Modules & VBA :: Form Filter And Exclude With Check Box?

Aug 14, 2014

I have the following code which builds a filter on my form which i can then generate a report from.

However id like to add a check box to exclude rather than include a certain [Error_Type] which is "Wrong Batch" and im not sure how id do it..

the vba i have so far is as follows

Private Sub cmdFilterConvErrors_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngLen As Long
Const conJetDate = "#mm/dd/yy#"
If Not IsNull(Me.txtqccheckby) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Error_QC_By] = """ & Me.txtqccheckby & """) AND "


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Modules & VBA :: Using Check Box On A Form To Filter Out Results From A Table That Is Checked

May 23, 2014

I have kept the names as simple as I can for the example sake to which I can substitute my names in after.

I have a split form - form1, I have a check box on this form - checkbox1 - That I would like to use to make only the checked results from the table - table1 - show and if it is not checked to show all the results. How would I go about doing this? The table field is called field1.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Filter A Report Using A Check Box

May 2, 2014

I'm trying to figure out how to filter a report using a check box.

I have created a form, which if you push an industry labled button on that form it will show you the report with what work was done for that industry.

Now I'm trying to modify it so that I have a group of check boxes; each check box being a different office location the company has.

What I want to make happen is if say out of office A. B. C. and D., A. and D. are checked and I hit the button of a specific industry it will bring me up a report of office A. and D. Combined for that industry.

From what I've figured I can create a bunch of reports of all the different possiblities and link those to that senerio, but that seems tedious and ridiculous.

Is there a way I can code VBA to do this for me? Or am I going to have to go through the proccess of creating a bunch of different querries and reports beyond what I have now to pull up an industry.

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Possible To Color Certain Entries? Exclude Filter? Print Options?

Jul 12, 2005

OK, Im new to access, and have a database of 210,000 people.

I have to fit a lot of data printing sideways. Also in a certain format...

First thing...

There is a field that may contain RKS with other info or RKS alone. These must all be red along with the addresses, but thats it. But when I change the font color it changes the whole database. Thats it.

Other thing... I want to do a sort of exclude filter? We need to do some printing... again with the rsk, but we want to exclude anything that has rks in a specific field.

The last thing is print options/page setup...

I want to condense it as much as possible from left to right so al the needed information can be printed.

Here is how we want it printed...

__________________________________________________ ______________
Street here, house # | then other information in approated columns here
customer #, name here |

the problem is, street address, house number, customer number, first and last name are all in different columns.

is there anyway i can print it this way?

also the column names need to be extended downwards? some of the names are too long

like |This is column a| but we want

|this is |
|column a|

so it isnt as wide. and I can fit more columns on the page.

Thanks a lot for your help, I only have 2 hours to get this.

Martin Seidl

Oh yeah, if it helps, Im stuck with access in german :(

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Modules & VBA :: How To Add Check Box Values In To Filter String

Feb 2, 2014

I have got like subform which I think is the tech term I use it to filter dates on field "date raised" and open's a report depend on date's entered in txtstartdate and txtenddate it works perfectly but I need to add some check boxes to check other field's are true/false ...

Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
Dim strReport As String
Dim strDateField As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngView As Long

[Code] ....

I need to add code to the text in red well I'm guessing

here goes with what I would like to add
job cancelled1 check box name field name= job cancelled
job on hold1 check box name field name = job on hold
void property1 check box name field name = void property

E.g. if I put date range in my date boxes and tick job cancelled show all record in that date range cancelled same with job on hold and void property

here some code I did but wont work as it not in the same strwhere above

if me[job cancelled1] = true then
strwhere = [job cancelled] = 1 'field name
strwhere [job cancelled] is null
end if

Some how need to add the strwhere to the code above ...

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Modules & VBA :: Filter List Box With Combo Box Depending On Check Box

Jun 10, 2013

I have a form wich includes listbox of employees. When I click on them, it shows his or her data (date of birth,address,etc...). For every employee there are also three diferent checkboxes - if he is regularly employed, temporaly employed or student.So now what I need is to filter listbox of employees - only student or only regular or only temporar or all.I was wondering if I can do that with combobox, but I really dont know how. I am prety new to VBA.

