Modules & VBA :: Filtering A Tabular Form By Several Fields
Aug 6, 2014
I'm using 4 combo-boxes in order to filter a tabular form in access.
One combo box is for a company name the second is for a report type and the third and forth is for choosing years. I used VBA in order to apply the filter:
Each line works by itself but I cant figure out how to combine them together, or how to use "AND" between each filter so the filtering will refer all of them when I run the code.
I am trying to create a form that has a tabular main form and a tabular subform. All I can do is to create a main form that just shows a singular record (columnar). I want to be able to see say 10 records in the main form and 10 records in the subform. How do I do this?
I'm trying to make a form to filter a table and open a data entry form with the filtered data ready for editing. I've got it working when filtering a 1 field but I'd like to filter the data by 3 fields and i can't get it right. the code I'm trying to use is :
Code: DoCmd.OpenForm "Main", , , "[Admin District]='Corby'" And "[AgeRange]='31 - 50'" And "[Gender]='Male'"
it works fine when just filtering one field like this:-
I'm trying to make a field specific image on a tabular subform, so a different image appears on every row depending on the field information.
Currently my code displays the same image on every row depending on which subform row is selected:
Code: Private Sub Form_Current() Dim imagepath As String imagepath = GetImagePath & Me.Exercise & ".jpg" If Len([Exercise]) > 0 And Len(Dir(imagepath)) > 0 Then Image26.Picture = imagepath
I am using the following code to filter my form with a search box:
Code: Me.RecordSource = "qryCompanies" Me.Filter = "CompanyName Like '*" & Me.SearchTxt & "*' Or webpage Like '*" & Me.SearchTxt & "*' Or PriorName Like '*" & Me.SearchTxt & "*'" Me.FilterOn = True
[Code] ....
It works great with one minor issue: if I try to search for a name containing an apostrophe, I get a syntax error. So, it won't find Children's Hospital for example.
I'm having a bit of trouble with a piece of VBA code I have. What it's supposed to do is filter and sort a report using a form. But there are two lines, which both I need, in it that are not compatible with each other. When both are in and I apply the filter with only a sort, it gives me a "Run-time error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument."
But the code runs beautifully when only one of the pieces, which I've highlighted in red below, is in it. The debugger highlights strFilter = Left$(strFilter, lngLen) after I have received the error.
Code: lngLen = Len(strFilter) - 5 If (lngLen <= 0) And ([cboSort1] = "Not Sorted") Then MsgBox "Insert criteria before filtering.", vbInformation, "No Criteria" Else strFilter = Left$(strFilter, lngLen)
I'm attempting to filter my form with combo boxes. I've added the below code, but the if statement that checks if one of the combo boxes is null won't work. If the combo box is null or "", it's supposed to assign a wildcard to the variable. But it doesn't pass the test and goes straight to the Else statement. I've highlighted the if statement that keeps failing in red.
Code: Private Sub btn_Search_Click() 'create variables to store the combo box values Dim str_Country As String Dim str_Vendor As String Dim str_Survey As String
Is it possible to have an unbound image control on a tabular form displaying a different image for each record ?
Actually i have tried putting some code on the onCurrent event, but it is displaying the same image in all records, depending on which record is current.
This is the code which i tried using:
Private Sub Form_Current() On Error GoTo Err_Form_Current If Not IsNull(Me.txtCountry) And Not IsNull(Me.txtCatalogueNumber) Then Me.Stamp.Picture = Environ("userprofile") & "My DocumentsDatabasesPhilatelyStamps" & Me.txtCountry & Me.txtCatalogueNumber & ".jpg" ElseIf IsNull(Me.txtCountry) Or IsNull(Me.txtCatalogueNumber) Then Me.Stamp.Picture = Environ("userprofile") & "My DocumentsDatabasesPhilatelyStampsNotAvailable. jpg" End If Exit_Err_Form_Current: Exit Sub Err_Form_Current: If Err.Number = 2220 Then Me.Stamp.Picture = Environ("userprofile") & "My DocumentsDatabasesPhilatelyStampsNotAvailable. jpg" Else MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error #" & Err.Number End If End Sub
Actually, the above code works fine for Single Form, but not on tabular form.
