Modules & VBA :: Combine OR Statements In Junction With AND Statement

Aug 20, 2013

How do I combined multiple OR statements in conjunction with an AND statement as follows:

If [Len(Field1 & "")=0 OR Len(Field2 & "")=0] AND Field 3 = "Something" AND Field 4 = "Something" Then...

I thought there I had to use a | symbol but I am not exactly sure?

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Forms :: Combine 2 If Statements?

May 15, 2014

'Check To See If Users Computer Name matches Auto login Criteria. 'rememberme field size is integer & default value is 1 Or -1 2nd If is the issue! In plain English, if the pc being used matches the stored pcID and if user has chosen to autologin then open frmMainMenu else open frmLogin I already have code above this that exits the code if the pc is not the users pc.


If DLookup("[pcID]", "tblUserSecurityAutoLogin") <> (Me.txtComputerName1) Then
If DLookup("[rememberme]", "tblUserSecurityAutoLogin") = 1 Then 'True
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMainMenu"


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Modules & VBA :: Edit Junction Table - Unbound

Jun 11, 2015

New to access (and this forum) and working on a small db that includes the following tables:

tbl_Junction (Order Details)

While the form itself is bound to tbl_Orders I decided to use unbound text boxes to enter the data (knowing I was in for some work!). Reason is that if textboxes were bound would need to use a subform with multiple combo boxes and that UI did not seem suitable for the application.

I’ve completed the code to add new records to tbl_Orders and tbl_Junction from the unbound textboxes. I'm using the VBA .AddNew method and is working well. Now I need to integrate code that will allow users to edit existing records while they are viewing them on the form.

I have the code to look up the record set I want to edit in tbl_Junction and am familiar with the .Edit method but the issue is that the required changes MAY include not just editing existing records but also deleting and adding new records. For example, the initial order may have been for Apples and Oranges and the revised order may change the number of Apples, eliminate Oranges entirely, and add some Bananas. So, it seems I need to .Edit Apples, .Delete Oranges, and .AddNew Bananas?

Should I try to write code to determine where I need to .Edit/.AddNew/.Delete? -- not looking forward to that. Thought maybe could delete the entire junction record set and then just .AddNew for everything per the revised order. That should work as the display on the form would be correct for the whole order. But maybe would cause a problem as would remove the FK in tbl_Junction that corresponds to the PK in tbl_Orders?

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Modules & VBA :: Using If And Case Statements

Dec 16, 2013

Basically I want to check if the Reporting Month already exists in the Months Table. If it exists it should ask the User wheter to overwrite or not. If the User clicks on OK it should delete one record from Months Table if the User clicks no, nothing should happen.However it doesn't delete the record, when I click on OK.


Public Sub IMPORT_Click()
Dim filelocation As Variant
Dim f As Object
Dim Message As String, Title As String, Default As String
Dim sql As String
Dim MsgReply As Integer


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Modules & VBA :: Viewing Output Of SQL Statements

Feb 27, 2015

The following SQL statements run with no errors, but I can't see the output of the SQL statements. What is wrong with my "Debug.Print" or "rs" statement ? I would like to see the results. The SQL statements works when I save them to a query.

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Rem Dim intResult As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Using Parameterized Values In SQL Statements

Oct 15, 2013

I've seen a common solution is to double up the apostrophe, replacing ' with " to avoid the special character however i also hear of another solution using "parameters".I tried have a look around on the internet and got confused so I thought maybe it would be better to ask here.

I just want to change my INSERT INTO and UPDATE commands to be able to use this (to prevent a potential sql injection) also i think its important to know im using DOA to code? (not sure if its important) either way.

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Modules & VBA :: Multiple If Statements Into One Procedure

Jun 26, 2013

I'm trying to put multiple IF statements into one procedure like the below:

Dim Answer As Integer
Answer = MsgBox("Have You Selected The Correct Outcome?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Continue Request?")
If Answer = vbYes Then 'Works fine here
'The bit I can't get right

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Edit Conditional Statements Via Form

Aug 31, 2013

I have a table of marks of student, a query that calculates totals and a form that displays results. on the query, i have an if statement.

comment:IIf([Marks]>=80,"good",IIf([Marks]>=50,"fair",IIf([Marks]>=40,"Work harder")))

So i want to be able to make the whole syntax available for user to edit without actually doing it in vba. is this possible in vba? i have attached an image

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Modules & VBA :: Easy Way To Write Nested IF THEN ELSE IF Statements

Apr 12, 2015

How do you write complex nested IF THEN ELSE END IF statements..How do you know what IF statement to put first?Then how would you know where to put ELSE, or END IF?Before you start with the VBA, what are the foundations for making it work successfully, know where you are, know where to put END IF etc?

