Modules & VBA :: Display Multivalues Horizontally

Oct 12, 2013

Let's say I have:

Customer Table - CustID
Product Table - ProdID
CustomerProducts - Contains the CustID and ProdID

I have an "input" form with Customer Name, Address, etc and a subform that allow selecting his/her products.

I want to DISPLAY (only display), in another subform, on this form, (not a report), every customer that has a product in common (even if just one) with the main form customer. Also need it laidout this way:

For example, if Joe Robins has the following products selected: celery, lettuce, tomatoes. The following customers would appear in that subform - because they have ONE or MORE products in common with him:

John Doe (carrots, celery, potatoes)
Mike Smith (carrots, radish, tomatoes)

but this customer would not show up:

Mary Lamb (potatoes, cauliflower)

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Display Results For Each Group Horizontally Rather Than Vertically

May 24, 2012

Is there an easy way [in a query or a series of queries?] to display this:

Branch Officer Total Loans
1 ABC $5,678,555
1 DEF $6,678,555
2 GHI $7,678,555
2 JKL $8,678,555
2 MNO $9,678,555
Like this:

Branch Officer1 TotalLoans1 Officer2 TotalLoans2 Officer3 TotalLoans3 . . .
1 ABC $5,678,555 DEF $6,678,555
2 GHI $7,678,555 JKL $8,678,555 MNO $9,678,555
There is an indeterminate and ever-changing possible-number-of-Officers per Branch.

If this is not possible using queries, is there a better way than writing code to loop through the recordset to get the desired output?I've done it before where I've written output to text and also to a table using VBA & recordset - but I'd like to know if there is a way I can get Access to do the 'heavy lifting'.

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Reports :: Changing Detail On Report To Display Horizontally

Aug 13, 2014

Products report

shows on report as:

Order no Product
Order no Product
Order no Product

012345 table
012345 chairs
012345 lamp

I want to show
Order no Product, Product, Product

012345 table, chairs, lamp

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Queries :: Displaying Records Horizontally

Nov 29, 2013

If you have a one - many relationship between data, normally in the table it is captured, you would find multiple rows for every 'thing', each row detailing different 'functions' performed on it.

Is there a way that one can display these functions horizontally, instead of vertically, i.e, have one row per 'thing', instead of multiple rows.

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Reports :: Data In Report To Show Horizontally

Apr 10, 2014

I have a report that lists part numbers. With beside the part numbers are the components that go into the part. It looks something like this:

Part # Component Part 1 Component Part 2

1 abc

2 abg

3 abc

Part 1 has 2 components (abc,abd) how can I get these to display side by side.

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Reports :: Dates To Be Shown Horizontally In Report

Dec 20, 2014

I need to show field values in relation to dates, but I want the dates to be shown horizontally in the report.

I tried the crosstap quarey but it is not working for me, as i need to report many unrelated raws.

I've attached brief explanation of what i want.

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Reports :: Bound Text Field - Displaying Data Horizontally

Jan 22, 2015

I have only one bound text field in my report. By default, it shows the results (150 records ) vertically. I wish to show them horizontally, 5 in a row. How to do this.

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Queries :: Create A Query That Strings Data Horizontally That Corresponds To Primary Key?

Aug 25, 2014

I need to create a query that strings data horizontally that corresponds to the primary key.

Example of what I am looking for


Query Columns: Part_No, Mfg_Info (Mfg_No: Mfg_Name)

Also if the part_no (primary key) has multiple values I need the data to string horizontally like this:

Part_No, Mfg_Info (Mfg_No1: Mfg_Name1),
Mfg_Info (Mfg_No2: Mfg_Name2).......

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How Do I Show Convert Vertical Entries To Show Horizontally

Jun 7, 2007

Is it possible to convert fields listed down to show across.

IDNo Code Position
AAA B01 1
AAA C01 2
AAA D01 3
AAA E01 4

I want to show it as
IDNo Code Code Code Code
AAA B01 C01 D01 E01

Is this possible using Access 2003?

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Modules & VBA :: Textbox And Contents Will Not Display

May 3, 2014

Me.TxtNotAllowed.Visible = True
dtTimer1 = Now
dtTimer2 = Now + TimeValue("00:00:10")
Me.TxtNotAllowed.Value = "You do not have permission to use this database !"
Do Until dtTimer1 >= dtTimer2
dtTimer1 = Now()
Me.TxtNotAllowed.Value = ""

The above code will run definitely for the 10 seconds however the textbox and contents do not display HOWEVER if stepped through with breakpoints line by line and the form checked each time the textbox DOES display and its contents.

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Modules & VBA :: Display A Pivot Chart

Nov 18, 2013

I have a need to display a pivot chart by clicking a button on my menu screen. At the moment my button will just display the query results and if I then click on View/PivotChart View my chart displays.

