Modules & VBA :: Copy Excel File Or A Table In Access To Specific Location On FTP Server
Jul 11, 2013
I need some simple code that will copy an Excel file or a table in Access to a specific location on an FTP server. I would think this would be a very simple task, but I have yet to find any sample code that is *simple*. I have seen lots of code that requires downloading this dll or that mda, but the examples don't work. There must be something built into MS Access 2010 that will allow a file to be uploaded to an FTP site.
All the variables are known:
The FTP location (it never changes)
The FTP Username and Password (they never change)
The destination folder on the FTP site (it never changes)
The File type (it never changes)
The File name (available from the form in Access from which this will be executed)
I can either produce an output file, then copy it to the FTP site, or I can export the table directly to the FTP site with the file name for that day.
This seems to be a very simple task with no simple solution. Currently I am using an FTP app to get the file to the FTP site, but I would like to automate this. The process that creates the output file is already automated, so I would just like to add this to the existing code as its own module.
I'm looking for a simple command on the idea of:
DoCmd.FTPFile, acExel, TableName, FTPFilePath, FTPFileName, Username, Password, acUpload
just made all that above up and none of it is a real function/command in VBA, but is just the kind of thing I'm looking for.
I would think that since I can download and XML file from an FTP site that it should be child's play to upload a simple file to an FTP site, but I can't figure it out.
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Mar 31, 2015
All I need to do is copy an excel file from a location (while coping the file, the location of the source file remains same all the time)and paste that excel file where ever I want (Browser Option) from an Access VBA.
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Apr 28, 2015
How easy it is to add a button to a form with a function to copy a zipped file to another location and unzip it?
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Jul 27, 2007
This forum is really helpful!
I am using following code to copy low value from Access table to excel file, but only to find that it changed in excel file. How should I do to not change that?
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EV Data").Cells(row + 2, col + 2) = _
51907/27/2007 7:04:36 PMAccess2006Max72006MGIBAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined95010.006800000006810000009.33604218011769E-03-2.48487734766947E-02-2.35810657931309E-02-1.44083677074442E-02-1.10775676515645E-02-2.1878002261516E-037.92060932296671E-031.95193525290664E-023.06835072412068E-020.70658682634731
52007/27/2007 7:04:37 PMAccess2006Max7LifePayIAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined185010.005110000001.19424841908013E-02-1.67115163990304E-02-1.42187111112351E-02-8.08910871821918E-03-4.62961276311795E-032.72200376166994E-031.04312882683217E-022.06668892126601E-022.96649979111015E-020.80638722554891
52107/27/2007 7:04:37 PMAccess2006Max7NoneAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined95010.0054410000007.98908918707603E-03-1.67789382388317E-02-1.56490361783179E-02-1.07703746693193E-02-0.00753365556878-7.10709517675212E-046.72111941423526E-031.59418102675589E-022.44078788510759E-020.730538922155694
52207/27/2007 7:04:37 PMAccessRat2006MGIBAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined95010.0030199999969810000009.52176602967384E-03-1.56233866973614E-02-1.49901562045925E-02-8.41152147122661E-03-5.44762510232609E-034.05576508882054E-047.33588282834675E-030.0164686012768352.61950530898991E-020.754491017964078
52307/27/2007 7:04:37 PMAccessRatLifePayIAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined185010.00226499999773510000001.06805510377118E-02-0.014626108301625-1.20428523073918E-02-6.08984658852046E-03-2.22851888030373E-034.04428276871694E-039.82402795120803E-031.68655595406923E-022.40410662469335E-020.856287425149709
52407/27/2007 7:04:37 PMAccessRatNoneAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined95010.00241599999516810000005.8666292477999E-03-1.13844546795139E-02-1.04027261898336E-02-6.72766534794549E-03-4.77103336054974E-03-3.11542830732602E-044.5158867397345E-031.06654135236169E-021.76803347713142E-020.730538922155694
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Mar 15, 2005
Excuse me!
i would like to know how to use browse function (like in windowXP) to select the excel file i want instead of using transferspreadsheet code.
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Mar 7, 2014
I have spent the day using Access 2010 and attempting to move information from a parameterized query into specific cells in an excel template. It runs smoothly until I attempt to reference the query at which point I run into th error "Too few parameters. Expected 1." Currently my reference code looks like this:
Dim T As Recordset
Set T = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [8D Data].ID, [8D Data].[Customer Closed], [8D Data].[Days Open], " & _
"[8D Data].[Open Date] , [8D Data].[QN #], [8D Data].[Last Report Date], " & _
"Leaders.[Leader Name] , Leaders.[Leader Title], Leaders.[Leader Phone #], " & _
"Leaders.[Leader Email], [8D Data].[Part Description], [8D Data].[Customer P/N], " & _
"[8D Data].Customer , [8D Data].[Vehicle Year], [8D Data].[Problem Description]" & _
"FROM [8D Data] INNER JOIN Leaders ON ([8D Data].Lead = Leaders.ID)" & _
"WHERE ((([8D Data].ID)=[Enter QCR #]));")
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Jun 25, 2015
I am trying to export a query or table to a location that the user selects. So each time the export button is clicked the folder will change. But I want to be able to select the folder.
