Modules & VBA :: Find Text On Loaded HTML Page

May 5, 2015

I am simply trying to find text on a Web Browser Control htm page.

Using MS Access 2003, I have a form that includes the activeX Web Browser Control. On load of the form I initialize the web like below:

Dim strURL As String
strURL = ""
Me.WebBrowser0.Navigate strURL
Me.WebBrowser0.Silent = True

The page loads fine.

Now, also, on my form is an unbound text box I call: [txtFind] and a command button I call [cmdFind]. I want [cmdFind] to find the first occurrence of the value in [txtFind]. My code below doesn't do anything when I click the [cmdFind] button.

Public oRange As Object
Public myfindFirst As Boolean
Public intTextLength As Long
Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
Dim sSearch As String
Dim strText As String

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: HTML In Rich Text Field

Oct 21, 2014

I'm trying to output some logging to a form with a Rich text textbox

This is what the form is displaying:
14:16:32: check OK: 500<10000andS235='s460'>
14:16:32: check OK: 500<10000andS235='s355'>
14:16:32: check failed:too short 500<1000231231 >
14:16:32: Ready ...

There is some coloring in the text but I'm not display that here (copy/paste of the textbox)

This is the HTML behind it (? txtbox in imm.window):
14:16:32: <font color=black>check OK: 500<10000andS235='s460'</font><br />14:16:32: <font color=black>check OK: 500<10000andS235='s355'</font><br />14:16:32: <font color=red><strong>check failed:too short 500<1000231231 </strong></font><br />14:16:32: <font color=green><strong>Ready ... </strong></font><br />

The problem is in the red > that are added to each line. I have no clue where they are coming from, in fact: they are NOT in the HTML.When I display this piece of HTML in IE I don't get the red > behind each line.I have tried to use <p> of <div> instead of <br/> but that makes no difference

Forms!frm_Calculationlog.txtmsg = Forms!frm_Calculationlog.txtmsg & "<div>" & _
Format(Now(), "hh:nn:ss") & ": " & _
IIf(strColor <> "", "<font color=" & strColor & ">", "") & IIf(booBold, "<strong>", "") & strMessage & _
IIf(booBold, "</strong>", "") & IIf(strColor <> "", "</font></div>", "")

I can assure you that the > is NOT in the strMessage ... f.e. this is the ouput of strMessage on the first line: 500 <10000 and 'S235' ='s460'

strColor is a string in which I can set a color ("red", "blue")
booBold is a boolean with which I can set text to bold

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Modules & VBA :: Remove HTML Text From Make Table

Mar 15, 2014

I need to remove html text from a make table in access 2007. My table name is "Bad Actors Comments Column" and the column where the html text resides is "FirstOfADD_TEXT. VBA code to remove the html text?

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Modules & VBA :: Change HTML Text On Email If Checkbox Selected

Feb 18, 2014

I have the following code which works perfectly BUT I want to be able to add another line of text if users enable a checkbox. I have tried everything I can think of but can't get it to work. When using an "IF check150" statement it just adds the extra text in regardless of selection or not.


Function Mail_Radio_Outlook6(activedoc As String)
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim strbody As String
Dim acc_req As String
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

[Code] ....

This is fine most of the time but If a user ticks check150 I want to add another paragraph.

Do I use an IF statement, if so in what format? is it a separate function etc?

I am slowly getting more familiar with Access but still come unstuck on the simplest of things at times.

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Modules & VBA :: Insert Rich Text (HTML Format) From Access To Word 2013

Jul 24, 2014

I'm about to connect my DB to word. So I made a form where the user has to choose what entry to export. The data is inserted in a word file in different bookmarks. But there is one special task to insert the rich text so in this case the html formatted text is displayed like this:


My Text is inserted like this:

wdApp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("-Bookmarkname-").Range.Text = Lrs("-ColumnName-")

Lrs is a Recordset.

So how is it possible to display the html code right in the Word doc?

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Importing From Html Page

Apr 12, 2005

HI .

I have a problem thats over my head.

