Modules & VBA :: Conditionally Increment Text String Query

Sep 27, 2013

I have a simple select query , and I want to add a field that will take the value from another field and increment it based on a condtion.

i know i need a case statement but not sure how to go about this ..
column 4 is my desired result

i want to increment the text string from column 3 based on column 3 and restart the increment based on column 1

values of A would increment in the following manner 01,11,21,31,41 etc
values of O would increment 02,12,22,32,42,52,62

i'd also like the option that if a new value were introduced to increment it

values of x would increment 80,81,82,83,84

Example data .. apples and oranges ..

column1 column2(name) column3(type) column4
mary braeburn A 01A
mary blood O 02A
tom cortland A 01A
tom fuji A 11A
tom navel O 02O
tom mcintosh A 21A


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Conditionally Format Text Box

Oct 18, 2005

Hi All,

I have built a code database where right now I display my sample code in a textbox on my main form. I was hoping to replace the text box with a Rich Text Box. I could then format the code to sort of match what would be shown in the VB/VBA IDE.

I know the Rich Text Box was disabled in Access 2003 for security reasons. I also know that there is another free RTF control. I was hoping to find out how Microsoft intended for us to replace the Rich Text Box. I could use a Web Browser Control but I was not sure of the best way to add this to my form and then feed it the data that was originally bound to the text box.

Thanks for any insight you would be able to provide.

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Reports :: Text Label Conditionally Visible On Report?

Dec 31, 2013

I'm running Access 2003 and my question relates to delivery notes that are produced for drivers as reports. These delivery notes have a blank payment box for the driver to complete if the customer pays upon delivery.

As more and more customers are prepaying by credit cards, I'd like this payment box to be automatically filled with a "PAID" text which will let the driver know the order has already been paid for.

The delivery note is produced from an "Orders" table which has a "Paid" field whose value is automatically set to "Yes" when the order has been paid for.

I was hoping to be able to place a "PAID" label on the report which is only visible when the Paid field of the underlying query is Yes.

As things are at the moment I cannot see any way to put any conditional statement onto this Text/Label. The only options for the "Is Visible" property of the text are Yes or No.

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Modules & VBA :: Extract The Text Within The Brackets From String?

Nov 23, 2014

I have a column containing records of the timestamp of an event. I need to extract the date out of each of these records and put them in a separate table. The date and time of each record is contained within a bracket.

ES~1~1412179200(Oct 02 00:00:00 2014)~1~ITM_W64MQMONITORLOG00~
0~0~ES~1~1412179203(Oct 02 00:00:03 2014)~1~ITM_Log_Entries~
0~0~ES~1~1412179204(Oct 02 00:00:04 2014)~1~ITM_Log_Entries~

As you can see, the number of characters of each record are different, so I am unable to do the Left$ count thingy.

Is there any other way to do it? I only need the date and time contained in the brackets.

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Modules & VBA :: Browse For File Name And Place As String In Text Box?

Mar 10, 2014

I have created a form to send emails with attachments. The attachment path is specified in an unbound field which I have called [ToAttach] Rather than typing in the path, I want to use the browse function. I have inserted a browse button and can browse for the required file using following, but can't figure out how to place the file name in the unbound field as a string.

Dim f As Object
Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)
f.AllowMultiSelect = False

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Modules & VBA :: Text Box Searches With Every Added Letter To String

Sep 16, 2014

I'm trying to add a search function the searches with ever letter I add to the string in the search box. if the string is not in the recordset then vbred the textbox.

Here's my code:

Private Sub txtGroupNr_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Set RstRecSet = Nothing
Set db = CurrentDb
On Error Resume Next
If IsNull(txtGroupNr) Or txtGroupNr = "" Then
' MsgBox "Please enter a Group Number to use as the search criteria", _

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Text String Extraction - Expression Builder?

