Modules & VBA :: Call Event From Subform Using Tag Property?

Jul 11, 2013

I am starting to explore VBA and Modules. I recently found a relativly simple way to add an Audit Log to a database without adding two tables for each table as outlined by Allen Browne.

I used a set of code from and it works great, except when using a sub form. I belive that it is most likely because the use of the Tag property looks at the subform as a control but it holds no value. I am thinking the VBA needs to be altered or the BeforeUpdate command need to specify what form to look in.

The Before Update code is


Public Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

If Me.NewRecord Then
Call AuditChanges("SubForm_ID", "NEW")
Call AuditChanges("SubForm_ID", "EDIT")
End If
End Sub

AuditChanges is the Module Event name and CustomerID is the unique identifer for a Subform.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Call Up Another Event Procedure

Aug 15, 2015

I have 3 event procedure with 3 buttons to make them run.I would like to create another button that can run all procedures togehter. if I copy one of the procedures how do I tell it to run the other 2.

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Call Event From Module?

Mar 12, 2014

This is the code I'm trying to run from a Standard Module:

Public Sub RunPaxCalculations()
Dim frm As Form
Dim intNumberOfRecordsInFilter


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Modules & VBA :: Call Text Box OnExit Event From Another Form

Jun 26, 2013

I was wondering if you can call a textboxes onExit event from another form? On my form a user enters a search criteria into a text box and when they exit the textbox the results are displayed in a listbox. This form is a subform on my main form. I want to be able to call this onExit method from the main form. Is that possible? When I put in txtSearchBox_Exit, I got an error saying Sub or Function not defined.

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Filter Property Via On Open Event Of A Report

Dec 15, 2014

I have a report, on a control tab, on a main form.

On the form are two buttons: one to show all items, and one to filter them based on a boolean field called showitem.

The buttons work with the code below.

What I want to do but cannot seem to figure out is to have the report default to no filter.

The bound query has no criteria.

I'm trying to set the filter property via the on open or on load event and even if I isolate the report, cannot seem to reach it.

Private Sub b_hide_items_Click()
Me.Profile_Timeline_wNotes_subreport.Report.Filter = "timeline.showItem <> 1"
Me.Profile_Timeline_wNotes_subreport.Report.FilterOn = True
End Sub

Private Sub b_show_all_Click()
Me.Profile_Timeline_wNotes_subreport.Report.Filter = "timeline.showItem = 0"
Me.Profile_Timeline_wNotes_subreport.Report.FilterOn = False
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Setting OnClick Property Causes Immediate Launch Of Event Procedure

Feb 5, 2014

I tried to dynamically set image OnClick property to function with couple of attributes. Everything works well, but... it launches the function automatically without any mouse click! What is causing this? I want to execute the function only on the result of mouse click.

Piece of code:

Forms!Form1.Controls("Image" & i).OnClick = fclick(PiltID)

Private Function fclick(u)
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form2"
Forms!Form2.Image0.Picture = u
End Function

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Modules & VBA :: Change Default View Property Of Subform

Feb 26, 2014

I have a form with a subform where I want to select (via button) which format to open the form in. Opening the form is simple, DoCmd.OpenForm (FormName),acFormDS to open in datasheet, however, the subform opens in default view (single form). Can you programmatically set the property on the subform to change the Default View from Single Form to Datasheet and back?

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Modules & VBA :: Static Shell Function Call Works But Dynamic Call Fails

Sep 4, 2013

I'm having to recode some old MS Access DBs so they will run in the following environments:

Office 2000 on WinXP
Office 2003 on WinXP
Office 2010 on WinXP
Office 2000 on Win7
Office 2003 on Win7
Office 2010 on Win7

When I wrote my code for Office 2000 on WinXP things were simple because directory paths were the same across all computers and I could hard code pathing when using a shell command to launch other files.

My new approach is to make a function call to the Windows registry to determine the default executable and path for opening a file based upon its extension (see apicFindExecutable in basWindows API module).

I'm able to use code to create a shell call and debug print it to the immediate window. If I put my cursor in the immediate window at the end of the shell call and hit [enter] the external file will open as desired. If I try to open the external file directly through code, I get a file not found error.

To recreate the error take the following steps:

(1) browse to files that are accessible from your computer

Shell function call is made by the fnOpenFile function located in the basOpenFile module. There has to be a trick here that I'm missing.

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Which Event Property?

Dec 12, 2006

I have a subform (subform1) which allows me to select a value which then dictates which record is shown in the other subform (subform2). I want to run a macro every time subform2 has a different value -- without me having to click anywhere in subform2. I have tried to attach the macro to every place I can think of and it just doesn't seem to run. I am thinking it is because subform2 isn't receiving the focus. How do I give subform2 the focus and which event property should I be trying for?

