Modules & VBA :: Database With Records - Search For Similar String

May 20, 2014

I am trying to write some code to search for similar strings. I am creating a database with records that all contain street addresses. These addresses may have more than one record attached to it, and we would like for folders to be created containing the records with similar street addresses. Problem is, all the existing records are from an excel spreadsheet that did not contain any data validation, so there are several instances of:

123 Street
123 st
123 street job 1
123 st job 2

So I am trying to write code to prevent this from happening in the future, by searching the database for a similar street address and asking the user if this is the address they are trying to enter. I have been trying to do this with the DLookUp function, as such:

Private Sub ProjectName_AfterUpdate()
Dim stLink, pName As String
pName = Me.ProjectName
stLink = DLookup("[ProjectName]", "tblMaster", "[ProjectName] LIKE '" & pName & "%'")
If IsNull(stLink) Or stLink = "" Then

[Code] ....

I have worded the stLink line different ways, and have used (*) instead of (%) but nothing is working. The CODE is working, as in no errors, but it is not finding a similar project that I know is present.

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Modules & VBA :: Edit A String Or Use Wildcard In Search Function

Jul 18, 2013

Access 2007

I can't figure out how to replace a period that is in the middle of a string and end up with 10 digits. For example 55.5555 would be 5500005555. I can use replace() but the tricky part is I have to end up with 10 digits.

Ultimately what I'm trying to do is - when a user enters 55.5555, 555.5, 5.5 or any variation they will be able to find the corresponding record. So a wildcard for the search or the replacement of the "." with enough zeros for 10 digits.

Here is what I'm using now - i making them enter the full 10 digit number but would like to give them the ability to use the period in place of the zeros.

Function Search()
Dim lssql As String
Dim lsSn As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim lsMessage As String
Dim sMsg As String
Dim vRetVal As Variant
Set db = CurrentDb()

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Insert CR / LF In Memo Field Based On Search String

Jan 16, 2014

I import a CSV field which has not preserved the CR/LF when it was exported from BCM Remedy. There is no setting for that. The memo field prints on my report like this:

A custom solution would be developed, that once implemented, could become the standard product in similar situation. Normally would assign to Network Engineering, but will work with Ray and the IPT Team to cost out the solution and get approval to proceed. 2012/05/24 10:44:28 AM PCOLLINS Sent to Ray Massie for review to determine if a solution needs to be proposed, or if they can wait for the National IPT solution to be ready in 2013.

I want to add VBA code that inserts a CR/LF in the memo field before all but the first occurance of a string that looks like a date, the first occurance doesn't need it. I will do it right after I import the CSV file into the table, so it happens only once, and it always prints and displays the CR/LF.

The memo field is called "NBS Update" and the table is called "CCRR Remedy Data"Here is what I have, but don't actually know what to put in to find the date and add a CR/LF:

Dim db As DAO.Database

Dim db As DAO.Recordset
Dim srtSQL As String


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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Search A String Within Subform To Find Information Stored On Main Form

Dec 2, 2013

I'm trying to search a for string within a subform to find information stored on the mainform to which the particular subform belongs.

The problem is that the subform is generated from a query which uses a number from the main form to generate.

So the subform record is only generated when the correct mainform record associated with it is loaded.

Now to solve my problem I've made a new query that brings up ALL the results that could be generated by the main form and from that I can search to find my search term I'm after and read off the ID number to tie it back to the mainform.

But all of this is done manually, I want a way to do all this using VBA in a way that the user can't edit any records as they are doing it.

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Reports :: Search Results Report Shows All Database Records / Not Just Search Results

Apr 29, 2014

I have built a custom search form in a MS Access 2010 database so that users can find specific records to edit. After entering the search criteria and hitting a Search button, another form opens up that shows the search results. This second form includes a command button for generating a report of the search results.

Right now, the custom search form and the search results form are both working properly, but the search results report is showing every record in the database instead of just the search results. This is true whether I access the report via the command button in the form or the navigation pane. I'm not sure if I need to correct my VBA code or the report's properties.

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Modules & VBA :: MS Access 2010 String Records Of Two Tables

Feb 14, 2014

I have two tables linked via Project ID as shown in the attached file. I need Module to concatenate Project sub types against Project Types.

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Modules & VBA :: Using String To Update Records - Quotes And Apostrophes In SQL Statements

Dec 4, 2014

I'm having problems with quotation marks in a sql statement. The string is an array separated by a semicolon.


this string represents patient vitals. I'm using the string to update a record. But I get hung up with the quotation mark.

