Modules & VBA :: Copy File From One Folder To Another

Feb 28, 2014

I need to create a function that I can launch using a macro that will copy an excel file from one folder to another in the file system.

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2013 - Make Copy Of PDF Document In Specified Folder?

Apr 25, 2014

I need to make a copy of a pdf document that the user identifies in a "hidden" folder that is associated with my backend database. how to code this. I am using Access 2013.

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Modules & VBA :: Search For All Picture Files In Documents And Copy To A Folder On Desktop

Mar 28, 2014

I've been trying to search for all picture files in my documents and copy them to a folder on the desktop. I found this and it work great for searching however I'm having trouble getting the copy to work. [URL] ....

Dim colFiles As New Collection
RecursiveDir colFiles, "C:Photos", "*.jpg", True
Dim vFile As Variant
For Each vFile In colFiles
Debug.Print vFile
Next vFile


I replaced the debug.print vfile with my copy function. I've tried copyfile but it needs to specify the destination with the file name. I tried using the FSO filecopy method and can't get it to work (keep getting a compile error "Expected =") I feel the hard part is done and this part should be simple.

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Modules & VBA :: Determine If File Exists In Sub Folder

Dec 15, 2014

How to search for a file using the dir function, however, i need to search for a file from a main folder which may have several sub folders.

I am having no luck so far - i understand there is a recursive search facility but im not sure how i can get this to work with what i am trying to achieve.

This is the code i have for the dir function:

If Len(Dir("$TamworthLaminate C of CsCircuit Foil" & CofC & ".")) = 0 Then
MsgBox "This file does not exist"
MsgBox "Yippee"
End If

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Modules & VBA :: Function To Unzip A File To Same Folder

Jun 26, 2014

I'm trying to write a function to unzip a file (working off Ron de Bruin's code here)..The function should take the path of the zipped file as an argument and return the path of the unzipped file (extracting to the same folder)

Public Function UnZipFile(strFile As String) As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objShellApp As Object
Dim strUnzipped As String


But the code has no effect (i.e., I'm still left with just the zipped file in the folder, not the unzipped contents?) strFile is a legitimate path to an existing .zip file which contains a zipped .xls file


...but found that the .Count property was 0?I've done several searches on how to unzip files using VBA and this seems to be the universally accepted method.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Opening And Put Excel File In Folder

Oct 21, 2013

I have a macro in access that will create a folder and create a word doc in the folder with the name of the folder. I would like to add to the same folder an excel file. The excel file is in a folder and needs to be copied every time in a new folder when created. where to add the excel file from the below folder:

C:Excel CopyCombine_PDF.xls

this is the macro:


Private Sub Command22_Click() 'this will register the letter and create folder, word doc and open all
Me.[DateRegistered] = Date
Me.[PersonRegister] = Environ("Username")


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Modules & VBA :: Initial Folder Of Open File Dialog

Apr 27, 2015

I am trying to display an open file dialog window so that the user can pick up a file. I wish the window to show a specific folder. How can I do this? The code I am using is below. The parameter InitialFileName has no effect on the outcome.

Function GetFileName(strPath As String, imtype As String) As String
On Error GoTo Err_GetFileName
Dim Dlg As FileDialog
Dim sfl As FileDialogSelectedItems
Dim sflitem As Variant
Set Dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Folder - File Path Hyperlink

Nov 19, 2013

I am using MS Access 2010. I have a code that I am using that loops through a folder gather all the names of the files in the folder and inserts them into a table (shown below). The table is named "tblFiles" there are two columns in the table titled file name and file path. What I want to do is to also loop through the same folder to find the file path of the files and insert them into the file path column has a hyperlink where users can just click on the hyperlink and the file opens.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim fs, f, f1, fc, s
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblFiles")

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Universal Short File Path To Documents Folder?

May 27, 2014

I have the code below and I want it to open a file from my documents folder. The only problem is that every computers path is different to this folder. Any easy way to work around and open a file in My Documents without the full path?

I want to eliminate the part of the path in red and make it universal because computers will have a different number.

Operating System: Windows 7

Code below:

Public Function AddITARPicOffloadAnalysis()
Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With xlApp
Dim wb As Object
Dim ws As Object
Dim Lastrow As Long

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Run A Query And Export To Specific Folder As Excel File

Oct 13, 2014

In VBA I have set a timer on a form to run a query and export to a specific folder as an excel file.

If I open the database as 'File Open' and open the form and let the timer run it exports perfectly.

As soon as I put the database into runtime - the Timer code kicks in and starts running but as soon as it hits the export line. It stops and then does nothing

I have tried several combinations of either:

- docmd.runsavedimportexport "Query"
- docmd.outputTo acquery etc ...

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Modules & VBA :: How To Save File From Attachment Field To External Folder

Sep 5, 2014

I have a table with an attachment field called email, where a .msg file is stored for each record. Looking for code to save this contents of this field in a folder in my drive.

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Modules & VBA :: Copying File To Specified Folder And Updating Records With New Location?

