Modules & VBA :: Exporting Data To Excel Template But Saves Under Different Name

Apr 29, 2014

I am able to use DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet to export data from Access to Excel, however, I want to be able transfer data into a specific sheet within an Excel template (e.g. Tasking.xls), that will then save under a different name (e.g. Tasking 20140429.xls). The other sheets within the Excel template contain pivots etc. so they will need updating during this process. The Excel template should just close down and remain in its original format.

This process will occur once a week so the dates will have to change accordingly.

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting To Excel Template And Saving As New File

Jun 25, 2014

Any definitive way of exporting a query to an Excel file and then saving it as a new file without saving over the original.

I've tried to remove any confidential info from the code below so it's not exactly the same.

Dim XLApp As Excel.Application
Dim XLSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim tmpRS As DAO.Recordset
Dim strFolder as String
strFolder = ("C:Profiles"& [Name] & "")

[Code] ....

The error seems to be with the SQL statement although that may just be the first error that it got to. I read that you can't refer to a Query if it has a criteria and that you have to write the SQL directly into the code.

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Looking For Example Of Exporting Query Results To Excel Template

Jan 27, 2008

Hi all,

I'm not very experienced with Access. I'm looking for a very simple sample of how to export Query results to an Excel Template document. Especially to specific cell references. Would anyone have one to share. I'm trying to get my head around the concept first.

I may have to use Access 2000 and later versions to run the database, so do I have to cater for both DAO and ADO?

Thanks in advance for any help

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Access Data Into Excel Template In Read And Write Mode

Jun 20, 2015

How to open a pre filled excel template in read and write mode from msaccess vba and insert data from msaccess tables into specific columns in excel.

Rename the tabs in excel sheet based on a specific column in the access data.

Each row in the table will go to a seperate tab in excel.

Save the excel template after populating the necessary data into different tabs.

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting Data To Special Excel Sheets

Sep 22, 2013

In Access i can create different contracts with different running time.

I have contracts with a running time of 4 years, 6years, 8 years, 10 years and 12 years.

I have for each contract a different Excel file.

The users can choose via an Inputbox, which contract he wants to Export in Excel. In the Inputbox he enters the SuWID.

Now i want that the the Excel file with the Special running time get opened.

4 years ----> ("C:UsersGRIMBENDesktop4years.xlsm")
6 years ----> ("C:UsersGRIMBENDesktop6years.xlsm")

and so on.

Dim xlApp As Object 'Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Object 'Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Object 'Excel.Worksheet
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, SuWID As Long, tmpStr As String

[Code] ....

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Reports :: Exporting Data To Word Template

Apr 7, 2014

I have a Word template that I require my data to be exported to. Is there a way to import a .docx into a report design?

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting Data By ID To Excel - Choosing Special Time

Sep 12, 2013

I Export data by ID from Access to Excel.

Is it possible that two mgsbox will Show up, where the user can put in the timeperiod.

The time period would be the starting day of the contract.

It's called inception_date

Private Sub Befehl1_Click()
Dim xlApp As Object 'Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Object 'Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Object 'Excel.Worksheet
Dim rstID As DAO.Recordset, tmpStr As String
Dim rstGr As DAO.Recordset, strSQL As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting Data To Excel Truncates Long Text Form

Jun 13, 2014

I'm having an issue where when I attempt to export data from an Access database to an excel spreadsheet using VBA it truncates any field longer than 255 characters to the 255 limit. I'm using

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "tableName", "FilePath", True, ""

to export it (obviously with the table name and filepath filled in) but for some reason I cannot get it to export the entirety of the field to excel. I've been doing some digging on various forums around the internet and it seems as though it may be possible to split it into various excel cells then use automation to concatenate the cells. But considering this field I am trying to get not truncated can be up to 40,000 characters theoretically, it doesn't make sense to do it that way.Do you need more information from me? I'm somewhat new to both Access and VBA.

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Push Data From Current Record In Form Into A New Excel File, Using Excel Template

Sep 10, 2007

I searched the archive and didn't find quite what I was looking for, so..

I have an Excel 2003 spreadsheet work-in-progress being used as a template (developed by others) to prepare project cost estimates in a complex regulatory environment. We are 'modelling on the fly' for a number of projects until we are comfortable with the estimate model, after which time I intend to incorporate our 'stable' estimate methodology into Access. Meanwhile, I am 'stuck' with the Excel spreadsheet.

I have a project tracking database (Access 2003), and I want to be able to track my estimates. I do NOT want to embed my spreadsheets into the db, just a filelink. There can be more than 1 estimate per project.

Ideally, the user should be able to define a project in the Access db (or select one already defined) and click a 'make estimate' button, which would generate a new Excel file in a predefined directory (based on the present version of the .xlt file), give it an appropriate filename (based on the Access ProjectID and estimate sequence number for that project if there were others already), open up that workbook in Excel, and then autopopulate some cells based on information showing on the original form in Access!

A separate button for 'Open existing estimate' will eventually be required, but I think I could do that if I can get someone to walk me through the steps required above.

