Modules & VBA :: DLookup - Wildcard Search On Both Sides?
May 27, 2015
When trying to match people's names - sometimes with a middle initial, sometimes without - I'd like to try to wildcard each side of it.
So this
varProblem = DLookup("EMAIL_ADDRESS", "tblUsers", "EMPLOYEE_NAME Like '" & varString & "*'")
but also something like this.
varProblem = DLookup("EMAIL_ADDRESS", "tblUsers", "EMPLOYEE_NAME* Like '" & varString & "'")
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Jul 18, 2013
Access 2007
I can't figure out how to replace a period that is in the middle of a string and end up with 10 digits. For example 55.5555 would be 5500005555. I can use replace() but the tricky part is I have to end up with 10 digits.
Ultimately what I'm trying to do is - when a user enters 55.5555, 555.5, 5.5 or any variation they will be able to find the corresponding record. So a wildcard for the search or the replacement of the "." with enough zeros for 10 digits.
Here is what I'm using now - i making them enter the full 10 digit number but would like to give them the ability to use the period in place of the zeros.
Function Search()
Dim lssql As String
Dim lsSn As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim lsMessage As String
Dim sMsg As String
Dim vRetVal As Variant
Set db = CurrentDb()
[Code] .....
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Jul 4, 2014
I did export the table data into a tabbed delimited format and will include that at the end. If you want to reproduce my bug copy that data in a txt file and import that into the table tblMain. Make a search form and a sub form. the sub form is linked to the table and the main form is unbound with two search buttons.
Problem Statement:The code works fine. I did find a bug that seems to arise with the wild cards when the entire field values are entered. You can replicate the bug by testing the search criteria listed below.
This is a brief example of the bug. A detailed description is near the code below.
If my name is "Devtycoon" and I search "Dev" the SQL statement will build "*Dev*" and it will pull up my name, "Devtycoon". On the contrary if I search "Tycoon" the SQL statement will build "*tycoon*" and it will pull up my name, "Devtycoon". If i search "DevTycoon" the sql statement will build "*Devtycoon*" and no results will be returned. That is buggy because the name is in the database but no wildcards would be needed.
Table structure:
Surname [text]
Organization [text]
ProgramTitle [text]
City [text]
Zip4 [text]
Telephone [text]
Form1 contains the controls for search criteria. Three text box controls are used to filter a sub form control called "DS". The sub form is called sFrmMain and is a datasheet that shows results of the search. there is a button that runs the code and another button that clears search criteria and shows all records. Both button's code set the sub form's record source using an SQL string built using a function that returns a segment of the overall search string using the contents of each control that then is concatenated into a SQL statement used to set the record source.
There is a function for the following components of the SQL statement
controlA = me.txtSurname
controlB = me.txtOrganization
controlC = me.txtProgramTitle
This is how you can replicate the bug.
I tested two additional surnames organizations and program titles as follows:
Try example (1). you will get both the 4's and the 14's records returned.
If you type in letter for letter of the second record (the one with the 14's) no records populate. It is like the wild card does not like it if you type in the entire field value. Uncle Gizmo's and Allen Brown's method do the same thing were no records populate if the 14's entire surname organization and program title are entered into the text controls. Can you reproduce this error? Other than that I think either method is bulletproof.
Example criteria
1) put the following criteria in each control then hit the search button
4 surname
4 organization
4 program title
[two records returned]
2) put the following criteria in each control then hit the search button
[no records returned]
14 surname 14
14 organization 14
14 program title 14
Code behind search form:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdShowallRecords_Click()
Dim strSQL0 As String
Me.txtOrganization = ""
Me.txtProgramTitle = ""
Me.txtSurName = ""
strSQL0 = fSQL_SelectFrom & fWhere & fSurName & fOrganization & fProgramTitle
Me.DS.Form.RecordSource = Left(strSQL0, Len(strSQL0) - 5) & ")"
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Nov 19, 2014
I have a form which has a combobox called Task_Ref which looks up values in a table column.
I would like to be able to set the tickbox value of tickbox called P1 to True if the combobox contains the word "test", each entry on the combobox selection may vary such as:-
Test number 1
Yesterdays Test
As long as the word "Test" appears I would like the above to happen?