Jan 28, 2015

I'm currently working on a database to track and inventory documents in my organization similar to a library catalog, but with a digital archive as well. I'll need the ability to "attach" documents to records in the main inventory (though using links instead of storing it in the db) and have the documents live in a centrally accessible location on our shared server.

I will need to have this function work through a few different tables and in a few different iterations, but I'm trying to work on the simplest part first, which is attaching a thumbnail/preview of a given document to the record for that document.

I've got some VBA working well which opens the file picker and copies the file to a directory relative to the DB. It also creates a folder with each employee's ID number if it doesn't exist already (which it gets from the Windows log in) and adds "Copied_" to the front of the file.

Now I'm trying to get the VBA code to interact with the record. Presumably I need to tell the form button I'm using to launch the VBA code to pass the primary key of the record being displayed to VBA. Then, at the end of the VBA code I need to take that value and find the record again from VBA so I can update the MediaThumbnailLink in the original record.

Does this order of operations make sense? If so, how should I go about passing these values back and forth and writing the new link value?

Here's the VBA I'm using so far...

Option Compare Database
Public Sub GoCopyThumbnail()
Dim fDialog As FileDialog
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim LUser As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Paste Excel File From Access

Mar 31, 2015

All I need to do is copy an excel file from a location (while coping the file, the location of the source file remains same all the time)and paste that excel file where ever I want (Browser Option) from an Access VBA.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy File To New Directory On Button Click?

Dec 22, 2014

Is it possible in access, to create a button that will copy a file to a new directory? Specifically, the data field in question is an access hyperlink that we can click on to open a PDF drawing of a part. I just want to copy the file the hyperlink points to, into a new directory.


I don't think a macro can do this, but perhaps vbscript can.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Zipped File To Another Location And Unzip

Apr 28, 2015

How easy it is to add a button to a form with a function to copy a zipped file to another location and unzip it?

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Modules & VBA :: Open Folder Nested Inside Main Folder?

Mar 16, 2015

I'm trying to open a folder based on a BIN nr. This folder could be in a main folder that has diferent subfolder. As there where differnt naming used to create the folderes, one of the things they have always is the BIN nr. It alwasy start with a unique number and maybe I could use it to scan the subfolders and open that one that the BIN nr is equal as in the field BIN.

Now we have serveral 1000th of folders and finding them takes time.

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Modules & VBA :: Create Subfolder And Copy File - Path Is Variable

Apr 18, 2014

I have a folder which holds 1000s of pictures organised in subfolders, for example:

D:~AI Database Print Scans2009family and
D:~AI Database Print Scans2009holiday

And so forth. In total at the moment 17 main subfolders, each of which hold another 2-3 subfolders.

I am putting together a database to bring pictures together with all sorts of details. I import the picture via hyperlink and complete the various fields. All that works fine but there are a lot of pictures! And it gets confusing to see which ones have already been entered into the database and which ones haven’t.

One solution for this is to copy the pictures that have been “completed” to another folder. I have found a way to do that:

Dim fs As Object
Dim oldPath As String, newPath As String
oldPath = Forms!frmPrintDetails.txtPath1
newPath = "D:~AI Database Print ScansCompleted_Entries"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fs.CopyFile oldPath, newPath
Set fs = Nothing

Works fine, but the problem is that I loose the subfolder structure, it copies all pictures to the same main folder. I’d like to maintain the subfolder structure and add code to create the correct subfolders and next copy the picture. With the different paths I’m lost. I don’t know how to extract the correct path in code. I’d also like to either rename or remove the picture once I have completed entry of the details. The problem I have again is that I don’t know how to code for a changing path.

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Copy From A Drive To A Folder

Feb 27, 2006

I have been searching previous threads and the help file and got half way, but have got stuck.

I want to copy all files from a floppy disk to a drive on a directory on a server. I can check to make sure the directory exists and if not, can make it. All I want to do is copy all the files from the floppy disk drive (A drive) to the direcory I have just created.

I got this from the help in access:-

FileSystemObject.CopyFolder "c:mydocumentsletters*", "c: empfolder"

but can't get it to this the way I want to go?

Can anyone help?



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Copy Files Into Specific Folder

Apr 16, 2012

I have created a database that saves a link of technical data. Now i have forms where you can add the hyperlink of the data in the database. You can also type information about the data into the form (like location, what kind of part etcc.)But I was asked to save the data in a specific folder that you can select.

So what I have to do is:

Browse for a file in a form.Save the hyperlink of the file in the database.Don't save the file in the database, but copy the file that's selected when browsing to specified folder

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Modules & VBA :: Copy And Rename Excel File To Subfolder With Name Entered In Forms Control?