I am somewhat familiar with vba in Access, but am an absolute rookie when it comes to excel.

Edit: I left out that I would also add an appropriate record to a table like tblEstimate which would contain the link(s) to the estimate(s). This table will obviously contain a FK to tblProject

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Modules & VBA :: How To Auto Fill Excel Template

Jun 19, 2013

I have info on my access form which is located here....

Code : Forms![Front Page]![Site 2 Owner]

and here

Code : Forms![Front Page]![Postcode S2]

I would like to export this information into cells B2 & C2( individually and respectively) on the excel spreadsheet which I have saved as a template here...

Code : C:UsersmedesktopAutoExcel Auto

Is this easily achievable? To be honest I will be using it to fill in about 12 cells but how it would be done for the first two i can just modify it as necessary.

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Modules & VBA :: Paste Query To Excel Template

Jul 20, 2014

I created a form with lots of conditional formatting that did pretty much everything I wanted it to do. The only problem is that it takes about 4 full minutes for the form to open.

As an experiment I am reluctantly now trying to display the results in Excel. I have created a template xls sheet and all I want to do is, on the press of a button, copy the results from my query and paste them in to cell a1 of my spreadsheet.

I found the following code online which I am trying to adapt.

Private Sub update_tracker_Click()
Dim XL As Excel.Application
Dim wbTarget As Workbook
Dim qdfResults As QueryDef
Dim rsResults As Recordset
'Set up refernce to the query to export

[Code] ....

My limited knowledge however results in a couple of errors.

The first error User defined type not defined error appears at the very first line of my code

Dim XL As Excel.Application

The next error occurs as I am not sure how to reference the query to export. The query is called 2014 Resources and outputs also to a form called 2014 Resources.

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Modules & VBA :: UDF In Excel Template - Turning Letters Into Numbers

Jun 12, 2015

I have this UDF in my excel template that changes a set of numbers in to letters corresponding a code.

For example the code is "EUCHARISTO" it would simply mean

E=1, U=2, C=3, H=4, A=5, R=6, I=7, S=8, T=9, O=0 and by default the tenths position (".0")=X the hundredths position (.0"0") = Y and If a number repeats it becomes G.

12.50 = EUAY
123.00 = EUCXY
12.25 = EUGA
99.00 = TGXY
99.50 = TGAY
999.00 = TGTXY
999.99= TGTGT

Here's the UDF:


Function LetterCode(ByVal Numbers As String, Letters As String) As String
Dim X As Long
Numbers = Format(Numbers, "0.00") * 100
Letters = UCase(Right(Letters, 1) & Left(Letters, Len(Letters) - 1))
If Numbers Like "*0" Then Mid(Numbers, Len(Numbers)) = "Y"

[Code] ...

Also, where best to put this code, In a query or in a module.

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Modules & VBA :: Export And Import Particular Cells From Excel Template

Jul 20, 2015

I have a few problems and I want them to be able to be done from switchboard:

1. Is there a way for me to export a particular report (after selecting it) to a closed excel template, that is formatted? It would open the excel template (that has a logo and column headings), export data to below the column headings, then save the file with a unique name?

2. Also, a way to import data from an excel file, after allowing the user to select file? Only data below the column headings mentioned above. Same data will be appended to existing table.

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Modules & VBA :: Export To Specific Sheet In Template Excel File

Feb 11, 2015

So I press a button on my Form1 and my tbl_customers table is exported onto a specific sheet in a templated Excel file "customer-template" that I have created.

This file has formulas on another sheet that based on the imported data.

The file is then saved to a specific location C:AccessCustomersHistory with the file name based on a date that was criteria from my original form E.g. "customers 11-02-15"

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Modules & VBA :: Filling Excel Template Cells / Save Then Send On Outlook

Jul 13, 2013

I have the code below which takes information from a form on access and sends it over to the correct place on an excel spreadsheet template. This works fine but I then need it to save and send on outlook.

The issue I am having is that the saved document is not attaching to the e-mail. The subject etc all work fine but the excel spreadsheet just doesn't attach. When I go into the folder I have specified for the document to be saved in it isn't there either. :0(

The code for the e-mail "callmail" function works perfectly for word documents but I don't know if it is different for an excel file.


Private Sub Command154_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim wbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsheet As Excel.Worksheet
Set appExcel = New Excel.Application

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Modify Working Code - Export Query And Update Worksheets In Excel Template

Mar 12, 2014

What I want to do instead is open an existing .XLSM wokrbook delete or update the 7 sheets it creates and replace them with the new query results from access.

