Modules & VBA :: Command Button On A Form - Import Data From Excel

Mar 27, 2014

I'm trying to design a command button on a Form so the user can import the contents of an Excel spreadsheet to an existing Table in Access with the click of a button. But, i'd like the imported data to overwrite the existing data in the Table and not append to it. I've considered using linked tables but apparently you can't set Primary Keys when you do it this way.

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Modules & VBA :: Import Excel Document Via Command Button

Mar 4, 2014

I have managed to export the data that I want into a spreadsheet using a command button.

Once my colleagues have completed the spreadsheet, I need a command button on a form with a file search dialogue box which will allow them to transfer the spreadsheet back into the database - updating the relevant records rather that over writing them.

Is there a VB code/Macro I can use which will allow me to do this?

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Import Data Into Table From Excel Using Command Button

May 18, 2006

I'm looking for someone to help me with a solution to my problem of importing data into a data table.
What I'd like to do is have a command button on a form. When this button is clicked the records in a table are cleared out. Then I'd like for a browse window to come up to locate an Excel file. The user would select this file and the data would be imported into the data table that was just cleared.
Can this be done without too much trouble?

Thanks, Paul

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Modules & VBA :: Post Data From Purchase Form To Inventory Using Command Button

Feb 5, 2015

Code that will allow me to post selective data from a purchase received form to the inventory using a command button. this command should also add to the existing quantity in the inventory.

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Forms :: Adding Import Command Button To A Form

Nov 4, 2014

i am trying to add an import command button to a form so that personnel not familiar with Access can simply push the button and then select the file to import. I want it to import information to a specific table by replacing all records in the current table with the import. I am not the best at coding, but I can understand enough to figure out what I may need to do.

I will be exporting a table to excel from the database. Multiple people will have this database and often times will not be able to access a shared database, so I need to export the table and then set up a way for them to import the excel document into their database by deleting the information in the old one and then updating to the new one.

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Tables :: Command Button On Form To Run Text File Import Into Table Wizard?

Aug 28, 2014

Is it possible to have a command button on a form to run the Text File Import Into a Table Wizard?

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Modules & VBA :: Import Data From Multiple Excel Files

Apr 24, 2014

I have a requirement to create a piece of vba that will open all xlsx files in a folder one at a time then import the data in a range (sheet1!A1:G14) into a table named Weekly Input.

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Modules & VBA :: 4 Unbound Controls Require Data - Validation Event Triggers Without Command Button

Aug 13, 2015

There are 4 unbound dropdown list box that will have a default value of empty string. All 4 must have values entered (data is required).Once all 4 are required - the bottom 5 text box will become enabled (optional data).Forcing the user to click on a Validation Button

Some users type then use the mouse to select the next.Other users type to select then tab.The trick is: After filling in the 4th listbox and validating all 4 have values, the event must trigger code to enable the 5 optional text boxes below.This provides a seamless data entry environment.

I have been doing this in other places, but the transisition after the last required field is complete gets ugly.If Trim(cmbBoxname1 & "") = vbNullString ' check all 4..If it is the 4th one, the event seems not to happen quick enough for the bottom 5 text boxes to be enabled so the user can continue with data entry.

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Import Excel Data To A Table In Access Through Form

Sep 25, 2014

I wanted to import data in a access table using a form in access. The form should contain a browse button to browse the file and then a command button to start importing.

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Import Excel Spreadsheet Which Contains Command Buttons With VBA Code Into Access?

Dec 13, 2011

Is there anyway to import my excel spreadsheet which contains command buttons with vba code into access?

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Modules & VBA :: Button In Form -Selection Variable Table To Import

Nov 19, 2014

I wanna create a button in form which can allow me to import my data base file with some tables , i would select just the variable that i need in the table not all of them .

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Modules & VBA :: Runtime Error 3464 On Form Command Button

Jun 22, 2014

I am currently creating a form which includes a command button to update a field in a table to show Today's Date, at the time of running a query I am still yet to write.

I have the following code for my Command Button, which is returning the Runtime Error 3464 (Data type mismatch in Criteria Expression):

Private Sub cmdAddTodaysDate_Click()
CurrentDb.Execute (" UPDATE tblMyTable SET TodaysDate = " & Date & " WHERE tblMyTable.ProductCode = " & Me.txtProductCode)
End Sub

The query above seems to be having issues matching the text from the 'txtProductCode' textbox to the table field 'ProductCode'.

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Command Button To Open Another Form - Matching Specific Data Fields

Aug 25, 2011

I have a subform in which I want to put in a Command Button to open another form.

I used the wizard as per normal, but when you come to matching specific data fields, there is nothing in my left hand column of the sub form. I have checked the record source property and it is bound to the correct table.

I have read that this is an issue with Access 2007? Is this the case or am I missing something obvious here?

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Modules & VBA :: Taking Access Data On Button Click And Putting It Into Excel

Jun 23, 2015

I have a database that had some code that enabled the user to click a button and it would take information from one Access query or table and paste it into specific locations in Excel. This is important because the last worksheet has specific formatting in place.

If it didn't, I'd just use the transfer spreadsheet option and not even bother opening Excel at all with code.

I've got it working well except for the last part. The last query being copied has eight records and only one is being sent to Excel. Same code as the other queries where all of their data is going to the right spot in Excel with the right number of records.

Private Sub AM_Top_25_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "delete_ShortPartItems", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "append_to_Short_Part_Items", acNormal, acEdit

[Code] .....