I've tried: 120/80;70;5''6'"';125 which is a enclosing the quotation mark with apostrophies, but this does not seem to work. The sql still gets hung up. My sql statment looks something like:

original string: 120/80;70;5'6";125

strPreOpVits = "120/80;70;5''6'"';125"

mysql = "UPDATE mytable SET PreOpVits = '" & strPreOpVits & "' " & _
"WHERE nID = " & myRecID

docmd.runsql mysql

I've narrowed it down to the quotation marks and I'm unsure how to handle these. I get a runtime 3075 - Syntax Error.

Here is the code that I use to convert the original string

Public Function FixQuotesInSql(strToFix As String)
Dim lgth, y As Long
Dim strTemp, char2Add As Variant
'This routine fixes the use of apostrophe and quotation marks in an SQL sequence
'If the apostrophe is at the beginning or end of the string it replaces with 3 x "'" or "'''"
'If in the middle of the string then replaces with 2 x "'" or "''"

[Code] ....

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Similar Records In The Same Query?

Oct 28, 2005

This is a tough one. I am developing golf management software. There is a table of caddies. And there is a table of members. The Caddies carry two bags each one for each member. They are assigned their jobs through an assignment form. Therefore, a single caddie will carry for Member1 and Member 2.

Now I need to produce a report of how many times each member plays. So how can I query the assignment table where Member 1 and Member 2 fields exist so that I can have a single field of allMembers so that I can count their rounds in a report.


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Delete Similar Records

Jul 31, 2006

I have a table of ~165k records and need to delete records that are similar (2 or more records have the same lastname, firstname, dob). These records are not duplicates as other field values in these records are different. I've tried several sql scripts and Access methodologies but can't get valid results.


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Query Accesses Certain Records But Not Others Which Are Similar To These

Nov 13, 2006

I have a query that accesses data from 6 tables. The query displays 6 records where as there are 7 records that have to be displayed. The one record it doesnt display is similar to other records. I dont know why its not being displayed. Kindly help.

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Unique Values On Similar But Different Records

Jan 31, 2008

This may be a simplistic question but I'm having some diffuculty figuring it out. I have multiple rows of data where I need to use the "Unique Values" property in my query to limit only what I need. However, I have a "time" field and their are similar times on different records. So say I have a 100 records but 8 of them have the same "time" value, how can I use someting like the "Unique Values" property to get my rows down from several hundred to 100, but not lose the 8 similar rows and end up with 92 rows, when I have to turn around and sum these times and need all the times to be there?

Maybe I'm approaching it the wrong way and should be doing a SUM of "times" to begin with for that field, but I'm not being able to get that to work either. Any suggestions? /Thanks

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Queries :: Filtering Out Similar Records

Jun 20, 2013

I have a query that shows member check-ins to a fitness facility. Customer scans their membership card and it logs their customer id, scan date/time (date and time are one field), name, etc. Sometimes the customer will scan their card multiple times if they've left and come back, but I only want to count their first scan. I have a second query that runs off of this one and counts visits by hour for a date range.

So my question is, how do I filter out subsequent scans on each day in a query and how do a I do that when running the query for multiple days? So in the multi-day query I want to count each day they came, but only the first scan of each day? How to do this in the query design grid...

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Forms :: Make Two Records That Are Similar?

Mar 3, 2015

I am creating a simple inventory db. I have a form that we enter into the table inventory. Right now we enter in everything once as inventory, then again to out to coating or ship to customer. I’m looking for the code to create a button enter the record twice but make two fields change.

So in short terms I want the form to enter a record with all the data as displayed. Then create another record with all the same data but the quantity would need to change to a negative and the Status would change to “Coating”.

I know this code won't work but this is what I want to do.

Private Sub Command78_Click()
!Employee = Me!Combo68
!Material = Me!Combo48
!Length = Me!Combo29
!Caliber = Me!Combo31


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General :: Correlating Similar Entries For Database

May 17, 2013

I run a database for defect detail, tracking, and resolution. Often times we have the same type of defect occur multiple times before the problem is resolved. Currently the process is that every time a defect occurs, it gets entered into the database, and whenever it gets solved, those who have solved it have to go to the database and mark it as complete.