Jul 15, 2014

I'm currently in the process of moving from Excel to Access and am setting up a user table with 5 Fields (Full Name, First, MI, Last, Alias). I would like to only transfer the Full name and have the other field be calculated fields, so they automatically fill in. I was able to get the "Last" field to work, but the others are being tricky. Especially the "Alias" field which would need to take the first letter of the first name, MI letter and the entire last name, like (JPDoe).

The current format of my "Full Name" field looks like, (Doe, John P.) without the brackets of course. I'm new to Access, so I was trying to use the Expression Builder to do all of it, unless there is an easier way?

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Modules & VBA :: Match Partial Text String And Update Record

Jun 13, 2013

I am provided a spreadsheet that contains multiple rows of similar data; each row/record represents a different stage in the process of financial transactions (requisition, purchase order, & voucher payment). Each financial transaction has these three records, with the amounts in one of three columns (pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, and expense), depending on the process.

What I am really after is the fuller, more detailed description that is apparently only available for the two records I don't want to import into the database (which is tracking only expenses and not the other two stages of the process). There is apparently no way to cross-reference these multiple rows due to the way the original database was designed (and we apparently have no control over this).

After importing the spreadsheet into Access, I would like to match the partial text string (truncated description) to the full description in another record, and update the record with the truncated description to the full description. To make mattes more complicated, I will also have to match values in the "pre-enc" or "enc" field with the "exp" field across these three records to make sure the correct descriptions are being matched because the truncated description will match multiple distinct records with the longer description.

VOUJsmith-Instructor, 12/16/13$0.00$0.00$45.00
POJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Parking($45.00)$0.00$0.00
REQJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Parking$0.00$45.00$0.00
VOUJsmith-Instructor, 12/16/13$0.00$0.00$221.13
POJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Lodging($221.13)$0.00$0.00
REQJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Lodging$0.00$221.13$0.00

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Modules & VBA :: Define And Setup Array - Find Respective Numbers For A Text String

Apr 21, 2015

I need to find the respective numbers for a textstring when for

abcdefghijkl stand the numbers
79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91 92

The textstring to "decode" is for example is 'adgjk'

The result (79 83 86 89 91) should be added into a table by Looping.

rs("Letter")= myarray??
rs("corNumber")= myarray?

Something like this.

But I cannot define and Setup the Array, which should be the best way for doing this.

The Array does not change its Content nor its Dimension.

Both, letters and numbers are strings.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Conditionally Formatted Excel Sheet By Email?

Dec 18, 2014

After I have run all my access queries is it possible to send a conditionally formatted excel worksheet all in access using vba?

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Help Passing A Text Box String To A Saved Query

Sep 21, 2005

I have a multi-select list box that runs a "For intCounter" and builds a sting into a text box. That works fine the text box will populate as designed <"Closed" OR "On-Going">.

(I know that I should be dynamically creating the query in the first place ... normally I would ... but this is a quick fix that I want to get it into an existing application, while the redesign requirements are being written.)

Now I want to pass that string to a pre-existing query, but I'm not sure what to write in the criteria section.

I've tried...
Like "*" & [Forms]![ViewReports]![TextPickList] & "*"

and just plain old ...

but my query is coming up blank. What do I need to write into the criteria section of this saved query?

thanks in advance!

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Cannot Get Columns To Add Up - Query Display It As Text String

Apr 28, 2014

For whatever reason when I try to add up two columns in a query instead of adding up the two numbers it displays it as a text string. So if one column has a 5 and the other is a 2 I am looking for the calculated column to reflect 7, currently it is showing 5,2.

I have added up items in the past so I am unsure what the problem is

should be [rev bid amount 1]+[rev bid amount 2].

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Text String From Form Query - Multiple Choices

Aug 12, 2012

Been a while since I put hands on access. Working with a very simple database.

Working with 1 table, 1 form, 1 query.

Query has several fields. Field of interest contains names of counties.

In query design view I can type, "CountyA" Or "CountyB" or "CountyC" in the criteria and the desired results are returned.

