Modules & VBA :: Force Subform To Be Opened On First Record
Aug 20, 2013
I have an issue with my subform, that when opened inside the main form, I want the form to be opened on its last record (which works) and then I want the subform to be opened on the first record regarding that record ID coming from from the main form. The relationship is many to one, coming from the form to the subform. I have tried several code on many events on the subform so it can goes to the first record, but it sometimes goes to the first, othe times ot goes to the third, i don't know why. I have tried the following:
Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, 1
En Sub
DoCmd.GoToRecord , idsPreguntas, acFirst 'idsPreguntas is the control name of the record
I have a subform inside a Form. When I'm trying to upadate the subfrom from an event triggered by a control in Form I get the error message that subform is not opened.Why is that? I've tried commands MoveTo or Select (subform) before update command in order to force update command to understand that subform is opened but without any result. I guess is a common problem but I can't find the solution. :(
If the query returns no results, like it should, but I want to force a row with zeroes in it, can that be done? how? i have tried an if statment in all the fields to fill something in if the field is null but that didnt work. i tried using nz but that didnt work. any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!
How can I force a form to open at "New (Blank) Record"? What I want is when a person opens the database it will take them to a default form (I have figured this part out already) but at the "New (Blank) Record".
The system is about a shop which gives credit facilities to its customers and so has to keep track of payments effected by them.
I have 3 tables: Customer, Payment, Balance. The main table is Customer, with primary key CustCode which is an autonumber. It keeps personal details of the customers. The Payment table keeps details of payments effected by the customers and the Balance table keeps the overall balance for each customer. The relationships are as follows:
Customer to Payment, 1-to-many Customer to Balance, 1-to-1
Fields in Payment table: CustCode, PaymentDate, AmtPaid Fields in Balance table: CustCode, Balance
Problem 1 I have a data entry form for Customer. When I create a new customer record, I want a new record automatically created as well for the customer in the Balance table. How can I do that?
Problem 2 I need to produce a report on customers who have not made any payments during the previous month. I’d like to know how to do that as well.
I hope I’ve made myself clear enough. Thank you for all help.
When we browse through records in a subform we store the records in the database.When we want to delete a records for example the third record from the five records always the first records will be deleted. How can we delete the records where the cursor is at? When we are at the third record and press the delete button the third record from the list in the subform should be deleted.
Option Compare Database Dim FocusBln As Boolean Private Sub Identificeer() Me.[Datum Aangemaakt].Visible = True Me.[Datum Aangemaakt].SetFocus If Me.[Datum Aangemaakt].Text = "" Then
I've created a form based on table DeliveryHeader with a subform based on table DeliveryDetail. The two are linked by Delivery# Supplier#.
On the form, Supplier# is a combobox that lists all suppliers from table Supplier. On the subform, Material# is a combobox that lists only the materials supplied by the supplier selected with form's Supplier#.
The problem is that this second list always shows the materials of the first listed supplier. For instance, when the form is loaded, it shows delivery #1 with all its details on the subform. Suppose supplier loaded to form is #1.
1) If I use subform combobox, it shows correctly supplier's #1 materials. But then, whatever delivery I navigate, it always shows supplier's #1 materials.
2) If I navigate to another delivery without using subform combobox, suppose I stop on a delivery where the supplier is #4, then subform combobox shows correctly supplier's #4 materials. But then, once again, whatever delivery I navigate, it always shows supplier's #4 materials.
I've spread Me.Requery here and there but without any success. What trick must I apply to force the execution of the query of the subform combobox Material# each time I navigate to a new record on the form?
How can I force a field in a form to be updated before the record is saved / changed?
For instance I have a form with information on it and I want to ensure that any time the form is updated the user fills in a section providing the date and by who it has been updated by. I dont want the record to save unless that information has been filled out, and I also want it to take you to the field if you press save and it hasnt been filled out along with an error message.
To try and be a bit clearer. At current I have a Save and New button. This saves the form if dirty and opens a new record.
I want to add in the step that if record has been changed and FieldA has not just been updated then go to fieldA (Showing a message box). If FieldA has just been updated then save record and open new as normal.
