Modules & VBA :: DLookup In ODBC Table

Feb 15, 2015

I set up an Access 2003 database where this code works OK:

Private Sub Street_Exit(Cancel As Integer)

Me.Suburb = DLookup("Suburb", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")
Me.StreetID = DLookup("ID", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")
Me.Postcode = DLookup("Postcode", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")
Me.Town = DLookup("Town", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")

End Sub

I've now migrated the tables to a back-end in Azure using ODBC to connect. The linked Streets table in my list displays as dbo_Streets but when I change the table name in my code I get an error.

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Values From A Table Via DLookup

Aug 15, 2013

I'm pretty familiar with getting values from a table via Dlookup. What I want to do is almost the reverse if possible? I'm declaring a variable as follows:

Dim Ref as string
Ref = [lead_id]

This is from a form.What I'd like to be able to do is go to the table [list], reference the lead ID in the table via the variable then change the field [status] to "INCALL".Can this be done in a similar way to Dlookup?

UPDATE - here is the code I am trying to use

Dim ref As String
ref = [lead_id]
Dim MySQL As String
MySQL = "UPDATE vicidial_list SET"
MySQL = MySQL & "vicidial_list.status = 'INCALL' "
MySQL = MySQL & "WHERE (((vicidial_list.status)= Ref))"

Which gives me an update clause error

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Missing First Record In Table

Sep 23, 2014

I am having an issue with DLookup, which, for some reason which I do not understand appears to missing the first record in the table.

What I am trying to do is to extract the e-mail address of all users who have 'Admin' status to the database. In the table ('LogIn') there are 3 users who have 'Admin' status and this is confirmed by the DCount function in the following code. There respective ID values in the table are 1, 49 and 51.

Yet when I run the Loop to get all e-mail addresses it misses ID 1 and just returns records for ID 49 and 51.

I have tried changing other users status to 'Admin' and it finds them but always misses the first record.

Here is the code I am using:-

LastIDRef = 0
strToEmail = Null
strMailToAddress = Null
AdminCount = DCount("[ID]", "[LogIn]", "[LogIn].[Security Level] = 'Admin'")
strLinkCriteria = "[LogIn].[Security Level] = 'Admin' And [LogIn].[ID] > " & LastIDRef

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Retrieving Single Value From SQL Server Table (DLookup)

Jan 30, 2014

Front end Access 2010, back-end SQL-server 2008 R2.

Normally I retrieve a certain value by Dlookup("myvalue", "mytable",...)


strSQL = "SELECT myvalue FROM mytable...;"

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, 4)

But is there any faster way to retrieve a single value from an SQL-server table, beside doing doing the select by a stored procedure running through a pass through query, then open a recordset

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("mypassthroughquery")

just to retrieve ONE value?

I could not find something like DLookup("...) for an SQL-Server or in T-SQL.

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup - Check 2 Criteria In Two Different Columns In Same Table

Dec 2, 2013

I would like to make a DLookup that check 2 criteria in two different columns in the same table. The reason to use a DLookup is that I would like to check if two parts already have been linked together. The user therefore selects two values in to different comboboxes (lstLinkPart and lstLinkToPart). In this case the value of the first combobox is column: ComponentPN in tblProductLinkComponent. For the second (lstLinkToPart) column ProductPN, in the same table, has to be checked.

If both values from the comboboxes match the values in both (and only) columns I don't want to continue and made a code to be executed.

I found multiple examples on the internet for using multiple criteria but something similar to what I require.

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Modules & VBA :: Return Single Value From Table And Assign It To String - DLookup Not Working

Sep 3, 2014

I am trying to return a single value from a table and assign it to a string to be used later but Dlookup isnt working at all. below is the code im using and the error message im recieving is "wrong number of arguements or invalid property assignment"

Sub boo()
Dim result As Integer
result = dlookup("Definition", "Config", "Parameter = 'Mail Folder'")
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup With Multiple Values - Loop To Check Entire Table

Jul 14, 2015

I have run into an issue with a basic DLookup. The database has grown in size and now we could have multiple entries, but I want it to return a certain one. So the information could be in it three times. Of course DLookup stops after the first one. How do I get it to loop to check the entire table? Someone mentioned to me to use a recordset, but how to write that as I have never used it before. Below is what I was using until this new request came up.