I use vbs to download the page from a certain URL.In order to import data I go to get external data ,html format.Wizard shows that there are 5 different tables whithin the page.I need only one of them ,and more important I need it automaticly imported everytime I open my DB.

Tnx in advance

I've visited a few forums didnt get an answer.
Here is the URL : http://www.nbs.yu/kl/today.php?vrsta=3

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Update Access Db By HTML Page

Dec 6, 2005

first i'm sorry on my english.

I have in my work some computers with network.

I want to send mail to one computer, the mail is like form in HTML
have 3 things:
1. textbox
1 select
1 submit

is it possible to get the mail and to write in the mail and send it (by submit button) then to update the access db.

I have no idea.
if there is an easy way to do it, I will happy to hear.

[I think to do it with an asp page in each computer that the HTML send the items to the ASP page (by request.get) then the asp page update the db].

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Using HTML Page To Update Database

Apr 1, 2006

I have a scenario at work I need some help with. I'm just checking to make sure it is possible before I dive further into it.

We need a database for approximately 40 people to access at one time. They don't really need to access the database itself just be able to update it.

The question that was posed to me was this: Can we use an HTML page to update the database?

This will not be run through SQL or IIS or anything of that nature. It will just be an HTML page that is accessed through a users folder. On the HTML page will be the input boxes and a submit and reset button.

I made a data access page, but I really don't want the users to be able to go through the previous entries. I also wasn't sure if more than one person could be accessing the page at once.

Is a simple form page with a submit button possible not running on a web server?

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Modules & VBA :: Text File Split Into Table - Find Text In Recordset

Sep 5, 2013

I have some vba where I'm importing a text file and splitting it out into a table. For the most part its working just fine.

But I have a line of data that I need to pull out the string right after "Old" - Murphy and right after "New" ZMurphy

Acc# : 111111 This is test data, Person : 22222 Old Murphy New ZMurphy

I'm thinking Instr() could do this but I'm unable to get it to work.

I am using Access 2010...

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Can I Export A Data Access Page To Static HTML?

Jan 15, 2008

Good morning! I'm using Access to redesign our company's electronic phonebook. Our intranet uses SharePoint technology and our IT people have cranked our security settings up pretty high, so I can't use data access pages or ASP. Therefore, I'm going to use static HTML, producing a single page which the CEO's secretary will upload once a month, allowing our 800+ employees to view the entire phonebook at once. CTRL-F is their friend.

I've managed to design a data access page that looks very much like we want it to, but I don't know how to export it to static HTML. Can such a thing be done, or am I just being wacky? If so, is there a way to automate it so the secretary can just push a button to generate the page?


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Modules & VBA :: Determining If Another Form Is Loaded In Add Mode

Feb 2, 2014

I have two related forms.One is a list of transactions and the other is used for both inquiry and adding new transactions. If the Inquiry form is just sitting in Add mode and the List form tries to open it in Edit mode, it won't open. Is there a way I can tell from the List form that the Inquiry form is in Add mode and either close it or tell the operator about the issue?

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Modules & VBA :: Check Status Of Insert Key (On Or Off) When Form Is Loaded

Sep 12, 2014

is there a way in vba we can check the status of Insert key if it is on or off when the form is loaded?

i want for the insert key to be on, where the key strokes write over the existing entry.

i do set the key preview to "yes" in the form, and it works fine, but i wanted it only on a specific object.

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Modules & VBA :: Can't Find And Format Section Of Text Within RTF Memo Field

Jul 8, 2013

I had the need every so often to quickly find all instances of any (particular) word within the database, without going to the bother of thinking about where that word/subject might be in the data base, I designed a report which does the job nicely. It uses a search form/control, searches and finds all instances of the word (or words) I have asked it to find, then does a report showing all instances of whatever RTF memo fields that contain the word(s).It has to be RTF memo field because (if I wish) it goes straight into the book text I'm writing, and also it searches the book's RTF memo field.
The trouble is, at present, I then have to manually "eye scan" the resulting report to find the occurrences of the "key searched for" word, nestling/hidden somewhere within sometimes quite large chunks of text. I would love to have the report show the found "key word(s)" highlighted in (say) light blue or whatever colour, so that I can quickly & easily lock on to it visually.