Private Sub Command316_Click()
DoCmd.OpenQuery "R06X - OOS Chart", avViewNormal
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Display OLE Object In Message Box

Aug 8, 2013

I'm trying to display an image which is saved in the table as an OLE Object in a message box. The field with the object is "PowerCurve". This is what I'm trying to do. It allows me to get as far as clicking yes to view the second message box but then it results in an error when it tries to display the image.


Dim strDetails As String
strDetails = DLookup("Details", "ExistingDeviceDetailsQ")
Dim strCurve As String
strCurve = DLookup("PCurve", "DeviceT", "DeveloperProduct = '" & Forms!DeviceF!D_ExistingDeviceCmb & "'")
If strCurve = "No" Then
MsgBox strDetails, , "Device Details"


I get the error "Object variable or With block variable not set" on the line

image = DLookup("PowerCurve", "DeviceT", "DeveloperProduct = '" & Forms!DeviceF!D_ExistingDeviceCmb & "'")

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Modules & VBA :: Display Email Before Sending It

Nov 13, 2013

I have this code below in order to send query through outlook. How can I display the mail and not directly sending it?

Private Sub Command64_Click()
Dim message As String
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim vRecipientList As String
Dim vMsg As String
Dim vSubject As String

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box Display Initial Value

Sep 3, 2013

I have 2 Comboboxes, one for Region and one for Country, and am attempting to initalize/cascade them. Here is the basic info for the the underlying tables:

regionAbbreviation (Text, PK)
regionName (Text)
regionOverseer (Text, Foreign Key...essentially a parameter)


Some relational constraints of which to be aware:

1. Every Region has at least one Country
2. Every Region has one and only one Overseer
3. An Overseer may be responsible for more than one Region

Characteristics of the Comboboxes:

1. Both use 2 columns with the Name field (first column) being displayed and the Abbreviation or Code field (second column) being the bound column.
2. The nominal case is that both comboboxes will have multiple items to select and in that case the comboboxes are initialed with a query containing a UNION that inserts the string "<ALL>" (same string in both columns).
3. When the case arises that an Overseer manages a single Region or a Region contains a single Country, the Union query is bypassed such that the "<ALL>" string is excluded.

The comboboxes are used to create a filter condition to drill down into a potentially very large recordset.Now to the issue at hand ...

The Region combobox is initialized first. The initialization is accomplished by setting the RowSource property to an appropriate query. The first entry in the item list is then loaded to the combobox Value property by the following line of code:

Me.cbxRegion.Value = Me.cbxRegion.Column(0,0)

This always works whether there are multiple items or just one. If there is just one I set the Enabled property to FALSE; no point in reselecting the only item avaliable.The Country combobox is then initialized in a similar manner using appropriate code that is virtually identical to that used for the Region combobox.The problem I am having is that if there is only a single Country, the Name is not displayed in the combobox but is contained in the selection list. Note that i do not have a problem with the Region combobox when it is initialized with a single Region.

I have searched this forum and others and found similar inquiries and a couple of possible solutions; some clearly don't work while others appear to but result in run-time errors later in the execution of the code (run-time error '2115').I do not have a simply test case I can upload at this time; also new to the forum and appear to be restricted as to my ability to perform uploads.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Background Image Via Message Box

Mar 17, 2015

I have a report which is an invoice I have a button on the report to reprint It . Now if this is a duplicate Invoice I need to add a background Image ,something like a duplicate stamp . I have added a message box which says" is this a Duplicate Invoice" .If the answer is yes then I want to display the backgrond image and print the report .If the answer is no, then print report without background image

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Modules & VBA :: Display All Until A Special Character Is Found

Feb 3, 2014

L=Letter , X=number. Examples consisting of three parts (it can be more than three).


I would like to develop a function that takes a string that is made up of three parts or more and each part is separated by an underscore "_", space, or "&". There is no character that takes precedence over the other. It will always be only a single character which seperates the parts.

The check will always be done from the left. It should carry out the following actions:

1. Display all characters from the left until it reaches the first seperator "_" underscore OR "space" or "&"
2. Check only Part1 if it is made up of 4 letters and the rest 6 numbers (see 1-3 above). If that is the case only return part 1.
3. If part one only has letters and no numbers (see above 4-5) return all parts. Part one can consist of two letters or more.

I have started the function for step 1 above that searches for the character "_" underscore and display all characters until the first "_" is reached. I would like to include the same for "Space" or "&" in this function.

Once that is done I would like to do step 2 and step 3.

Function SearchforChar(strTest As String) As String
Dim test2 As String
Dim strUntil As String
strUntil = "_"
test2 = Left(strTest, InStr(1, strTest, strUntil) - 1)

[Code] ....

Full name with all parts should be returned for all above four cases under situation 3.