I've seen many times when using VBA people set up an initial foundation for writing code. For example when needing to put something in quotes, they do "" then enter the text in between, so they don't get errors on running (A very simple, crude example I know, but is there a similar basis for nested IFs).

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Modules & VBA :: Table Relationships And Select Statements

May 8, 2015

I have coded a select statement that uses multiple tables for information used to populate a report. It returns the correct information, sort of, but it doesn't recognize the already existing table relationships so I get dupicate records. Is there a way to run the code so that it recognizes the table relationships?

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Modules & VBA :: Using String To Update Records - Quotes And Apostrophes In SQL Statements

Dec 4, 2014

I'm having problems with quotation marks in a sql statement. The string is an array separated by a semicolon.


this string represents patient vitals. I'm using the string to update a record. But I get hung up with the quotation mark.

I've tried: 120/80;70;5''6'"';125 which is a enclosing the quotation mark with apostrophies, but this does not seem to work. The sql still gets hung up. My sql statment looks something like:

original string: 120/80;70;5'6";125

strPreOpVits = "120/80;70;5''6'"';125"

mysql = "UPDATE mytable SET PreOpVits = '" & strPreOpVits & "' " & _
"WHERE nID = " & myRecID

docmd.runsql mysql

I've narrowed it down to the quotation marks and I'm unsure how to handle these. I get a runtime 3075 - Syntax Error.

Here is the code that I use to convert the original string

Public Function FixQuotesInSql(strToFix As String)
Dim lgth, y As Long
Dim strTemp, char2Add As Variant
'This routine fixes the use of apostrophe and quotation marks in an SQL sequence
'If the apostrophe is at the beginning or end of the string it replaces with 3 x "'" or "'''"
'If in the middle of the string then replaces with 2 x "'" or "''"

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Combine PDF Files In A Folder

Oct 21, 2013

I added to my database a button to ouput the data to PDF. It works as it should. We do print out the letters in paper and put a copy in the folder from the client (connected with the ID nr). From time to time we need to attach a PDF document to the letter and combine it. My question is now if it is possible to have some code to the button that when it finish the output to PDF it will combine all the PDF files that are in the folder and put it in a second folder. After that, I need to put the combined PDF in another folder.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Null And ISNULL Combine

Jul 28, 2015

I am using a frame on form to get report. Below is the code used to filter report.

Select Case Me.fraReportType.Value
Case 1
strReportType = "Like '*'"
Case 2
strReportType = " Is Null"
Case 3
strReportType = " Is Not Null"
End Select

The second and Third case is working fine. While the first condition is not working. This filter is on date field. There are three possibilities:

1. If we need all data
2. If we need is null data
3. If we need is not null data

How I can get the first condition using my code mentioned above.

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Modules & VBA :: Find A Way To Merge Tables And Combine Fields That Have Same ID

Feb 27, 2014

We are a non-profit that does blind mailings for our membership drive.
The company who we buy names and addresses from sends us a delimited file that has these fields as the headings


Once they send out the mailings, people then send in back a remit slip with a contribution that gets scanned through a program that creates a file that gives us these titles


I need to find a way to merge the tables and combine the fields that have the same ID # , and then have it create a csv file that reads like this (see below) for only the files of the people that responded so that I can import it into our membership software.

"Alt ID","Title","First Name","Middle Name","Last Name","Suffix","Address1","City","State","ZIP","ct y_code","Amount Paid","Run Date","Tender","Fund","Purpose","Solicitation","Me mbership Question","Member Type","Constituent Type","Segment"

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Modules & VBA :: Pulling Data Using Query - Combine Two Functions Into Third Function

Jun 28, 2013

I created two functions to use when I'm pulling data using a query (QBE). I would like to combine the two into a 3rd Function that works like this:

BB_Only = DishNetActivityCode = 1 and VideoActivityCode = 0
Hybrid = DishNetActivityCode = 1 and VideoActivityCode = 1
V_Only = DishNetActivityCode = 0 and VideoActivityCode = 0

Function DishNetActivityCode(service_code_string As String) As Integer
Dim CodeArray, i As Integer

[Code] .....

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Junction Tables

Mar 2, 2005

Hi, can anyone explain to me in simple terms how junction tables work and how i would go about creating one?

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Junction Table Help

May 29, 2005

I am trying to set up a Real Estate database, and can't get the Relationships to work. I have three tables:

House Listings
Farm Listings

Clients can have properties in both House and Farm Listings Tables, so I need a Junction Table (or do I need more than one?)

The Primary Key fields of House Listings Table (HouseID) and Farm Listings Table (FarmID), become a composite Primary key in the Junction table. Is this correct?