Jan 5, 2014

I am still trying to copy an Excel file from a parent folder to a sub-folder, that this code creates, and name the copied file with the name used to name the sub-folder, using the name entered in a control field (named 'TheDirName) of an Access 2007 form. Here is my VBA, which names the copied file "TheDirName.xlsx.:

Private Sub MakeDir_Click()
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim lngLastDataRow As Long
Dim Folder_Path As String
'Create path for customer folder & files


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Modules & VBA :: Copy Excel File Or A Table In Access To Specific Location On FTP Server

Jul 11, 2013

I need some simple code that will copy an Excel file or a table in Access to a specific location on an FTP server. I would think this would be a very simple task, but I have yet to find any sample code that is *simple*. I have seen lots of code that requires downloading this dll or that mda, but the examples don't work. There must be something built into MS Access 2010 that will allow a file to be uploaded to an FTP site.

All the variables are known:

The FTP location (it never changes)
The FTP Username and Password (they never change)
The destination folder on the FTP site (it never changes)
The File type (it never changes)
The File name (available from the form in Access from which this will be executed)

I can either produce an output file, then copy it to the FTP site, or I can export the table directly to the FTP site with the file name for that day.

This seems to be a very simple task with no simple solution. Currently I am using an FTP app to get the file to the FTP site, but I would like to automate this. The process that creates the output file is already automated, so I would just like to add this to the existing code as its own module.

I'm looking for a simple command on the idea of:

DoCmd.FTPFile, acExel, TableName, FTPFilePath, FTPFileName, Username, Password, acUpload

just made all that above up and none of it is a real function/command in VBA, but is just the kind of thing I'm looking for.

I would think that since I can download and XML file from an FTP site that it should be child's play to upload a simple file to an FTP site, but I can't figure it out.

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General :: Copy Network Folder To Another Location And Rename It

Jul 17, 2013

I'm looking for copy folder functionality and I can't find anything.

In access 2007 when I push a button on a form, I want to copy a network folder to another location and rename it.

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General :: Copy A Folder To Location Selected By The User?

Sep 4, 2012

I have a folder with Access files, subfolders, and some .vbs files in it. It requires one person to navigate through a setup process. Once the setup is completed, they need to copy the folder and its contents to a location on a shared drive, which is unknown to me and will be chosen by the user at the site. There could be many sites.

It basically works like this:

Files are downloaded to C:Program Files.

A vbscript is run and extracts a folder directly to the C:Drive and opens it. I'll call it C:Test.

The user manually moves the BE file to a shared drive.

The user opens the FE file and is walked through using the Linked Table Manager.

The user then follows a series of forms to input data.

After this, the FE closes and another DB opens.

The second DB walks them through the Linked Table Manager and closes.

Option #1 At this point I would like to have a script and have it copy that folder, C:Test, and its contents, and have a dialog box open telling the user to paste it in a location where all users have access to.

Option #2 A script that will backup the folder and all its contents to a shared location selected by the user.

Either option will l allow others to navigate to that location, copy the folder, and paste the folder to their C: Drive.

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Modules & VBA :: Temporarily Map A Drive / Copy A File Then Remove Mapped Drive

Aug 29, 2014

My workaround was to temporarily map the URL to a vacant drive letter on the local machine, then copy the file over, then drop the mapped drive again. A bit clunky but doesn't incorporate much of a delay and this download only has to happen once per day.

The good news is, the file download / copy now works every time. The bad news is that removing the temporarily mapped drive after the copy has taken place, doesn't and I can't figure out why.

Here are the functions I use to map / unmap the drive :


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const RESOURCETYPE_ANY = &H0&
Private Const RESOURCE_CONNECTED As Long = &H1&

[Code] .....

I have separate functions to check existing drive mappings on the local machine and thus determine an appropriate vacant letter to use for the temporary mapping - they work fine.

Unfortunately the UnMapDrive function returns False (even though I switch the active drive to C: and force the connection to be cancelled with the fForce flag) So the mapping always remains on the users profile.

I don't want to permanently map drives on the users' profiles, just briefly for the purposes of this daily file download.

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Populating Picture File Names From A Folder

Jan 13, 2006

I could realllllllly use some help here....

I have database that looks like this:

Type | Pic1 | Pic 2
12-5525 C:RC125525-01 C:RC125525-02
12-3556 C:RC123556-01 C:RC123556-02

As you can see the picture naming system is standard and is based on the content in the type field. If one record of the Type field is say 12-6636 then the picture will be RC126636-01 (for Pic1) and RC126636-02.

Is there a way where the user say... can type C: and it will populate the picture file names in a combo box?

There are about 2000 records in the DB and I am just trying to find a way to keep a user from typing all that stuff.

:rolleyes: Could there be a way to do all 2000 records at once?...:rolleyes:

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Link To A File Or Folder From An Access Form

Jan 12, 2006

Hi Di Hi

I am new to Microsoft Access and have a little problem. I have searched the forum and nearly found the fix but I didnt quite understand what to do, so im creating a new thread.

I have a Access Database and have a client page that stores all the information about that client. We produce reports (scanned word/pdf) for each client and we store the report files in a client folder using the Client ID taken from Access.

My question is can I somehow produce a link from the Client Form in Access to the Client Folder or Files in explorer. I have seen the Hyperlink option but that is only availabe in Design View.

Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance,.

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