Modules & VBA :: Connect To Excel And Delete Data From A Range On Specific Sheet
Feb 28, 2014
I am trying to connect to excel from Access database. Once I make the connection I want to delete data from a range on a specific sheet. There are 4 columns on the spreadsheet but i wouldn't know how many rows. So for example, A150... but I may not know what the last row is. How would I be able to delete data from a range of columns to the last row?
With below codes I am able to export recordset data to specified excel range if recordset count is 25. But I am unable to export the data greater than 25 to 2 specified range.
So I press a button on my Form1 and my tbl_customers table is exported onto a specific sheet in a templated Excel file "customer-template" that I have created.
This file has formulas on another sheet that based on the imported data.
The file is then saved to a specific location C:AccessCustomersHistory with the file name based on a date that was criteria from my original form E.g. "customers 11-02-15"
I am writing the following code that will first of all display column headers dynamically using "Headers" field data from Access table and then find out the sum(volume) using column header and first column values. The following code works fine to display headers dynamically in Excelsheet from Access table but doesn't display sum(volume) in all the corresponding cells. As I can't attach the Access table so I have stored data from Access table to sheet named "Access Data" as attached. The sheet2 named "Report" should populate total volume .
Code: Public Function Inputdata() Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim r As Long Dim i As Integer
I have an access table and I want the code that will check two columns in the table "EnvelopeType" and "EnvelopeSize" and create headers in Excelsheet automatically. In the attached workbook, like in sheet1 the headers are already appeared, I want this to be done dynamically using vba code so that if new values get inserted in EnvelopeType and EnvelopeSize then we won't have to change the code to display more headers.
Please see attached workbook named Sample and Access table. E.g.
EnvelopeType EnvelopeSize TNT 2nd Class C5 PP1 2nd Class C5 PPI 1st Class A4 Recorded A4 TNT 2nd Class C5 PP1 2nd Class C5 Recorded A4 PPI 1st Class A4 Recorded C5
With the code it should display following headers in excel sheet:
TNT 2nd Class C5 PP1 2nd Class C5 PPI 1st Class A4 Recorded A4 Recorded C5
I have a form where when the user clicks on the browse button then excel workbook filepath gets stored in the textbox as below:
Code: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() ChooseFile End Sub Sub ChooseFile() Dim fd As FileDialog Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
[Code] .....
Please see attached the excel workbook. Everytime the user will select Excel workbook using Browse button. Now in that file , the first sheetname will always be "Summary". I want to perform the following steps:
1. So now I want VBA code to copy the data from columns "Withdrawn","Obsolete","Updated","LitRef" from Summary sheet to the Access table named tblSummary.
2. When the data gets copied in Access table then write So VBA code that will check if the data in field LitRef in table "tblSummary" is present in field "Reference" of Access table "tblliterature" . if its present then check in the tblSummary , which corresponding fields out of "Withdrawn","Obsolete" and "Updated" stores "Y" . 3. If "Withdrawn" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Withdrawn" 4. If "Obsolete" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Obsolete" 5. If "Updated" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Updated" .
What I am trying to do is EXPORT a query to an Excel Workbook which is read only and I need the data to land in a specific sheet in the excel workbook.
I have tried transferspreadsheet vbcode etc. but nothing works quite right and the fact the spreadsheet is Read Only does not work.
The Name of the Query is "Accrual"
The Name and location of the Excel Spreadsheet is "c:register.xls"
The Sheet inside the workbook is called "data".
I need the data to land in the "data" sheet over the top of the previous data and not create a new sheet or mess with the formulas that are linked to the "data" sheet.
See attached the Workbook. I need to check the policy Numbers in Column A of all the sheets in the attached workbook if its present in Access Table. If yes then write the corresponding ScanDate and BatchNo from Access table to columns I and J of all the sheets. I need to write VBA code to perform it.
In the attached workook, only Sheet1 contains the data but in actual there will be data in 5 sheets in the workbook.
I want to make a delete query, which delete record between certain dates, I want access to ask user to specify range of date before executing the query.
I have been trying to come up with a solution for a problem I am having for a while to no avail. We have a backend database that stores various tables full of data. We then have a custom Excel Ribbon that connects to the database and pulls in the different tables depending on the user selection form the ribbon. Everything is working well on that end. The problem I am running into though is that in the development phase of the ribbon and database we had multiple versions and so there are still some people who are using old versions of the ribbon and therefore not connecting properly to the database. Is there some type of code I can add into the database and ribbon where it checks for a specific version to ensure the user is using the most recent version?
Basically, before any type of query is run to connect to the database the ribbon would have some sort of label on it somewhere and the database would check for that label and if it is correct, the code proceeds and if not a message box appears that tells the user they are not using the most current version of the ribbon and exits the sub?
I'm trying to subtotal data in an excel file but I am getting a subtotal method of Range class failed in the red text below. I have been trying to get this to work with no success.
Public Function SUMMARY() Dim xlApp As Object Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") With xlApp Dim wb As Object
so i have an interesting question and im hoping that someone can help on this one. i need to pull date from a specific table, no problem, that's written and working fine, next i need to be able to join the data from another table by a primary key, again no problem. third, i need to be able to select the date (using WHERE) for a specific date range. (i.e. i enter the date range of 01/7/2007 to 15/7/2007) and the query comes back only showing the data from that specific time, not the data from before or after. this is where my problem lies, all the entered data is being shown after entering my date range. i am going to include my SQL statement, just so you can actually see what im really talking about.