I love this code below because it works really well but now I have a new requirement. I have a workbook that has a "dashboard" sheet that looks at the sheets from acccess and summerizes the data. So, I'd like Access to open that "template" excel workbook and delete the old sheets and put in the new ones..The required sheets to keep are called "Metrics", "Validation" and "Mara"

What I was trying to do for the past few hours was another work around which was to have Access run this code, then excel run some code to import the "dashboard" formulas but I can't get it to copy to another workbook because it links to the OLD workbook..Here is the working code that needs modding:


Option Compare Database
Public Function ExportAdvanced()
Dim strWorksheet As String
Dim strWorkSheetPath As String
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim sht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim Rng As Excel.Range
Dim strTable As String
Dim strRange As String
Dim strSaveName As String
Dim strPrompt As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strDefault As String


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Modules & VBA :: Specify Tab Name When Exporting To Excel

Oct 9, 2013

exporting an Access query to Excel using VBA.When I run the code, the Excel workbook that is created defaults to the name of the query.I use naming conventions for my queries so the tab of the Excel spreadsheet is named "qryProviderAuditExport". I would like to name it "Provider Report". Is there a way to do this.It is one spreadsheet that is created when the code is run and there is only one tab to worry about. Here is my code so far:

Dim file_name As String
file_name = CirrentProject.Path & "Submitter_Audit_Report.xls"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qryProviderAuditExport", acFormatXLS, file_name, True

If possible, I would like to do this during the export without having the code open the Excel spreadsheet and doing it after the fact.

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Modules & VBA :: Get Sum (totals) After Exporting To Excel?

Feb 24, 2015

how i can calculate totals after i export some data from access to excel (using CopyFromRecordset). I'd like to put the total the row after the last row of data similar to how one use to AutoSum in excel.

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Exporting Access Data To Excel

Jul 13, 2005

Hi all,

I am using Access 97 & Excel 97 for this problem. I have a Access query which takes the contents of three tables and exports them to Excel. However, the query has now reach 69000+ records and increases by about 1000+ records ever month. So what I need to do is create as many WORKSHEETS within a single Excel WORKBOOK as necessary to accomodate all of my Access data. I have written a piece of code which will create seperate WORKBOOKS for each 65000+ of records but then what I want to do is code the almagamation of these WORKBOOKS into 1.

In short, after the first WORKBOOK is created I use code to make that the active WORKBOOK and then I want to import into that the other WORKSHEETS in the other WORKBOOKS.

I am using the folowing DIM's:

Dim X As New Excel.Application
Dim WkBook As Excel.WorkBook
Dim WkSheet As Integer
Dim ExcelSheet As Excel.Worksheet

ExcelSheet therefore is the current WORKSHEET within the Excel spreadsheet I want to import into.

Any advice on the command to perform a transfer of WORKSHEET data between Excel WORKBOOKS?



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Data Labels Exporting To Excel

Sep 15, 2004

when i analyze my report in Excel, none of the data labels in my report header are copied across can i set this up so that they do.


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Exporting Data To Excel Form

Sep 18, 2012

When equipment is returned to our company the details are put into an access database, then the same details are filled into a excel sheet to be printed and handed around for other depments to fill in by hand then sign. I have been asked to see if it is possible to alter the database so that the appropriate parts of the excel sheet could be filled in automatically. You can see an example below, its only the sales section that comes from the database the rest is filled in by hand.

Is it possible to setup a query that would ask for say the RER number and serial number to find the correct record then export the data to fill in the right cells; or is it easier for me to try and recreate the excell sheet as an access report and have it filled in that way.

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Exporting Data From Access To Excel

Sep 6, 2012

I am trying to export my access table in excel.

I have the following code which gives an error when i try to implement it.

Private Sub Command22_Click()
Dim strExcelFile As String
Dim strWorksheet As String
Dim strDB As String
Dim strTable As String
Dim objDB As Database

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting A Form To Excel File

Mar 4, 2015

i have a form and i want to export it to excel file the form will be updated someties and the data will be changed here is my code, but there is a problem with it


Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim xlBook As Object
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim Conn1 As ADODB.Connection
Dim Cmd1 As ADODB.Command


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Modules & VBA :: Exporting Query To Excel Spreadsheet

Sep 18, 2014

I am trying to export a query to an pre-existing spreadsheet. I am new to VBA and when I implement the following code nothing happened.

Option Compare Database

Public Function Sheet(strTQName As String, strSheetName As String)

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim ApXL As Object
Dim xlWBk As Object


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Modules & VBA :: Exporting To Excel Based On Different Criteria

Jan 13, 2014

I am exporting from access to excel using the code below, but I'd like to edit the code so that it exports to excel for each original value in column A. For example, if column A contains the values "Type A", "Type B" and "Type C" then I'd like to export/save three different excel files (one for "Type A", one for "Type B" and one for "Type C"). If "Type A" appears in column A seven times then I'd want to export all seven rows for columns A through E.


Private Sub ExportToExcel_Click()
'Declaration of variables for file path
Dim CurrentFolder As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim CurrentCycle As String
CurrentCycle = Format(Date, "yyyymm")
FileName = SVCnumber1 & "Output.xls"


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Modules & VBA :: Exporting 2 Queries In One Excel Sheet

Nov 6, 2013

I have got the following code

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim exApp As Excel.Application
Dim exDoc As Excel.Workbook
Dim exSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim Dateiname As String
Dim SQL As String

[Code] ....

I'll get the following error:

error message 1004: can not give a sheet, the same name of the sheet

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