On form I've created a text box and an open report button. The report I'm trying to open uses the query as the data source. I reference the text box on the form as the criteria for the query as follows:


If I enter the the name of a single county into the form it executes perfectly. If I try to enter multiple counties it fails. This is true whether I just enter the county names or replicate the exact criteria string I use in the source query. For example

CountyA works and returns desired values for County A
CountyA Or CountyB or CountyC fails. The report opens but no records are returned
"CountyA" Or "CountyB" or "CountyC" = exactly how it is entered in the query if I'm not using the form opens report but no records are returned

How can I pass multiple values from a single text box to the query.

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Adding A Auto Increment Text/Number

Jan 4, 2005

I have a daabase that I am importing via excel. I want the entries to be numbered
ex: MT0001

I would like it to promt the user for the last number(or next number in sequence) entered, then fill in the blank records with the next increment number.
The prefix will also change to so eventually the user would enter into the prompt RD0001. then autofill the 140 imported records with RD0002, rd0003... etc....

I can't really make seperate fields because the MT0001 number will become a barcode and putting them seperate causes many issues.

can this be done? Any help would be great I am still a beginner but slowly learning!

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General :: String Manipulation On A Table - Text Is Gibberish In Group By Query

Jun 22, 2015

While processing string manipulation on a table (140K records, 200-250 MB) the file has corrupted, and I lost all vba Modules, but the data and other DB objects seemed to be in tact.

I now have a query with a text field, when I make a simple join SELECT, the text comes in fine (and, of course, seems fine when presented in table), but when Group by - I get Gibarish: "CARVEDILOL 6.25MG, TABLETS"

Is presented in Group by as: "砅5"

I have recreated the file, importing queries, including this one, but then recreated it as a totally new query, but get that same results.

File Corruption? anything to do about it?

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Conditionally Select Query Fields

May 10, 2007

Is there a way to select a query field based on conditions? There is a table at work that I need to use for my reporting in which the field names are the months of the year. Since my report is monthly for that specific month only, I have to change my field in the query every single month. I would like to be able to put in some type of code that will automatically select the proper month field.

Is this possible?

Thanks! :)

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Modules & VBA :: Separate Numbers And String From Alpha-numeric String

Jun 7, 2013

MS-Access VBA code to separate numbers and string from an alphanumeric string.


Source: 598790abcdef2T
Output Required: 598790

Source: 5789065432abcdefghijklT
Output Required: 5789065432

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Modules & VBA :: Result From A Query To Specify String To Use

Jun 7, 2015

I have a query that returns the string to use but I am not sure how I can actually use the returned value to do what I want.

my table:
Partner ID Backup Field
5023949 UPC
501354 GTIN

my query will return 1 [backup field] value from the table above, and I then want to use that value to get another value that was previously declared in my code.

GTIN = "ABC123"
UPC = "123ABC"

if my query returns the value "GTIN" then need to use the value of GTIN (ABC123) in my next part of the code.

msgbox GTIN would result in a message box ABC123

But I am not sure how to get the result value. I can say msgbox [backup field] but that returns "GTIN" not "ABC123"

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Forms :: Conditionally Using Asterisk In A Query Formed From Strings?

Jul 10, 2015

I have a button on a Form which opens a report, passing in two WHERE clauses which are driven by two comboboxes on the Form (one for ProductType and one for ProductCollection).

Everything works great but I needed to add an "All" option to the comboboxes so that the user can get all Producttypes from a specific Collection or vice versa.

I've managed to add the "All" option to one of the comboboxes (using the UNION query method on the rowsource). I'm a bit stumped though, as to how I would actually tweak the function below to do a select * where the combobox value is found to be = All.