Both the House Listings Table and the Farm Listings Tables have a field for Client ID. Is this causing me problems, as I can get the Farm and Clients Queries to work, but not any queries with the House Listings.
As this is my first attempt at creating a database with many-to-many relationships, please explain in simple terms what I am doing wrong.

I would appreciate any help.


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Junction Tables

Oct 11, 2005

I have created a junction table in my database.the tables being linked are tblplayerInfo to tblGuardianInfo. The junction table containd the PK of both these tables.
A player can have more than one guardian (Mum,Dad, etc) and a Guardian can have more than one player (two sons, etc)
On my form i display both sets of info. The player info in the main form and the guardian info in a subform.
I want to be able to add a new guardian to a player.
How do I update the junction table to reflect the new guardian addition, or does Access automatically create the record in the Junction Table (if so How)

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Using Many-to-many Junction Tables

Sep 27, 2007

I would like to create a database of organizations in my area that provide particular services. I had initially created an Excel spreadsheet, but decided that I'll probably need an Access database, so I converted the format.

I have one table that has the name of the organization, contact information, hours, and other info. In the original Excel spreadsheet, I used strings in two other columns for "languages" and "areas served". Some organizations offer services in more than one language and some operate in more than one geographical area. I've read posts, some books, and info on other sites and it looks like I'll need to use two many-to-many junction tables (one for each of the two remaining columns described above).

So, what I have done so far, is this:

Table: "Resources"
ResourcesID (AutoNumber)
Organization/Program (Memo)
Address (Memo)

Table: "Areas"
AreasID (AutoNumber)
Description (Text)

Table: "Languages"
LanguagesID (AutoNumber)
Description (Text)


Table: Resources_Areas
Resources_AreasID (AutoNumber, PK)
ResourcesID (Number)
AreasID (Number)

Table: Resources_Languages
Resources_LanguagesID (AutoNumber, PK)
ResourcesID (Number)
LanguagesID (Number)

I have several questions, and I hope that I'm asking the right ones.

First, my junction tables, when I initially set them up have no information in them when I just open them (when I don't use the Design view) -- they just show the column headings. Is this right?

Also, when setting up the relationships, do I need to check the "Enforce Referential Integrity" box? And if so, it seems like I need to change the "Indexed" property for the PK's of all three of the main tables (not the junction tables) to "Yes (No Duplicates)" -- right?

My main problem is that I don't understand now how to assign multiple languages or multiple areas served to each record in the Resources table. Originally, as I explained above, I had these as strings in a particular cell in Excel (like, "English, Spanish, French"). Will I be deleting those two columns from the Resources table?

I can provide what I've got so far if that would help... and I would greatly appreciate any assistance (explanation, link to good tutorial, example databases, etc.). Thank you so much,


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Need Help With Junction Table(s) Construct

Apr 13, 2007

I'm working in the petro-chem and industrial service industries now, and am finding there are relationships I haven't had much exposure to in the past.

Can someone please help me with constructing the tables and relationships needed here?

This is something I should probably know, yet I've never created junction tables which must take into account nested data. I have created a relationship which works, but I feel it could be done in a simpler fashion.

By the way, I cannot find Pat Hartman's many-to-many sample db. It is either missing, or the restrictions on word length in Search just aren't letting me find it.

Table: WorkOrder is the primary table I'm working with. I need to store 4
pieces of information for every WorkOrderID, two of which have subs.

Here's a picture of the data I need to collect:

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Junction Table Needed??

Apr 24, 2006

I’m having trouble defining Relationships I’m thinking I need a “Junction” Table and I have tried looking at the Orders.mdb but it hasn’t helped (I’m sure I’m just missing something) I just don’t see how it works. If at all possible please don’t just give the info try to help me understand so I can get the answer myself.
Here is what I have:
Far table:
FarNumID (PK) > autonumber
FarNumber > Text “224-10C”
FarTitle> Text

FarParagraph table:
FarParaID (PK) > autonumber
FarNumID > Number
FarParaTitle > Text
FarParaText > Text

AC table:
ACNumID (PK) > autonumber
ACNumber > Text
ACTitle> Text

ACParagraph table:
ACParaID (PK) > autonumber
ACNumID > Number
ACParaTitle > Text
ACParaText > Text

1. Each FarNumber can have only 1 FarTitle 1:1
Each FarNumber can have many FarParaTitles 1:Many
Each FarNumber can have many FarParaText 1:Many
2. Each FarTitle can have many FarParaTitle 1:Many
Each FarTitle can have many FarParaText 1:Many
3. Each FarParaTitle and have only 1 FarparaText 1:1

Thanks so much.