Private Sub txtloan1_AfterUpdate()
If IsNull(DLookup("[loan1]", _
"settlement", _
"[loan1]=""" & Me.txtloan1.Text & """ AND [status] = 'Open'")) = False Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Test", vbOKOnly, "Warning"
End If
End Sub

This was also executing after the user entered the information within a text field. I did not want them to enter all the data and then have it come back as a duplicate.

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Local Table And ODBC Linked Table Don't Have Same Filter Options

Dec 31, 2014

In a local DB table or a data grid view, the columns have an arrow at the top next to the name. When the arrow is clicked, all the entries in that column are displayed with check boxes. They are listed underneath the "sort" and "text filter" options. I am working on a DB project with ODBC linked tables instead of a local access table.

My linked table does not have this same functionality. It is missing the names with check boxes where I can select individual entries. I don't know the correct terminology for this functionality I am describing. That makes searching tough. What this is called and why the tables would be different.

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Modules & VBA :: ODBC Call Failed

Oct 23, 2014

I am facing a problem with ODBC call failed error latly.The problem doesnt occur on my development PC but only on other PC's.I'm a beginer in Access, vba and I cant find a solution to make it work on every machines.


Dim qSQL As String
DATA = "#" & DatePart("m", DATA) & "/" & DatePart("d", DATA) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy", DATA) & "#"
qSQL = "SELECT Sum([IL]*[TO])" & _
"WHERE (((PUBLIC_SD.DAT)=" & DAT & ") AND ((PUBLIC_SD.ANA)='" & ANA & "') AND ((PUBLIC_SD.IA)='" & ia & "') AND ((PUBLIC_SD.AN_C)='PIMSS'));
Set Db = CurrentDb()
Set rs1 = Db.OpenRecordset(qSQL)

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Modules & VBA :: OpenRecordset ODBC Error

Feb 24, 2015

The code below should add a record to another table when a box is ticked. It worked fine when I wrote it in a local Access 2003 form.I have since migrated the tables to Azure and connect via ODBC, and now I get this error:nOpenRecordsetBug.PNG

A search for Identities told me to modify the code as in the second screenshot, and I now have a different error: InvalidArgument.JPG

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Modules & VBA :: Connect To MySQL Via ODBC

Jan 24, 2014

I've developed an Acc2003 App that reads from a ODBC linked table.This link was created fro DBwindow->Link table. It often opens a window asking for userNmae and Pwd - I wold liek to aviod this wen distributing the App. So I wrote tis code:

Public Sub linkOdbcTable(DataSource As String, UID As String, PWD As String, dbName As String, ParamArray Tables())
Dim dbs As Database
Dim tbl As Variant
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim linked As Boolean
Dim ConnectionString As String


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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Linking Database With ODBC Connection

Jun 26, 2015

I am looking to automate the process of linking my Access DB with an ODBC connection to an SQL DB with VBA (unless there's an easier way to do it?) - some sample code - if this is possible at all?

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Modules & VBA :: Invalid Column Error In SQL Server ODBC Where Clause

Jun 26, 2014

Connecting Access FE to SQL SERVER BE Connection is fine. I can open and close it and other queries work fine. I have only one problem with the SQL in one query

With rstRPT
If FirstRecord = True Then
.Open "SELECT Min([" & SourceTbl & "].[3Order ID]) AS MinOf3OrderID " & _


why it wants to see the variable as a column name?