I enter the word I want Access to find, into a form called "formfindword" in a text box called Text0. I click on a command box on this form, to open up the report called "Querywhatsandhowschooseword" based on a query of the same name. The query's "what" field (from the main database) has the criteria

= Like "*" and [forms]![Formfindword]![Text0] & "*"

The query's "how" field criteria (in the "or" line of the query design) is also

= Like "*" & [forms]![Formfindword]![Text0] & "*"

I have tried to use the Conditional Format facility in Report Layout view, without any luck.I think therefore that I will need some VBA code (which is totally foreign to me, unfortunately) to make this simple concept a reality.

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Modules & VBA :: Search SubDirectory - Find And Open A Folder Based On Text Box

Sep 8, 2014

I am 2 years into my database. I am trying to find and open a folder based on a text box. The problem is folder could be in many sub folders which is hold on our J: drive.

To further complicate, the folder i am searching may not be exactly as the text box states.

EG. Text box could say 123456 however the folder could be called M123456 etc.

How do i locate a folder or subfolder and open it based on part of a text box...

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How To Export A "wider" Html Page From Report?

May 30, 2005

I am new to Access so forgive me if this is a dumb question. I want to export a report to html but I want for it to be wider. Right now I can export to html but each record gets wrapped so that all the text can fit on a single screen. I would like for my webpage to scroll left-to-right so that each record only takes up a single line.

Here is an example of a report that I exported:
AudioVideo Report

As you can see the Album and Source fields are wrapped so that all the text can fit on the screen. Is there any way that I can make this same webpage but have every record appear on a single line? That way there would be a scroll bar on the bottom of the webpage and you'd just have to scroll to the right in order to read all the information.

Here is an example of how I'd like for it to look:
AudioVideo Report 2

Again, sorry if this is a stupid question. Thanks for your help.

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Modules & VBA :: Define And Setup Array - Find Respective Numbers For A Text String

Apr 21, 2015

I need to find the respective numbers for a textstring when for

abcdefghijkl stand the numbers
79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91 92

The textstring to "decode" is for example is 'adgjk'

The result (79 83 86 89 91) should be added into a table by Looping.

rs("Letter")= myarray??
rs("corNumber")= myarray?

Something like this.

But I cannot define and Setup the Array, which should be the best way for doing this.

The Array does not change its Content nor its Dimension.

Both, letters and numbers are strings.

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HTML Text Doesn't Show Right

Nov 29, 2004

In my website I've created a admin login with some ASP pages to edit and update stories.
I use an acces database and installed HTMLarea for WYSIWYG editing.

When I update text, all the HTML tags show als plain text in my website.
For example: I make a headline bold in my wysiwig editor and I update my text, it just shows: <B> here's a new story </B>
If I look in my database I have a field 'text' wich is a memofield and I can see the html tags have been stored into my database. <B>here's a new story</B>

It looks like it doesnt recognize the html tags as HTML, but just as plain text...

Can I use HTML-tags in an acces database and how do I get them to show up right in my website?

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SendObject In Html Not Plain Text

Dec 9, 2004

I'm using the sendobject method from access and it always puts the body of the email in plain text. Is there a way to specify HTML (besides the obvious of changing the format once it's open)?



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Forms :: VBA Generated HTML Text For Outlook

Dec 3, 2013

I use this bit of code to generate an Outlook email body with the contents of strBody. How can I modify this so the HTML generated is in "Courier new" font size 11?

With MailOutLook
.To = Recipient
.CC = RecipientCopy
.Subject = Subject
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.Body = StrBody
End With

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HTML Characters In Plain Text Field

Sep 25, 2014

I have a table field defined as Plain Text. On a form I have a memo field set up also defined as Plain Text. When I enter data into the memo field on the form and save it, I see HTML characters in the field on the table.

I attached some screen shots of the table definition, form field properties and a look at the data saved to the table with the HTML characters.

