g. someone started at 16:00 end ended at 03:30. The part of time I need = 3:30
e.g. someone started at 01:00 end ended at 11:00. The part of time I need = 5

How can I accomplish this? I hope someone can help me because I'm :confused:

Thnx Remco

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Calculate Time On Report

Oct 5, 2007

I have one table, Leopard Test Scores 2007, that has only two fields, employee and TotalSeconds. The totalseconds column has a "Number" data type with Long Integer. All entries in this column represent the number of seconds and individual spent to take a test.

All I need to do is calculate the total minutes for ALL records in this table for a report. I want the total to come out in this format: HH:MM:SS - so I've added the following three fields to my query:

Hours:[TotalSeconds] 3600
Minutes: ([TotalSeconds] - Hours * 3600) 60
Secs: ([TotalSeconds] - Hours * 3600 - Minutes * 60) Mod 60

However when I add those three fields to my report, I get an "enter parameter value" for hours and minutes. I must be missing something? any suggestions??

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General :: How To Calculate Time

Feb 22, 2013

i have 3x time fields in a table i.e time received, time started, time completed i need to accurately caculate the time between time received and time completed. whenever the time goes past 00:00 it seems to add 24 hrs to my calculated time is there a macro or code that i can use to rectify this problem?

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Calculate Time Difference

Oct 25, 2014

I have to create a query in access that will calculate two Date and time fields [Date & Time Left]/ [Date Returned], need to figure out between the two fields. Trying to identify when the rep returned the call and the number of business hours (6:00am - 4:30pm) it takes to return a message in Ms Access 2010.

SELECT [Message Tracking_tbl].[Date & Time Left], [Message Tracking_tbl].[Date Returned], [Message Tracking_tbl].ID
FROM [Message Tracking_tbl];

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Field To Calculate Time Elapsed

May 15, 2006

I have nearly achieved this from an example on the Microsoft site but am having problems with the subforms. Can anyone take a look and if possible provide me with guidance as to what I am doing wrong. The instructions are included.Any help with this would be very much appreciated. Kind regards. Bernard

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Can I Calculate Peak Time Usage?

Mar 29, 2006

Hello All,

Is it possible to generate a query that can calculate the 'TotalMins' that an event covers our peak times?

I.e. Our peak times are 0700 to 1000 if we have a start time of 0600 and a finish time of 0900 is it possible for the query to work out that we have covered 120 mins of the peak period?

Thanks for any help provided!:)

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Calculate Average Waiting Time

Jan 16, 2007


I need to calculate an average waiting time for patients waiting to be seen in an A&E dept between two dates.

I have calculated the total waiting time for each patient with the following formula

Total Waiting Time: Format([Time Arrived]-1-[Time Left Department],"Short Time").

Any help much Appreciated

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How To Calculate Average Time/duration

Jun 20, 2007

I hv a access mdb which contains one column as "duration", data format as hh:mm:ss, e.g. 00:02:20 - 2 mins 20secs.

How could I calulate the average of the duration?

like sum of all duration fields / the ttl no of records.

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Calculate Time Between Two Working Dates?

Oct 6, 2013

The below function returns correct time difference between workdays. However, it is excluding Saturday as per the code.

It is calculating 06:30 am to 22:00 pm time for weekdays but I also want it to calculate the time from 10:00 to 13:30 on a Saturday.

I am trying to use the NetworkMinutes function to achieve this. However, there is a problem getting the time for Saturday.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' Procedure : NetWorkMinutes
' Author : Rod
' Date : 13/12/2012
' Purpose : Returns the number of work minutes between two date-time arguments.


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Calculate Working Time Between Dates In Access

Oct 26, 2006

I have searched the forum for this answer but no luck. :(

I'm trying to calculate the amount of WORKING time between two dates in an Access database. At the moment i am just subtracting one date from another but this gives me all of the time in between including weekends and evenings.

I need this time to be calculated in hours.

In Excel i know there is a NETWORKINGDAYS function which does something similar but with days rather than hours.

At least if i could get the working days i could then convert it into hours.

Please help!

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Need Query To Calculate On Time Deliveries As A Percent

Mar 13, 2006


This is for the purchasing guy at my client's office. He has 9 vendors he wants to track their on time delivery performance. The data comes from the purchase order tables in his accounting software, to which I've linked via ODBC.

