Modules & VBA :: Copying From One Table To Another Where Values Don't Match

Jul 23, 2013

I have two tables. TableA and TableB They both have the same columns.

I need a query that will look at the diferences between TableA.Column1 and TableB.Column1 and copy whatever TableB.Column1 is missing from TableA.Column1

So I want it to copy over the entire record based on what TableA.Column1 has the TableB.Column1 does not have.

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Match The Sum Of Column Values To Another Table

Jun 12, 2015

I am using access 2010. I have "classlevel" table with 2 columns-Class and Value1 .Value1 column has numeric values that i ll input from webpage (webpage to ms access connectivity).I want to sum the values of column "Value1" and i have another table-"Volume" which has 2 columns "VolumeLevel" and "Value2". So i want to match the sum that i calculated from first table-"ClassLevel" with the "value2" column in "Volume" table and get the corresponding "volumelevel" column value from that table and there is a third table that will get this volumelevel value.

There is no common column to join these tables.


Class Value1
Class 0 3000
Class 1 2000
Class 2 300
Class 3 400
Class 4 500


Volumnlevel Value2
Vo 0
V1 5000
V2 10000
V3 30000
....upto V10

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General :: Match Sum Of Column Values To Another Table

Jun 12, 2015

I am using access 2010. I have "classlevel" table with 2 columns-Class and Value1 .Value1 column has numeric values that i ll input from webpage (webpage to ms access connectivity).

I want to sum the values of column "Value1" and i have another table-"Volume" which has 2 columns "VolumeLevel" and "Value2". So i want to match the sum that i calculated from first table-"ClassLevel" with the "value2" column in "Volume" table and get the corresponding "volumelevel" column value from that table and there is a third table that will get this volumelevel value.

There is no common column to join these tables.


Class Value1
Class 0 3000
Class 1 2000
Class 2 300
Class 3 400
Class 4 500


Volumnlevel Value2
Vo 0
V1 5000
V2 10000
V3 30000
....upto V10

Answer that i am looking for is V1 as sum=6200 lies between 5000 and 10000 so its V1.

Table 3-


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Copying Values Of Fields From One Table To Another.

Dec 14, 2005

Ok so here is the problem I need help with,
I have a prices table that stores all the different price changes for each part I have in my Parts table what I need to figure out how to do is to copy the "Last" price for that part from the price table into the Price field of the Parts table or have some way of updating it automatically either by macro or what not - example:

Price Table:

PriceID (PKey)
PartID (Connected to Part Number ID)
Price Added( Date & Time when price was added so I can groupby "Last" or "Max" in the Price Query I have made)


Parts Table:

PartID (Pkey)
Part Number


Now how do I take the value my Price query gives me for "Last" or "Max" Price using the last date for that parts price and have it automatically get copied into the Parts Table price?


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Modules & VBA :: Textbox Value To Loop Through Table And Find Match

Jun 26, 2015

I have an MS Access 2010 db that has a main form called switchboard. This has 4 command buttons that open diffrent forms. Also on the main switchboard form i have an unbound textbox called TxtUserName that captures the users environ"username" when the switchboard form is opened.

I have a table called "tblAccessUsers" that i manually enter who i want to use my db. This table will have up to 50 names added to it. Their is only one field name in this table and it is "User Login".

When the user hits any of the commandbuttons on the main switchboard form i need some code that will look at the value in TxtUserName and loop through tblAccessUsers for an exact match. If it finds a match then it will carry out the open form command or if not prompt the user with a message box.

My knowledge of Access and especially VB is quite limited. I managed to create this using a DLookup but that only returns the first record in the table. The logic works but it will not look past the first record.

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Modules & VBA :: Copying From A Table To Another Table

Jun 12, 2014

I have two tables, table A and table B. Table A is a master table where it contains various values. I want to do it such that if user keyed in value X and value Y into Form B (linked to table B), it will check Table A for value X and value Y. If the values matched, it will display a new value (value Z) that is taken from Table A into Form B.

If IsNull(Me.txtValueX) Then
MsgBox "Please type Value X", vbInformation, "Value X Required"
ElseIf IsNull(Me.txtValueY) Then
MsgBox "Please type Value Y", vbInformation, "Value Y Required"


I am stuck at this part where i am not sure how to retrieve value C out.

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Tables :: Limiting Values To Match Primary Key

Aug 29, 2013

I have a very basic three table structure.

ClientID (PK)

BoatReg (pk)
ClientID (FK)

QuoteID (Pk)
ClientID (fk)
BoatReg (fk)

What I would like to do is for the BoatReg field in the Quotes Table to only display the boats that have been registered to the Client that has been selected, currently it displays all the BoatRegs.