Private Sub ProduceReport_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = "producttype = " & Me.ProductTypeForReport
strWhere = strWhere & " AND ProductCollectionName = '" & Me.CollectionForReport
strWhere = strWhere & "'"
Debug.Print strWhere
DoCmd.OpenReport "Products Report", acViewReport, , strWhere
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: SQL String - Update Query Using A Variable Value

Jul 22, 2013

I am currently trying to create an update query (building a SQL String in VBA for a command button click event) to update a variable's value into a table.

Basically, there are 2 tables, displayed in 2 sub froms within the same main form. (OldTable and NewTable for arguments sake)

The basic method I want to implement is that a user highlights a record in the subform of "NewTable". (This value is stored as a variable "NewJPNUM" This value is then to be inserted into the highlighted row (or rows) of table OldTable on command button click.

So the basic idea is a user highlights a row in one table and this value is stored as a variable "NewJPNUM" . The user then highlights a row or rows in "OldTable" and the value from variable "NewJPNUM" is then written to field "NewJPNUM" in "NewTable" on command button click.

I am not experienced with Access but have decent experience in Excel / VBA so not really sure of best practice methods etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Select Query Returning String Instead Of Value

May 2, 2014

Why is strCreditCheck returning the actual query string and not the result? Of course, this is not working.

Private Sub b_PrintWorkOrder_Click()
Dim strCreditCheck As String
Dim strCompany_id As Integer
Dim stlinkCriteria As String


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Modules & VBA :: Increment Date By Six?

Jan 24, 2014

I have the following code that updates the end date to be the same as the start date after the user tabs out of the start date. Instead of making it the same date, I want it to be six days later. How do I add that?

For example, user enters 11/10/13 in the start date. I want the end date to automatically update to 11/16/2013.

Private Sub StartDate_AfterUpdate()
Dim datDate As Date
If Nz(Me!StartDate.Value, #1/1/1900#) = #1/1/1900# Then
'The user removed the START data as criterion, so remove the END date.
Me!EndDate.Value = Null

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Query Field Based On A String From Input Box

Sep 10, 2013

How do I use a update sql query to update a field based on a string from an input box. Heres what i have been trying:


DoCmd.RunSQL sql

If i run the code and input 'PRIMARY' in the NETWORKBOX the sql query will return an 'enter parameter value dialog box' with the word 'PRIMARY' above the input field.

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Modules & VBA :: Store Values Increment By 1

Nov 22, 2013

I'm building a database to organize the editing of a massive report my office is working on. I've got a big table of all the sections. Each section has a unique ID and a version number. I wrote the queries so that they return only the most recent version (i.e. the Max version # of each section.) The results of the query appear in a subform.

I was able to use VBA to allow the user to double click on the record in the subform, and look at the record in another form. (I was really proud of this.)

Anyway, it turns out what I need is to double click on the record in the subform, and create a new record based on this record, but increment the version # by one.

I've created an unbound form for this, and googled around. I need to use VB to store the variable, and then put it in the unbound text box.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Public Function To Feed A Variable String To Query

Feb 26, 2014

I am using a public function to feed a variable string to a query. So far I have got:

Public Function ClientStreetModule(firstLVar As Variant, streetVar As Variant, newFL As Variant) As String
Dim cslStr1 As String, newStreet As String
newStreet = Right(streetVar, Len(streetVar) - Len(newFL))


However, I only need to use newStreet as the true part of iif, in which instance all are longer. At least I think this is the problem. I realise I might need to use NZ but am not sure how. Why it is evaluating and giving errors for all records and not just when the iif criteria is true as I want it to?

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Modules & VBA :: DAO To Update Table Recordset - Increment

Jan 20, 2015

I have inherited an old database with a new field to add some new invoice numbers and increment the number to each recordset by + 1. Starting at 001. I have formatted the field to a Number Field and formatted it to 000"/2015". I now need to populate over 2000 records with the sequential numbers for each record.

I have created the following code as my attempt. Of course it doesn't work!

Sub AddNumbertoRecords()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim counter As Long
counter = 1
Set db = CurrentDb()

[Code] ....

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