Modules & VBA :: Change Focus To Another Form And Show Only Certain Records

Oct 23, 2013

How to Change focus to another form and show only certain records...

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Modules & VBA :: Set Focus Method - Filtering Records On A Form

May 27, 2014

I'm writing some simple code that will filter the records on a form:

Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmdOpenByAnalyst_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "BICReviewForm", acNormal, , "Staff Assigned=" & "'" & cmbStaffNames.Text & "'"

End Sub

Unfortunately, I keep getting a run-time error (3075) that says "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Staff Assigned = XXXX"

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Modules & VBA :: Label As Button Doesn't Change Focus

Jan 20, 2014

I'm using a label as a button so it looks nicer, but if I press it without officially exiting the last text field I was in, then that text field doesn't update, so the vba believes it's blank or whatever it was.

I could manually setfocus to a couple different fields or have a teeny field thats hard to see to set focus to, but these both seem roundabout.

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Modules & VBA :: Change Multiple Records On Continuous Form

Mar 5, 2014

I have a form (Form4) which has a a list box (list11) that allows multi select. When I select on the records I need I hit a button that opens a form up with the selected records. This form is a continuous form. I have an unbound combo box (Combo55). Its values come from a specific table. I want to hit a button and change the field "Assigned" on all the records showing to the value that I selected in Combo55.

The problem is it only changes the value of the currently selected record. How Do I get it to change the value of all records that are showing?

I am only testing this idea with default field names. Before I implement the database I have to get a working model and present it. So I am building this and naming at the moment isnt important.

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Modules & VBA :: Query To Compare Values To Show All Records Where Form Combo Value Is Selected

May 1, 2014

I am building a tracking database where we would be able to track information which field are null data and report them to our Administration to fill the null data. For this I have created a form name "Search" and I have a combo box control on that form which is bound to "Table = employee" and its ROW SOURCE TYPE="Field List", I would like to able to query records where the selected value in this combo box is null through out the table.

For example if I select "Telephone" from this combo box dropdown, I would like the query to show all the records where the "Telephone" is null, how to set the criteria in query to take the combo box value as "Field Name" and then compare it with the Field/Column in the table and show the null values.

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Forms :: Search Field - Subform Does Not Change To Show Matching Records

May 6, 2013

All. using 2010. I have a form and a subform. my master and child links are set but when I scroll thru my form; my subform does not change to show the matching records. I do have an unbound search field for the same field as the master and child links. When I type in the search field for a record; the subform does change to that particular record. Do you think that has anything to do with it?

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Focus To Non Default Instance Of A Form

Mar 21, 2014

How to set focus to a non Default instance of a form.

A2007 ADP Project
Document Window Option - Tabbed Documents
MS SQL 2012 Express DB
Windows 7 64 Bit

I using Allen Browne's method to open more that one version of form, storing each form object in a collection declared in a module. No problem there.

Now I'm trying to add a command button on an form to set focus to one of these non-default instances already open.

The form I am trying to set focus to has a the following related properties

Default View: Split Form
Pop-up: No
Modal: No

The form that has the command button on it is of the same type.

Here is the code I've tried:

'Code on Calling Form
Private Sub cmdProjectList_Click()
Dim FunctionResult As Boolean

If AppForms.GoToForm("ProjectList") = False Then

[Code] .....

The code compiles and executes with seemingly no problems. It finds the form loaded, then cycles though and finds the form in Forms but the SetFocus call seems to do nothing. When I run the code against a defualt instance ( one not opened using Allen Browne's method) it works fine and sets focus to it as expected.

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Change Focus On Tab Control

Oct 17, 2006

I have a form with 2 tabs and a sub form on each of those tabs. form1, subformA, subformB on tab control - tabctrl - pageA, pageB. How can i set focus from one tab to another without actually clicking the tab?

I tried this:


It's comming up with an error - "object required"

I also tried:

page.2.setfocus and that's comming up with an error that it's wrong syntax.

I also tried:

formMyForm.page2.setfocus and that says object required as well.

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Show Text At Focus

Jan 2, 2007

I need some help with my DB

This is my database cotroller

the next and back button work fine. the trouble i have is with the bleu balls when you focus on one of the balls a text must come to the text field. i used a label and an caption code but i dont get it to work i still need to click for it appears. And thats what i dont whant because when you click another form i beiing opened.

