Modules & VBA :: Display In Query Field Just The Hyperlink

Jan 20, 2015

I have a query which is a concatenated field of text and then a field from a table that has a hyperlink.

i.e 15mm predesigned mould Drw: [L:10527-123-A.pdf#L:10527-123-A.pdf#]

I want it to display in the query field as just the hyperlink

15mm predesigned mould Drw: [L:10527-123-A.pdf]

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Modules & VBA :: Bulk Update Of Hyperlink Text To Display Not Hyperlink

May 29, 2014

i have thousands of data records with hyperlinks that are correct. Each data record shows the actual link (,,, etc.). However, i want to change all of the records to just say "link" instead of saying, etc. How can i do this automatically without having to manually right click, edit, and changing the text to display?

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Update Query To Change Display Value Part Of Hyperlink Field

Nov 11, 2007

Given a table field that is a hyperlink type.
I need an Update Query to set all records of that table so that the Displayed Value part of the hyperlink field (not the Address part) is set to a particular value.
Any ideas how?

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Modules & VBA :: Browse And Display In Hyperlink Textbox

May 16, 2014

I'm trying to use ghudson's browse button in a form on MS Access. It works well, but I'm running into a tiny bug after implementing it into my database.

[URL] ....

I am able to browse, I am able to select a file, and am also able to have it display into the hyperlink textbox.
However, when I try to click on the hyperlink in the textbox, it does not take me to the file.

To fix the bug, and to get the hyperlink working again, I have to modify the hyperlink within the textbox, then bring it back as it was. (generally, I hit backspace, and replace the letter I removed.)

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Modules & VBA :: Save User Entry As Part Of Hyperlink Then Display In Subform

Nov 21, 2014

I have a form with multiple textboxes and comboboxes that allow for user entry, and a subform displaying a table, where the entries from the form are saved and can be retrieved. It's basically a way of creating new task entries and editing existing ones from a single interface.

One of the fields is an "issue number" of sorts, which is a 5-digit code that identifies the task. We have a website where details of each task are stored, and the URL format is akin to this: [URL] ....

The functionality that I'm hoping for is that when the user saves the record, it will be saved as the full link address, by concatenating the static first portion of the address and the code entered by the user. However, I need the table to still only display the code, not the whole link address, and will follow the full address when clicked in the subform table.

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Modules & VBA :: Hyperlink Text In Memo Field

Apr 11, 2015

I want to create an app that works like Wikipedia. for example any word that have an explain and that's explain available in my database that word become hyperlink text with different color and so if operator click on that word open a new form and show the explain.

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Modules & VBA :: Opening Hyperlink Dependent On Field Data?

Aug 18, 2015

I am attempting to open a website hyperlink, some of the fields contain https:// and some of them dont.

Private Sub Facebookbut_Click()
Dim Hyper As String
If InStr([TEAMFacebook], "https") Then
Hyper = Me.TEAMFacebook
Hyper = ("" & Me.TEAMFacebook)
End If
Application.FollowHyperlink Hyper
End Sub

So far this does 2 things, it doesn't open any hyperlinks at all and continues to attempt to until the program is closed from task manager. Before I had this error it would open the hyperlink twice if the field does not contain "https" and the IF statement was passed to the 2nd option.

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Hyperlink Field In Union Query

Mar 8, 2006

I have a query that I build using VBA based on some user input. One of the fields I pull out is a hyperlink to particular files on our local network, so the user can click the link and open the relevant file. My problem is that if the SELECT statement contains one (or more) UNIONs the hyperlinks no longer work. The query returns all the fields but the hyperlink field is just text of the form "display_text#link_address#".
I am using MS Access 2000. The UNION statements are required so I can search for multiple keywords in various fields within the table.

An example of the SQL query I generate is:
SELECT DocRef, DocTitle, DocAbstract, DocLink, DocAuthor, DocDate FROM TechDocs
WHERE DocType IN ('TechRep', 'Misc')
AND DocAbstract LIKE ('*drug*')
SELECT DocRef, DocTitle, DocAbstract, DocLink, DocAuthor, DocDate FROM TechDocs
WHERE DocType IN ('TechRep', 'Misc')
AND DocAbstract LIKE ('*release*');

If I do the query a different way (when I am searching for phrases, not keywords) the hyperlinks work fine. As you can imagine this is very frustrating! I have read that Access 2000 has some problems with UNIONs where it has to order the individual SELECT results before the union or something, but I can't work it out. :confused:

Any help is much appreciated.