However, since every time a problem occurs, a record is created, the people who mark issues as complete have to go through and find all similar records of problems which are basically the same problem and mark those as complete as well.

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Deleting Similar Records Within 1 Second Time Frame!!

Apr 22, 2006

Hi guys,
need your help again with the following problem i'm having. I'll give an example to make the problem clear.
I have a table, eg table 1 with the following records:
016GB001___Alarm OFF___1403______21/4/06 11:02:02
016GB001___Alarm OFF___1605______21/4/06 11:02:02
034GB005___Alarm ON____1403______21/4/06 11:02:04
016GB001___Alarm ON____1403______21/4/06 11:02:07
016GB001___Alarm ON____1605______21/4/06 11:02:07
048GB001___Alarm OFF___1403______21/4/06 11:05:31
048GB001___Alarm OFF___1605______21/4/06 11:05:32
048GB001___Alarm ON____1403______21/4/06 11:06:51
048GB001___Alarm ON____1605______21/4/06 11:06:52

I need a query that looks at records with similar Tag fields that occur with a 1 second difference between them and deletes those with "1403" in the Msgno field. I'm a newbie and i've got no idea where to start. The query should return the following records:
I have a table, eg table 1 with the following records:
016GB001___Alarm OFF___1605______21/4/06 11:02:02
034GB005___Alarm ON____1403______21/4/06 11:02:04
016GB001___Alarm ON____1605______21/4/06 11:02:07
048GB001___Alarm OFF___1605______21/4/06 11:05:32
048GB001___Alarm ON____1605______21/4/06 11:06:52

I hope the problem is clear. I know this is going to be one heck of a challenge, and i'm not sure whether this can actually be done in access!! Anyhelp from anybody would be enormously appreciated. Hope to see a solution soon!!

Kind regards,

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Modules & VBA :: Separate Numbers And String From Alpha-numeric String

Jun 7, 2013

MS-Access VBA code to separate numbers and string from an alphanumeric string.


Source: 598790abcdef2T
Output Required: 598790

Source: 5789065432abcdefghijklT
Output Required: 5789065432

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Linking To Similar Records From Same Table When Creating New Record - Call Log

Apr 21, 2014

I have been looking around for a while now to learn how to show in a subform similar records from the same table, and a way to link them together.

I work for a mental health organization and we have a call log database that we create a new record every time a person calls us - this allows us to track the outcome of these calls. Over the last 3 years we have about 10% repeat callers. I am trying to find a way, when creating a new entry, to see if this person has called before, and if they have, link their past contact (record) to the new contact (new record).

For example.

Caller: John Smith (555) 555-5555 (this is the new record)

in the subform, a list would populate all the 'john smith' records with an option to link or attach them to the new record.

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Queries :: Task Completion Database - Search Records With Specific Expiry Date

Nov 17, 2014

I have a task completion database. Each record of model consists of an expiry date. I need to review and update the records before the expiry date. Each model may have more than one record as I have updated the models a couple of times. I would like to select all of records with the expiry date less than 30 days so I can plan to review and update them on time. How to select all these records.

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Tables :: Merge Duplicate / Similar Records Into 1 Record In Access 2010

Jun 9, 2014

Is there a way to merge duplicate/similar Access 2010 records into one record?

I have an Access table with 1,000 duplicate records, although they are similar and not exact duplicates. As you can see below, some records contain information that other records do not. Yet, the primary key is the same for all duplicate records. I want to find a way to merge data from filled cells of duplicate records into empty cells for each duplicate record. I do not want to concatenate the data (i.e. combine last and first name, etc.). I only want to fill empty cells if there is a match for it in a duplicate record. I will delete the newly exact duplicate records later. Short of correcting the records by hand.


LastName FirstName SSN Address Phone Email
Doe John 123-45-7891 123 Anywhere St. NULL john(at)
Doe John 123-45-7891 NULL (123)456-7890 NULL

Desired Result

LastName FirstName SSN Address Phone Email
Doe John 123-45-7891 123 Anywhere St. (123)456-7890 john(at)
Doe John 123-45-7891 123 Anywhere St. (123)456-7890 john(at)

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Modules & VBA :: Search Form Not Returning Records With Blank Fields

Nov 14, 2013

I'm creating a search form to filter out data based on certain inputs. My VBA code looks like:

Private Sub Command18_Click()
On Error GoTo errorcatch
Me.Filter = "([Experiments.Log] Like ""*" & Me.Text21 & "*"") AND ([Expdate] Like ""*" & Me.Text22 & "*"") AND ([BaseSolution] Like ""*" & Me.Text24 & "*"") AND([AddCom] Like ""*" & Me.Text25 & "*"") AND ([Test] Like ""*" & Me.Text26 & "*"") AND ([Plan] Like ""*" & Me.Text23 & "*"")"

Me.FilterOn = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End Sub

However, the output does not include records where other fields are blank. I have read that I may need to use Is Null but am not sure how to.

