Modules & VBA :: Cannot Set Outlook Send Using Account
Jul 13, 2013
A client wants to e-mail newsletters using a non-default Outlook account. The code below does everything the client needs except setting the SendUsingAccount. In debug I can see that the correct account is assigned, yet all of my testing results in e-mails where the From line is the default account. The test setup uses my own isolated SMTP server, so when I look at the e-mails sent the sender is the default account. The default account's Sent folder shows the sent mail, which is not what we want.
Sub prepEmail()
Dim frm As Form, startDate As Date, endDate As Date
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset, strSQL As String, intNewsLetter As Integer
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset, rsNewsletters As DAO.Recordset
Dim OlApp As Object, ol As Object
Dim olMail As Object, olAcct, olAcctTemp
I have a several templates in outlook 2003 for my charity work.
All is OK if I send the odd one now and again, but the workload is increasing with more and more at any one time. However having seen various posts on here, I was thinking I could set something similar in Access as well as keeping track of the payments & deposits more easily.
I am fine with to, cc,bcc, body, subject etc, but what I need to do is SendUsingAccount, but 2003 does not have this property, it started with 2007.
As well as sending on that particular account I also need the signature linked to that account.
I could add that signature by code if I can get the correct account and for some reason the signature is not added.
I tried using SendOnBehalfOfName which works as far as the correct email address is used, but still uses my default a/c.
As an aside, my Outlook session would always be open, so I will use GetObject and not CreateObject method, but would like not to have the warning dialogue in Outlook pop up all the time.
I currently have two e-mail accounts on my computer. One is my default e-mail address with my name on it. The other e-mail account is a generic account with the department name.
I have a database set up to generate and send e-mails to our technicians notifying them when an order they placed gets put on back order. This database could possibly send twenty or thirty e-mails out each time it is run. My manager has requested that the database send the e-mails from the generic e-mail account instead of the default account. That way, when the field replies to the e-mail, they won't bombard my account.
Is there a way to tell the database which e-mail account to send an e-mail from?
I am currently using the below module to send the e-mails:
Option Explicit Dim appOutlook As Outlook.Application Dim namespaceOutlook As Outlook.NameSpace Sub Outlook_SendMail(sEmailAddr As String, sEmailSubj As String, sEmailBody As String, Optional sAttach1 As String, Optional sAttach2 As String)
I'd like a command button to open Outlook and create a new email message with the To and Subject fields already populated with what I want, is there anyway to do this?
I have a VBA module in my Access 2010 database that will send a report as a PDF via email to a predetermined email address. the only problem using the docmd.sendobject method is i keep getting a pop up that says "A program is trying to send an e-mail on your behalf. If this is unexpected, click Deny and verify your antivirus software is up-to-date."
I have a windows task set up at the same time each day to open this database which runs an autoexec that creates this report and using my VBA module sends the email. i want it to just send the email without any imput from me. I want automation.
Here is my code that i am using to create and send the email
"Private Sub Report_Activate() filename = "Name of file" & Format(Me.Date_time_returned "MMDDYY") & ".pdf" DoCmd.SetWarnings False DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Name of file", acFormatPDF, "the destination email address goes here",,, "Request completed and sent " & Format(Me.Date_time_returned, "MMDDYY"), "Subject of email goes here", False DoCmd.SetWarnings True End Sub"
With this construction I don't have enough control over the mail, and worse, I get an Outlook message when the mail is sending which I have to answer.
2. option
Code: Dim oMail As MailItem Dim oAtt As Attachment
Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application") Set oMail = oApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName:=sReport, View:=acViewPreview, WindowMode:=acHidden Set rpt = Reports(sReport)
with this construction I have to enter an existing report.pdf on my filesystem (bold line), but I want to pass the rpt object straight to the mail as an attachment.
Is there a way of doing the above? I have several distribution lists (some >100 recipients) defined in Outlook, and would like to use the Docmd. Send Object command to send messages to one or several of them. I cannot find a way of defining a distribution list as any of the To, Cc or Bcc parameters.
I have the code below which takes information from a form on access and sends it over to the correct place on an excel spreadsheet template. This works fine but I then need it to save and send on outlook.
The issue I am having is that the saved document is not attaching to the e-mail. The subject etc all work fine but the excel spreadsheet just doesn't attach. When I go into the folder I have specified for the document to be saved in it isn't there either. :0(
The code for the e-mail "callmail" function works perfectly for word documents but I don't know if it is different for an excel file.
Private Sub Command154_Click() On Error Resume Next Dim appExcel As Excel.Application Dim wbook As Excel.Workbook Dim wsheet As Excel.Worksheet Set appExcel = New Excel.Application
I'm trying to have a command button send info on the form straight to Outlook as a meeting. So far, the code below works apart from the address bit. I need the code to automatically add the same 2 email addresses as recepients everytime.
Error message highlights the red line below with the following message:
Runtime error '438' Object doesn't support this property or method
I'm new to VBA, so don't understand what is wrong here. The reference is set, I've tried different permutations of the "To:" & "Recipients.Add" for the email address with no joy.