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Copying Table From ODBC Datasource

Nov 1, 2005

Is it possible for a [MSAccess] query to obtain table data from an [external] ODBC Datasource?
Something like:

I found a similar thread but didn't understand the answer which mentioned linking a back-end to the Access Table.


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New Record Added In ODBC Table

Feb 4, 2005

Good morning all!

I have an ODBC link in an Access 2002 d/b to an AS400 table (with the ODBC refresh interval set to 10 seconds) and as the data changes, the data in form view changes just fine and dandy, thank you very much.
However, when a new record gets added to the AS400 physical file, the recordset doesnt update to show this, even if I use records>refresh. I have to close the form down and re-open it to see the new record.
Is there a method to achieve this?



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Save Data From ODBC To Local Table

Jun 27, 2005

Hi there,

I am about to start working on a new project where I have a front-end in Access2000 that is linked to a ODBC Data Source (ORACLE).

There could be some performance issues in the future, when the users have to retrieve (query) the data from the ODBC over the network and it slows down. Nothing is sure yet, but when this is the problem, I will need to look at an alternative plan. I had the following in mind:

I would like to create a scheduler program, that will retrieve all the relevant data from the ODBC and update the tables that are local to each user’s Access .mdb file. Can I do something like this in VBA, or do I need to do something with the Windows Scheduler?

Any tips are welcome, thanks in advance


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Saving Manually To ODBC Linked Table?

Mar 17, 2005


I have built a form without a record source as i need to mess around with the fields before i save.

On save, i would like the form to save to an ODBC linked table in my database.

I save the record through a save button which has the following code attached to its on_Click event.

' NOTE: DAO 3.6 code
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblODBCLinked", dbOpenTable)
With rs
.Fields("Country") = Me.txtCountry
.Fields("ID") = Me.ID
.Fields("Creation Date") = Now()
End With
Set rs = Nothing

I have no problem saving to a non-linked table with the above coding but always seems to fall over if as soon as i try to open the linked table. Ive debugged and the problem seems to be with opeing the table.

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblODBCLinked", dbOpenTable)

Thanks in Advance for any suggestions

Access 97 / Windows NT / Full Read Write access. Not a permissions issue

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Cannot Create New Table Linked To ODBC Database

Mar 7, 2006

I can edit/open existing linked tables (to Sage Line 50, v12) but not create new ones.

Following the procedure:
- New
- Link Table
- File Type: ODBC databases ()
Nothing now happens!

I can open the Link Table Manager to update previously created links.

Any ideas?

I'm using MSAccess 2003 on a brand new machine.

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Odbc Connection On Linked Table Failed

Feb 9, 2008

I Need help,

I have an access 2002 front end and I am linked to a sql server express 2005 backend and in one of my tables I am getting this error when I add a record to a work order table. The error is ODBC connection on INSERT failed on linked table.

A few strange rhings happen. It only involves customers with over (approx.) 140 work orders (there is a one to many with customer to work order). All other customers seem to be immune to this.

Also, if you go to the tables directly from a access database window, you can still add/edit or delete records, but in the form view, it gives you an error.

I have tried several things including changing code (the orgional code was set dbs= currentDB and dbs.execute("INSERT.......)

I have found similiar posting but no real direct causes. does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?



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Auto Fill With Data From ODBC Linked Table

Jun 8, 2007

Hi All,

Although familiar with CR, SQL and other such things. I have never had cause to use Access all that much.... Until Now!

My problem is easiest explained by my requirements....

I have a db table called Source. The data for this Table is populated by a form called Technical. Technical containes a series of fields (SO No, SO Line No, WO No etc etc). Some of these fields are lookup fields linked directly to the SO_Header Table in our main ERP software via and ODBC connection. The result is the SO No field is populated with a list of Sales Order No's as they exist within the ERP software. Within the Technical Form I have also the Customer Name.

