Modules & VBA :: Default Property For Control Bounded To Date / Time Field

Dec 4, 2013

Access 2007

In a table I have 2 fields:

D1 , Date/Time , DefaultValue: Date()
D2 , Date/Time , DefaultValue: Date()+1

In a form (bounded to this table) I have, of course, 2 controls bounded to this fields:

txtD1 and txtD2

If the user change the value in txtD1 (using the Date picker) I like to change the DefaultValue for txtD1 to the new date and the DefaultValue for txtD2 to the new date + 1 day. Something like this:

Private Sub txtD1_AfterUpdate()
Me.txtD1.DefaultValue = Me.txtD1
Me.txtD2.DefaultValue = Me.txtD1 + 1 day
End Sub

I tried whatever crossed my mind... with the same "result" : #Name?

My Regional settings:

Short date format: dd.MM.yyyy
Date separator: Dot
Simple: 05.12.2013

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Tables :: Find Control Bounded To Field

Jul 13, 2013

I have:
1) a table (T) with fields (F1, F2, .... , Fk, .... Fn). I do not know "n"
2) a form (F) bounded to this table

I know that I have a control bounded to field Fk.

How I can find what control is ?

Something like this:

Dim MyCtl As Control
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Controls
If ctl IsBoundedToFieldFk Then
Set MyCtl = ctl
Exit For
End If
Next ctl

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Tables :: How To Place Text Default Value On Date / Time Field

Aug 3, 2014

I have a simple project to work on

In a field for date/time, I want to have a default value of No Shipment Date, this text for a date/time field.

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Forms :: Setting Temporary Default Value For Date / Time Field

Jul 3, 2013

My setup:

frmUsedOilContract (contains a header and a subform)
subfrmUsedOilContract (contains a few controls) [datasheet view]

- Removed Date
- Voucher Number
- Building Number

I implemented some code so that a temporary default value could be set for the date and the Voucher Number. I also have the default value for 'txtRemovalDate' set at 'Date()'.

PHP Code:

Private Sub txtVoucherNumber_AfterUpdate()  'Set current value to default value.  
txtVoucherNumber.DefaultValue = txtVoucherNumber.ValueEnd Sub 

PHP Code:

Private Sub txtRemovalDate_AfterUpdate()  'Set current value to default value.  
txtRemovalDate.DefaultValue = txtRemovalDate.ValueEnd Sub 

Also have code so the default value is null when the form is opened.

PHP Code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)  'Set Default Value properties to nothing.  
txtVoucherNumber.DefaultValue = vbNullString  txtRemovalDate.DefaultValue = vbNullStringEnd Sub 

This all works great until I try to change the date. If I use the default date (today's date), the new record will stay with today's date. If I change it to a different date, the new record displays a time instead.

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Tables :: How To Display Default Value Of Date / Time Field For Current Year

Aug 20, 2013

All, using access 2010. How do I display the default value of a date/time field to just the current year instead of using =date() to get the full date.

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Tables :: Set Default Value In Field Property?

Feb 13, 2013

My access db is used to compile payroll time records bi weekly. The Work Hours table is used to hold two weeks of time records then they are archived to a history table. Each week has its own week ending date. I have been updating the default value of the week ending manually in the table field property in the table's design view. Is there a way to have a macro update this default value?

The current process is, open table in design view, update week ending default value, enter payroll time then change default value again for second week ending, enter payroll time. Report hours to accountant, archive table to history table.

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Forms :: Default Property / Using A Control Of Main Form Without Using Names Of Forms?

Nov 8, 2013

In the default property of a subform control I want to use a control of the main form without using names of forms, but using me and parent.

I used in default property of cboVATDetail: =Me.Parent!cboVAT, but it is not accepted. My aim is to use cboVAT of parent as default in cboVATDetail of child.

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Modules & VBA :: Change Default View Property Of Subform

Feb 26, 2014

I have a form with a subform where I want to select (via button) which format to open the form in. Opening the form is simple, DoCmd.OpenForm (FormName),acFormDS to open in datasheet, however, the subform opens in default view (single form). Can you programmatically set the property on the subform to change the Default View from Single Form to Datasheet and back?

