Modules & VBA :: Error Message When No Data Found In Query?
Jul 18, 2013
I have a search query that searches for different results based on 3 criterior. I have set up a form so that the user can input the text into the form and then once the Submit button (that i created) is clicked the query table will be shown.
My question is:
Is it possible to have an error message box appear when i click submit and no data is returned by the search query?
I'm hoping for the message box to say "No corresponding records to your search criteria. Do you want to try again?"
Then the options given in the message box are Yes (where they should be taken back to the search form) and No (Where they are taken to another form).
I try to delete a record and i get this error message "The search key was not found in any record". The key of the table is an autonumber but for some reason in these two records i want to delete has value = 0 .
I have a macro in the On No Data event of a report that displays a message when the item number a user requests does not exist in the table being queried.
Now I need to get the same functionality in a form. The form is based on a parameter query with only one criteria [Please enter item number]. The form opens in Edit mode when a valid item number is entered.
I see that there is no On No Data event for either forms or queries, so I'm stumped on how to proceed.
I have two similar forms with similar controls. I copy 20 pieces of controls to another forms certain tab. When I run code to update database table using the control box value, access can’t find the control box. I got this errors message.
Somehow it doesn't take this variable msoFileDialogSaveAs. It tells me it's unknown.
Code: Public Sub Command2_Click() On Error GoTo MyError3 Dim filelocation As Variant Dim g As Object Set g = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
I'm a newbie trying to upgrade a 2003 database to 2010. When I compile this database an error pops up saying "Method or data member not found". This is the code below:
Private Sub CBPrintReq_Click() On Error GoTo SendPrintError Dim NewID As String, Notice As String, Temp Dim CRLF As String * 3 CRLF = Chr$(10) + Chr$(13) Notice = ""
I haven't used FSO before, and it seems that the syntax is a little different than typical VBA for strings, but I can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong here... I keep getting a "file not found" error on the "FSO.CopyFile..." line. I have printed all of my strings to the immediate window to check that they're printing correctly. It all looks good. My code is as follows:
'Copy file 'Set up strings for coding file names Dim FilePath As String FilePath = Me.txt_FilePath Dim FileName As String FileName = Me.txt_FileName
Hi all, I’m trying to filter the records a subform shows based on the employee number (in a combo box) that the user selects in the main form. At the moment im getting the following message when I select an employee number in the combo box: “Compile error, method or data member not found”:confused:
Ive searched the forums on here and tried to make use of the information other people have posted but im still having trouble getting this to work
Below is the code I have on the combo box of the main form:
Private Sub Cbo_Emp_Filter_AfterUpdate() Dim strSQl As String
Ive also posted the database if any one is willing to have a look for me (ive removed irrelevant tables/forms/reports). Im using access 97
I have a strange behaviour on a module which reference to Microsoft Outlook Object Library 14.0. The below code got an error 461 on the folderoutlook.display code,i.e. the method is not found. The funny thing is that the same code gives no problem in another accdb file, exactly same code with same reference on same machine.
Set appOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") Set appOutlook = New Outlook.Application Set namespaceOutlook = appOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") Dim folderOutlook As Folder Set folderOutlook = namespaceOutlook.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) FolderOutlook.Display
I have a form (frmTimecardsDataEntry3*) that needs to requery combo boxes to narrow down the selections offered in the dropdown of each combo box.
It is a data entry form. I.e. Dataentry is set to yes.
The ClientName combo box has an after update event which requeries the matter combo box, so that the MatterName combo box dropdown only shows the matters relating to that client. This works just fine.
The MatterName combo box has an after update event which requeries the Rate combo box so that in the Rate combo box dropdown only the hourly charge rates relating to that matter are shown. That works too. So far so good.
I then tried adding another after update event to the MatterName combo box, so that another combo box, Application, was requeried too, so with the Private Sub it looked like:
Rate.Requery Application.Requery
But this resulted in the error in the title to this post and the debugger highlighted in red the word Requery in the phrase Application.Requery.
I thought maybe Access does not allow two requeries resulting from one after update event, so instead I took Application.Requery out and placed it as an after update event in another combo box which did not have any other after update events to run.
However, this resulted in the same error.So the error appears to have something to do with trying to requery the Application combo box but I cannot see what is causing the error.
The Application combo box SQL is:
SELECT Applications.ApplicationID, [ApplicationDate] & " " & [ApplicationName] AS ApplicationDisplay, Applications.ApplicationDate, Applications.ApplicationName, Applications.MatterName FROM Applications WHERE (((Applications.MatterName)=[Forms]![frmTimecardsDataEntry3*]![MatterName])) ORDER BY Applications.ApplicationDate, Applications.ApplicationName;
This is the same arrangement of SQL that I am using on the other requeried combo boxes that work. When I take the WHERE statement out of the Application SQL and run it the query returns all of the applications.