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Open And Excel File W/ Command Button?

Nov 3, 2006

I am trying to open a workbook with a command button on a form however the path to the file is giving me a fit. The path for the file location contains spaces and I am going blind trying to figure out how to rectify the path. Heres the line. I am sure someone here will see this problem quick! Thanks.

Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command0_Click

Dim stAppName As String

stAppName = "Excel.exe N:OPSCOMMONOpsResearchContact CenterDI CCL Reporting dBApps by Agent.xls"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command0_Click

End Sub

Heres the mess I made out of it:
stAppName = "Excel.exe N:OPSCOMMONOpsResearchContact" & Chr(32) & "CenterDI" & Chr(32) & "CCL" & Chr(32) & "Reporting" & Chr(32) & "dBApps" & Chr(32) & "by" & Chr(32) & "Agent.xls"""


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Command Button To Open Excel File

Nov 15, 2006

Is this possible? A command button when click will open an excel file... :rolleyes:


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Open An Excel Workbook From A Command Button

Jun 17, 2005

I have a button on a form, to open Excel, I need to open the relevant file at the same time...

Dim oApp As Object

Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oApp.Visible = True

My file is located...C:ship info imeline.xls

any ideas please...

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General :: Opening Excel With A Command Button?

Jul 12, 2013

I am trying to open MX Excel using a command button. I have tried using a hyperlink a various codes that i have found online with no luck. The Excel file is being used by the Access as it bring data from the spreadsheet a displays it within a subform. (I think this is where the problem occurs) The subform displaying some data from Excel is working fine but when i click my hyperlinked button i am met with errors and the file will not open.

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General :: Open MX Excel Using A Command Button

Jan 15, 2014

I am trying to open MX Excel using a command button. I have tried using a hyperlink and various codes that i have found online with no luck. The Excel file is being used by Access as it bring data from the spreadsheet and displays it within a subform. (I think this is where the problem occurs) The subform displaying some data from Excel is working fine but when i click my hyperlinked button (To open the excel file) i am met with errors and the file will not open.

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Exporting A Report To Excel Using Command Button And VBA

Nov 28, 2012

What would the VBA command line look like to export a report to Excel using a command button ?

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Command Button To Open 2 .CSV's In Multiple Tabs In Excel Workbook

Oct 10, 2006

I want to use command buttons to open two separate .csv files in the same excel workbook on different tabs. Is this possible?

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Reports :: Create Query From Command Button And Export To Excel

Apr 22, 2014

In Access, it is possible to create a query from a command button and export to excel?

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Opening A Password Protected Excel File From A Command Button In Access

Dec 22, 2006

Hi All,
I have three excel files (ActualHires.xls, ActualPromotions.xls and
ActualSeparation.xls). These are password protected files (with the
same password). They are linked to an access database and whenever the
files are opened, one must supply the password and click the 'Enable
automatic refresh button.' What I was wondering was if this could be
done in access with a command button. I have pasted some code below
that I found but now I'm getting an error.
This is the code:

Dim BookNames As Variant
Dim B As Long

BookNames = Array("O:ExcelFilesActualHires.xls",

For B = LBound(BookNames) To UBound(BookNames)
WorkBooks.Open FileName:=BookNames(B), _
UpdateLinks:=3, Password:="*******"
WorkBooks(B).Close SaveChanges:=False
Next B

But when I click the button, I get this error:
Run-time error '9' Subscript out of range.

and this line is highlighted:
WorkBooks(B).Close SaveChanges:=False

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Import Word Form Data

Nov 26, 2013

I am using the follow code to import data from a Word form into my MS Access 2010 DB:

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tmpSIRs", dbOpenDynaset)
With rst


On the Word Form, these two fields are drop-downs with three options: blank, No, and Yes. If the users leaves them blank, then Access ignores them--which is what I want. However, if the user says yes or no, Access puts a "-1" in the database. Both the Word form and Access field are text.

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Command Button To View PDF / Excel File Or JPEG From Object Within Database Table

Aug 12, 2013

I have created a database for a church cemetery. It contains the usual names, birthrates deaths, etc.... I have also created a map of the cemetery in PDF format with the lot number highlighted which is assigned to a particular record. I did the same in excel with a layout of the lot and a JPEG picture of the grave marker. In my table I created Three columns - Site Plan, Lot Plan, and Grave marker. I insert the specific site plan, lot plan, and jpeg picture using the "insert object" in the table. On my form after a search, I have created three buttons.. Site Plan, Lot Plan & Grave Marker.

I have looked and experimented trying to assign these command buttons to open these files on the form. I don't have any experience with macros or VB code.

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Import Data From Excel Monthly - Not Manual Input All Data?

Jan 5, 2015

I was assigned by my manager to design an Access database system that is able to import all data from excel file monthly and creating charts & tables to analysis how each sales people and industry perform.

We originally have a big excel master sheet that has more than 10 sheets. I tried to import the current excel into access, but then i realized that this is not gonna work. because for next month, there will be new data and I can't do the whole import process over and over. Plus, after this system is designed, the users will be someone who has no knowledge in access, so i need to create a user-friendly system for them to use.

My questions is:since the data is always cumulative number, if I imported current excel file into access, when the next month comes, how to update the new data into excel. p.s. EXP. Mike's sale volume is different each month, and with the access system, for that column, it will be a cumulative number, like the total from the month of November to this month. how do i achieve this kind of update/import goal?I tried to link the excel to access, but by doing that, I will not be able to set relationship or change the attributes of any data type in access.

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