The code I have below is saving but not to the folder I want it to.
Private Sub CommandBtn_Click()
Dim fileSelection As Object
Dim strPath As String
Set fileSelection = Application.FileDialog(4)
With fileSelection
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = True Then
[Code] ....
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Dec 2, 2014
I have a form where when the user clicks on the browse button then excel workbook filepath gets stored in the textbox as below:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Sub ChooseFile()
Dim fd As FileDialog
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
[Code] .....
Please see attached the excel workbook. Everytime the user will select Excel workbook using Browse button. Now in that file , the first sheetname will always be "Summary". I want to perform the following steps:
1. So now I want VBA code to copy the data from columns "Withdrawn","Obsolete","Updated","LitRef" from Summary sheet to the Access table named tblSummary.
2. When the data gets copied in Access table then write So VBA code that will check if the data in field LitRef in table "tblSummary" is present in field "Reference" of Access table "tblliterature" . if its present then check in the tblSummary , which corresponding fields out of "Withdrawn","Obsolete" and "Updated" stores "Y" .
3. If "Withdrawn" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Withdrawn"
4. If "Obsolete" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Obsolete"
5. If "Updated" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Updated" .
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Jan 20, 2006
From a command button what would be the code to copy a file from one location to another i.e copy c:datasalesdata.mdb to e:databackupsalesdata.mdb
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Jan 13, 2014
I have an MS Access accdb with linked SQL Server 2012 ODBC tables. I am working on a procedure to copy data from local tables to these linked tables (identical schema). I did a simple
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO linkedTable SELECT * FROM localTable"
This works, but is very slow. Way too slow. (INSERT copies the data one record at a time).
I would like to copy the data in a bulk operation, or operations that I can execute programmatically.
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Jan 5, 2014
I am still trying to copy an Excel file from a parent folder to a sub-folder, that this code creates, and name the copied file with the name used to name the sub-folder, using the name entered in a control field (named 'TheDirName) of an Access 2007 form. Here is my VBA, which names the copied file "TheDirName.xlsx.:
Private Sub MakeDir_Click()
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim lngLastDataRow As Long
Dim Folder_Path As String
'Create path for customer folder & files
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May 16, 2014
I have some code set up to automate scanning from access to a specific folder on the server. I have searched the web for different codes and have not come across anything that will scan an unknown amount of documents. The best I found was the code I am currently using, that will scan up to 10 documents separately, then convert these documents into 1 PDF. This is not ideal, however, because it would require the user to scan 1 document, wait, than scan another, wait, etc. Also, the code I am currently using will only scan from the glass, not the auto feeder, and I am unsure how to change this.
Private Sub cmdCOC_Click()
'scan COC
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Const DEVNAME As String = "Brother MFC-7860DW LAN"
Dim ComDialog As WIA.CommonDialog
[Code] .....
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Jul 8, 2014
I have a form with a list of names. When a specific name is selected from the list, a button is clicked and a query is run with the specific name as the criteria/filter.
I've written code to export these same query results to an Excel sheet, and I want the Excel file name saved with the name selected in the form.
Below is the code that I've written that doesn't work.
Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = SelectedItems(Me.lstName)
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qryFocal_Sheet", acFormatXLS, "C:JRSWorkEquityFY2015" & strFileName & ".xls"
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Oct 13, 2014
In VBA I have set a timer on a form to run a query and export to a specific folder as an excel file.
If I open the database as 'File Open' and open the form and let the timer run it exports perfectly.
As soon as I put the database into runtime - the Timer code kicks in and starts running but as soon as it hits the export line. It stops and then does nothing
I have tried several combinations of either:
- docmd.runsavedimportexport "Query"
- docmd.outputTo acquery etc ...
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Feb 11, 2015
So I press a button on my Form1 and my tbl_customers table is exported onto a specific sheet in a templated Excel file "customer-template" that I have created.
This file has formulas on another sheet that based on the imported data.
The file is then saved to a specific location C:AccessCustomersHistory with the file name based on a date that was criteria from my original form E.g. "customers 11-02-15"
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Jan 27, 2015
Is there a way to create some sort of an EXE or BATCH file in any Windows Explorer folder, that executes me a specific Excel Macro?
My problem is that I got several files split up by Departments, updated every day.
So far I have to open each file and update the format.
It would make my life much more easier if I could just run a file that opens each file and applies a format to them.
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Jan 11, 2015
I would like to create a form that allows me to search for a folder on my desk top, then once located i can transfer that file to a specific location on another drive, Similar to the Browse / upload function you see on many applications.I am using Access 2003. Is this possible??
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Feb 23, 2013
We have a server that we use to run a Microsoft Access application. This application creates folders, subfolders and files on the server.Users are in 4 different offices. Each office has at least 3 computers. Some users also work from home.
Users creates file through word, or scanning a document or by saving an email on their local pc.My problem is that users need to be able to save a file to a specific folder on server.