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Modules & VBA :: Display In Query Field Just The Hyperlink

Jan 20, 2015

I have a query which is a concatenated field of text and then a field from a table that has a hyperlink.

i.e 15mm predesigned mould Drw: [L:10527-123-A.pdf#L:10527-123-A.pdf#]

I want it to display in the query field as just the hyperlink

15mm predesigned mould Drw: [L:10527-123-A.pdf]

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Modules & VBA :: Browse And Display In Hyperlink Textbox

May 16, 2014

I'm trying to use ghudson's browse button in a form on MS Access. It works well, but I'm running into a tiny bug after implementing it into my database.

[URL] ....

I am able to browse, I am able to select a file, and am also able to have it display into the hyperlink textbox.
However, when I try to click on the hyperlink in the textbox, it does not take me to the file.

To fix the bug, and to get the hyperlink working again, I have to modify the hyperlink within the textbox, then bring it back as it was. (generally, I hit backspace, and replace the letter I removed.)

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Modules & VBA :: Select 3 Records And Display On 1 Form

May 6, 2014

I have a problem in which in the user may need to select 3 records at random from my table and display some details of those records in from view so that they can edit certain fields and just look at others.

Ideally I'd want a form with 3 separate dropdown boxes and each dropdown has the option to select 1 record from all the records in my table.

All 3 records must be visible on the screen at the same time.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Limit Display Of Any Image In HTML

Sep 27, 2013

I have a module like this:


Public Function DisplayImage(ctlBrowserControl As Control, _
strImagePath As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err_DisplayImage
Dim strDatabasePath As String
Dim intSlashLocation As Integer


This works perfectly to display the image I'd like through WebBrowser control I put onto the form....HOWEVER --and here's my question--the image size is not bound to the size bounds of the control size itself.So if my control is 2 inches by 2 inches and the image is 16 inches by 16 inches, then the image doesn't fully show within the control.

I'd like to get the control to show the whole image (sized down as appropiate, or sized up as appropriate) such that the whole image is contained within the control.I know how to limit the display of any image in HTML.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Amount Of Records On Form

Jul 1, 2013

I want to display on my form the amount of records and which one the form is displaying just like that, which is at the bottom, in text fields.

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Modules & VBA :: Call To Display Windows Theme

Jul 14, 2014

On the Windows 7 Developer desktop, the Windows Theme is set to Windows 7.On the Citrix server (for users) the Windows Theme appears to be Windows 95. It is low graphics.The boxes are square instead of rounded. The selected Form Tabs just barely highlight with a thin line while on Windows 7, the selected Tab completely changes color. A basic Message box in Windows 95 looks square and flat. The title bar is very low graphics as one would expect when graphics were not great. Is there a VBA call that can display the OS Theme that affects MS Access? URL...

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Modules & VBA :: Message Box To Display Records That Have Just Been Created

Jul 24, 2015

I have a button that duplicates records 'X' amount of times based on a value in a text box.

I need a message box to advise the user that they have created record number from - to


User creates 5 records - first record created has a auto number of 3200

I need the message box to say 'you have just created records 3200 - 3204

Is this possible?

Here is the current code on the duplicate button courtesy of Uncle Gizmo

Private Sub AddRecord_Click()
On Error GoTo AddRecord_Click_Err
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To (Me.txtAmount.Value - 1)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Decimals Display Wrong Value

Oct 24, 2014

I have 2 controls on a form cmbFed and cmbState both are formatted as fixed with decimal places as 2. They display the correct values. cmbFed = .18 cmbState = .06 When I add a new control to add the 2. =[cmbFed]+[cmbState] result is .18.06 instead of .24 It looks like it is treating them as text. I even tried to do it in code Me.text639 = Me.cmbFed + Me.cmbState with the same results. It must be something simple I am missing a format for text639?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Display All Records From Report On Email Body

Nov 16, 2014

With this very simple command, I have the ability to send emails to several clients, reporting many things, quotations etc.

Private Sub Command84_Click()
DoCmd.SendObject , , , , , , "SOMETHING", [SalesGroupingField] & "" & [1], True, ""
End Sub

Now, i want, on the body of the emai, to display many records, it is from Nothwind, how can i display on the body of the email all records from this report?

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Modules & VBA :: Way To Display Table In A Single Row Separated By Commas

Jun 18, 2013


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'Insert database table into document

Selection.Range.InsertDatabase Format:=11, Style:=191, LinkToSource:=False, _
SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM `tblNoonan`" & "", _
DataSource:="N:TorrentSetupNGS.accdb", _
From:=-1, To:=-1, IncludeFields:=False
End Sub

The code runs and displays like this:

xxxx yyyyyy
xxx yyyyyy
xxx yyyyyy
xxxxxx yyyyyy
xxxx yyyyyy
xxxxxxx yyyyyyy
xxxxxxx yyyyy
xxx yyyyyy
xxxx yyyyy
xxxxxxx yyyyyyy
xxxx yyyy
xxxxxx yyyyyy
xxxx yyyyyy
xxxxxxx yyyyyy

Is there a way to display the table in a single row separated by commas:

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