Modules & VBA :: Converting SQL Statement To DLookup

Jun 27, 2013

I have the following SQL Statement which returns the desired result to me


SELECT tbl_p_stats.i_closing
FROM tbl_p_stats
WHERE (((tbl_p_stats.i_weekending)=[forms]![frm_a]![i_olddate]) AND ((tbl_p_stats.i_sacat)=[forms]![frm_a]![wfid1]) AND ((tbl_p_stats.i_complexity)=[forms]![frm_a]![wfc1]));

And am now trying to convert it to a Dlookup to provide the default value to a control on form Loading. The statement i came up with is


= DLookup("[i_closing]", "tbl_p_stats", "[i_weekending] = " & i_olddate & " AND [i_sacat] = " & wfid1 & " AND [i_complexity] = " & wfc1)

However, it is showing the control (wf1oi) as a blank control now. When I run the dlookup through the immediate window, the returned result is Null.

A little more detail
- All the mentioned controls live on the same form (frm_a)
- The control that this Dlookup is going into is called wf1oi

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup In INSERT Statement

Jul 10, 2013

I need my INSERT statement to DLookup tbl_module_repairs and insert the information from a field based on a WHERE condition of primary key matching on the form and table. Here is what I have but it will not work on the last value:

Dim lookModType1 As Variant
lookModType1 = DLookup("module_type", "tbl_module_repairs", "prikey = " & Me.txt_prikey1.Value & "")
SQLtext4 = "INSERT INTO TBL_RF_TECH_LOG ([TechID], ActionStatus, Barcode, EquipmentDescription) Values (Left([txt_techid_rework_in], 2),'In Rework', '" & Me.txt_bc1 & "', " & lookModType1 & ");"

DoCmd.RunSQL SQLtext4

Note: My DLookup works fine by itself for other uses.

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Queries :: Like Statement In DLookup

Jun 1, 2015

I am trying to use a Like statement in a VBA dlookup, as some of the fields in a third party db i cannot manage are variations of fields in a table i need.

I currently have:

Me.Clinic.Value = DLookup("[ID]", "dbo_Clinics", "[Name] = Like '%' & [Forms]![frmHome]![subaTcTools].[Form]![subbDST].[Form]![txtClinic] & '%'")

But I get a runtime error 3075 missing operator.

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Quotations In DLookup Statement

Oct 14, 2012

Table1 has three fields. I'd like to use the following DLookup statement:


Note that in the criteria, I want Field2 = the first 4 characters of Field 3 + the string value 55.

I am sure I've got the quotation marks wrong.

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Modules & VBA :: Converting String To Variables?

Jan 30, 2015

I am trying to set up some template emails using text someone has entered in a form with a variable indicated with a key word in brackets aka. [ChangeID] or [ChangeDate]. The field on the form is formatted as Rich Text so I am getting http code. (No problems yet) In the form the template is required, I lookup the template required and I get the string. I replace the brackets with the following

strleftB = Chr(34) & " & me."
strRightB = " & " & Chr(34)
strTemplate = Replace(strTemplate, "[", strleftB)

I then get a string but in need to convert part of the string into variables, before I capture the correct output for my email

"<div>RFC Submission: <strong>" & me.ChangeID & ", </strong> " & me.Details & "</div>"

My question is: what is the best way to split the string into strings and variables

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Modules & VBA :: Converting Text To Numbers

Sep 19, 2014

I have a short text field where numbers such as "15.00", "2233.56", "-300.00" are stored. Now I want to convert the text field to numeric so that I have actually 15.00 or -300.00 stored as a double. I am going to do calculations on these fields. How can I achieve this conversion?

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Modules & VBA :: CDate - Converting String Into Date

Nov 12, 2013

I would like to convert 2013.11.13 which is a string into a date. This is what i have so far but it's not working.

2013 year

11 month
13 day of week
Dim strDate As String, dteConvertedDate As Date
strDate = 2013.11.13
dteConvertedDate = CDate(Mid$(strDate, 6, 2) & "/" & Left$(strDate, 4) & "/" & Right$(strDate, 8))
MsgBox (dteConvertedDate)
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Converting Dates Into Week Numbers

Oct 2, 2013

I am trying to write some VBA to convert a date into a week number.