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May 28, 2015
I am copying a range from excel (multiple rows) and paste it directly to access table using:
Code : DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPasteAppend
Sometimes it does not work and I need to use paste special as text.
Is there any way to paste special as text using VBA ?
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May 16, 2014
I would like to copy one (or multiple) file (-s) from a location (using applicatioin.FileDialog) and paste it in a predefined directory.
This is what I have written so far, but it doesn't work.
Dim strFil As String
Dim strURL As String
strURL = "xxxxxxxxxxxx" & Me.Internnr
strFil = Application.FileDialog(3)
strFil.allowmultiselect = True
FileCopy strFil, strURL
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Apr 15, 2015
VBA for a click button that extracts specific fields in an Access DB in to an Excel spread sheet.
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Nov 25, 2013
Two Solutions to address moving an Access Memo field into Excel when string has > 255 characters. All my 'reports' use Excel VBA (Access Reports are not used). The Excel reports can have 40,000 records. Speed to create the report can be an issue.
Describing 2 Solutions below to address moving Access memo fields with > 255 characters into Excel.After running this code
720 ObjXL.DisplayAlerts = False
ObjXL.Selection.NumberFormat = "@" ' set column to Text
730 ObjXL.Worksheets(intWorksheetNum).Cells(intRowPos, 1).CopyFromRecordset rsNutsAndBolts
The Comments column are limited to 255 characters. So, the CopyFromRecordset (recordsetvariable) creates the 255 character limitation.
The reason? The 255 character limit is because CopyFromRecordset sutomatically uses the Characters property of the Range object. The 255 limit would not be there if the Cell Value property is used to assign the string to that cell.
Dim sRx as String ' String Prescription
sRx = "String with > 255 characters ... you fill in the rest ...."
Cells(1, 1).Value = sRx ' Cell's Value property assignment can be very large
Solution 1:
The record set is still in memory. By using a loop, a cursor can start with record 1 (memo column) and assign that value to the Excel row / column using the .value as shown above. Basically, this moves one memo field at a time, record by record. e.g. Read First recordset in Access, copy to variable, assign value to Excel row/column Then move next on each Access and Excel.
Solution 2:
An Access Memo filed [RxNotes] can have up to 750 characters. Cut it apart into three new fields that end up out in the very right Excel columns AA, AB, AC.
Then using Excel Object - Concat the cells back cell by cell...
Then delete the columns AA, AB, AC to hide the evidence..Neither solution is all that elequent. Read about this and by golly, it made a difference
ConcatComments = "'" & CommentString
Before using the CopyFromRecordset be sure to add a single quote in front of the large string.
Turns out the interface between Access and Excel look for this to prepare Excel immediately for the string to be a string, not something else. Some of my strings had weird print characters that kind of looked like Japenese characters. It seemed random, it always happened if the string was 255 or more characters (ramdonly, not always). The single quote doesn't show up in Excel, but got rid of all the noise.
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Dec 6, 2013
Access 2010:
The database I'm working on stores label images, or better stated, it stores file paths where the label images are stored. These paths are used in reports and forms to view the label images within the database. What I'd like to do is to create a "save" or "email" button that will allow the user to select a location to save just a copy of the image in jpg format. I realize that it is possible to imbed the jpg image into a report and export it as a pdf. What I'd really like to do is find a way to save the image (perhaps by copying it from the path in the database and simply relocating it) and preserve the jpg extension if that is possible.
I am also aware that there are third party applications that will convert pdf reports into jpg files however network restrictions keep me pretty limited in my ability to download third party software.
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Jun 20, 2015
How to open a pre filled excel template in read and write mode from msaccess vba and insert data from msaccess tables into specific columns in excel.
Rename the tabs in excel sheet based on a specific column in the access data.
Each row in the table will go to a seperate tab in excel.
Save the excel template after populating the necessary data into different tabs.
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Dec 11, 2004
Does anyone know how to exclude the header information when copying a record from an Access table and pasting it into Excel. When I paste into Excel, it is also pasting the header information from Access which I do not want. I only want the data to be pasted.
Thanks for the help in advance.
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Aug 19, 2013
Actually what I am looking to do is have an Access application check some Web site for the presence of a number. This number could be the Serial number of the application and if this number exists to maybe show a message in the aplication or even terminate the application.
A quick and dirty way is for User Serial number 254, to put on a specific page of a Web site say arbitrary file 254.jpg (invisible on the Web site). The application would check for the existence of this file and if it is there, it could take some action. Everything would have to be done in stealth mode.
The following code can tell me if a specific URL exists, in this case [URL]
Private Sub cmdArbitray_Click()
Dim blnDum As Boolean
blnDum = blnCheckURL("")
' If blnDum = True then it exists
End Sub
Public Function blnCheckURL(ByVal strURL As String) As Boolean
blnCheckURL = (InternetCheckConnection(strURL, FLAG_ICC_FORCE_CONNECTION, 0&) <> 0&)
End Function
1) How can I check for file 254.jpg?
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