Please assist i thik this is a real challange

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Multiple Picture Change Subform Focus

Apr 22, 2015

Is it possible for an image control to change to a different picture on a form when focus changes to a different record on a subform? I am developing a simple database to record my ever growing collection of TV shows. The form that I use to view my TV show records has an image control on it, I previously had a single image for the entire series (box art for first season). I now want that image control to change to a different picture when the focus changes to a different record on the subform. i.e. when the focus changes from the first season on the subform to the second season; the picture on the main form changes with it.

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Forms :: Change Border Color Of Textboxes When They Have Focus

May 3, 2013

no problem about setting a different border color for a single textbox (or combobox or listbox) which has focus. How about to change, with a small and fast VBA code avoiding to write code for each textbox, the border color (ora other textbox properties) for a many controls in a form?

I tried using 'For each ctrl in Form....', but I got only bad results. All my control are within differente pages in TAB control.

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General :: Change Keyboard Mappings On Field Focus

Mar 1, 2014

Right I have Windows 7 Ultimate because I am learning Russian and I have created an English Russian dictionary.

Now using Ultimate to go between English Latin alphabet and the Cyrillic alphabet you have to press ALT + SHIFT.

Its awkward and it often doesn't register first time.

Certain fields in my database use the latin alphabet while other fields use the cyrillic alphabet.

Is there a way that on focus of a field I can get the keyboard mapping to ensure that it is correct either English or Cyrillics?

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Modules & VBA :: Change Certain Records Of A Query Or Table

Dec 12, 2013

I want to change certain records of a query or table.Here I tried to change this in a query. Something is missing in my code.


Public Sub TNS_QUERY()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim x As Double
Dim qdf As QueryDef
strSQL = "SELECT TEST_TNS.[TestID],TEST_TNS.[Division],TEST_TNS.[Customer_Split],SUM([TOTAL_NET_SALES]) as [TNS] " & _
" GROUP BY TEST_TNS.TestID,TEST_TNS.[Division],TEST_TNS.[Customer_Split]"


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Forms :: Reset Value Back To Previous Value If Not Valid And Then Change Focus To Another Control

Oct 21, 2013

I have an unbound form with a combobox which needs to be validated before the control is updated.In the Before Update event I check that the value is valid and need to reset the value back to the previous value if not valid and then change focus to another control.I thought that the following code would work but the selected value remains in the control and I cannot move the focus to another control.

Private Sub cboYears_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim dteNewDate As Date
dteNewDate = DateSerial(Val(Me.cboYears), Month(Me.txtCalendarHeading), 1)


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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box To Show Records Relating To A Specific Record

Jun 11, 2013

I have a combox field on subform C that shows records from a query.How do I get this combo to only show records that relate to an ID on subform B.I have a subform for storing contracts and these are stored against a company name.On subform C I have a field that currently shows all records in a table. I need this combo to only show the records that relate the current record on subform B?

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Forms :: Records Won't Show In Form

Jun 3, 2014

Once I enter records in my form and move to a new record, they won't show up in the form. For some reason there are a few records showing in the form but not all. Unsure what has happened or what I need to do to get the records showing.

If I open a the form called frmhome, I can enter information search on hours completed and even enter new towns. The table that the information gets entered into is called Crisis_support_workers. If you open this table, you will see a lot of information that has been entered. However, if you open the form that is meant to put info into that table, there is only 7 records and most of them are blank records. The form where info is entered is called Crisis_support_workers v3.

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Make A Form To Show Only 5 Months Old Records

Jun 27, 2005


Just wondering how can I make a form that shows only 5 months old records. I know it has to be through a query but don't know how to proceed.



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Show Filtered Form Records In A Combo Box

Oct 17, 2006

This sounds like a cascading combo box issue but it isn't quite.

I filter my form using 2 unbound combo boxes which can be used in any order, both of which define text strings using case select. These strings are concatenated into a filter text and applied by a routine called in the after update event of either combo. All works well.

My question: How can I show all the filtered records in a third combo box so that users can easily select the record of interest from the filtered set?

I attempted to define SQL for each combination of the 2 comboboxes but it was getting ludicrously complicated so that got the heave ho.

After that, I attempted to use a recordset clone, but I couldn't get this to work:
'Clone record set for combo box rowsource
Dim R As Recordset
Set R = Me.RecordsetClone
R.Bookmark = Me.Bookmark

'Populate combo box with recordset
With Me![cboProjectList]
.RowSource = R
End With

Reading the Access help, it seems that a combo box can only be populted via query, table or SQL. Is there any way of using a cloned recordset or the me.filter to show the filtered form records in a combo or list box?