I have a form with 3 combo boxes that filter another form/report. The first combo (cboByCategory) contains options from 2 different fields within the same table. Before I added this add'l piece of code, all 3 combos worked fine. I am not getting error messages, it just does not filter on the other 2 combo boxes - cboDiv and cboGender.
Code: Private Sub cmdModifyRecords_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdModifyRecords_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim strFilter As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "Modify_OpenItems"
I have a form and subform where i have table data in the subform and 03 Combo box in the main form header. I need to do some filtering using combox box1 and out of that filtered records i need to do one more filtering using combobox2. then again another filtering by Combobox3. ( same way we are doing in Excel)
Subform is running on a query where i have following fields;
Vessel Voyage, POL POD MLO
by Combo box 1 i need to filter Voyage by Combo box 2 i need to filter POL ( out of the data filtered by above ) by combo box 3 i need to filter POD ( out of the data filtered by both above )
i have a calender of which show's records on date box's i m having a issue when i double click on a datebox it opens a form call update which is filtered on open to show only records for this date but on date boxs on 1st to the 11th i have add the code to do this but when the form open's the form is blank and shows no records but the code works fine for 12th to 31st which i can't understand why? as im using the same code that does dateboxs 12th to 31st on datebox 1st to 11th but doesnt work i'm pulling my hair out on this one !!
I'm new here, mostly learning to do stuff by trial and error. I have a sneaking suspicion that I could easily search out the answer to my question if I had the right vocabulary, but I don't think I do...
Anyway, my question, hopefully you can help me with.
I've got a tabular form that has a couple of comboboxes, and then a text label:
What I'd like to do is change the label for each row based on the Combobox data...
That's what I want. How I'm currently doing this is having a Sub called whenever the Combo boxes are changed, to change Me.Label.Value to 3, in this example. Of course, what instead happens is I get...
Which is not what I want at all. Is there a way to change the value of the label in(for instance) the second row, without changing /all/ the labels in the continous form? I'd be really handy to know how to do that, but I just can't puzzle out a way.
If that's not possible... Any other way to get my labels to display the information? Part of the problem is that my function relies on information stored in variables in my form, and I'm not sure I can access those just from the source propery of the label... What I need, essentially, is to put in Label's value the result of MyFunc(ComboA.Value,ComboB.Value,formvariable1,for mvariable2).
I have a tabular form which i use to input new payments for tenants.
What i'd like to be able to do, is have another form, with a combo box that i can chose my tenant from, then for a tabular form to show only the payments made for that tenant, sorted in date order.
So I'm trying to set up a Tabular form as sort of a checklist
Example Step 1, Step 2, step3, etc etc etc
I have the form setup with 4 tabs or 4 seperate forms within 1 form (works nice) now I trying to set up my query to open the form and I have 3 tables linked to the form. see bitmap
When I add the 3rd table to the query my forms opens to a blank screen no pages and no fields ....
I know there have been a good number of questions about visibility in forms already but I couldn't find a solution to my problem (or maybe I just didn't get it).
Basically, I have a tabular form (more than one record displayed at once) and one the field is of the Yes/No type. For each record, I'd like to have a text box that displays 'pending', set as visible if the field value is 'Yes' and set as invisible if the field value is 'No'. The table is as follows: id : auto-number Flag: Yes/No [Yes]
If I use the following code on the Flag button: Private Sub Flag_AfterUpdate() Me.pending2.Visible = Me.Flag.Value End Sub
all the 'pending' text boxes appear and disappear together (instead of just the relevant one). I thought of using another text box, with the same data source ('Flag') but which would set itself to visible or invisible wrt to its own value but I couldn't find a way to do it.
Any suggestions ? Thanks in advance ! and many thanks already for the forum and the contributions - it's been extremely helpful, esp. for a beginner.
I have a form with two fields in the header meant for filtering the form data - SelectAtty and SelectClient. The query under the form is restricted based on the values selected. I also have a "button" that if clicked should filter the records (probably unnecessary but I thought it would be clearer for the user). I'm seeing two issues. Sometimes when I select a value - it doesn't appear to apply it to the query at all. When I add msgbox statements to try to see what is happening, the problem goes away (weird right). Also I run into a "no current record" error when it requeries. Mostly this seems to happen when I have two events that fire in a row and both requery. The event procedures are below and you can see where I put my debugging msgbox statements.