I was thinking of something along the lines of:-
If InStr(Task_Ref.Value, "Test") > 0 Then
P1.Value = True
P1.Value = False
End If
End Sub
But this hasn't worked
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Jun 13, 2005
I am working on a form that will be used to search records in a table. I have created the query shown below:
WHERE (((tblSTC.STC) Like forms!frmsearch!txtsearch));
I want my user to be able to enter search criteria and allow the use of a wildcard. When i run the query no data is found??
Can anyone help, thanks.
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Sep 8, 2005
first i must thank everyone here. this forum has proved invaluable for some of the simple databases i have created. now i have a problem which i cannot find the answer for.
i'm using access 2000
basically i am creating a cemetery database so most of the information i'm dealing with is duplicated. to create a unique record i have six primary keys on the one table. ie people with the same name, age, and birthday can be buried in the same grave.
anyway i need to do a wildcard seach from a form (QBF) based on surname and firstname. i have downloaded the code below and modified it:
Private Sub cmdsearch_Click()
'Set the Dimensions of the Module
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As querydef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()
'Constant Select statement for the Query definition
strSQL = "SELECT searchtestdata.Surname; searchtestdata.Firstname; " & " FROM searchtestdata"
strWhere = "WHERE"
strOrder = "ORDER BY searchtestdata.autonumber;"
'Set the WHERE clause for the QueryDef if information has been entered into a field on the form
If Not IsNull(Me.txtsurname) Then '<--If the textbox txtFName contains no data THEN do nothing
strWhere = strWhere & " (searchtestdata.Surname) Like '*" & Me.txtsurname & "*' AND" '<--otherwise, apply the LIKE statment to the QueryDef
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtfirstname) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (Searchtestdata.firstname) Like '*" & Me.txtfirstname & "*' AND"
End If
'Remove the last AND from the SQL statment
strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 1, Len(strWhere) - 5)
'Pass the QueryDef to the query
Set qryDef = dbNm.QueryDefs("quesearchtestdata")
qryDef.SQL = strSQL & " " & strWhere & " " & strOrder
'Open the Query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "quesearchtestdata", acViewNormal
End Sub
the code stops at the line:
qryDef.SQL = strSQL & " " & strWhere & " " & strOrder
and tells me either that i have "run-time error 3142 - characters found at end of SQL statement" - this is the error i am recieving at the moment, or more usually " run-time error 3141 - which tells me the SELECT - WHERE statement is wrong.
i am definetly no expert in VB - i am only just starting using it.
so guys any idea?
thanks in advance
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Jan 9, 2014
I have built a search form to feed information to a query. The form uses combo boxes tied to table values, and all have wild cards built into them so if the user leaves the combo box they get all the records. I also have to text boxes representing start date and end date. I would like to allow the user to leave these blank and get all there as well. I have been looking through my one Access book, as well as searched all over the internet, but I cant seem to find the way to do this. My filter criteria for the text based combo boxes are like this:
Like "*" & [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![Company] & "*"
My filter criteria for the Start and End Dates looks like this:
Between [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![StartDate] And [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![EndDate]+#11:59:59 PM#
In this case of the user leaves the date values blank, the query returns nothing. I would like to return all dates if that is the case. I am assuming it is my lack of knowledge of wild cards and how they work with date values.
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May 24, 2015
I am trying to get a wildcard search to work with a form.
I have a query, in which the criteria is:
Like "*" & [Enter a word] & "*"
That works fine. I enter a word, and I get the few records in which the word appears.But if I try to replace [Enter a word] with a word entered on a control on a form, it doesn't work - I get all the records. This is my code:
Like "*" & [Forms]![Myform]![Mycontrol]&"*"
What am I doing wrong?
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May 21, 2015
How do I design a query to return a result in a wildcard format? So that I could enter a part of a name, and it returns all the names that include that part of name?
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Jul 31, 2014
I have a Main form, and a subform which lists client details. On the Main form I have an unbound field. I want to be able to type a word into this unbound field and have it display all company names that have this word in them. ie. I type "Ltd" into the unbound field and it displays all companies with "Ltd" in the title.
I have created a query that does exactly this (Like ("*" & [Enter Word] & "*")), it displays a dialog box and I type in "Ltd" and it displays all relevant companies.
I have tried everything I know to make this work when I use the unbound field on the Main form, but I've had no luck.
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Aug 23, 2013
I'm trying to make a filtered search form using "*" as a wildcard default value in combo boxes, this works for all the text fields except for the account number field (Numeric primary key). After quite a bit of reading up and searching, I tried using the following as the row source;
SELECT customers.ACCOUNT_NO, customers.CUSTOMER FROM customers; UNION SELECT "*", "All" From Customers;
But am still getting "#Error" in the combo box.