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Modules & VBA :: Assign Value To Enumerated Control Property

Sep 13, 2014

I want to retrieve and assign values of a control's properties by naming the properties. So for example:

Dim myHeight As Long
Dim myPropertName As String
myHeight = 315
Forms!Myform.MyTextBox.Height = myHeight

I can retrieve the value using Eval:

Debug.Print Eval("Forms!MyForm.MyTextBox." & myPropertyName ) gives 315

How can I do the inverse operation, ie.assign the value of a property whose name I have in a string MyPropertyName? I mean other than a brute-force approach with a huge Case.

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Set Default Value Date Per The Time Of Day

Apr 25, 2006

I have search for an answer on this question.

What I am trying to do is set the default value =Date() until 11:00am and then I want the date to covert to the next day.

Can anyone please help me with this or is this even possible?

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Text Box Default Value With Date / Time / Year

Aug 9, 2012

I am having an issue trying to add the year at the end of the following line:

=(1000000*(Month(Now())))+(10000*(Day(Now())))+(10 0*Hour(Now()))+(1*Minute(Now()))

If I put + (Year(Date())) it doesn't work..What I want displayed is this: 80911512012

8 = month
09 = day
1151 = time
2012 = year

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Modules & VBA :: Code Doesn't Wants To Set The Control Default Value

Aug 7, 2013

code doesn't wants to set the control default value

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Modules & VBA :: Use Value On Form Control As Default Value In Other Tables

May 11, 2015

How I might use a value selected by a user on a database opening menu (which remains open), as a default value for records created programmatically in other tables?

I wonder if I need to write a function to repeat the value - but I cannot see how to use a form value outside of the form's own code. Some of my existing code inserts values into tables using SQL converted into VBA and I do not really want to start fiddling with that - I would rather for now use the default value of the table for the field.

My variable which will change depending upon which set of records a user is working on is a string "FullAccession".

When a user creates records in a table called tblGroups, I need the string "FullAccession" to be the default value in the tblGroups.FullAccession field. A unique integer in the tblGroups is "GroupNo". "GroupNo" and "FullAccession" are joined in a unique index for tblGroups. There is a separate PK autonumber.

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Modules & VBA :: Set Default On Control In OnLoad Event

Nov 17, 2014

I am dynamically trying to set a control default value. I have the code below in the On Load event of the form. I get an error msg that says "Run-time error '2467': The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist."

Forms(mainform)("Dyn_" & Trim(str(Project_ID)) & "_SubFrmTab03" & PT_Suffix & "_Approval").Controls("Groupid").DefaultValue = "=Forms!" & mainform & ".ClaimInfoGroupID"

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Modules & VBA :: Setting DateTime Control Default Value

Nov 19, 2014

I am having an issue setting an instantiated forms' control. I am having RemDate ("Date") and RemTime ("Time") TextBox; so far the date textbox shows 1/1/1988 12:00 AM (the visible value is the time only) and the Time textbox doesn't show anything.

Set frm = New Form_ReminderAssigneesFrm
frm.RecordSource = "Select * from ReminderAssignees Where RemID = " & Parent.RemID
frm.RemID.DefaultValue = Parent.RemID
With SetRS(frm.RecordSource)
If Not .EOF Then
frm.RemDate.DefaultValue = FormatDateTime(.Fields("RemDate"), vbShortDate)

[Code] ....

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Default Value For Date/Time In MS ACCESS, Retrieve In Java

Sep 29, 2004

What is the proper way to store in a field if I want to store current date AND time as a timestamp. I chose Date/Time as the data type and General Date in the Format. Now I wanted a timestamp whenever a new row is added so I placed =Date() in the default value but it only shows me the date, not the time?

Second question if you know Java: I retrieve this date in a and .toString() shows me the correct result in the default format but when i use the DateFormat.format() method on it, i get a Null Pointer Exception. What could be the problem?

