Modules & VBA :: Dir Function Empty For Certain Drives

Sep 17, 2014

I have a module for importing several excel files from a folder in Access. The user is prompted to select the folder which contains the Excel files.The issue:The code works fine if I select a folder from my company network drive (strFile variable returns with correct file name).The code does not work if I copy and paste the same folder to my desktop and select this location (strFile variable returns empty)


Option Compare Database
Private Sub btn_ImportData_Click()
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean, blnEXCEL As Boolean, blnReadOnly As Boolean
Dim intWorkbookCounter As Integer
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim objExcel As Object, objWorkbook As Object
Dim colWorksheets As Collection


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Modules & VBA :: Users With Different Mapped Network Drives

May 13, 2015

I need to make sure that all users on the network can access a specific network drive folder.

Most users don't have a problem but some users have the network drive mapped differently so when running the feature required their system can't find the file at that specified location.

I have the location of the files hard wired into the VBA code.


The location is outside of the project address.

I need to be able to make sure the address of the folder is the same for all users.

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Adding Fields Into A New Field Drives Me Mad.

Dec 4, 2007

So I have a table containing 2 fields containing the first name and last name of a customer. I do need to add these names in the same table into a new field called Name. Can someone help me out?

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Function That Counts Records And Use That Function In A Query

Dec 11, 2013

So basically I need making a function that will count the number of records from another table/query based on a field from the current query.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Recognize Empty Field

Sep 24, 2013

Why can't I get this simple piece of code to work?

Private Sub txtDateBack_AfterUpdate()
' updates loan status
txtLoaned = 0
If txtDateBack = Null Then txtLoaned = 1
End Sub

Private Sub txtDateBack_AfterUpdate()
' updates loan status
txtLoaned = 0
If txtDateBack = "" Then txtLoaned = 1
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: How To Check Empty Folder

Jun 12, 2013

I use code to check folder as below.

If the folder not exists, then create it.

If dir(myfolder) = "" then
end if

How to add code to check empty folder, like below?

If dir(myfolder) = "" then

else if empty(myfolder) then //there is no empty function in access
do something
end if

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Modules & VBA :: Empty Values In Array

Aug 16, 2013

I'm trying to store all the OrderNumber + Item combinations in 2 arrays and then because the OrderNumber column really contains 2 values I'm interested in, I split it up and store that column's values in 2 arrays. So in total, I have 3 arrays. An array for Item, an array for Order, and an array for RepId (which is the one that I split up from the OrderNumber column).

Anyways, when I print the RepId array with the ' MsgBox PostValCol1(x) ' It prints 4 values like it's supposed to. But when I tested it again by looping through the values and just doing a MsgBox, It goes for a long time and that's because it has a lot of empty values in that array. How to get rid of those empty values/not store them in the first place?


Set rop = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select OrderNumber, ItemNumber From dbo_EntryStructure Where (ProductNumber = '" & txtPartNumber & "') AND (ActionCode = 'I')")

While rop.EOF = False
ReDim Preserve ArrRepOrder(j)
ReDim Preserve ArrItem(j)

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Dmax For Empty Table?

Apr 15, 2015

How do i use DMax() function instead of Autonumber, since the table is empty and it wont know what to do with Dmax() + 1 for next record?

E.g I have a new table Customer_details which contains


now if i enter data through forms, i want the CustomerID to be incremental for each new record, so i can use Dmax() function. But since the table is empty how can i tell the form, through VBA that if it is null store 1 else store Dmax("CustomerID", "Customer_Details") + 1

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Modules & VBA :: Minimizing Empty Lines On A Report?

Jul 30, 2013

The overall goal is to hide a whole line of a report using "canshrink" on a series of boxes, some of which are numbers and some that aren't. Some will be blank when the data is loaded into the form and I want these to make the rest of the form adjust.

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.Label33.Value = "<1" Then
Me.Label34.Caption = "Nothing."
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Replacing Empty String With Null Value

Sep 12, 2014

I have a module that creates records into a contacts table in my access database. When there is no data in the field from outlook, the data is populated as an empty string "" instead of a null value, creating problems with subsequent queries and processes. I'd like to create the data as a null value but the module keeps failing with "object is required" on the statement

rstImport("Customer ID").Value = System.DBNull.Value

It doesn't seem to like System.DBNull.Value or DBNull.Value, and when I assign the vbNullString constant instead, it gets set to "" again and not null.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Recordset For Empty Rows In Form

Oct 14, 2014

Are new, empty record in form have recordset presentation, how to get recordset in form for empty row?