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Modules & VBA :: Exclude String From Wildcard

Oct 17, 2013

I have:

Code: Kill "Z:Client_Reports" & [websiteID] & "" & LEFT([Forms]![frm x main]![month name], 3) & "*"

This has been working fine - all the files that meet that criteria are deleted, but now I need the option to exclude a particular file from those to be deleted: the particular file would be identified by having some specific text in its filename. So for example I need to be able to delete all files meeting the criteria EXCEPT any files that have the string "summary" as part of the filename.

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Modules & VBA :: Check That Certain Controls On A Form Have Values

Sep 15, 2014

I have a bit of code that uses controls on a form to batch add records to the tables. Before the code executes, it needs to do a check to make sure that all of the needed data has been supplied.


If IsNull(txtDateAdded) Then
MsgBox "Please supply the date that the Label record was created"
Exit Sub
If IsNull(cboRecordCreator) Then

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Lock Check Box On Open Form

Jun 29, 2015

I'm trying to lock a checkbox when the forms open and depending if one has role as admin, it should unlock it.When I add the below code in the on open form I get error:

Me.lock_case_admin.Locked = True
Me.lock_case_admin.BackColor = 12632256

This is the part that should onlock if it is admin:

Me.lock_case_admin.Locked = False
Me.lock_case_admin.BackColor = 16777215

Maybe it is me, or the checkbox is giving the error that causes the dialogbox to open to to choose the ID nr.

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Modules & VBA :: Check Box To Alter Form Properties

Feb 3, 2015

I have a form called Orders.I need to lock this form once an invoice has been printed .

I have a check box on this form ,that if ticked should lock that specif order .

This is my Code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.lockorder = True Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
End If
End Sub

The problem is it does nothing . I am using the open event of the form .The checkbox is called LockOrder.

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Filter By Check Box

Dec 3, 2007

I'm requerying a subform based on selections made on the main form. One of the fields is a check box. This is the code I've got on the Show Data button

On Error Resume Next
db.QueryDefs.Delete ("Search_Query")
' TO DO: Turn normal error handler on when this condition is finished.
On Error GoTo 0

where = Null
where = where & (" AND [IDTrans]= " + Me![Combo2])
where = where & (" And [IDTransPd] = " + Me![Check7])

Set QD = db.CreateQueryDef("Search_Query", "Select * from qryTransWork " & " Where " & Mid(where, 6) & ";")

If DCount("*", "Search_Query") <= 0 Then
MsgBox "No Records Found"
Exit Sub
End If

Forms!frmTransWork!sfrmTranscriptionistsPd.Form.Re cordSource = "Search_Query"
End Sub

I'm getting a type mismatch error on where = where & (" And [IDTransPd] = " + Me![Check7]) so I'm obviously referencing the check box incorrectly but not sure what to do.



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Modules & VBA :: Check Status Of Insert Key (On Or Off) When Form Is Loaded

Sep 12, 2014

is there a way in vba we can check the status of Insert key if it is on or off when the form is loaded?

i want for the insert key to be on, where the key strokes write over the existing entry.

i do set the key preview to "yes" in the form, and it works fine, but i wanted it only on a specific object.

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Modules & VBA :: Filter The Form Records With It?

Sep 12, 2014

vba code for filtering the records of the form made out of a table. The form contains combos that contain the lists of unique records in several colomns of the source tale. So i need to filter the records of the form using the combination of the values of that combos. But can't even apply a single filter using this code:

Me.Filter = "Business = " & list59.Value
Me.FilterOn = True

"Business" is the name of the column in the source table, and the "list59" is the name of the combo which contains the unique records of the "Business"

the code takes place as a button "apply" is pressed

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Modules & VBA :: List Box Form Filter?