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Modules & VBA :: Search CSV To Find Specific Statement / Text On Specific Line?

Jul 8, 2015

how to read a specific line in a CSV file (using VBA), to see if the phrase "There are no records available." is present.

If it is present, then I'm going to do a debug.print stating that there are no records to load - and then the script will move on to the next file. If the phrase isn't present, then I'm going to upload the file to Access, parse the information, and then upload it to a CRM. (I already have the latter portion of the code up and running....I just need to account for the first part, where I can determine if the file has data or not).

The structure of the file never changes. The first row is composed of eight column headers (Post Date, Card Number, Card Type, Auth Date, Batch Date, Reference Number, Reason, Amount) and (if) the phrase "There are no records available." is present, it will show up on the second row, in the first column (under Post Date).

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Modules & VBA :: Parse HTML Using DOM Without Browser

Jan 27, 2014

If I have an XML file, I can load it into an XML document and parse it.

For an HTML file, I have been unable to find similar parsing methods - that is, using DOM and not involving a browser (other than simply treating the file as text). I'd prefer to avoid the browser control because it is different for a number of different Access versions, so the only option remaining that I see is to run Internet Explorer with visibility off.

Can one parse HTML using the DOM without a browser?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Center Logo In HTML Code

Jul 22, 2015

I'm try to centre a logo image in the middle of email but I having issue doing it doesn't seem to matter what I try I can't seem to get it to do what I want . The code below works but doesn't centre the image

Dim txtLogoURL As String 'this is for your logo
txtLogoURL = "C:UsersDellPicturesoie_transparent.png"
strHTML = strHTML & "<p>"
strHTML = strHTML & "<a href=""""><img border=""0"" src=" _
& txtLogoURL & "' align='Centre' width =200" & " alt=""testing"" /></a>"

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Modules & VBA :: How To Limit Display Of Any Image In HTML

Sep 27, 2013

I have a module like this:


Public Function DisplayImage(ctlBrowserControl As Control, _
strImagePath As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err_DisplayImage
Dim strDatabasePath As String
Dim intSlashLocation As Integer


This works perfectly to display the image I'd like through WebBrowser control I put onto the form....HOWEVER --and here's my question--the image size is not bound to the size bounds of the control size itself.So if my control is 2 inches by 2 inches and the image is 16 inches by 16 inches, then the image doesn't fully show within the control.

I'd like to get the control to show the whole image (sized down as appropiate, or sized up as appropriate) such that the whole image is contained within the control.I know how to limit the display of any image in HTML.

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Modules & VBA :: HTML Field Names On A Webpage

Dec 31, 2013

I am using Access 2007 to update a page on an external website (amongst other things) from an Access form using VBA, but that page has recently changed. I have dealt with most of the issues around this, but there is still a problem that I cannot see how to resolve. Previously all the fields on the page were uniquely named, and so I was able to assign values from my form to them using


But now there appear to be identically named fields on the webpage and I cannot see how to differentiate between them in my code. I have attached a text file with the two relevant sections, containing the HTML for the two relevant sections on that page only (the code for the whole page runs to 8000+ lines and I can add the lot if really necessary) and as you will see the names for things like runs (name="result[][runs]") and wickets ("result[][wickets]") are the same in both sections. So how do I tell one from the other in my code?

Currently I have the following:

With objIE
.Visible = True
'1st innings - new HTML field names but duplicated on the webpage
.Document.all.Item("result[][runs]").value = nz(Me![runs_for#])
.Document.all.Item("result[][wickets]").value = nz(Me![wickets_for#])

[Code] .....

How can I differentiate between the HTML field names in the attached file as simply as possible in my code above?

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Modules & VBA :: HTML Format Email With Hyperlink

Aug 20, 2014

I am using the following vba code to create and send an html format email message. The key information in the email is a hyperlink to a network drive folder location using [Directory] as a hyperlink table value to get the address that is stored like this:
K:PipelinesP9 - TEP ProductsMOP AID-1500Final Approved

The email hyperlink that is produced looks like this:

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Dim MOPVDB As String
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")


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