This is where the problems begin. Within the ERP software we have two tables which I need to use: SO_Header and Customer. The SO_Header contains all the Sales Order info and the Customer table contains all the customer info. What I need to do is populate the customer name field in by db with the relevant customer based on the SO No chossen. However the Customer Name does not exist in the SO_Header table. Instead both the SO_Header table and the Customer tables contain a field called Cust_Code.

Now if I wanted to link these in Crystal Reports I would link from the SO_Header table to the Customer table using the Cust_code field. This would give me the corresponding Customer name based on the Sales Order No.

How can I get the correct Customer Name to appear automatically in my Access form based on a SO No chossen by the user?

I would realy appreciate any help on this! If you need me to clarify anything please ask.

Thanks in advance!


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Limit Number Of Fields Returned By ODBC Table

Jan 9, 2008

Hi all, I've searched this with no success.

I have a ODBC (Firebird) table linked using a DSN connection which has >300 fields. In Access, the linked table only show 256 fields (max for Access). Otherwise the link works fine. I have no control over the source Firebird table.

What I'd like to do is limit which fields from the Firebird table are shown in Access. I don't need all the fields, but I need some that are at the end and are not linked in the current setup.

I'm very much a novice at using ODBC, but can I somehow use SQL or some other method to specify which fields to show in the linked table?

Thanks for any suggestions,

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Tables :: ODBC Databases Do Not Show Up In Table Options

Sep 12, 2013

I have Linked a few ODBC Databases to my database in the Tables objects. How do I make them usable for queries or as record source for my form? I tried to create a query but the ODBC databases do not show up in the Table options.

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Tables :: ODBC Linked Table Showing Only MAX Date

Jan 22, 2014

Using access 2007 (and tried 2003) I have a linked ODBC table which is using an ORACLE driver. If I query the table directly through ORACLE/SQL for a particular 'job number' I get the following results:

18598979 3 06-DEC-13 10:10
18598979 0 03-DEC-13 10:34
18598979 1 03-DEC-13 10:34
18598979 2 06-DEC-13 08:20

However when I link the table through access and view the same job number within the table (not even using a query) it displays the following:

18598979 3 06/12/2013 10:10:00
18598979 3 06/12/2013 10:10:00
18598979 3 06/12/2013 10:10:00
18598979 3 06/12/2013 10:10:00

As you can see it only displays the MAX date/time and associated data from the 4 available records, duplicating the record. I've checked the field formats and they all look fine. It does the same if I pull through the table on it's own or with other linked tables.

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Changing ODBC Linked Table Stored Credentials

Jul 24, 2013

I have a number of databases that use ODBC connections for working with linked tables from a SQL database. The source SQL data has been moved to a new server with new sa credentials. I have updated my local ODBC connections to use this new information. However, when I added numerous tables to the databases I checked the box to save the password so that it wouldn't prompt me or other users every time I wanted to use the Access database. Is there a way in Access to change this stored password? So far I haven't been able to find one.

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Linked Table Manager Doesn't Relink ODBC Tables.

Sep 15, 2006


The scenario. Two PC's, one older than the other, both running Windows 2000 (SP4) and Office 2000 (SP3). I use Access as a front end to a MySQL database, connections are made using ODBC.
I recently altered the structure of a table and attempted to re-link the table in access using the Linked Table Manager on the new PC. All that happened was the hourglass came on and never went away. I tried to do this on the old PC and it worked fine first time.

Any ideas why I can't get it to work on my new PC? It's quite important as I won't have the old PC with me much longer :-(



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DLookup Function To Load Information From Table To Another Table Using Subform

Mar 22, 2013

I have 3 table table; Invoice table, Product table and Sale_product table. Sale product table records all sale from the product table

Invoice table has these fields

Product table has


and Sale_Product table has these

I did main form from Invoice table and sub form from Sale_product table. I want to use DLOOKUP function to load the name and price, quantity and calculate subtotal automatically from the product table based on the product code entered. i have being trying hard and i keep on getting "Name? error"

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