My work colleagues do not not what system is used to define the week numbers. So I have gone through all their records for a few years and deciphered this pattern:

I need the code to define that there are 52 weeks in a year. The last sunday of Dec is the beginning of Week 1 for the following year. Except when it is a leap year where Week 53 exists. otherwise it only goes up to week 52.

Start day for the week is Sunday. End day is the Saturday.

Some examples to check against:

22nd December 2013 = Week 52 2013

29th December 2013 = Week 1 for 2014

21st December 2014 = Week 52 for 2014

28th December 2014 = Week 1 for 2015

20th December 2015 = Week 52 for 2015

27th December 2015 = Week 1 for 2016

25th December 2016 = Week 53 for 2016

1st Jan 2017 = Week 1 for 2017

Tried various methods already

iso 8601, wrong week start day

intWeek = DatePart("ww", datDate, vbSunday, vbFirstFourDays) Was right for 2013 but wrong for later dates.

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Modules & VBA :: Converting Dates Into Downtime With Automatic Calculation

Jul 20, 2015

Currently I have a form with these variables

- Assets
- Shifts
- Machine Offline Date
- Machine Offline Time
- Machine Online Date
- Machine Online Time

Now I have 82 assets in the factory and 20% of those machines run 3 shifts. Each shift is 8 hrs.What I have already done is allocate shifts per asset e.g. when I pick Asset (a) in the Asset combo box, in the shift box it will automatically generate 2 or 3 dependant on what I have set.

If an asset runs for 2 shifts, it would mean that, that asset is operational/running from 0700 - 2300 or 7:00am - 11:PM also if an asset runs for 3 shifts it would mean that, that asset is operational/running from 0700 - 0700 or 7:00AM - 7:00AM

Scenario A: Machine (a) breaks down at 1700/5:00PM on the 10/7/15 and was back online at 12:30 on 11/7/15, This machine runs for 3 shifts which would mean in the "Breakdown Downtime" the result should be 19.5 hrs

Scenario B: Machine (b) breaks down at 1900/7:00PM on the 10/7/15 and was back online at 10:00AM on 12/7/15, this machine runs for 2 shifts which would mean in the "Breakdown Downtime" the result would be 23 hrs.

I would like to make this an automatic calculation, Is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Server - Conversion Failed When Converting Date And / Or Time From Character String

Feb 13, 2014

I have two table

1. dbo.period (OpeningDate, ClosingDate)
2. (blah blah, doc_date)

I want to create a view as follows

Select doc_date from
where doc_date> 'select OpeningDate from dbo.period'

both doc_date and opening date have the same format

but the error will still appear as follows:
"Conversion failed when converting date and / or time from character string."

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Modules & VBA :: Dlookup In A Subform?

Apr 22, 2015

I am trying to dlookup a field (field name [client]) which is on a form (form name bkpo)

The code i use is this

CLNM = DLookup("[ClientName]", "[BKPOCL]", "[ClCode] ='" & [Forms]![BKPO]![Client] & "'")

It works just perfect however if I use the form BKPO as a subform then the code doesn't work

The form is BK1b

and the subform is BKPO

I tryed this but doesn't work

CLNM = DLookup("[ClientName]", "[BKPOCL]", "[ClCode] ='" & [Forms]![BK1b].[BKPO]![Client] & "'")

I have tryed several other options like [Forms]![BK1b]!BKPO.[Client] or [Forms].[BK1b]![BKPO]![Client] but nothing

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Modules & VBA :: LIKE In DLookup After Syntax

Nov 5, 2013

I am looking to use a "If" statement with DLookup to find a record and see if the field name begins with "TW" as the characters. Here is what I have so far:


Dim matchCriteria As String
matchCriteria = "LIKE 'TW*'"
If DLookup("end_user", "tbl_module_repairs", "prikey = " & Me.txt_rid1.Value) = matchCriteria Then
MsgBox "Success"
End If

I am trying to switch between two sets of pricing for customers that begin with "TW" and then all else. Would the use of a "case" statement be better? If so I do not have the "end_user" bound to the form so I would need to embed Dlookup in the "case" method.