1. No current record fires consistently on the filter image click and (I think) always when it requeries twice (like I changed the value and then clicked on the filter).
2. The fact that sometimes the selections are picked up in the query and sometimes aren't I have no good pattern for other than msgboxes seem to actually fix it - as if it forces access to look at the values and they they show up.
Private Sub FilterImage_Click() MsgBox "filter: " & Form.CurrentRecord MsgBox Form.RecordSource
I am a student and I've just started to work with the MS Access and databases.
I am wondering if it is possible to filter the fields of table and display only specific information from that specific field. For example: The database (*.mdb file) is created automatically by the software (EPLAN Electric).
There are columns with fields like "de_DE@Verbindungsleitung;pl_PL@Kabel laczacy;en_EN@Connecting cable;en_US@Connecting cable;" But I would like to display in query/table filed only text starting from "en_EN@*" or "??_??@*" or display nothing...
I know that it is possible to display only rows which contain this text, but how can I get rid of fields from unwanted words...?
I cannot change original table of database because the parent-program (EPLAN Electric) will not recognize this database... And additionally data base is updated via EPLAN so every new field should be filtered in this way...
I have a query that carries all the properties in our database, and data for when our company 'worked on' properties. Each property falls within a certain province and municipality (this is slightly irrelevant info) , we worked on properties in a period from 2009 - 2013/06/30 this period is called '2009', and we have again worked on properties during a period 2013/07/01 onward - this period is called '2013'.
Now I require this query to display all the properties, but only the entries in certain fields, that relate to '2013'.
I have about 7 fields where this date (either 2009 or 2013) can be displayed, I tried to filter them all simultaneously by using the criteria: Is Null Or "2013", in every one of these fields, but this criteria results in me losing entire records that contained 2009 data, instead of the data simply not being displayed. Even in cases where some of the 'date' fields contained 2013.
How I can keep all records but simply display info relating to work we did in the 2013 period?
I have two questions. I have a form with 2 combo boxes. The first pulls from a simple list. Once you make a choice, the second combo box is then filtered by the first. This works correct, except that once a choice is made in the first, the filter is locked. If you change the first combo box's value a second time it does not effect the second box. The query that I am using for the second combo box has two columns that pull the first 50 characters of a pair of memo fields. Quote: SELECT MSSS.SS_ID, Left([Application_Name],50) AS Expr1, Left([Description],50) AS Expr2, MSSS.Site_Code FROM MSSS WHERE (((MSSS.Site_Code)=[Forms]![Edit or Delete Requests]![Combo6])); These fields are then used to populate 2 text fields using an event procedure. Quote: Private Sub Combo10_AfterUpdate() ' Display Partial Application Name and Description based on choice Me!txtApplication_Name = Me!Combo10.Column(1) Me!txtDescription = Me!Combo10.Column(2) End Sub This is working fine, but it starts the next problem.
I need to change the form to include the entire memo field into a text box. I was using the columns of the second combo box to fill them in. Since the combo box is limited to only 50 characters, i could only grab part of it. I am guessing there is a much better way to accomplish what I need, but I am too inexperienced with forms and vb to come up with it. Below are the fields I need from table MSSS Business_Name Application_Name Description Acronym Level_1_Support Level_2_Support Escalation_process Troubleshooting Priority Links Modified Disabled
I have the form (PROJECT DETAILS) that displays a specific record's information, one record at a time.I would like to click a button to export 5 specific fields (name, phone, address) of that form ("Project Details"), based on the PK "AssignNr", and then insert those fields in an already created Excel form that has those fields blank, but other fields filled in.
And then, as part of the same macro, I want to have the Print pop-up come up in the Excel form to select where/how that file will get printed.I've tried exporting from the Project Details form, but it exports all the records. And then I am not sure how / where to code the vlookup formula (if that's even necessary) to take the data from the exported file, into the existing Excel form that needs to be filled in.
Can this even be done in one macro, or do I need to create two - one to export data from Access to Excel. And then another in Excel to vlookup the details from the exported file, into the existing Excel file.
It would be nice if I didn't have to put in what the vlookup criteria is. (i.e. AssignNr (which is the PK)) - if it could just be taken from the PROJECT DETAILS form's current record selection.