Modules & VBA :: Client Table - Add New Record If None Found

Nov 23, 2013

The Setup: There is a clients table, a property table and a jobs table. Each client can have multiple properties and there can be multiple jobs done on each property.

The form: I created a form that uses a drop down to select the client, once the client is selected the subform shows the properties for that client. I can navigate through the properties to select any of the required properties and on this same subform, there is a button to open the jobs related to the property selected.

The problem: The form and subform work fine. The last form (the button that opens up the jobs) works ONLY IF there are records available. If there are no jobs for that property, it doesn't allow me to enter a new record. I'm pretty sure that the issue is because the jobs form has a query record source that uses all three tables linked (I'm pulling the clients name from the clients table and the property name from property table).

What I need is some vba coding to check if the recordset is empty and if it is then add this entry. Also, I'm not sure if this should add this code to the button or on the on_load of the jobs form.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Search Form With Ability To Add Found Record To Table?

Aug 7, 2013

creating a VBA that will allow me to search for a record in Table A, and once the record is found, allow me the option to add that record to Table B. Is this possible to do if Table A and Table B are not formatted the same (i.e. one has more fields than the other)? In summary, creating a VBA that will allow me to search in one table and once the correct record is found, allow me the ability to add it to another table.

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Modules & VBA :: No Record Found - How To Bypass Error 3021

Jan 3, 2014

How to by pass error 3021 No current record

I know I can put the code below just don't know where to put it.

If Err.Description = "No current record" Then Resume

I attached a pic of my code that is causing the error .. and its okay I just want to by pass the message box.

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Modules & VBA :: Write A Procedure To Send A Separate Email To Each Store That Contains Records Found In Table 2

Feb 9, 2015

I have two tables

1) has email address, and Store ID
2) has multiple records per store

I need to write a procedure to send a separate email to each store that contains the records found in table 2 ( excel format).

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Current Client/Prospective Client Database

Nov 9, 2005

Hi all

Brand new on here and desparate for some help and guidence.

So far with Access I have just used it as a store of addresses to mailshot prospective clients.

However, I now need a more complex database and this is where you might be able to help.

First things first, most of my clients are in universities. This means that I can be used by more than one person in more than one department at a university.

Does this mean I need to do three tables:

1/ "University Details" which gives the address details
2/ "Department" storing the departments of the unis we work for
3/ "Client" Name of the client(s) in that department.

After this how do I link them?



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Forms :: Combo Box Search - If Record Not Exist It Will Display Msgbox To No Record Found

Oct 28, 2014

I have a problem with my database I have a combo box that will search for my record. Actually its working I input the specific number it goes to the specific record. But I want, if there no existing record in my database it will display a Messagebox that "No record Found" I try to put a code in a macro builder in a after update property field but nothing happened.

Expression code that it will display the msgbox if there's no record found.

the given code from macro builder is attached. I try to have an if else statement but I dont know how to not equal that giver conditional expression.

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Queries :: Insurance Database - Get Only One Record Per Client

Apr 4, 2013

I am working on an Insurance DB.. I have two tables tbl_Clients and tbl_PolicyDetails with a One-Many relationship.. tbl_Clients have the Clients basic info, Name, Tel, Address etc. The tbl_PolicyDetails have the details of the policy for the customer like Start date, policy term, amount they pay, policy status etc. Policy Status can be any of the following Quote, Active, Suspended, Lapsed, Cancelled, Terminated..

One client can have many Policies.. When one policy finishes (like when cover upgraded/downgraded/any changed their insured property address etc.) we categorise them as Termination of old policy thus the client will have a New policy.. At any stage we only need the newest policy per client. My problem now is I need to list all Clients with policy status Active, Suspended, Lapsed, Cancelled..

SELECT tbl_Clients.cli_ID, tbl_Clients.firstName, tbl_Clients.address, tbl_PolicyDetails.policyCover
FROM tbl_Clients INNER JOIN tbl_PolicyDetails ON tbl_Clients.cli_ID = tbl_PolicyDetails.cliID_FK
WHERE tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Active" Or tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Suspended" Or tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Lapsed" Or tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Cancelled";

cli_ID firstName address
1 Paul Bournemouth
2 Mark Bristol
3 Lauren London
4 Caryn Devon


When a Client wishes to Cancel a policy it is not Terminated, the policy status is just Cancelled.. Similar to Lapsed policy, if the policy hits 30 days of no pay then it is passed on to a Debt collection agency.. If in future the Client comes back a new policy is generated for both cases.. So in this case Client Lauren and Caryn will have been repeated twice, in the report I am trying to generate (based on the above query).. I do not wish to display the Cancelled policy if the customer has another policy which again can be Active, Suspended, Lapsed, Cancelled..

cli_ID firstName address policyCover policyStatus
1 Paul Bournemouth PDB Active
2 Mark Bristol PDB Active
3 Lauren London PDBCH Suspended
4 Caryn Devon PDE Active

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Queries :: Return First Record Of Each Client Depending On A Filter

May 30, 2014

I have a database where I need to return only the first record of each key (named "process key") accordingly to a time frame I set.