Code: Private Sub cmdSend_Click() Dim outApp As Object Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application") Set outmail = outApp.CreateItem(olappointmentitem)
Hoping someone can help - need to know if there is a way to use a Outlook message other than the blank one that is used with the send object macro.
Maybe a normal message with a signature, template or something - when the macro is run, no formatting is included with the e-mail message, and the body of the message is limited to 255 charaacters.
Would like to use a customized message, and I need the send object macro to place the object in that message format.
If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it...thanks.
I am trying to modify the following code to send an automated e-mail using Microsoft Outlook instead of Lotus Notes. We recently switched e-mail clients and now the older code does not work. I have tried to comment in all areas to indicate where the new Outlook code has been inserted.
Private Sub SendEmail(ByVal Subject As String, ByVal Body As String) 'The bulk of this code for Lotus Notes comes from this website: Dim copy(100) As Variant Dim strSQL As String Dim rsTemp As Recordset Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail database Dim UserName As String 'The current users notes name
I have a contact form on our website which sends an email to the business dev team saying that the user has requested to be sent product sheets. The email contains the users name, email, phone number, and a few other fields. Is there a way I can send the details of these emails to my access database automatically?
I'm trying to use Access to send an automatic email reply upon receiving a request from a customer/employee, telling them that their request has been received and this is the tracking number and the due date of service completion. How can I do that? And I want it using Outlook because all the contacts are saved in Outlook and all emails sent and received through Outlook. And the version is Access 2010.
I've setup a selection form that returns a specific list of email addresses in a query.
What I can't work out is how to press a button and have the email addresses populate the To: field in a blank Outlook email - I don't need any bells or whistles.
I have a database that I can use to create a query, grouping companies by city. I then want to send a specific email I have created in outlook to all of the email addresses in the query.I do not need to include names.
I have been looking for quite some time for some vba code that would return a date based on values in 2 fields.
In other words, I already have a field that returns transit days based on the customer chosen. End users will then enter a DueDate for the order. I want a field that returns a "ScheduledShipDate" based on [DueDate]-[TransitDays]. The part that makes this more difficult, in my opinion, is the fact that I also need to take into account some specific holidays.
I have already constructed a table with a list of the 6 company holidays and their corresponding dates. [tblHolidays.HolidayDate]
Unfortunately, my vba knowhow might as well be limited to copy and pasting as I do not need to use it all that often.
I am using an RC4 vba function to encrypt the password when a user account is setup in the front end of my split database. The password is stored in the backend encrypted. It is encrypted in the before update event of the form by calling a function against the bound password field. My problem is that when I want to maintain user accounts using this form, I want to be able to see the password as plain text.
I can decrypt it and display it in the form in plain text but cannot update it. This is because to display the password in plain text requires me to use a query as the record source for the form and this query requires an expression to call the decrypt function against the password field. The form will not allow any changes against a field that uses an expression as the control source.
I have the code for sending an email but I only want to send a single email when there are records in a query and only when the database is first opened.
I hadn't considered this in my design so what structural requirements would it require if any?
I currently have a code set up which sends an attachment from a drive on my computer to all the email addresses in a certain query. I would like to change the code so that I can add a button that will allow me to send an email with a specific attachment depending on their individual code in a table, e.g each person will receive a specific attachment. At the moment, the attachments are saved with the same file name as the person's specific code.The code I am currently using is:
Private Sub Command9_Click() Dim MyDb As DAO.Database Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Dim prm As DAO.Parameter Dim strEmail As String Dim strMsg As String Dim oLook As Object
Since my old DB had hyperlink (web pages) either starting with http:// or not, and the users were complaining that they couldn't easily edit the field, I converted all the fields to text. Then I tried the following code on doubleclick:
Dim WebLink As String If Me.WebPage2 <> "http//" & "*" Then WebLink = "Http://" & Me.WebPage2 Else WebLink = Me.WebPage2 End If Debug.Print WebLink Application.FollowHyperlink WebLink, , True
The above works fine if there is no http:// but if there is one already in the text, then I get run time error 5 that it cannot locate the page. On checking what is happening, the code is adding http:// again even if it already there.
I use this to send email msgs through gmail, found it on the net somewhere, adapted a bit and it works.
Code: Private Function fSendGmail() As Boolean 'Returns True if No Errors are Generated On Error GoTo Err_ErrorHandler fSendGmail = True Const conStrPrefix As String = "" Const conCdoSendUsingPort As Integer = 2
[Code] ....
Err_ErrorHandler: If Err.Number <> 0 Then fSendGmail = False etc, etc End Function 'fSendGmail
I'd like to send report attached to this as pdf or rtf. How should I go about it. I know how to create pdf and save it.(DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "My Report", acFormatPDF, strPath, True) But where do I attach that here? Is it necessary to save the file first?
I use a macro that attaches a document automatically to an e-mail address ready to send this report is governed by a query of which the criteria is " loss order number " this is in a pdf format of which I need if possible
The problem I have is the same pdf file keeps attaching itself to the e-mail no matter which loss order number I select. The reason I think is because the report is called NCR so it is not changing from the previous one. What I think can solve it but not sure and don't know how to do is get the " loss order number " within the report name.
If I just send the report to a file direct it does work as I am prompted for a file name
Can the loss order number get into the file name within a macro/vba