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Display Images From Hyperlink Within Folder

Mar 9, 2006

i've looked but can't find the answer!! which is unusual as this forum covers everything.
i have a field [photo location] with a hyperlink to a folder within which is a number of images. at the moment i have 2500 folders and its growing daily. the action i want when the 'photo location' field had got focus or when clicked is for the photos within the folder to open [not within the form itself] - either in seperate windows or preferably all together. i am using irfanview to display the images but am easy on this point. i do not want to give each photo its own hyperlink because there are thousands of them. any suggestions as to how i should do this?


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Copying Hyperlink Display Into New Column?

May 12, 2014

I have a table called ComponentIndex with about 3000 entries. Each entry has an ID field and data in a hyperlink field called MSDSlink.

For each entry, I want to copy just the address part of the hyperlink to a new text column, let's call it MSDSAddress. This way, I only have the URL and no displaytext in that new column.

How would I go about doing so?

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Queries :: Update Hyperlink Display Text

Nov 7, 2014

So I have a table with 2 fields.The first field has the addresses to multiple hyperlink paths to folders on my computer.In this field the display text matches the hyperlink paths.In the second field I have the desired display text for field 1.I have tried using an update query to either:

1) Change the display texts of field 1 to match field 2 while preserving the hyperlink path
2) Add the hyperlink path from field 1 to field 2 without altering the display name.

I cannot get either one to work. Upon updating field 1, I lose the path, and upon updating field 2, I lose the name.

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Tables :: Convert Hyperlink To Text - Display Path?

Mar 9, 2013

I'm using access 2007. I have a table with 2 fields:

phtolink - hyperlink
phtopath - text

I am loading the table with existing data from a spreadsheet. The hyperlink field imported correctly into phtolink.

Now I need to convert the hyperlink field to a text field that displays the path to the photo referenced by the hyperlink.

I updated the text field with the hyperlink field but it didn't display the hidden part of the hyperlink.

How do I convert a hyperlink to display the path in a text field?

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Tables :: Find And Replace Hyperlink Address With Text To Display Access 2013

Sep 8, 2014

In the Access Table, how does one Find and Replace part of the hyperlink if the Text to display is different?

Example of Hyperlink Editor:

Example of Find and Replace

In other words, I'd like to find FAKESERVER and replace it with C:Users in all 1000 records. Is there any possible way to do this if there is Text to display?

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Modules & VBA :: Display / Hide Subforms Based On Yes / No Field In The Form

Oct 4, 2013

I have created a form with 3 subforms on. i was just wondering is it possible to display/ hide these subforms based on a Yes/No field in the form. as the subforms would only be valid if the field is ticked as yes.

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Modules & VBA :: CASE Statement - Display Specific Text In A Field Based On Value Of Another

Sep 22, 2014

I have a lengthy CASE statement in my database that displays specific text in a field based on the value of another. Simple stuff but for some reason it randomly will not work on certain values, and never the same one twice. Is there a commonly known cause for this? I have verified that the spelling and spacing etc. are correct in my code so that shouldn't be causing the problem.

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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Textbox To Display Memo Field Based On Listbox Record Selection

Apr 21, 2014

My table:

- HeatTreatmentID - PK
- HeatTreatmentDesc - Text
- HeatTreatmentDetails - Memo

My form has a listbox (lstHeatTreatments - Multi-Select disabled) that displays Heat Treatment descriptions and an unbound textbox (txtHTDetails) that I would like to have display the corresponding memo field when a description is selected from the listbox.

This is my code so far:

Private Sub lstHeatTreatments_AfterUpdate()
Dim myConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim myRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim mySQL As String
Dim selectedRequirementKey As Long
Set myConnection = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set myRecordSet.ActiveConnection = myConnection


When I run the code I get an error:


Run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)':

The Value you entered isn't valid for this field

When I debug, it highlights:


Me.txtHTDetails = myRecordSet.Fields

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Modules & VBA :: Display Query In Datasheet And Output To Text

Mar 24, 2014

The user will select two dates. Start and End date. The user will hit the run button and the application will read an excel file with employee data and only display/output the records within that date range selected (employment date).