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Queries :: Match Based On Multiple Values Within One Field?

Sep 22, 2014

For my study on academic research I need to match patents that refer to academic research as prior work with the actual prior work.

I have two tables (see attached images below).

One regarding AcademicPublications (AP), which is neatly organized with title, year, journal, volume, pages, first author, etc... 480,000 rows

One regarding Patentswhere all this information is hidden within one field, in the most messy way possible... for instance, a field could have:


Sugita et al, "Nonsurgical Implantation of a Vascular Ring Prosthesis Using Thermal Shape Memory Ti/Ni Alloy (Nitionl Wire)," Trans. Amer. Soc. Artif. Intern. Organs, vol. 23, pp. 30-34.



Willingham et al., Cell 13, 501-507 (1978).

Or many other ways.

I want to create a new table that is set up like this:

Patents.PatentNumber | AP.ID | Patents.Reference | AP.Title | AP.Year | AP.Volume | AP.PageStart

The question is: How do I match different fields from one table on one field of another and make it return another field (the ID)? Some references are too horrible to match, but I need as many as I can get.

I can imagine two queries would give me the bulk:

A match in [Title] AND [Year]

A match on ([SourceTitle] OR [AbbreviatedSourceTitle] ) AND [Volume] AND [Year] AND [PageStart]

I understand that I have to make use of the Like "*"&[value]&"*", but how do I make it return the matching ID?

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Help With Button Click And Copying Control Values

Aug 21, 2007

Hello everyone, hopefully you can help before I go crazy. i have been working on this problem now for 3-4 days.

I have two forms (ID-Injury Choice) and (Treatments). In both forms I have the control (InjuryID). What I am trying to do is when I click a button on the ID-Injury Choice form, the InjuryID control value is automatically transferred to the Treatments form.

For the life of me I can figure out this simple act. Any help would be appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Copying Records From Linked Table / Each Record Slower And Slower

Jul 30, 2015

I have an access db with a linked table (to Sharepoint) which contains about 15000 records. I have to copy those records to the local access db. To do this I have a bit of VBAcode. It works, but for each next record that is copied it takes a bit longer. When starting the program the records are copied quite fast, but soon you see it slowing down until after a couple of thousand records it just goes too slow to be usefull, meaning it would take a lot of days to copy all records.

What I now do is let it copy 500 records and exit ms-access completely and then start it again and let it copy the next 500 records. This works but is tedious as I have to do it about 35 times. Why this gradual slowdown occurs?

The VBA code is pretty straightforward.(I use VBA because I do a bit of data wrangling while reading in the values of the records)


Dim importdb1 As DAO.Database
Dim rsimportdb1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Double
Set importdb1 = CurrentDb
Set rsimportdb1 = importdb1.OpenRecordset("2015")
Set rsMain = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_import")


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Setting Default Values In Combo Box To Match The Value Of Previous Record

Dec 21, 2005

G'day. I've been browsing the forum trying to find a solution to a problem, without much luck, and am hoping that someone might be kind enough to help me more directly.

I'm a biologist and a newbie to access: with the distinction of being completely clueless about VBA. Nonetheless, I have been tasked with creating a database for storing data obtained from biological surveys of juvenile salmon and harvest/spawner surveys of adult salmon.

The bones of the db are in place and functional. The problem I have is streamlining the data entry process to minimise keystrokes/mouse clicks.

I have a subform for entering fish records with attributes such as 'species_name', 'fork_length', 'count', 'presence of tags, etc. The idea is that fish can be entered as individuals (count=1) or groups (count>1) with attribute data at the appropriate level (eg, fork lengths only entered for individuals. We typically measure the fork lengths of the first 20 individuals of each species and then tally the remainder).

One problem I face is that fish often occur in schools, and it becomes quite tiresome to click and select the same species_name combo box value for each record when entering multiple individuals of fish of the same species.

What I would like to do is set the default value for that combo box (on the fish subform) to match the value entered for the previous record.

I suspect that you could use the after update trigger to execute some code to change the default value each time something is entered manually into the combo box. Unfortunately, I know nothing about how to write the appropriate code.

Can anyone offer me some guidance?

Thanks in anticipation.
Craig Dolphin

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Modules & VBA :: Restrict Value In Lookup Field To Only Include Values From Table B Not In Table A?

Feb 2, 2014

I have a database that has 2 tables. Table A and Table B. Table A is my primary table. On this table I have 2 fields. The first field is a LOOKUP Field that looks up information from Table B and displays my selection in the field on Table A. Then using DLOOKUP I automatically input the information in the Second Field on Table A based upon the selection from the First Field.