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Itself Has AfterInsert Event Handler

Jan 14, 2014

On a subform, I have a text box control with an AfterUpdate event handler. The subform itself has an AfterInsert event handler.

If a user enters data into that tb control for a new record and then moves on (tab or click elsewhere), the AfterUpdate fires and does what it should, including setting Me.Dirty=False immediately before it completes. Then the form's AfterInsert event fires and does what it should, but finishes by returning program control to the ErrorHandler label within the control's AfterUpdate routine, reporting either an error 2101 (The setting you entered isn't valid for this property) or 3270 (Property not found). The form's AfterInsert handler does have its own ErrorHandler label, but it is not being executed.

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Modules & VBA :: Event That Trigger On Selecting A Record Of Subform

Jun 30, 2014

I've got a subform that im writing code for, once a user enters a value in one of the fields i want to make sure they cant change that field (and two other fields in that same record, though the rest of the fields are fine to edit at will)

I've got a function already written to validate the data in the record and decide whether or not the fields are enabled and disabled, however im having trouble finding an event in which to activate the function

Is there an event that triggers whenever a user selects a different record?

Any chart or list with all the handlers and how they trigger (in relation to each other) and when?

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Modules & VBA :: Mainform Event - Hidden Column In Subform (Subdatasheet)?

Jul 22, 2014

In open Mainform event

Forms!Mainform.Form!SubForm!controlname.columnhidd en = false doesn't work. Ms Access can't find "subform"

On load and open events in subform doesn't work with columnhidden. (no reaction)

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Event To Update Automatically A Field In Form

Mar 18, 2015

I have a form and a subform

Which method should I use if I need to update automaticaly a field in form based on an event in subform ?

Just to be more clear, have a look in the below example.

In first print screen, student "Johnson Nick" has not completed all tests in TestA subform, the form field "DateCompleteA" is blanc.

Once a student completes all tests in Period A, I need the form field DateCompleteA to show the date that he completed the last one. (18/3/2015).

If student has not yet completed all tests in TestA subform the Form field DateCompleteA must be blanc.

Student has not completed "literature"yet, DateCompletA field is blanc

Student completed ALL his test, subform is updated, Form field DateCompletA is updated with the maximum date.

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Forms :: Property Selection Change - Event Procedure?

Aug 16, 2013

when the Form Property "selectionchange" kicks in?I am trying to use this to run an event procedure. I have a sub form datasheet which contains a date, and when the selection is changed from one record to another in the sub form, I would like to run an event procedure that updates certain fields on the main form, according to the date.I have put msgbox in the event procedure, but it doesn't trigger when the selection is changed? or am I misunderstanding the property?I have also tried got focus, lostfocus, beforeupdate, but they only trigger when the record is changed, not just when the selection is changed.

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ERR: The Expression AfterUpdate You Entered As Event Property Setting Produce Error!

Jan 11, 2005

ERR: The expression AfterUpdate you entered as event property setting produce the following error: Return without GoSub....

can someone help me...why..b'coz b4 this i'm using the same coding but it can work for another several form....

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Forms :: Expression On Click - Event Property Setting Produces Error

Nov 24, 2014


The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Procedure declaration does not match description of event or procedure having the same name

Now this is the error message that I am constantly getting from any command button I hit on a certain form. Here is the code of the form.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public inputCSV As String, ORG As String

Private Sub CopyToTableBt_Click()
Debug.Print "Sub Execute calling ImportCSVForConfederation inputCSV="; inputCSV; " ORG="; ORG
ImportCSVForConfederation Me.CSVs, ORG

[Code] ....

I changed the names of the buttons, reconstructed the code under those names, went to the modules and changed names, made sure that a sub o function name is not duplicated in the project... But helas the error is still there. It used to work and suddenly does not work.

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How To Call A Procedure From A Subform In Main Form

May 10, 2006

I have a sub form which has the Save Button. In case the user keys in the details in the sub form, but then directly clicks the Payment command button of the main form, I want to call the Save button in the sub form if the form is dirty, and do the save, otherwise, proceed with the payment command button.

Every time I try to call the save procedure from the main form's Payment button, I get this error that "object does not support this property or method"

I am calling the save button's code in the subform as

forms.MainForm.SubForm.Save Producedure

Exact Code is : Forms.newpatients.InvoiceHeader.Command7_Click

How do I call this command7_click, which resides in the sub form, in the main form, and invoke it only if the data in the sub form has changed.