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Jan 9, 2014
Access 2003
Trying to filter a form based on a field with wildcard. My form has a txtCustFilter control where a customer's name can be entered in part or whole. The Customer's name is in PCCustomerName
This code works but, I'd like to make it case insensitive
Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = "[PCCUSTOMERNAME] LIKE ""*" & Me.txtCustFilter & "*"""
Me.Filter = strFilter
Me.FilterOn = True
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Feb 21, 2014
I'm trying to add a spreadsheet from a folder using wildcards by just looking for a number in the file name.
strPath = "C:Training"
strFile = strPath & "*" + "(ZZ131008)" + "*.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "Training1", strFile, , ""
I get a response saying it cannot find the file and it shows the * in the path it cannot find. How can I make it find the right file?There are more files in the folder and the (ZZ131008) defines that course, I'd like to reuse the code for the other courses too.
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Oct 17, 2013
I have:
Code: Kill "Z:Client_Reports" & [websiteID] & "" & LEFT([Forms]![frm x main]![month name], 3) & "*"
This has been working fine - all the files that meet that criteria are deleted, but now I need the option to exclude a particular file from those to be deleted: the particular file would be identified by having some specific text in its filename. So for example I need to be able to delete all files meeting the criteria EXCEPT any files that have the string "summary" as part of the filename.
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Jan 29, 2014
I want to my ImageFrame to open as a picture. My problem is that my picture could be either a .jpg or a .png (or whatever). The code below works if I hard code profile_pic.png or profile_pic.jpg. Is there a way to use the wildcard here? (Its not working as written now)
Dim vFolderPath As String, strFile As String, dirFile As String
vFolderPath = DLookup("FolderName", "tblCodes-FolderControl", "FolderKey = '" & "Profile" & "'")
dirFile = Dir(vFolderPath & ctrl_people_id & " *", vbDirectory)
strFile = "profile_pic." + "*"
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Aug 29, 2015
Using Access 2013, what would cause a one-to-many relationship to work ONLY in one direction? Say from Table A to Table B, and when I attempt to change the direction of the relationship, so that is should be Table B to Table A, it doesnt work. I dont get an error, but Access reverts any changes I make while in the Relationship Design. I have four tables: Renter, Location, Condo, and Agreement.
I can link RENTER to AGREEMENT using the RENTER_NUM field, which enables one renter for multiple agreements. I can link CONDO to AGREEMENT using the UNIT_NUM field, which enables one condo for many agreements, but I need AGREEMENT to be the one side and CONDO the many.
The problem is Access will lead me to believe I can change the sides, but when I create it after making my selections in the Relationship Design window, it reverts back, and doesnt even give me an error or a reason why. I closed out of Access and tried it again but same thing.Could it be related to the AGREEMENT table using two foreign keys as primary keys?
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May 11, 2005
I have a two page report (it is formatted to always be exactly two pages) and I need to print it on the front (page one of the report) and on the back (page two of the report) of the same piece of paper. The less user input the better.
Is this an Access thing or a printer thing (We have a HP 6P).
Anyone doing this ???
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May 13, 2014
So I'm working on something for housing. Each house has a "Property Reference". This property reference links to all other information on the property.
There's two tables, Referral (For a tenant, with the Property Reference as a foreign key) and PropertyInfo (Holding all the property information)
Basically I want to save users as much input time as possible, so I'd prefer if they could just enter the property reference for a person, and that populates the rest of the table.
I'm currently using DLookup on the main form where it displays the information related to the property reference, obviously it's not actually being saved into any fields.
Will this method be okay if I would want to search the records by the address on the main form?
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Apr 14, 2008
I have a list of PC SN#s in tbl1;
I have a list of other PC SN#s in tbl2
I want to display ALL records of tbl1, AND ALL records of tbl2, matching up the SN#s (where there is a match) - but I want to display all records whether they match or not.
How can I accomplish this?
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Jun 24, 2015
I have a form that has a subform on it. The main form shows a category of furniture and has custom navigation buttons and a search text box for asset numbers and command button that runs the search. The subform shows the asset numbers associated with that furniture category, sometimes there is only one asset number, in other cases there could be 60. There is a scroll bar to scroll through the asset numbers when there are too many to see in the initial window.