Consider the table below:

ProcessContact dateSalesmanClientClient
99904/28/2014 11:39:00SALESMAN 1111CLIENT 1
88804/28/2014 10:13:00SALESMAN 1222CLIENT 2
55504/22/2014 14:29:00SALESMAN 2333CLIENT 3
66604/16/2014 12:14:00SALESMAN 3444CLIENT 4
55504/16/2014 11:47:00SALESMAN 2333CLIENT 3

If I filter the date, e.g., from April 1st to 30th, I want to get as a result 4 records, one of each client and only the latest record from CLIENT 3 (04/22).

If I filter the date, e.g., from April 1st to 20th, I want to get as a result only the records of clients 4 and 3 from 04/16 (as every other contact is from beyond 04/20).

If I filter the date, e.g., from April 25th to 30th, the return must be only the top 2 records (the only ones after April 25th).

I tried using a query grouping the totals on "process key" and the other cells set as "first", but if I filter from April 1st to 20th, for example, no records from CLIENT 3 gets shown, since Access processed the "first" record request before the date filter, and therefore only considered the contact from 04/22, and as it is later than 04/20, wasn't shown on the query.

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Modules & VBA :: Add Client - Button Creates Two Identical Records

Jul 4, 2013

I have a database that was created by a colleague. They have created a form for adding client records onto the database.This is done via a button that, when pressed, checks mandatory fields for correct entries and then saves the record.However, when we do this, it is creating two identical records on the database.

She cannot see what she has done wrong in the code, and I know next to nothing about coding,

Private Sub CmdAdd_Click()
Dim dbAddClient As DAO.Database
Dim rstAddClient As DAO.Recordset
Set dbAddClient = CurrentDb
Set rstAddClient = dbAddClient.OpenRecordset("ClientInfo")


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If No Record Is Found....

Nov 13, 2005


Basically, I have a query which brings up a customers details when they enter the Name and DOB.

However, lets say they get it wrong, or don’t even type anything in…….the form just opens with a blank section.

Is there any way to make it give an alert say “No Record Found”.


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The Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record

Aug 10, 2005


Anyone can tell me what cause the message "The search key was not found in any record" when I try to delete a record from my table?

Appreciate your help.


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The Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record

Aug 16, 2005

I have a form / subform. The form has a memo field. I have 10,000 plus records in the Form table. Each time I make a correction in two or more of the fields, I get the error: The Search Key was not found in any record error.
For instance, I can even manually tie a many to many relationship in a join table without an error by adding a new record at the table level but I can't do this in the form. In neither place can I change the memo field more than once without this error. What resets it so I can make one more change is to Compact & Repair Database. A hassle and then some. :(

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The Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record

Sep 5, 2003

Anyone know why I might be getting this error?

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e21'

The search key was not found in any record.

/***.asp, line 1113

This happens after a) I update an access Memo field, and b) query the record for re-display.

The only way I've found to resolve the problem is to compact and repair the db, but does anyone know what might be corrupting the data in the first place? The submitted text included html tags.

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Forms :: Msg Box For Record Not Found

Sep 30, 2013

I have created a pop-up search form with the search criteria being one unbound field. When I populate the field and click search I want it to search the records and if there is a matching record, I want it to open the data entry form with the complete record showing and available to view/edit/delete. If there is no matching record, I want a message box to appear stating that a record was not found and when you click 'ok' it opens a blank data entry form to complete a new record. I also want it to automatically close the search pop-up form.The following works great... except that the MsgBox pops up even if the record was found.

Private Sub Search_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Search_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "MgrData"


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Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record

Jul 17, 2014

I am having today is that after making my database into an accde and putting it in a shared location for someone else to run it. The Error search key was not found in any record appears. Then macros single step, stop all macros appears and what ever I press from here crashes the database and it wont open.

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Client Records/Table: Creating A Pop Up?

Jan 25, 2008


Firstly, I apologise if this has been posted before. I have done a couple of searches of the forums, but can't find what I'm after... and being new to access, I'm finding it hard to know what exactly to look for. How to even explain what I want is difficult!

I am designing a database for the clients we deal with a work. It started out as being a database of 'post' and correspondence, so the Idea was, we'd have a databse of all the clients... and by selecting their names, it would bring up a list of all the letters that have come in for them. I have managed this part fine - probably basic, but fine.

What I would like to do, is expand it to more than just 'letters'. Each client has done a particular 'work' with us, and each client has particular details that are unique. For example, a client will have made certain transactions through a bank account.

I hope to be able to click on a client, and have a screen or page pop up with details and comments about that particular client. I have tried hyperlinking but that doesn't really produce what I'm after. For example, I tried creating a "report" with a page for each client, so that I could have comments for each client - hyperlinked to the table. But all it does is link to the "whole report" and not a particular page for a particular client.