Option Compare Database
Function DeleteTable()
'Delete old records from AllEmployeesData table
On Error GoTo DeleteTable_Err


I am not getting the query displayed on the datasheet after it is done executing. It's just a blank sheet. Also the output file is just this:


I did a quick query test using SQL in Access and it worked fine there. I am guessing my error is somwhere in this section:

'--Display query result on Datasheet and Output query to text file
With db
Set qdf = .CreateQueryDef("NewHireQuery", strSQL)
DoCmd.OpenQuery "NewHireQuery"
.QueryDefs.Delete "NewHireQuery"
End With
Set qdf = Nothing


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Doubleclick Field To Display Query Results

Sep 5, 2006

Hi, can anyone tell me how to doubleclick on field (on a form) and it opens up a form that shows bounded filtered results. I have a sub form which has details supporting summary numbers. I want my user to doubleclcik on the currency field and the detail supporting that sum total, pops up automatically. Any help please? :confused:

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Query: Display All 3 Matches For A Field In One Line

Feb 19, 2006

Hi all, I'm new to this forum. I'm having a problem with a query I'm trying to create.

I have two tables in the database: tblCustomers and tblInstallations. These two tables are linked by a field 'CustomerID'.
CustomerID is the Primary Key in tblCustomers.
In tblInstallations, the primary key is InstID and for each CustomerID in tblInstallations there are either 1 or 3 InstID records.

Now what I want to do is create a query with fields: Customer; CustomerID; InstID1; InstID2; InstID3.
InstID1 will contain the first InstID for the CustomerID, and InstID2 & InstID3 will contain the second and third, if applicable.

I see in Query Design View in the 'Totals' line there is a option to display the 'First' and 'Last' match for a field. So is there any way i can use this method and also display the second record? If not, is there any other way to make this query work?

I hope somebody can help!!


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Queries :: Display Field Description In Query

Dec 18, 2013

Basically, some clever soul has used coded fieldnames but then added a description telling you what the field contains, and I need to return this description.

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Modules & VBA :: Using DSUM To Calculate Sum From Either A Table Or Query To Display On Form

Aug 24, 2013

I am trying to use dsum to calculate a sum from either a table or query to display on a form and this needs to be for different services within a period so I am using the following:

Me.txtTotalEarnings = DSum("Price", "KatiesPeriodTakings", "AppDate" >= CDate([Forms]! _&
[frmKatiesTakings]![txtStartDate]) And "AppDate" _&
<= CDate([Forms]![frmKatiesTakings]![txtEndDate]))

But I keep getting a mismatch error

The Query is called KatiesPeriodTakings
The field I want totalled is called Price
The date field is AppDate and the 2 controlling dates are the Startdate and EndDate from the Form

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Hyperlink Field

Dec 5, 2007

Is there any way to have a hyperlink field in a table that has a very long path to the file show something different?

Example C:Documents and settingsMy FileOther FileThis Fileme.pdf

Woud like it to simply show "Open File"


Fen How

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make A Text Box To Show Results Of A Query To Display On Screen

Dec 4, 2014

We have a button running a SQL query via VBA, how can I make it so the results doesn't show up in a table/preview?Also, I know it's for the SQL forum but how can I make a text box to show the results of a query to display it on screen?

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Modules & VBA :: File Hyperlink In Form?

Jan 6, 2014

Im developing a database for work, I would like to provide a link on a form to run an external program. The form is call frmProfile. The table is called tblProfile and the hyperlink field is called link.

I would like a diaglog box to appear where the user can browse for the file and select it. Ive found various scripts but with my vb skills being very basic its no wonder im getting no joy.

I should add... each record has its own associated file. Its cctv footage which runs from the cctv systems own proprietary software. So its an individual filefor each record not just a program.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Text As Hyperlink

Jul 26, 2014

Since my old DB had hyperlink (web pages) either starting with http:// or not, and the users were complaining that they couldn't easily edit the field, I converted all the fields to text. Then I tried the following code on doubleclick:

Dim WebLink As String
If Me.WebPage2 <> "http//" & "*" Then
WebLink = "Http://" & Me.WebPage2
WebLink = Me.WebPage2
End If
Debug.Print WebLink
Application.FollowHyperlink WebLink, , True

The above works fine if there is no http:// but if there is one already in the text, then I get run time error 5 that it cannot locate the page. On checking what is happening, the code is adding http:// again even if it already there.

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Modules & VBA :: Hyperlink To Another Database Object

Sep 26, 2013

I have 2 databases (accdb). Both databases have a loading pop form. Also both databases include the following line of code when the loading form opens:

docmd.runcommand acCmdAppMinimize

This code works great when I open the databases individually. but my problem is that I have a label on the pop form in accdb 1 with its hyperlink address set to accdb 2 and the subaddress set to the macro name.The hyperlink opens the database 2 just fine and it opens the loading form but it doesn't minimize the application window.

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