This is working mostly correctly. However, the problem is, when I click on the next record in the table, it automatically changes the Second Field on that record to the same value as the record before it and continues this trend each time I click on another record. This occurs without me making a selection in the first field. If I make a selection in the first field it does change the Second Field to the Correct Value, but then the next Record has the same issue.

How do I go about fixing this so it doesn't change the value with the change of the record. Only change if I change that particular field within that 1 record?is there a way to restrict the Value's in my lookup field to only include the Values from Table B that aren't already in Table A?

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Modules & VBA :: Replace Values In One Table Based On 2nd Table

Jan 12, 2015

I have a table (tblConversions) that I'm using as a base for replacing values in a different table. tblConversions is set up as such and is made up of nearly 100 records:

1 Ashaway ASH
2 Barrington BAR
3 Bristol BRI
4 Jesse Smith BUR

Another table (tblSysItemLoc) has nearly 1,000 records with a field for Location Names such as Ashaway New Books, Ashaway Fiction, Ashaway Non-Fiction, Barrington DVDs, Barrington Reference, etc. Other fields in this table are just statistics.

What I need to do is loop through tblConversions, and find in tblSysItemLoc where the Location field Starts With the value from tblConversion.LABEL and replace the Entire field with the CODE. For example, from tblSysItemLoc "Ashaway New Books" gets changed to "ASH", "Barrington Reference" gets changed to "BAR", etc.

I feel like I need a loop inside of a loop, but I'm not sure where to begin. Loops are not my specialty.

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Form Shows Similar Match In 1 Table - Alter Another Table?

Dec 16, 2014

I have two tables (Access 2010). One with a list of names (List1) and another with a very similar list of names (List2), but they differ in very small ways. For example, List1 might have John Smith, and List2 would have Smith, John L.; and Smith, John. List2 also has a unique ID associated with these names that I need to append to List1.

I need to design a form that will allow me to look up names in List1, and have it return all names that are similar in List2. I then need to be able to choose with record in List2 matches with the List1 entry (based on a few other columns in List2, such as birth date) and have the form add that unique ID to the List1 record.

PS: I am using Access 2010

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Modules & VBA :: Comparing Two Tables To See If There Is Any Match?

Jul 7, 2015

I have two access tables named as "DestructionTBL" and "AnnutiesTBL". Now I have to check each PolicyNumber of AnnutiesTBL with PolicyNumbers in "DestructionTBL". If match is found then add that PolicyNumber into "NODestructionTBL" and delete that PolicyNumber record from "DestructionTBL".

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Modules & VBA :: Add Values To Related Table?

Mar 27, 2014

I have two related tables. (related with AcqID)

tblAcq and tblAcqDetail
In tblAcq I have information about the delivery and in tblAcqDetail delivered articles, price and quantity.
[AcqID] ; [Contractor]; [TransportCosts]; [CustomDuties]; [SumWithoutVAT]; [LimSUM](this total cost of shipment Goods+other cost)


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Modules & VBA :: Inserting Values Into Table With SQL

Sep 12, 2014

I'm trying to insert a set of values into a table using SQL.

Here's my code:

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblAuditTrail([DateTime], [UserName], [RecordID], [Action], [FieldName], [OldValue], [NewValue])VALUES (" & Now() & ", " & User & ", & Me.CSM & ", " & 'EDIT' & ", " & 'Location' & ", " & Me.txtTranFrom & ", " & Me.txtTranTo & ");"

However, this returns a compile error.

I reference User as Environ("USERNAME") earlier in the code. Everything else pulls from the current table ("tblInventory").

I'm lost, since I've never attempted to use SQL in VBA.

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Values From A Table Via DLookup

Aug 15, 2013

I'm pretty familiar with getting values from a table via Dlookup. What I want to do is almost the reverse if possible? I'm declaring a variable as follows:

Dim Ref as string
Ref = [lead_id]

This is from a form.What I'd like to be able to do is go to the table [list], reference the lead ID in the table via the variable then change the field [status] to "INCALL".Can this be done in a similar way to Dlookup?

UPDATE - here is the code I am trying to use

Dim ref As String
ref = [lead_id]
Dim MySQL As String
MySQL = "UPDATE vicidial_list SET"
MySQL = MySQL & "vicidial_list.status = 'INCALL' "
MySQL = MySQL & "WHERE (((vicidial_list.status)= Ref))"

Which gives me an update clause error

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Modules & VBA :: Filter To Match Any Part Of Criteria

May 3, 2014

I have a text box ( Supplier_Name) on the main form i would like to filter subform by any part of entered charactor on the feild (suplier_Name)

Private Sub Find_Click()
If Not IsNull(Supplier_Name) Then
Me.Suppliers_Details.Form.Filter = "[Supplier_Name] = '" & Me.Supplier_Name & "'"
.FilterOn = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

this code is work fine but i have to enter all the characters of long name , but i would like to only insert few chars.