The buttons all work as they should except when I search for an asset number that is part of a category that has too many asset numbers to show in the main window. When this happens the "previous" and "next" navigation buttons do not take you to the previous or next record. All of the other buttons on the form work though - you can go to the first, or the last record, and you can search for a new asset.This is the code for the search:
Private Sub cmdAssetSearch_Click()
Dim rs As Object
If IsNull(Me.TextAsset) Or Me.TextAsset = "" Then
MsgBox "Please type in an asset number to search for.", vbOKOnly
I've also attached a picture of what I mean when I say there are more asset numbers than what the window shows.
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Apr 22, 2015
I am trying to dlookup a field (field name [client]) which is on a form (form name bkpo)
The code i use is this
CLNM = DLookup("[ClientName]", "[BKPOCL]", "[ClCode] ='" & [Forms]![BKPO]![Client] & "'")
It works just perfect however if I use the form BKPO as a subform then the code doesn't work
The form is BK1b
and the subform is BKPO
I tryed this but doesn't work
CLNM = DLookup("[ClientName]", "[BKPOCL]", "[ClCode] ='" & [Forms]![BK1b].[BKPO]![Client] & "'")
I have tryed several other options like [Forms]![BK1b]!BKPO.[Client] or [Forms].[BK1b]![BKPO]![Client] but nothing
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Nov 5, 2013
I am looking to use a "If" statement with DLookup to find a record and see if the field name begins with "TW" as the characters. Here is what I have so far:
Dim matchCriteria As String
matchCriteria = "LIKE 'TW*'"
If DLookup("end_user", "tbl_module_repairs", "prikey = " & Me.txt_rid1.Value) = matchCriteria Then
MsgBox "Success"
End If
I am trying to switch between two sets of pricing for customers that begin with "TW" and then all else. Would the use of a "case" statement be better? If so I do not have the "end_user" bound to the form so I would need to embed Dlookup in the "case" method.
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Aug 4, 2015
I have a form that has a field that needs to get its data from a query based on two fields in the form. The following is my DLookUp statement:
DLookup("[COMEX]", "OptionMetalsListQ", "[Metals] = '" & [cboMetals].[Column](1) & "'" And "[DateOfPrice] = " & Me.txtDateOfPrice)
Comex is a metal market. the bound column in cboMetals is text and The date is a date.I am getting the error "Run-time error '13': Type Mismatch.
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Jun 26, 2015
I have a command button on a Access 2010 form that i am using as my switchboard. On this form i have a hidden unbound text box that captures the users environ"username". When the user hits a command button on the form the code looks at the name in the hidden textbox that captures the environ"username" and then DLooks up a table to see if there is a match. If yes then it will open the next form and if not then a message box appears.
Private Sub Command6_Click()
Dim TxtUsername As String
If Me.TxtUsername = DLookup("[OneLondon Login]", "TblAccessUsers") Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Bakerloo_Main_Form"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "You do not have permission to access this database"
End If
End Sub
This works fine apart from the fact it will only read the first name entered in the table. This table(TblAccessUsers) could have up to 50 names in it and possibly have names removed and re added at a later date. Is there a way i can get the code to look up every name in the table ??
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Jul 31, 2013
I have a nested DLookup in a SQL UPDATE that is not working. The DLookup has an "AND" in the WHERE Statement as well. I cannot figure out the problem. I got a type mismatch with this code and when I take out the single quotes I do not get an error message but the data is not updated in the table.
SQLstock1 = "UPDATE TBL_STOCK SET Stock = '" & DLookup("RemainingQty", "QRY_STOCK", "ActionEntity = '" & Me.cmb_customer1 & "'" And "StockType = '" & Me.cmb_stock_type1 & "'") & "' WHERE StockEntity = '" & Me.cmb_customer1 & "'"
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Aug 18, 2013
Why does this work when the text box is used and not when the variable is used directly?
Private Sub Command61_Click()
Dim strDBName As String
strDBName = getDBName()
Me.Text59 = strDBName
Me.Text62 = DLookup("[ModuleName]", "tblModule", "[DatabaseName] = text59")
'Me.Text64 = DLookup("[ModuleName]", "tblModule", "[DatabaseName] = " & strDBName)
'Me.Text64 = DLookup("[ModuleName]", "tblModule", "[DatabaseName] = strDBName")
'Me.Text64 = DLookup("[ModuleName]", "tblModule", "[DatabaseName]" = strDBName)
End Sub
Text62 returns the correct value
Text64 failes on everyone of the examples
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