SELECT srealest.Name0, srealest.Dist1, SREpayments.Face2Pd, SREpayments.Penalty2Pd, SREpayments.[2paid], SREpayments.Face3Pd, SREpayments.Penalty3Pd, SREpayments.[3paid], SREpayments.Face4Pd, SREpayments.Penalty4Pd, SREpayments.[4paid], srealest.Map, srealest.Parcel, srealest.LeaseHold, srealest.TaxRebate1, srealest.TaxFace1, srealest.TaxPenalty1, srealest.TaxYear, srealest.BillNo, srealest.PdRebate1, srealest.PdFace1, srealest.PdPenalty1, srealest.DatePd FROM SREpayments INNER JOIN srealest ON SREpayments.BillNo=srealest.BillNo WHERE (((SREpayments.[2paid]) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date]) Or ((SREpayments.[3paid]) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date]) Or ((SREpayments.[4paid]) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date])) Or (((srealest.DatePd) Between Forms![SD SRE]![Beginning Date] And Forms![SD SRE]![Ending Date])) ORDER BY srealest.Name0;
any thoughts or ideas on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated!
I have a spreadsheet that my company uses that has about 20 clients presented in a single sheet in Excel so I was wondering if it was possible to display only a selected range (i.e. only one client) in a specific form in Access to cleanse this up a bit.
find a way to automatically copy data from an access query to a sheet in excel at the end of every month we record financial data from our database into an excel sheet for our accountants. im still designing the query to format the data exactly the way we need it, which is why im not too clear on all the details (have a meeting with the accountants on wednesday to confirm everything, but im hoping to get most of the function written by then at least)
Ive already got the pathfilename and worksheet name stored in variables (excelFile and workSheet respectively) and ive worked out a way to store the row number (in a variable called simply rowNum), i just need to add one record to that specific row, from columns B to I) and for now lets just assume the query would be qryFinancialData. simple way to export the data, ill be formatting the query so that the first field in the query will go into column B, second field will be C, third field will be D, there a quick way to open the file, add the data to the right columns/row and close/save the excel file, all through VBA?
I 'm downloading the excel data from the site and connecting it to access.
In excel the particular column (Time Taken) is in the format of "00:12:26".
After connecting it to access and appending it to the table, the format changed to "12:12:26", the first two digits changed to "12" and the remaining are as it is how it looks like in the excel. I need to change it to format what it looks like in the excel.
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim exApp As Excel.Application Dim exDoc As Excel.Workbook Dim exSheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim Dateiname As String Dim SQL As String
[Code] ....
I'll get the following error:
error message 1004: can not give a sheet, the same name of the sheet
So each combination has an ID. It's called the SuWID. I want to Transfer the data to a fixed Excel sheet. I wrote the following code
Dim xlApp As Object ' Excel.Application Dim xlBook As Object ' Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Object ' Excel.Worksheet Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") xlApp.Visible = True
[Code] ....
The only Thing what i still want to have is that, before it opens the Excel form, which works already perfectly well, that a msgbox will Show up and ask me, which SuWID do you want to see in the Excel sheet.
I am looking to export my listbox values to a single workbook BUT a new sheet is created per export. There are 6 listboxes in total and I already have the code to export a single listbox but if I try to use this code its going to overwrite the csv each time .
Code: Dim i As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim strLine As String Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set a = fs.CreateTextFile("D:DatabaseHomeExportCombinedHrs.csv", True)
Hi all. I have an excel spreadsheet that pulls company information off of our internal system that is linked to an access database table (let's call it "General"). The General information is current and is updated within our internal system (but through the Access side will not need to be updated), however, I have a separate table (let's call it "Detail") that has information (employment, revenue numbers) that I want users to input through access. The two tables are joined through a relationship, however, b/c General is a linked table I am a) unable to assign a primary key and b) unable to edit the Detail information in a form view. I know this is related to Microsoft's limitation on excel linked table, but I was wondering if there is a way around it besides copying the General data into an access table. Would be grateful for any help!
I have a excel table (lets say the format is as follows)
col1 col2 dataset1 value1 dataset2 value2
(where col1 and col2 are the column names and dataset x and value x are the respective data values of each column) I have a access form and it has a combo box and a text box From Combo box I need to retrieve data available in col1 o excel once a particular dataset in col1 has been selected by Combo box the respective value in col2 should be displayed in text box in access form.
I was trying to create a linked table in excel to access ( I don't want to export data from excell to access since my excell sheet is getting changing time to time. so i don't need to change the access table every time)
for combo box a simple query like below works to select the col1 values from sheet 1
select col1 from Sheet1 (where Sheet1 is the linked table name in access)
I wrote a code similar to below using DLookup to get respective values from col2 however it gives a error '#Name?
I am running this code to import an Excel sheet into a table in my database. This works fine if I set [HasFieldNames] to false. When [HasFieldNames] is set to true, I get the correct field names in the table, but don't get any data from the sheet.
I am trying to export certain values which are in combo box of MS Access to excel sheet. But what's happening is its populating ID of the field instead of Field Name.
Hi I could do with some advice on how to start the following and if best to use both excel and access to achieve it.
I want to enter a range of data when I receive a bill such as date, supplier, bill amount, description, quoted price, customer job and retail price. Once I enter this I want to be able to do the following,
1.Pick a customer job and date range and get a report for all the details of bills received in relation to that customer in that time so that I can send the customer a list of items they bought in that time period and what each item cost. 2.I want to be able to compare cost prices from different suppliers and print a list of all items which shows who the preferred supplier is for each item based on the cheapest. 3.The quoted price from suppliers should automatically appear when the description and supplier has been entered. 4.There needs to be some sort of warning if the quoted price doesn’t match the bill price 5.I need to be able to get a report which gives the details for any bill which was entered that was not bought from the preferred supplier.
Some advice on pointing me in the right direction to get started is what I need and would be greatly appreciated