My current save & new button properties are as follows (in Macro Editor)
On error Go To Next If [form].[dirty] RunMenuCommand Command SaveRecord End If If [MacroError].[Number}< >0 Message =[MacroError].[Description] Beep Yes Type None Stop macro On Error Go To Fail Go To Record Record New Go To Control Control name Resort Code
I write Access 2010 apps in VBA that require no knowledge of Microsoft Access on the part of the user. My forms contain all the necessary controls to use the program without relying on any of the Microsoft Access toolbars. I call this "de-Microsofting" the app. When I prepare the .accdb program to create a .accde app, I uncheck every checkbox (Options/Current Database) except "Compact on Close". This works well, but it also hides the Windows taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Some of my users need to be able to jump from my app to others (e.g., Excel) and back without having to exit my app. How can I force the Windows taxkbar to always be on top using VBA or, possibly, some setting?
I have an application that is using SQL Express as a backend and syncing to a SQL database through SQL web synchronization. This all works great and my clients have my custom application to interface with their local database and do work and it syncs back to the corporate database and I've got it scheduled to run in Windows every minute. What I would like to do is have a button or on event set of code that forces that sync pairing to run and I'm not exactly sure how to do that.
I have the code for sending an email but I only want to send a single email when there are records in a query and only when the database is first opened.
I hadn't considered this in my design so what structural requirements would it require if any?
I have about 4 combo boxes with a list value of dates in them, combo1 is the 'main control'. When a date from combo1 is chosen and a button is clicked, the other 3 combo boxes receive a default value that closely matches combo1. In fact the default value each of the 3 combo boxes receive exists in that combo box. For example, if I gave combo2 default value "2013/01/01", it actually has that date in its list. What I want to do is trigger a OnChange even after combo2,3,4 receive their values. Other things happen after the OnChage trigger is fired.
I have a database stored out on a shared drive at my company that multiple users connect to via a front end application that they save on their own hard drives. Recently I have noticed that the back end database keeps getting opened exclusively which prevents other users from being able to access the back-end database. For the life of me I cannot figure out what about the front end opens the back end exclusively and cannot find any plausible solutions I thought I could develop something that could force close a back-end database or disconnect all users from it?
I have two subforms in a tab formation sitting on a main form. They can both open up a single popup form (via a button) and that popup form is opened via openargs with the autoID field.
What I need to do is pass back a value on the popup forms [On Unload] event to the subform which opened it.
As the popup form is Modal, the subform which opened it can't be changed.
Am I right in thinking I can pass back the value to the form which had previous focus?
Previously, to pass a value from a popup form to a single form I've been using
If CurrentProject.AllForms("MyForm").IsLoaded Then do this else do this end if
But in this instance, how do I code the On Unload event in which to tell Access which form opened up the popup form, and pass a value back to it?
I'm guessing Screen.PreviousControl.SetFocus has something to do with it?
I'm using a navigation control to switch between forms. In one of those forms, I have a continuous subform which is a list of Projects (source is a query) that is read-only. To edit a project, I can click on its name, which switches the form displayed in the navigation control via docmd.BrowseTo (with acEditForm as the last parameter). This works fine. The proper form opens, with the proper project being displayed.
Now, on this second form, I have on the right the list of tasks contained in the project in a continuous subform (source is a query), and on the left another subform which is kind of an "edit bar" that I use to actually edit the individual tasks. So, when I click on a task in the task list, the OnCurrent event triggers a docmd.BrowseTo command that updates the "edit bar" subform and passes the ID of the task as the WhereCondition parameter. This updates the values displayed in the Edit Bar to that of the selected task, which I can then edit.
Now here's the thing: depending on the project I open, the Edit Bar doesn't work. Actually, it looks like only one of the projects is working, while the others are not (and I managed to have a different project working, but only one works at any given try). When it doesn't work, the Edit Bar is in "NewRecord = True" for some reason. All the other properties of that subform seem to be the same between when it works and when it doesn't.
So, it looks like the same command (docmd.BrowseTo with acEditForm) opens the subform properly in acEditMode when it works, and in something else when it doesn't, depending on the parent record that's being opened. This really gets me, I really can't figure out how that's even possible.
I suspect it might have something to do with locked records, maybe?
I have a main form called frmAF54. In this main form I have a subform named frmPassdown. The subform record source is from a table called tblCards. This table contains many different cards. I have a combobox called lstOpCard in the main form as well. The combobox lists all of the different cards in "tblCards". I have a button called "buttonFilter".
A user opens the form and clicks (or selects) the different cards in the combo box "lstOpCard" that they want to filter for. Once their selections are made, they can click the "buttonFilter" button and the subform "frmPassdown" will be filtered based off of their selections.
The filter is applied using the IN() function as shown below: Me.AF54PassDown.Form.Filter = "[OpCardID] IN ( " & sTemp & " )" --sTemp is a string containing the keyIDs of the cards selected.
