I've been playing around with trying to make a scrolling marquee on an access form and it works. How I could get it to change. Here's what I've got....
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
message = "my message"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Text0 = message
'Get first character
Dim FChar As String
FChar = Left(message, 1)
'Remove first character
message = Mid$(message, 2, Len(message) - 1)
'Put 1st character at the end of the message.
message = message + FChar
End Sub
and that works great. Now I'm trying to make it get the message value from a table so I change to this...
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
message = Text0.Value
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Text0 = message
and set the control source for text0 to a field in a table. the problem is when I change the message in the table or add another record the marquee doesn't change unless I completely close and re-open the form. Is there a way to make it update without closing and restarting?
The last two weeks I taught myself Access (and hurt quite a few braincells in the process) Yet I am getting close to what I want to achieve, but now I am stuck how to proceed with the following:
I want to have 'forms' view as my main interface for my records. This is working very nicely, and I like how I can scroll fast through all records with my mouse-wheel. I also need to be able to filter records that will be displayed and scrolled through this way, and I created a filter which I can now toggle on or off easily for this purpose.
But now my challenge is, I want to be able to quickly select different filters, so for example, show only forms with a certain date field content. Or filter only forms which have a certain check-box checked. Etc. etc. And later on probably a bit more advanced, like: display forms that both contain 'this' and 'that'.
But I can't find a way to create several different and selectable filters? So this should probably be achieved in quite a different manner?
I have a form (frmCommoditySupplierSpend)and a subform (frmCommoditySupplierSpendSubForm1ByVend). I have a control button in the main form that will scroll down the page of the main form to a point I desire by using:
The problem that I am having is in my subform I have a button as well and when a user clicks the button in the subform I want the main form to scroll down to the same point. I thought the same exact code should work, but it ends up scrolling down the subform instead of the mainform, even though the main form is being stated. how to scroll down my main form when using a contol in subform.
I have a function which exports some data to Excel, performs some work, and then attaches the final report to an e-mail. As a result of various temporary columns being added / removed (for formulas to determine scope etc.), the main sheet ends up scrolled to the bottom of the used range. Before I attach it to the e-mail, I want to scroll the sheet back to the top-left corner (A1).
Public appExcel As Object ' Excel Application object (late-bound) Dim objWorksheet As Object ' Excel Worksheet object (late-bound) objWorksheet.Activate With appExcel With .ActiveWindow .ScrollRow = 1 .ScrollColumn = 1 End With End With
It worked up until this week, when I had to make some changes to the rest of the code to refine the output. Now, when it hits the ".ScrollRow = 1" line, I get RTE 91..how I can get the sheet to scroll to the top-left before I save it? (Such that, when subsequently attached to the e-mail, the recipient will open the workbook at the top-left cell and not sacrolled to the bottom).
Does anyone know why with some combo boxes, when I grab the scroll bar and haul it to the bottom of the records, after I let go of the mouse button, the scroll jumps back up to around the middle of the combo box? Then, I have to keep pulling it to the bottom several times before it finally gets to the last record. Thanks
This is not an other post about disabling the mouse wheel in access application but an other issue that is starting to really bug me... Some of my forms have a continuous subform, I can normally use the scroll wheel to go up and down the different record in the subform BUT i have noticed that if there is just a small amount of record in the subform (let's say three for example) when I scroll down the different records, they disapear in the detail header frame of the subform and only the last record is visible which I guess I don't mind to much. What annoys me is that if I scroll back up nothing happens the 2 records stay hidden behind the frame and the only way to put it back to normal is to use the scrolling bar on the right of the subform!??? I was wondering if anybody had a similar problem and if there is any solution to it?
In Access (2003) I was able to (by default?) scroll through records with the mouse scroll wheel. That no longer works. How can I have the form scroll backwords and forwards with the mouse wheel?
I've been reading threads and it sounds like MS "fixed" a feature that I was relying on heavily to move through records. I can't find a way to enable it again......
how can i stop wheel mouse scrolling on certain forms? it is ok on some forms but others where specific data is viewed can be scrolled to a blank space.
I'm using access 2000, and have built a long form. My users would like to be able to use their mouse wheel to scroll down the length of the form rather than having to click the scrollbar. is there a way to do this? (I'm sorry if I missed this being answered in another thread, I looked but did not find.)
This is kind of ridiculous, but I'd like to get to the bottom of it.
I have a form with a tab control on it, which holds all my controls on several pages. The tab control takes up almost the entire form; there's only a small area of the underlying form visible around it. For some strange reason, every time I open the form or switch from design mode to form mode, the form scrolls down a bit, on its own, so that my tabs are hidden and I have to manually scroll back up to see them. Apart from being very annoying, this may also hide the fact from some unsuspecting future user, that there are any tabs at all.
Can somebody explain this, and, hopefully, suggest a solution?
Hey, just a quick question that I hope someone out there maybe able to help with :-) In form view I don't want the mousewheel to scroll through my records when I use it, Can someone tell me what is the easiest way of turning this option off? I tried editing the [event procedure] in the form properties but it bought up a page in VB which I have no idea how to use. Sorry if that is confusing, basically i only want mousewheel to scroll down the form page that I'm on and NOT iterate through all my records. Any help would be much apprecitated :-) Thanks
This doesn't appear to be covered off in any "Scroll" type threads.
I have a continous form with several 100 records.