Please help.


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Subform Visible Property

Aug 5, 2005

I have a form with a subform on it, if the user clicks a control on the subform I want to set the subforms visible property to = False.

I have tried Me!Subform.visible=False and Form!Subform.Visible=False but neither are working, I think i have to set focus back to the main form before I can set the visible property of the subform.

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How To Call A Form Event From Another Form

Sep 28, 2005


Is it possible to call a form event (actually a control's event within the form) from another form?

Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: How To Keep Subform Filter Property From Turning On

Dec 23, 2013

This doesn't happen on all my other Frm/subfrms that I have. Only this one and I can't figure out why.

I have a main form with a datasheet subform and a detail subform on it. The detail subform works fine until I filter on the datasheet.

Both forms use the same view.

But, when I filter on the datasheet form, the filter on the bottom of the 2nd subform turns on and I can't unfilter it. I can't figure out what it's trying to filter. If I can figure out how this is happening, I can prevent it and then the subform will just reflect the record selected from the datasheet. This doesn't happen with any other datasheet/detail form that I have.

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Modules & VBA :: Use String To Call Code?

Sep 12, 2014

I am trying to use a textbox value to call vba code and can not get it to work.

I keep getting an error on the call str1 line.


Sub formscript()
Dim str1 As String
str1 = [Forms]![fscripts2]![t3]
'MsgBox str1
If str1 = "" Then
str1 = "err1"
Exit Sub
Call str1 ' this is where it call the script based on value in textbox
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: ODBC Call Failed

Oct 23, 2014

I am facing a problem with ODBC call failed error latly.The problem doesnt occur on my development PC but only on other PC's.I'm a beginer in Access, vba and I cant find a solution to make it work on every machines.


Dim qSQL As String
DATA = "#" & DatePart("m", DATA) & "/" & DatePart("d", DATA) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy", DATA) & "#"
qSQL = "SELECT Sum([IL]*[TO])" & _
"WHERE (((PUBLIC_SD.DAT)=" & DAT & ") AND ((PUBLIC_SD.ANA)='" & ANA & "') AND ((PUBLIC_SD.IA)='" & ia & "') AND ((PUBLIC_SD.AN_C)='PIMSS'));
Set Db = CurrentDb()
Set rs1 = Db.OpenRecordset(qSQL)

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Modules & VBA :: Call Value From A Text Box During SQL Execution

Dec 20, 2014

I have this segment of code that adds data to fields FName and FPath in the table Files. It works fine but the syntax is a nightmare with all the double quotes and symbols.

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Files " _
& " (FName, FPath) " _
& " SELECT """ & strTemp & """" _
& ", """ & strFolder & """;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL

I have another field in the table Files called CompletedBy that shows who updated the table (they type their name into a textbox Text1 before clicking a command button to run the code). I would like to add this data to the table during the execution of strSQL. All the records added to the table Files will have that value in the CompletedBy field (say, Bob Jones).I tried the below changes but the code doesnt work.

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Files " _
& " (FName, FPath, CompletedBy) " _
& " SELECT """ & strTemp & """" _
& ", """ & strFolder & """ & Me.Text1 & """;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL

How would I add a value in field CompletedBy, from the textbox Text1, to all records added to table Files when the code is run?

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Forms :: How To Make Column Width On A Subform Match Property Settings

Mar 19, 2015

I've set the column widths properly on the subform, but the down arrow on the list box is still outside of the selection area. It may have something to do with lookups or concatenations, but I'm not finding that so in what I can think of to trace down.

I exaggerated the width of the list box to show where the down arrow actually shows itself.

See the form "frm_Class_Skills_Update" in the attached database. I need it to be visible when the list box is about 1.25" more narrow.

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Call Excel Functions

Jul 15, 2013

I spent all day trying to figure out why sometimes I can call an excel function from access and the value will appear on my form, but for some functions (F.inv, binom.inv), it errors out as "object not supported". I browsed all the available libraries in tools/reference but found nothing that seemed to solve this issue.

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Modules & VBA :: Call To Display Windows Theme

Jul 14, 2014

On the Windows 7 Developer desktop, the Windows Theme is set to Windows 7.On the Citrix server (for users) the Windows Theme appears to be Windows 95. It is low graphics.The boxes are square instead of rounded. The selected Form Tabs just barely highlight with a thin line while on Windows 7, the selected Tab completely changes color. A basic Message box in Windows 95 looks square and flat. The title bar is very low graphics as one would expect when graphics were not great. Is there a VBA call that can display the OS Theme that affects MS Access? URL...

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