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Modules & VBA :: DLookUp With 2 Criteria

Aug 4, 2015

I have a form that has a field that needs to get its data from a query based on two fields in the form. The following is my DLookUp statement:

DLookup("[COMEX]", "OptionMetalsListQ", "[Metals] = '" & [cboMetals].[Column](1) & "'" And "[DateOfPrice] = " & Me.txtDateOfPrice)

Comex is a metal market. the bound column in cboMetals is text and The date is a date.I am getting the error "Run-time error '13': Type Mismatch.

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Only Reading Top Row

Jun 26, 2015

I have a command button on a Access 2010 form that i am using as my switchboard. On this form i have a hidden unbound text box that captures the users environ"username". When the user hits a command button on the form the code looks at the name in the hidden textbox that captures the environ"username" and then DLooks up a table to see if there is a match. If yes then it will open the next form and if not then a message box appears.

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Dim TxtUsername As String
If Me.TxtUsername = DLookup("[OneLondon Login]", "TblAccessUsers") Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Bakerloo_Main_Form"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "You do not have permission to access this database"
End If
End Sub

This works fine apart from the fact it will only read the first name entered in the table. This table(TblAccessUsers) could have up to 50 names in it and possibly have names removed and re added at a later date. Is there a way i can get the code to look up every name in the table ??

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Modules & VBA :: Nested DLookup In SQL UPDATE

Jul 31, 2013

I have a nested DLookup in a SQL UPDATE that is not working. The DLookup has an "AND" in the WHERE Statement as well. I cannot figure out the problem. I got a type mismatch with this code and when I take out the single quotes I do not get an error message but the data is not updated in the table.

SQLstock1 = "UPDATE TBL_STOCK SET Stock = '" & DLookup("RemainingQty", "QRY_STOCK", "ActionEntity = '" & Me.cmb_customer1 & "'" And "StockType = '" & Me.cmb_stock_type1 & "'") & "' WHERE StockEntity = '" & Me.cmb_customer1 & "'"

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Modules & VBA :: Str Variable In DLookup Criteria

Aug 18, 2013

Why does this work when the text box is used and not when the variable is used directly?


Private Sub Command61_Click()
Dim strDBName As String
strDBName = getDBName()
Me.Text59 = strDBName
Me.Text62 = DLookup("[ModuleName]", "tblModule", "[DatabaseName] = text59")
'Me.Text64 = DLookup("[ModuleName]", "tblModule", "[DatabaseName] = " & strDBName)
'Me.Text64 = DLookup("[ModuleName]", "tblModule", "[DatabaseName] = strDBName")
'Me.Text64 = DLookup("[ModuleName]", "tblModule", "[DatabaseName]" = strDBName)
End Sub

Text62 returns the correct value
Text64 failes on everyone of the examples

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Not Returning Any Results

Mar 26, 2014

Here is my VBA Dlookup Code:

Public Sub test()
Dim frm As Form
Set frm = Forms!StationLevelSummary


At the bottom im printing the content of the controls which are on my form. These should return 1 number, but for some reason it does not. Ive used this code many times but I cant figure out why nothing is being returned.

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Values From A Table Via DLookup

Aug 15, 2013

I'm pretty familiar with getting values from a table via Dlookup. What I want to do is almost the reverse if possible? I'm declaring a variable as follows:

Dim Ref as string
Ref = [lead_id]

This is from a form.What I'd like to be able to do is go to the table [list], reference the lead ID in the table via the variable then change the field [status] to "INCALL".Can this be done in a similar way to Dlookup?

UPDATE - here is the code I am trying to use

Dim ref As String
ref = [lead_id]
Dim MySQL As String
MySQL = "UPDATE vicidial_list SET"
MySQL = MySQL & "vicidial_list.status = 'INCALL' "
MySQL = MySQL & "WHERE (((vicidial_list.status)= Ref))"

Which gives me an update clause error

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Modules & VBA :: Syntax With Filter In DLookup

Feb 26, 2014

If I type 2014 instead of b everything works out.


Dim a As Double
Dim b As String
b = Right(RepMonth, 4)
a = DLookup("[EUR/TRY]", "Plan_FX_RATES", "YEAR = '" & b & "'")
Debug.Print a
Debug.Print b
Debug.Print RepMonth

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup With Date In Form

Mar 5, 2014

At the moment I have a form (InputFrm) for operators to enter production processes into the system. Each one of these has a certain weight which the operators enter and it all stores in InputTbl, which works great.