I am not sure what the error code is trying to tell me about the attempt to requery the Application combo box.
I have a yes/no box in the form and when the firm is first opened it has a small square dot in it, but as soon as any data is entered in the form the dot clears and leaves the usual empty tick box that you would expect to see.
Also, another possible symptom is that I had another version of this form previously working quite well except that when I did several data entries all at once, so I had several forms filled in with different data (before refreshing and thus entering the data in the table), when I scrolled between the forms I kept losing the MatterName data when I scrolled back, and then when I re-entered the ClientName data the correct MatterName data returned without me having to use the dropdown to select it.
I have had an earlier simpler version of this form working for some time, with ClientName requerying MatterName and MatterName requerying Rate, and I am using the same SQL structures in the new form but getting the error in the title to this post and the other isues just described.
i have the following code in a function but when i want to compile it i have the following code will be blue i have error in this line:
.NamedParameters = True
the error message is this :
method or data member not found
my code is as following:
Function Get_Bearbeiter_Detail(ByVal vBearbeiter_Code As String, Optional ByRef vBearbeiter_Name As String, Optional ByRef vReadOnly_Flag As Boolean, Optional ByRef vAnalyser_Flag As Boolean, Optional ByRef vAdmin_Flag As Boolean) As Boolean On Error GoTo Err DoCmd.Hourglass True Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
I am using a query to search for records and I'd like there to be a message box that pops up on the search page if there are no records found (so the query is empty). I'm guessing there is a simple solution since I think I just need an "If" statement checking to see if a field in the query is null or not. However, I'm not familiar with Access code and what I've tried so far does not work. Any help is greatly appreciated! p.s. I am using Microsoft Access 1997...old school...
I'm creating a DB that includes a form that "Customers" will fill out. The form (CustomerForm) has text boxs that must be completed. I'm trying to figure out how to make sure all text boxes are filled out. I have already created a Input Mask and selected Required in the "Customer" Table. There is also a Username text box I would like to have validated that is is not already being used and two password text boxes I would like to have validate against one another to ensure it was created correctly. Once all text boxes are properly filled out I would like the Button to Save customer data, close CustomerForm and Open ShoppingCart. This is the code I have created:
Code: Option Compare Database Private Sub Log_In_Click() If IsNull(Me.CustomerFName) Then MsgBox "Please Enter First Name", vbInformation, "First Name Required" Me.CustomerLName.SetFocus
I have a 2003 mdb which I have opened in 2010 from my C drive. If I hover my mouse over a table name it shows the original UNC path. How do I change this so I can view the data without an error message appearing?
I have got a No record found for some forms as the code below,
Private Sub Form_Load() If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then DoCmd.Close MsgBox "* No Registration Found *" End If End Sub
When a paramter search is done and no results found it shows up a message saying "No Registration Found" is is possible to bring up the same type of message in a report format?
I need to be able to produce an error on a form where the user attempts to create a new user that already exists. The error needs to be produced when the save button is clicked.
See below for the existing code on my save button which exists in form, 'frmAddEditUser':
Private Sub cmdSave_Click() If IsNull(cboManagerID) = True Then MsgBox "Please select a manager", vbExclamation, "Details Missing!" Me.cboManagerID.Requery
[Code] ....
Currently, if I attempt to create a user with the same Payroll ID as an existing user, my 'User details saved' message box is displayed and to the user it looks like a new record has saved successfully which isn't the case.
I need a message box to appear displaying something like "Payroll ID n already exists" where n is the 'PayrollID' of the duplicate record. (Is it possible to combine a value from a certain control and ones own custom text?)
Note: PayrollID is a combination of letters and numbers, i.e. two letters, followed by 5 numbers, e.g. JD12345.
For reference, the table/field and and control are called, '[tblUser].[PayrollID]' and 'txtPayrollID' (on 'frmAddEditUser') respectively; it is from this field and control that I want the error to be produced if the user is entering the same values which are existing in 'tblUser'.
i have the following code and i have the below error:
can't find the project or library in red part
Code: Option Compare Database Option Explicit Function DatumUmwandeln(Datumstring As Variant) As String Dim Monat, Tag, Jahr As String If Datumstring <> "" Then Tag = Format$(Datumstring, "dd")
I am running Office 2010 but at one time also had Office 2013 installed on my Windows 7 64 bit OS PC. The first attachment (AccessProblem) shows the error message that I get when it hits the
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
line. I get the automation error - library not registered error. The second attachment (Access2Problem) shows the references that I have.
I'm just trying to implement a "customised error message" that will pop-up if data is entered and it's invalid. (I've created a "query" and a "search" form which these two link together).