So far so good. I've created a query to pull only those 9 vendors from his total population, then ask for the date range to query by date for the date range (start and end date), and use an expression to calculate the difference between the date wanted and date received so he can tell if the delivery was on time or not. (ex: date wanted: 3/10/06 date received 3/13/06. 3 days difference = late delivery)

The twist is he wants another field so he can mark whether he considers the delivery late or not depending on extenuating circumstances he keeps locked up in his cranium, despite what the date difference results tell him. So, I created a combo box and he can select "Yes" or "No." If he selects YES, a value of 1 is written to the table in that field, if he selects NO, a value of 2 is written to the same field.

So, I need the query to group by vendor, count the total number of entries for that month by that vendor, count the number of "1"s and express that total as a percent of total deliveries.

To summarize, vendor A had 8 deliveries, 5 were on time, meaning he had a 62.5% delivery score. Vendor B had 10 deliveries, 7 on time, meaning a 70% delivery score.

Sorry for the long winded explanation, but perhaps someone can assist. All help appreciated.

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Queries :: Calculate Time Period For 24 Hours?

Jul 9, 2014

I have designed an access application that logs emails that come into a department. However, the team leader has asked me to create a report to work out if emails were answered within a 24 hour period.

Is there a method to do this. It is not something I have attempted to do within access before.

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Queries :: How To Calculate Elapse Time Using A Query

Feb 8, 2014

I have a AS400 database table that stores time in the following manner 70535 (hour, minutes, seconds). Utilizing access 2010, I have used the left, mid, and right command to separate hour, minute, and second into their are separate table values 7 05 35. The AS400 database stores 3:15:30pm in the following manner 151530.

At this point, I used the string function and created the following table value 7:05:35.

Overall, I am needing to convert 70535 to time and then calculate lapse time where the employee name is the same. my database has about 2500 unique employee records per day. I am utilizing a query to perform the above.

date name tstime hour minutes second time
2/8/14 NJohn 151530 15 15 30 15:15:30

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Tables :: Calculate And Store Time From Dates?

Nov 11, 2012

We are collecting data from client files that have multiple dates (start_date, event1_date, event2_date, end_date.) For client protection purposes, we are absolutely not allowed to leave the facility with the actual dates. However, we want to know how many days have passed between each event. I thought about having the data collectors enter each date, have a calculated field store the time between dates, and then have the actual dates cleared when the record is saved or when the person moves to the next record.

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SQL Expression - Calculate Difference Between Start And End Time

Jun 2, 2015

I'm trying to calculate the difference between start and end time, which works fine with:

Total Time: DateDiff("n",[tblTaskTimes]![StartTime],[tblTaskTimes]![EndTime])

However, this is for a database that calculates billable time in 10th of an hour. So, for example, 1 hours would be 1, 30 minutes would be .5, less than 6 minutes would be .1.

The format for this expression is set up to a general number, if that matters.

It's gotta be something in the formula like multiplying this by 24 (for 24 hours) and then dividing by something. Nothing I'm trying is working.

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Forms :: Calculate Difference Between Start And Finish Time

Jan 30, 2014

I have a subform in which I want to calculate the difference between a start time and finish time, the problem I am having is when the start time is on a different date to the finish time

Start 23:15 on 14th Jan finish 00:015 on 15th Jan, also I want the answer to be the number of minutes. The fields I have are

BatchStartTime Short Time
BatchFinishTime Short Time
BoilTime ([BatchStartTime] - [BatchFinishTime]) General Number.

There are many batches to enter per job and the MainForm has the StartDate as I didn't want to enter the StartDate for each batch.

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DateDiff In A Query - Calculate Time Difference Between Two Columns

Jan 22, 2012

DateDiff in a query

I am trying to calculate time difference between two time columns as follows in a query which has a few inner joins

Diff: DateDiff("h",[Table1.TimeStrat],[Table1.TimeStrat])

This gives problem, it is asking [Table1.TimeStrat] to be entered, where is the problem?

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Queries :: Calculate Difference Between Two Date Fields To Get Total Time

Oct 26, 2014

I have to create a query in access that will calculate two Date and time fields [Date & Time Left]/ [Date Returned], need to figure out between the two fields. Trying to identify when the rep returned the call and the number of business hours (6:00am - 4:30pm) it takes to return a message in Ms Access 2010.

The only issue is the calculation has to be done by time and so I have to calculate what time they left the message(so the difference between [Date & Time Left] and [Date Returned) [Date & Time Left] and when the rep returned the message which is suppose to be [Date Returned] but the problem with this field is the data entry is in date format (10/9/2014, 00/00/0000) of Date and not Date and Time like the [Date & Time Left] field, so I don't know what to do now. Not sure what to do now not a database that create or have allot of control over.

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