What I want to happen is when a record is selected it will automatically scroll to the top of the display (this is because my user is computer illiterate and gets confused where they were up to easily).
I can achieve this in Visual Basic but its not pretty.
If the user is scrolling down I can do this in the "On Current" Event by remembering where the previous "Current Record" was and using Command "GotoRecord" to go to the Last Record (so the screen instantly scrolls all the way to the bottom) and the using Command "GotoRecord" Last Record Number + 1 (so the screen scrolls back bringing the desired record to the top).
This works but looks messy as screen flashes a lot.
Similarly if the user is scrolling up (just use go to First Record first instead).
The best way would be if there was a Visual Basic equivalent to what you get when you Right Click on the Vertical Scroll bar where the option "Scroll Down" or "Scroll Up" is available. It would be simple if I could call that!
Any suggestions (apart from getting another user?). Any ideas would be appreciated.
I'm trying to prevent use of the scroll wheel in my subforms but allow for it in the main form. I've looked at the "mousetrap" posted by gHudson. I'm not trying to prevent changes as I am trying to prevent a blank or new record from displaying if one already exists. Any Ideas on how to do this?
it is the correct width so it doesn't need a horizontal scroll bar. However the length of the vertical can be unlimited so it therefore needs a vertical scroll bar. However when i try to scroll in the sub-form the records disappear. if i change the setting to neither scroll bars then i do not get the problem. the next time i open the form the records have re-appeared. what is the reason for this and how can i stop it?
Hi, been lurking on here for a while and can find most things im looking for but for some reason cant find any info on auto scrolling of data?
Im chasing something that will scroll a sub form which is displaying data from a query. slowly scrolling down all the data. It wont have anything entered or edited simply displaying the data. It is to be displayed on a monitor/tv and preferably have either a pause button or stop when focus command or something should they want it to pause. I was thinking it might be something like a move next loop or similar but Im terrible at code, can read alot but cant write it if that makes sence.
i will have a refresh/requery command when it gets to the end i think and or on a 1min cycle? to make sure it displays the most appropriate data.
Anyone point me in the right direction?
(sorry its long, just trying to be a good newbie poster :D )
I have a form with a group of controls on the left side and a control on the right side.
Is it possible to somehow lock down the controls on the left side so when scrolling through the form, only the control on the right side scrolls and the left side stays in position so it is always visible?
We have a system which calls a form from a hyperlink. The called form opens in Dialog mode (a box with a border which "Overlays" the screen). It has been working well until now when a new user has started using a computer with a smaller screen which can't display all of the dialog box (they don't have access to critical fields).
For now I have changed the mode of opening to normal which provides scroll bars but this only opens to the right of the navigation menu. Is there a way to set up scrolling within the dialog box.
I have a Combo Box on a form who's selection determines the records shown in a Sub-Form. However if there is more than 1 record in the Sub-Form and I try to scroll or navigate to the nest record I get an error message Saying that my action will create a duplicate record and it will not me allow me to view the next record.
I merely want the Sub-Form to be read only and I have set all the editing functions etc. to No.where I am going wrong?
Combo Box is fed from one table and sub form from another. The tables have a one to many relationship.
I have got the following code off another thread which works great!
I was just wondering if there was any way I can link the scrolling messages to a table so rather than having to go into the code to alter the messages the user can change them through a form or in the table.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit
Public txtScrollStatus As String ' Needed for Status Bar
Private Sub Form_Load() DoCmd.Maximize ' Text for Caption of Form Me.Caption = " CAPTION MESSAGE " & Space(25)
' Text for Label on Form Me.lblScrollingLabel.Caption = " SCROLLING LABEL MESSAGE " & Space(100)
' Text for Status Bar txtScrollStatus = " STATUS BAR MESSAGE " & Space(25)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
' Produce the Scrolling Text in Caption on the Form Me.Caption = Mid(Me.Caption, 2, _ (Len(Me.Caption) - 1)) & Left(Me.Caption, 1)
' Produce the Scrolling Text in Label on the Form Me.lblScrollingLabel.Caption = Mid(Me.lblScrollingLabel.Caption, 2, _ (Len(Me.lblScrollingLabel.Caption) - 1)) & Left(Me.lblScrollingLabel.Caption, 1)
' Produce the Scrolling Text in Status Bar of Access SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus, txtScrollStatus txtScrollStatus = Mid(txtScrollStatus, 2, (Len(txtScrollStatus) - 1)) & Left(txtScrollStatus, 1)
Is there a way to automatically scroll a subform on opening so the subform is filled with the last few records along with the new record data entry line?
Hope somebody can help with this. I checked the archives but not luck. My continuous form allows entry of 12 records. On the thirteenth record the new row scrolls to the top and all the previous rows disappear. Every new record after that scrolls up out of view and a new blank row is at the top. I can scroll up to see the previous records but they do not scroll one at a time as data entry is performed. Data Entry is set to No, Allow Additions is set to Yes.
i want to have one form, that relates to about 70% of the data in one table. however, the remaining controls will be coming from 3 other tables. i cannot for the life of me figure out how to create a form that will display these controls for all 4 tables on a single page.
every attempt i make with the wizard makes me the form with 3 subforms that the user has to scroll across the page to use. i need to have all my controls pretty much lined up on the page without moving horizontally across the screen to enter data
ive tried creating a form by dragging the fields into it in design view from the primary table, but i cant see how to include (or drag) fields from my other tables into this form