My problem is that people will be opening and closing the form throughout the day / week. When the form closes, it loses the applied filter. How can I have my filter on the subform be saved after the form is closed and the filter is still applied when the form is opened later?
I have been at this for almost 3 weeks now and I'm having great difficulties trying to get this right and working. First let me explain what I am doing and what I am trying to do.
Firstly, I am making a Maintenance database using MS access software, what I have are tables, forms and no queries or report existing so far. The forms and tables all work correctly.
After the form (Job request) has been completed I need to save/export into PDF so I am able to hyperlink it against its existing asset card elsewhere.
now what I have done is Created button, on event "on click" I have tried to go to macro builder
ExportWithFormatting Objet Type: Form Object Name: FrmMachineFault/GenMaint Output format: PDF Output file: Auto Start: No Template File: Encoding: Output Quality: Print
when I click this button it opens to save to and it works perfectly but I have to manually type the file name when it gets to the Save to section.
What I want it to do is define the name by the existing fields in the open form. Example Closed date, Effected area, Asset and title.
I have the following code. In the Else part of the code, after the wb.Activate line, what code can I place here that will assign wb.Name to the objExcelApp object ao that when the line .Visible = False kicks in, it will make the already opened MS Excel file invisible.
Code: Dim strExcelFile As String Dim wb As Workbook Set objExcelApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") If objExcelApp Is Nothing Then Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strExcelFile
I have 5 subform named "bene_subform1", "bene_subform2", "bene_subform3", "bene_subform4", "bene_subform5", and i would like to know if it's possible to msgbox the record from the beginning to end of record in sub-form 1, loop thru all the 5 subform via VBA?
I have a button that when clicked moves a piece of data to a subform. I have put the whole sequence below. The trouble I am having is :
- The event will not happen until the form is saved. I think this is because fkTaskID is a new record (auto) number which hasn't generated yet. - If I force the form to save it does work but then I get an error on the INSERT command when not all required fields of the form are complete (see sample in second part below).
Is there a way to save the record and maintain the integrity of the form input - and still have this code work?
BUTTON CODE ========== Private Sub BTNAddReasonRw_Click() Dim dIndex As Long DoCmd.SetWarnings False For dIndex = 0 To Me.LISTReworkReasonsUnselected.ListCount - 1
Code : .OpenDataSource Name:=CurrentProject.FullName, SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM [qryMailMerge]"
The error (Error has occurred: The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine 'W74XXXXXX' that prevents it from being opened or locked) appears in the Word document.
Code: Public Sub CreateWordToPDF(strWordFile As String, strPDFFile As String, strSQL As String) 'Call CreateWordToPDF("C:Doc1.doc", "C:Doc1.pdf", "SELECT * FROM [qryMailMerge]")
Dim objWord As Word.Application Dim docWord As Word.Document 'Open MS Word using early binding. Set objWord = New Word.Application Set docWord = objWord.Documents.Open(strWordFile)
My main form has a union query as it's record source. This displays a list of items for which the user uses this form to apply a category for each of the items. This relationship of item to category is stored in a temporary table. I have a subform with a list box that shows the current selections and is based on the temporary table. The linking of the master and child is based on the "description" field. I would like the user to be able to select one of the items in the list and have the main form go to that record. (the list box has multiselect set to none).
I have a main form "Furniture_CatCodeAssets" which shows detail specifics about certain furniture item codes (width, height, colour etc.). I have a subform "Furniture_AssetsSubform" which shows all of the asset numbers associated with that furniture item code.I have a combo box that allows you to filter by furniture category, that then updates a list box that shows only the item codes associated with that category. When an item code is selected in the list box the main form and the subform update to show what was selected. (I mention this only in case it is causing an interruption - they work perfectly.)
What I am trying to do now is add a text box and button that will allow you to search in the subform to find a specific asset number and go to that item code on the main form.
I have the following code on the command button: Set rst = Forms!furniture_CatCodeAsset.Furniture_AssetsSubfo rm.Form.RecordsetClone rst.FindFirst "[Asset Number]=" & Me.textSearch If Not rst.NoMatch Then Forms!furniture_CatCodeAsset!Furniture_AssetsSubfo rm.Form.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark Else MsgBox "No match found, please check your asset number and try again." End If Me.textSearch = Null rst.Close Set rst = Nothing
Which returns the message box that nothing was found even though I know I that asset number exists.
Hi I want to see Which tabel was opened, who and when opened it. And if possible I want to see what is changed. I want to see as I mentioned above as a "log file"