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Modules & VBA :: Empty Combobox Rowsource Returning ListCount Of 1

Jan 17, 2014

I have a combo box which I define a SQL statement as its rowsource.

When I open the form, I have yet to define the SQL statement for the combo box.

My code is:

if me.cmbobox.listcount = 0 then
me.cmbobox.enabled = false
me.cmbobox.enabled = true
end if

But it shows the box as still enabled.

When I do debug.print me.cmbobox.listcount, it shows a value of 1. But that is impossible since I have yet to define a rowsource for it or its empty.

I also have column heading turned off too.

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Modules & VBA :: Show Msgbox If Search Is Empty - Error 94

Sep 19, 2014

I have a button that opens a form which is based on a query.

The query has a prompt so when you click the button the prompt pops up.

However if nothing is entered you get a VB error 94 error.

How do i get it to show a msgbox if the search is empty?

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Modules & VBA :: Close Form With Required Fields Empty?

Mar 4, 2015

One form. Several fields which are required using event 'On exit' - "If isnull" statements for each one.

Button on form to close said form...

Where on the form would I put the event for the button to override all other events?

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Modules & VBA :: Check Whether First Line Of A Memo Field Is Empty

Feb 10, 2015

Our quotation tool, which is built in access 2003, has a memo field, which is extracted in a .txt file, to be uploaded by another system.

When the user starts the memo field with a blank line, by hitting the enter key, the upload file writes the memo field as a new line, separating it from the line indicator and thus giving errors.

My question would be : How would I determine in VBA, whether the first line of the memo field is blank.

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Modules & VBA :: Financial Database - Loop Query Until Empty

Oct 4, 2013

I'm an accountant and I'd like to build my own personal financial database in Access. One thing I like about MS Money is the 'Forecast Cashflow' feature, which is based on a schedule of recurring transactions, amounts, next due date, and frequency. I want to replicate this.

So, I created a dummy database for the sake of learning the code behind this process. I've got 2 tables (but no microphone.

1) tbl_InitialPoint (which is my schedule of recurring transactions, amounts, frequency (in days))
2) tbl_Register (where I want forecasted transactions to wind up)

I've got 2 saved queries:

1) qry_MaxDate (looks for any transaction @ 'tbl_InitialPoint' and finds the last date of that transaction in 'tbl_Register'
SELECT MAX(tbl_Register.PostDate) AS LastDate, tbl_InitialPoint.Description
FROM tbl_InitialPoint INNER JOIN tbl_Register ON tbl_InitialPoint.Description = tbl_Register.Description
GROUP BY tbl_InitialPoint.Description;

2) qry_InsertTransactions (populates 'tbl_Register')
INSERT INTO tbl_Register ( PostDate, Description, Amount )
SELECT qry_MaxDate.LastDate + tbl_InitialPoint.Frequency AS DateSeries, tbl_InitialPoint.Description, tbl_InitialPoint.Amount
FROM tbl_InitialPoint INNER JOIN qry_MaxDate ON tbl_InitialPoint.Description = qry_MaxDate.Description
WHERE qry_MaxDate.LastDate + tbl_InitialPoint.Frequency <= [Forms]![HomePage]![DateHorizon];

And I've got a form called 'HomePage' that has

1) A textbox where I input a date horizon (this is where I want the eventual 'Forecast Cashflow' to stop
2) A button to start the process

It seems to me that qry_InsertTransactions needs to be run over and over (looped) until the query is empty. And it seems to me that this can only be done via VBA (not sure if I could structure my SQL to avoid VBA in this case, but I need/want to learn the vba to accomplish this).

I'm having trouble getting VBA to run qry_InsertTransactions a single time. I'm pretty sure if I could get the thing to run once I could get it to run through a loop. So, here's what I came up with.