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Modules & VBA :: Query To Search For Records - Passing Parameters In A QueryDef

Aug 27, 2013

I have a query that searches for records that are between two dates using the WHERE clause. The two dates are referenced to two respective text boxes on a form. On the same form I have a button that will launch the query in VBA using querydefs. I get the error 3061 saying I need to input the parameters. Therefore I am a bit unsure how to set the parameters in VBA. So far I have done this:


Dim Db As DAO.Database
Set Db = CurrentDb
Dim QDef As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set QDef = Db.QueryDefs("Rqt_F_BrokerageMandate_MF3_TEST")

[Code] ....

Where Date_VL is the field to be filtered. I know this is wrong but all examples I have seen have equated the parameter to a fixed value i.e 30/12/2012 for example, but I want this to be at the users discression. The only way I know of to get around this at the moment would be to write a temp query in VBA with PARAMETERS in the SQL code instead using the method above/

After this I'm going to assign the recordset to a matrix but that's a different story!

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Modules & VBA :: Combining Multiple Tables Of Similar Type?

Jul 17, 2014

I have a database which is importing several Excel workbooks, each with multiple worksheets. Every workbook has 20 worksheets, with the same 20 worksheet names. When they are imported they come in as one table for each worksheet, named tblWorkSheetName_X with X starting at 1 and increasing for each worksheet brought in with the same name. So if the worksheet names are A-T I have tblA_1 through tblA_6 and likewise for B - T.

I would like to combine all of the tables which come from similar worksheets into one table (one table per name).

I.e. I want to combine the data in tblA_1 through tblA_6 into a singular tbl_A and likewise for tables B through T. So in the end I will have one table for each worksheet name A-T. t how to code this successfully?

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Search For A String Within A String

Oct 27, 2006

I have a column called CPU_S within a table called workstation that contains sample text like P111 933

I want to use the update command to search the CPU_S column for entries that contain this in there string then add P3 to a column called CPU_N

So far I have the code below but I don't know how to search a column entry for a specific string within a string. Can this be done and how?

UPDATE workstations SET CPU_N = "P4"

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Records - Adding Unbound Date Listbox To Filter String

Feb 10, 2014

I'm trying to hash two scripts I've found into 1 functioning filter, however I'm still relatively new to vba and can't figure out how to get this working.

I'm trying to use Allen Browne's Search Criteria:

with another snippete of code I found here:

'Purpose: This module illustrates how to create a search form, _
where the user can enter as many or few criteria as they wish, _
and results are shown one per line.


It's the date part I'm having trouble with, the rest of the search criteria work fine without the date, but I can't get it working when I try to modify and merge the date sections of each code.

Also I'm using a listbox for the "Yesterday";"Last 4 days";"Last 9 days" and not a combo box.

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Modules & VBA :: SQL String - Append Records From Table Into Another Table

Mar 21, 2014

I have a form with a listbox that displays the name of a table. Once the listbox item is selected, the table name is set to a variable called myFile. I want append the records from the table (myFile) into another table.

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Search A String...

Mar 25, 2006

I'm trying to create a query that searches the string in a field, for a substring that the user specifies when the query is run. This is the SQL code:

SELECT tblStatement.Date, tblStatement.[Payment Type], tblStatement.Details, tblStatement.[Paid Out], tblStatement.[Paid In]
FROM tblStatement
WHERE (((tblStatement.Details) Like "**"))
ORDER BY tblStatement.Date;

between those two asterixes on the WHERE line, I'd like a string that the user has been prompted for. I've tried this:

WHERE (((tblStatement.Details) Like "*[Enter a String]*"))

But that fails to work, I guess because its in quotations. If I simply had Like [Enter a String], then I get the prompt, but I'll need to enter a string which exactly matches what I am looking for. In other words, I need a query which will search say, "abcdefg" for the user defined input: "abc", which will return that result. I just dont know how to get this to work :s

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