I'm sure this is sounding really confusing:
I have a client named "Peter Litman". His name and details are within a "client" table (listing all clients). I hope to be able to click on his name (or row) and bring information (comments, details etc.) about him. I thought this could be some sort of "pop up", or link to a special page. ??

The same would then apply with all other clients.

Any ideas? questions?


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Tables :: Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record

Mar 30, 2013

I have a split database where the front-end links to tables in two different back-end files. (access 2010).Then, there is a lookup field in back-end#1 that looks-up a field in back-end#2. It's all been working. But... The customer wants to be able to store multiple values in that lookup. I went into back-end#1 and changed that field to allow Multiple Values and saved it. When I opened the front-end and clicked on that table I got "the search key was not found in any record" no matter what I tried.I was able to go back and delete that lookup field and recreate it w/o allowing multiple values and it's working.Is there any way to accomplish what it is that they need, the multiple values?

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Forms :: Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record

Jun 9, 2015

I have a continuous form that I would like to filter with a combo-box in the forms header. The combo box is populated with the table's primary field [ID] which is an Autonumber. When I click the caret on the combo box, it provides a list of ID's but when I select one, I get this error message "Run-time error 3709, the search key was not found in any record". The code is:

Private Sub Combo 31_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Combo31 & ""<> "" Then
Me.Filter = "[ID]= '"& Me.Combo31 & "'"
Me.Filter = ""
End If
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

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Tables :: Check If Client Name Exists In Table?

May 28, 2013

Using VBA (in Access), what code should I use to check if a client name already exists in a table.

Say, client name is "Smith", my table is called tblClient and the field name in the table is called fldClientName.

I just need to do the check, that's all.

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Modules & VBA :: Daily Renting Cars System - Adding Dates When Client Not Paying

Jan 16, 2015

I'm making a daily renting cars system. The client should pay every day ( day by day). Everything is ok but if the client pay at these days....


At the date 15/01/2015 i want to check the payments. How to let the system show me that the dates


the client didn't pay the fees

Opening the payment form and make a new record everyday even if the client didn't pay and finally by a query I'm getting a list where the payment date field Is Null, but is there any other solution without adding the dates manually.

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Error Message: The Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record

Jul 11, 2006

Hello all,

I try to delete a record and i get this error message "The search key was not found in any record". The key of the table is an autonumber but for some reason in these two records i want to delete has value = 0 .

Any suggestion how to delete these two records?

Thank you in advance!

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Search Keys Not Found In Any Record - ERROR

May 25, 2006

I have a fairly complex database which contains a company table and a staff table along with approx 30 other smaller tables.

The staff records have a field called company which is linked in a one to many relationship to the CompanyId field in the Company table. This is an auto-number field and is up to 5467 currently.

I have enforced data integrity when this relationship was created. The users enter new staff members using a sub-form in the Company form.

A user created a new record for a company and while completing the task the text in all field went a bit crazy and appeared in symbols rather than text. The user shut down the database and restarted it.

Now when you open the company form the staff member appears with the correct company but does not appear anywhere else in the database with this company. The correct company id is 3416 but when I looked in the table the staff members record has an id of 36097146 or something similar. There are only 5467 companies in the company table. I tried to amend this figure and got and error which said "The search keys could not be found in any records".

I tried to delete the record and the same error appeared. When I clicked on the Help button of the error I got a message telling me that the error occurs when an ISAM seek operation fails.

Anybody know what is going on here and how I can delete this record or more importantly why this may have happened in the first place.

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General :: No Record Found Message In Report

Oct 12, 2012

I have got a No record found for some forms as the code below,

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "* No Registration Found *"
End If
End Sub

When a paramter search is done and no results found it shows up a message saying "No Registration Found" is is possible to bring up the same type of message in a report format?

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Queries :: Date Search Key Not Found In Any Record

May 29, 2013

I have a query using Access 2003 accessing invoice information from a table linked from our point of sale system. The query runs perfectly displaying all info including dates if there are no specific dates indicated in the criteria. If I select a date in the criteria field I get the message "the search key was not found in any record". I used Access 97 for years and had no problem with this query. I recently changed to Access 2003 because we upgraded all computers to Windows 7. Is the search criteria format different in 2003 vs 97?

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Search Record If Found Open Form

Dec 19, 2014

I need creating a just form that has an unbound textbox and a button for search record. For instance if the user enter the criteria in the textbox and the item matches the criteria in the search textbox. it will open up the form. It's like google website.......

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Limiting Number Of Entries A Specific Client Can Add To Table

Mar 10, 2015

For my database the business has Clients who they conduct Needs Assessments for, but they only conduct 3 needs assessments. I have a Needs Assessment table with Client ID as the foreign key. how I can limit the number of times a Client ID shows up in the foreign key field to three?

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