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Modules & VBA :: Copying Value Of Text Box On Another Form

Jun 4, 2015

I'm trying to continue with my rebuild of our call answering screen. It's basically a form with a button for each company we represent, clicking the button will lead to a call answering screen for the company. we also have software that pops the correct screen when we receive a call for the corresponding company.

I'm trying to get some of the fields to autopopulate, starting with the telephone number of the caller. the number appears in a text box on the main form and I'm trying to copy it into the caller telephone box on the call answering form. I've got code in place but it gives me the error "you can't reference a property or method for a control unless the control has the focus". Here's the code for the form I'm working on...

Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmd_recordcomplete_Click()
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
txt_dateandtime.Value = Now
Me.txt_callertelephone.Text = Forms!Switchboard!txt_incoming.Text
End Sub

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Tables :: Normalize Existing Table Containing Data And Copying PK Value To FK In New Table

Nov 21, 2014

I am working from an existing database which is just two table. The main table has a massive amount of redundancy and duplication and needs splitting into, at first glance, 5 tables.

After I have run my various make table queries and added a Primary Key and FK field to the new tables how do I populate the FK with the Parent PK.

I thought I could simply add all the fields from the new table and then create an adhoc join in an update query to populate the PK to the FK. When I do this however I get "You are about to update 0 records"

I have tried the table analyzer but it doesn't give the correct options to split the table the way I need.

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Modules & VBA :: Clearing Values From Excel Table

Nov 25, 2014

I'm trying to set up code to clear values from an excel sheet. I need to leave the header row in place, and clear data from the sheet. Here's what I have:


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub ClearSignUsedXL()
Dim wb As Object

[Code] ....

This has been alternately throwing me a 438 Object doesn't support this method error and a 1004 Application or Object defined error as I've tried variations on Range, Row, Delete, Select etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Putting Values Into Temporary Table?

Jun 28, 2013

I'm trying to put values into a temporary table for the user to view the work behind a returned calculated value.

Here is my code:


Sub SearchPartNumber_Entered()
Dim txtPartNumber As Variant
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim rstt As Recordset
Dim u As Variant


How do I put all values under all 'u' 's into one table?

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Modules & VBA :: Assign Values To A Table Through Code?

Jun 24, 2015

I have a table (tblPrinterSelection) with three fields: Autonumber, DocType, PrinterSel

There are three types of values for "DocType"; "Document", "LargeLabel", "SmallLabel"

I want to assign a "PrinterSel" to each type of "Doctype", which basically means that the user selects the type of document and then the printer in a form that has the code below and then I need the code to automatically update the table.

Dim PrintSel As String
Dim DocType As String
'Assign a value to the printer selected variable
PrintSel = Me.lblPrinterSelected.Caption
If IsNull(Me.frmDocType) Then
MsgBox "No document type selected."


What i am looking for is code that would pick the value for "DocType" and "PrintSel" assigned here and add them to the table so that I can use that info later.

I am only looking to have three rows in that table so if the "DocType" does not exist then a new row is created but if it does, only the value of "PrintSel" is updated.

I should end up with something like this:

1 Document Epson
2 LargeLabel HP
3 SmallLabel Canon

How can I do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Returning Values Into A Query Or A Table

Jun 18, 2013

what I am trying to do with pretty much create a search query through code. So what's happening exactly is that the user enters a part number and expects to get 2 values: total orders and total items associated with the part number he/she entered. I have 3 tables and 2 of them are related. So I began my creating a query relating table 2 and table 3. I cannot include table 1 in the query.

1) Part Number is input by user
2) Search that Part Number into Table1
3) Take returned Parent Values associated with Part Number and store in Array
4) Modify Array values
5) Search Array values using a For Each loop into the query
6) Take the returned values found in query associated with each parent that was retrieved from the part number (user input) and return that through a table or query.
7) Also return the total rows in a specific column (Order Numbers)

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Forms :: Copying Field Values From Form Header To The Form

Sep 18, 2014

I have form named home page in this homepage form in the form header i have inserted some fields from some tables like province, district, community etc. these fields are unbound and are used for filtering purposes, when i select a province all districts related to that province displayed and when i select a a district all related communities displayed, there is a one to many relationship between district table and community table,

What I want is, when i select a district on the form header(it is unbound as i explained before) of this homepage form, the DistrictID should appear in community subform under DistrictID(as there is a one to many relationship between district and community) .

For more clarification find the snap shot attached...

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