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Modules & VBA :: File Date Modified Property In Textbox

Jun 19, 2015

I have a split database with a frontend that I semi-regularly update (when one of my users finds a bug I never would have thought for looking for). On my menu screen i have a text box that says: "Last Updated: ##/##/####".

At the moment I manually update the date every time I update the frontend.

Is there a way I can use the DateModifed property of the .mdb file for the frontend as the date in my textbox using VBA?

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Short Date Property For Form Field

Mar 21, 2006

On one of my forms two of the fields are "Date Contact Initiated" and "Date Contact Concluded". I have the property for this field set to Short Date.

These two fields autofill with the current date when the form is opened. When the date for both of these fields is the same there is no problem. When the "Date Contact Initiated" is different from the "Date Contact Concluded", the user has to manually go to the "Date Contact Initiated" and change the date ( most often to the previous day.)

What is causing some confusion is that when they go to the "Date Contact Initiated" field to change the information it displays not only the autofilled date but also the autofilled time. There is another field on the form where the time for the contact initiated is to be entered.

Is there a way to format this date field to only show the autofilled date and not the autofilled time?

Thanks for the help!

Chris :)

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Forms :: Invalid Control Property - Control Source

Sep 24, 2013

I added a new field to one of my tables and query, but when I try to add a control for that field into my form it is not recognising it and the field isn't appearing in the sources for the form, even though the table is sourced to the form? Or am I going to have to do the usual and redo the entire form because I made a minor adjustment?

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Forms :: Text Default Value For Control Box Bound To Number Field?

Jul 14, 2014

Is there a way to create a text default value for a control box that is bound to a number field?

I have a combo box that is bound to an auto number ID but displays text. Bound column = 1, Number of column = 2, Column width = 0; 4cm

I want to use sample text in all my controls (and I know an alternative would be to use the control tip text). In a text box it is easy, I just set the default value to that value and then a before_update event considers the text box empty if the field value is the default value (e.g. Name text box has: Name... as default value). This doesn't work with my combo box since the bound column is a number. I could create a value in the table but then it would appear in the drop box and it is messy.

[URL] .....

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Queries :: Making Default Value Of A Form Textbox Control Minimum Value Of A Field

Mar 21, 2014

Expressions in Access have given me some trouble before. Mainly due to inexperience. I hardly ever work with them. What I am trying to do is make the default value of a form textbox control the minimum value of a field A in a table A. The datatype of Field A is Date.

So far I've got:

=Min([table A].[field A])

In the Default Value of the form's property sheet, but this just returns a blank value. I've had a look in the table and there is no value that is blank in field A.

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Default Value Property Subquery

Oct 20, 2005

Is it possible to use a subquery as a default value property setting?

I need to use a value from a table that is not the focus table of the form, I have tried to identify it with a subquery but it returns a #name? error every time. I hate those!

Any help would be appreciated.

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Forms :: Having Two Combo Boxes Bounded To A Field Of Table

Jul 11, 2013

I have two combo boxes containing integers on a form. How can I store the values of these combo boxes in a field of a table separating them by comma or semi colon?

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Command Button Default Property

Aug 4, 2005

hi all,

i am trying to find a solution for this.I have a continous form which displays records..for every record there is a command button which opens the other screen for that particular record.

when ever i hits the enter key the command button opens the another form for the 1st record in the continous form.I want to disable this.

i set the default property to no but it not working .I also tried to to do it by vb code like


on the page load but it still not working.

any solution for this pls.


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Forms :: Combo Box Default Value Property

May 22, 2013

I have a combo box that takes it's data from a table called tblFruitBasket. What code do I put in the Default Value property such that the default value is the fifth element (or say fifth row) of field [Fruit] of table tblFruitBasket?

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Forms :: Update Time Portion Of Date / Time Field

Aug 29, 2013

I have a date/time text field on a form with the General Date format and a combo box next to it that has sequencial times as the row source (IE. 12:45 AM, 1:00 AM, 1:15 AM, 1:30 AM, ETC.) When the user chooses a time in the combo box, I want the time portion of the text box to be updated with the chosen time in the combo. I have tried a few things but cant seem to get it right.

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