I will be very grateful for any pointers.

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Forms :: Show All Records On Split Form?

Feb 21, 2014

I created a split form. My main form is just a form, based off of tblBlotter. The subform is based off a query, which is the based off the same tblBlotter. (Not sure if this is proper - maybe I just need the table?)

I have a link master and link child field set to ID. When I open the form "subBlotterHistory", it opens and shows as a new record only. I want it to show ALL records on the query subform and be able to scroll up, down and edit.

Attached is a sample w bogus data.

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Forms :: Show Multiple Records On One Form

May 3, 2015

I need to show 10 records on one form (10 customers info), and for now I have 10 subforms to do that.

Is this the way to do it?

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Forms :: Show Filtered Records On A Form

Oct 23, 2014

I want a form which allows data entry into a main table but also displays a list of records filtered from the same table. There is also an additional, calculated field displayed with the list.

The filter criteria are a date and a name, a list of which are in a separate table.They are separate fields for first and last name but i would like to filter with both and display them concatenated in the list.

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Show Only Specific Records In Form View

Jul 22, 2014

I have attached a student database that I created using the student database template in Access and have added additional tables, queries, etc. to fit our needs. One of the issues I'm having is users who are not very computer literate don't always remember if they have entered the right dates for attendance.

I had the idea of creating a "sample" student for each corresponding cycle with 100% attendance so they can compare what they have entered to what they "should" have entered. The reports are based on a query, so I know I can have the sample student show up with the correct information there. However, in the STUDENT DETAILS FORM, there is a pre-made code for the student's names to appear in the drop down and when you forward to the next record.

Can I have that altered to only show the ACTIVE students? This way the termed students would also not be a part of this drop down. I should still be able to go into the table itself and put in the sample student information when I create a new cycle, correct?

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Modules & VBA :: Button On Form Which Calls Module To Show Calendar Form

Sep 11, 2014

I have a button on a form which calls a module to show a calendar form. The user picks date and time, and saves it. The calendar form closes and adds the date and time to a text box on the initial form.I want to save the record so that the underlying table/query is updated, but it's not working. The record is not saved until the initial form is closed.Here's the form vba...


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private blnFlag As Boolean, blnSaveIt As Boolean
Private Sub btnDelete_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnDelete_Click


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Forms :: Show Multiple Records In A Medical Form

Apr 11, 2013

I work at a small mental health clinic and am trying to accomplish the following.

What I have:I have one table that lists all of the patients, their phone number, address, etc.

In another table, it lists the medications that each patient takes, as well as the strength, dosage, etc.

The two tables have a relationship via the "Patient ID" column in each table.

Most patients have multiple entries in the second table, as most patients take multiple medications.

What I am attempting to accomplish:The main form in my database simply lists all the patients names in datasheet view. I want to be able to click a Patient's name, then go to a form that lists all of that patients medications. I've attached a screenshot that encapsulates precisely what I am looking to accomplish.

Since most patients take multiple medications, I need to be able to list multiple records in a single form, grouped by medication name, just like in the attached image.

I am uncertain as to how to accomplish this. I've tried using subforms but it doesn't list the data at all? Also, it looks like an Access report can create precisely what I need, but I need to have a live form that I can use to update data real-time.

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Forms :: Records Don't Show When Created From Blank Form?

Aug 29, 2013

Very suddenly today, when I'd done seemingly nothing, all of the records from my form that I'd built from a blank form disappeared, with the exception of the first record. When I try to just close everything down, nothing changes. When I put in a new record to the form, however, it's saved in the table. But when I save and close, the form goes back to only having the first record! This is very annoying, for easily perceivable reasons. I even tried creating the form from scratch, to see if it's some residual SQL update code acting funny, and nothing changed! It seems to work if I select a table and just create a form, though. It doesn't even work when it's a splitform and whatnot.

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Button On Main Form To Change Records Of All Subforms In Sync

Aug 29, 2012

I have a main form and four subforms all of which were created from the tables without queries. The main form pulls employees personal data (never changes). The subforms pull Events attended, Lodging at the event, Family that attended the event and Employee minutia which changes per event. I'd like to have a button on the main form that changes the records in view for all of the subforms at once. This way it is easier for the users and I know that I am view all the pertainent info for event A instead of viewing event A's lodging info with event B's family info.

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