However I am trying to have a running total of the kilograms inputted on each day displaying when a new record is opened. To do this I have created a query (DailyDataQry) which provides me a running sum of how much input has gone through the process, and I can clearly see the data in this query.

I am attempting to have a text box in the upper right of my form which displays this number as after a certain weight of input the operators are needed to perform checks.

This is the code I have at the moment in the control source of a text box (DailyInputTotalTxt), but it is just returning a blank:

=DLookUp("[Total Input]","DailyDataQry","[Work Date] = #" & [Forms]![InputFrm]![WorkDateAtxt] & "#")

The work date is generated automatically when the new record is created by having Date() in the default value of the work date (WorkDateAtxt) on the form.

Is there any way which I can use this value to lookup the current total of input contained within DailyDataQry?

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Modules & VBA :: Dlookup Resulting In Null Value

Aug 15, 2015

I am trying to run this code but getting a run time error 94 - null value - when it shouldn't be.I am thinking I have written the Dlookup incorrectly?

Private Sub txtProductName_Click()
Dim iProdType As Integer
Dim ProductID As Integer
iProdType = DLookup("ProductTypeID", "tblProduct", "ProductID" = Forms![frmBooking]![cboProductID].[Value])
Note ProductID in an integer

How can I diagnose this or what could the solution be?

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup In ODBC Table

Feb 15, 2015

I set up an Access 2003 database where this code works OK:

Private Sub Street_Exit(Cancel As Integer)

Me.Suburb = DLookup("Suburb", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")
Me.StreetID = DLookup("ID", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")
Me.Postcode = DLookup("Postcode", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")
Me.Town = DLookup("Town", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")

End Sub

I've now migrated the tables to a back-end in Azure using ODBC to connect. The linked Streets table in my list displays as dbo_Streets but when I change the table name in my code I get an error.

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup To Excel Range

Jul 17, 2014

I am having problems with Dlookup from a table which is linked to Excel.The heading on the fields from Excel have been imported as F1, F2, F3 etc... the code I am using is as follows .....

LOOK = DLookup("F6", "DATABASE_LOOKUP", "F1 = 1338087")

F6 = A date I am looking up.
DATABASE_LOOKUP = table I am looking up.
F1 = 1338087 = The record I am looking for.

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Modules & VBA :: Dlookup With Multiple Condition

Apr 8, 2015

I Have one main form in access 2003 i want to use Dlookup function to 1 text box with 2 criteria is it possible?

My Formula:

Text67. Value = DLookup("Balance", "dbo_WbookEdit", "[Lotno] = '" & Forms![Edit]![LotNo] & "'" And " & [Description] = '" & Forms![Edit]![Description] & "'")

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Compile Error

Jun 23, 2014

why I am getting "Compile Error: Expected: =" here:

Private Sub Form_Load()
MeText9 = DLookup("[Along_line_spacing]", "Performance_Requirements_Defaults_Table")

when this:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.charttypestatic = DLookup("[Static_Chart_Type]", "Project_Defaults")

works??The "Performance_Requirements_Defaults_Table" table is linked, the "Project_Defaults" table is not.

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Missing First Record In Table

Sep 23, 2014

I am having an issue with DLookup, which, for some reason which I do not understand appears to missing the first record in the table.

What I am trying to do is to extract the e-mail address of all users who have 'Admin' status to the database. In the table ('LogIn') there are 3 users who have 'Admin' status and this is confirmed by the DCount function in the following code. There respective ID values in the table are 1, 49 and 51.

Yet when I run the Loop to get all e-mail addresses it misses ID 1 and just returns records for ID 49 and 51.

I have tried changing other users status to 'Admin' and it finds them but always misses the first record.

Here is the code I am using:-

LastIDRef = 0
strToEmail = Null
strMailToAddress = Null
AdminCount = DCount("[ID]", "[LogIn]", "[LogIn].[Security Level] = 'Admin'")
strLinkCriteria = "[LogIn].[Security Level] = 'Admin' And [LogIn].[ID] > " & LastIDRef

[Code] ....

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