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Nested Junction Tables

Jan 5, 2008

I'm at a place in my design where I don't want to go further without advice for fear of really making a mess.:o

I have Products, Customers, Customer Locations, and Customer Models that can have any number of combinations. I've joined what I think makes sense at the lowest level, customers with locations, and next model with customers/locations.

I think products is the outer most junction, because many customers can use the same product in any number of models and locations.

The attached diagram shows where I am now--multiple junction tables, and junctions of junction tables. Now each of these tables has other relationships to nomalize things, but those are not shown.

Is one more level, or nest if you will, the right way to do this?

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Junction Table Ans Subforms

Dec 8, 2005

All I ever seem to do is sit about trying to figure this out and then give up and ask for help :(

I have three tables.

One for contacts
One for groups (groups like people attending meeting a, b c)
and a junction table as the top two create a many to many relationship.. one person can be part of multiple groups, and a group can have multiple members.

In the contacts table my primary key is an auto number, and is contactsID
I also have some contact details, and a groupID field

In the group table my primary key is GroupID and is an auto number,
it also have group name, and description

in the junction table I have a primary key, then GroupID, and ContactsID which are also set at primary keys and are set with the same values as the same named primary keys in the relavant tables (I beleive this defines them as foreign keys... i hope so anyway!)

I have the relationships set up as a one to may relationship from contacts to junction and groups to junction, contacts linking from ContactID to ContactID in each table, likewise with the Group table.

However, when I try to put everything into a main form for contacts,with a subform for groups, all I am getting is the autonumber... which isn't much good for my end user..... :( How do I solve this?

Thanks anyone that can help.......

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Modules & VBA :: Using And / Or Within If Statement

Aug 2, 2013

I am having some issues trying to use both and & or in a If statement.

The code below is what I am trying to do and it is not working.


ElseIf (Len(Nz(Me.Associate_name, "")) = 0 And Me.Status <> "Expired") Or (Len(Nz(Me.Associate_name, "")) = 0 And Me.Status <> "No longer eligible") Then
MsgBox "Please enter Associate Name"

I tried the code below and it works but as soon as a I enter the Or part it will not work.

ElseIf (Len(Nz(Me.Associate_name, "")) = 0 And Me.Status <> "Expired") Then
MsgBox "Please enter Associate Name"

I am not sure where I am going wrong.

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Junction Table Record Additions

Dec 5, 2007

I'm trying to add records to a junction table based on additional record added to one table via form in the many to many relationship.
Junction table = ClientAssociation
Main table = ClientMain (qry_NewClientNullAssociation identifies new record added)
Many to many table = Associations

I'm trying to do this upon clicking a command button that then opens ClientAssociation based on Client_ID. Then allows user to select mutliple associations (Asoc_ID) for Client_ID.

Here's what I have - I'm new at this...

Private Sub ClickAssociations_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_ClickAssociations_Click

'Open recordset with new client records
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim recClient As DAO.Recordset
Dim strClientID As String

Set recClient = db.OpenRecordset("qry_NewClientNullAssociation", dbOpenDynaset)
'Loop through new client ids
Do While Not recClient.EOF
strClientID = ClientMain.Client_ID

Dim recAsoc As DAO.Recordset
Dim strAsocID As String

Set recAsoc = db.OpenRecordset("Association", dbOpenDynaset)
'Loop through asoc ids
Do While Not recAsoc.EOF
strAsocID = Asoc_ID

'Open junction table and update records
Dim recClientAsoc As DAO.Recordset

Set recClientAsoc = db.OpenRecordset("ClientAssociation", dbOpenDynaset)
With recClientAsoc
!Client_ID = strClientID
!Asoc_ID = strAsocID
!CheckBox = False
End With



Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frm_Associations2"
stLinkCriteria = "[Client_ID]=" & Me![Client_ID]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_ClickAssociations_Click

End Sub

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Data Entry In A Junction Table

Dec 18, 2007

Hello all,

I just wanted to run this by some experts before I go mucking around in my db. Basically, I am creating a data entry form to populate with information about car parts, and the vehicles they apply to. This is what I am working with:

tblParts tblModelsParts tblModels
PartID ModelPartID ModelID
PartNumber PartID ModelNameID
PartDesc ModelID ModelYearID

I am trying to build a form that will allow me to enter new part numbers and descriptions into the table, and then have the user select (through a listbox?) all the vehicles the parts apply to. Is there a way to populate the junction table with each combination of partID and ModelID automatically? NOTE: tblModels is already populated with data.

I am assuming there would be a way to do this... A query of the junction table (and tblModels?) as the recordsource for the form, and then a subform with the tblParts as its recordsource?

I would have posted this in the massive thread I have going already... but I thought it might be nice to give Craig and Adam a break from helping me :o

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