Public Sub InsertTransactionsBttn_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim qdfNew As QueryDef
Dim qdfInsertTransactions As QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb()

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Import More Than 300 TXT Files And Add Filename Into Empty Field

Aug 14, 2015

I need to import 300+ individual .txt files into a MS Access DB table (named "tbl_input"). Each of the the .txt files have a naming convention similar to this:


Because this initial import is so large and I would like to avoid doing it manually, I need to be able to:

import each of these files into a single table
delimit the text in each based on the "|" symbol
add the filename into an empty field

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make Label Visible On A Report If A Textbox Is Empty

May 10, 2014

I'm working on a report. I have a text box that contains directory path for a picture which is showed in a image box on my report which works great. I have now created a label called "nopiclb" that has "no Pic "entered in it but I want to set the label to not visible if path1 has a file path in it but visible if path1 is empty

I put the code below in onformat event in the detail section, but is not working

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.path1) = True Or Me.path1 = "" Then
Me.Nopiclb.Visible = True
Me.Nopiclb.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Display Last Record Next To Empty Space On Current Record

May 6, 2015

I'm trying to make a form that shows what the last record was next to the empty space where you enter a new record.

This is so the user knows that what they are entering is roughly in line with what has come before.

So for example if I was recording temperature every May, I would like a form that has a field called temperature and next to that field I would like to see last year's temperature.


Date | Temp
2014 | 20.5
2013 | 18.5
2012 | 19.0
2011 | 22.7
2010 | 15.2

So when I enter the record for 2015 I have a box that says: Temp and next to that box is "Last year was 20.5" or something like that.

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Modules & VBA :: Want To Get Status Of Fields Where Fields Are Empty

May 29, 2015

I am working on MS Access program where i import data from Excel and i would like to generate a report in MS Access where the fields are empty. Like the MS Access generate a table of errors when we import data and shows information like field name and row number along with Type Conversion label. Can i generate similar table from an MS Access table where fields are null.

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Modules & VBA :: Inserting Function Within A Sub

Feb 25, 2015

I am new at VBA in access and I am working on an application I didn't develop but I am maintaining.

Private Sub Command122_Click()
Dim formName As String
formName = getFormName(tblName)
DoCmd.OpenForm (formName)
Forms(formName).FilterOn = False

[Code] ....

I am trying to to write afunction that translates the deptid into a table 'id (myreference)

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Modules & VBA :: Multiplication With Str Function

May 6, 2015

I got the following problem.

This code doesn't calculate the exact value:


Sub TEST()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim b As Double
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
b = DLookup("MC", "COMMON_DISTRIBUTION", "YEAR = 2015")

[Code] ....

My variable b is 0.230.
The TNS is multiplied with 0.228.
It seems a problem with the Str(b).

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Modules & VBA :: How To Run A Function In Subroutine

May 17, 2014

I have a database which needs to be updated everyday. So I decided to make a subroutine to perform the update steps just by clicking on a button.

The problem is that I can run all the steps except one! At the end of the steps, there is a function/module that must be run to calculate and complete the job.

How I can run a function in a vba macro. This is my code:

Private Sub cmdUpdateDatabase_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry1AddNewStockSymbols"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry2AddDailyPrice"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry3UpdateStockDailyPrice"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry4AddOverallStockValue"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry5AllSymbolsActiveDaysTractions"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry6SortToCalculateDailyRemainedStock"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

Module name is: CalculateDailyRemainedStock

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Modules & VBA :: Run Function From Another Database

Aug 7, 2014

I have 2 database files.

database A has a button (buttonRun) that when clicked, it opens database B and runs the autoexec macro.

In database A, there's a label control (lblRun) next to the buttonRun that has its back style property set to transparent.

What I'm trying to accomplish is this:

After the procedure in database B completes, it exits the system. I want

lblRun's back style property to be set to normal.

I already have a function that does this and the function works fine from within the database A.

Dim frm As Form
Dim color As Variant
Set frm = Form_frmReportingDashboard
frm!lbl_cmslite.BackStyle = 1

I need to trigger that function from database B before it exits.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Write A Function That Does Query

Jul 22, 2013

I have a query string in the following code. I want to put the entire code into a function so I can use it somewhere else as well.


Private Sub Form_Load()
'To enable the AllowAddition property once the form is opened
Dim dbs As DAO.Database


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Modules & VBA :: Possible To Initialize A Function Like Do For Variables?

Jul 15, 2015

Sometimes we need a one-line function to just get the database path or things like that we cannot do on a query or on a Macro Object.


Function GetDatabasePath() = currentproject.path


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