Feb 12, 2014

I want to be able to show all records from tblRecords where, The [tblUser][PositionID] = The Value selected on the list box.The problem being I don't know how to do this with them all being on seperate tables and linked via relationships. I.e. [tblRecords] only holds the UserID, [tblUser] has the PositionID.

I also need this value to keep building towards my filter string, i.e. I can select this position ID and records from within the past 4 days.I've attached pics of the form and relationships.

Here is my current code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
'Purpose: Clear all the search boxes in the Form Header, and show all records again.
Dim ctl As Control


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Modules & VBA :: Insert Two Values From A Form In Table And Check If They Already Exist

Jan 27, 2015

I'm trying to write some Code with the target to take a value from a textbox (out of a form) and a pregiven value (in this case = 2) and enter them in a new record in a table. But only if there is not already a record with the exact same combination of these to values. When done, the same button should proceed you to the next form (but this code is not already implemented in the fragment below) even if no values are added because they already exist in this combination.

Public Function GetID_PatientStudiesGroup&()
GetID_PatientStudiesGroup = [Forms]![frm_PatientStudiesGroupTZP]![ID_PatientStudiesGroup]
End Function
Private Sub BPRS_T1_Button_Click()
Call GetID_PatientStudiesGroup&
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] ....

As you can see, I tried to use a function to refer to the value out of the form, because I didn't find out how to refer to a form in an SQL Code.

Just to give you a better overview: The table where the information should be added is named "tbl_PatientStudiesGroupTZP". The form where you find the Textbox "ID_PatientStudiesGroup" (with the value I need to transport) is named "frm_PatientStudiesGroupTZP". Every part (except the WHERE NOT EXISTS part) worked perfectly for itself, but not when thrown together.

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Check In Is Not Designed To Be Opened Without A Filter

May 16, 2015

What should I do? I really don't know what filter is that.

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Not Working In Navigation Form

Jul 20, 2014

I inherited this quote and trying to enhance it but having problem.

The filter in navigation form is not working but it is on its own form, the filter is working without problem.

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Modules & VBA :: Applying Filter In Form With 2 Variables

Jun 6, 2013

I am fairly new to VBA and am trying to apply a filter within a form so that agent records can be filtered based on an agent's name (so that they can only see information that refers to them).

I also want a record to be removed when it has been completed (when this habbens a date completed field will populated) however I do want to see those completed records that refer to the agent that have been completed today.

Here is my code. The 2 filters work on their own howver when I put them together I get a mismatch error.

If Me.txtRole = "Agent" Then
DateCompletedFilter = "(DATECOMPLETED Is Null) Or (DATECOMPLETED = Date())"
AgentFilter = "CASEOWNER ='" & Me.txtName & "'"
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , AgentFilter And DateCompletedFilter
Exit Sub
End If

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Modules & VBA :: Using Combo Box To Filter Records From A Form?

Oct 1, 2014

I am using combo box to filter records from a form. The data source for the form is from a query.

I use the combo box within the query to filter the data, I would like the form to refresh/ run the query again every time a new selection is made from the combo box.

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Filter On A Form With Variables

Aug 26, 2014

I am trying to set a filter on a form with VBA using variables and having no success at all. The code I tried last, which seemed to be "close, but no cigar", was:

Dim sFilterValue As String
Me.FilterOn = False
sBiller = Me.txtbiller.Value
sLastSource = Me.txtbiller.ControlSource
sLastSource = "[" & sLastSource & "]"
sFilterValue = sLastSource & "=" & sBiller
Me.Filter = sFilterValue
Me.FilterOn = True

sLastSource and sBiller are global variables. When I debug this code the sFilterValue is exactly what I would plug in manually and the Me.Filter shows up as "[Field Name] = Filter Value". But it crashes on Me.Filter = sFilterValue. I have tried all sorts of combinations but nothing I've tried works. What is the proper syntax for using variables as filters?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Filter When Open Second Form

Aug 28, 2013

I tried Link model "bank_pay" with the main_form << to add details of information >> by "pay_num" in main_form and "num" in "bank_pay" by filter >>

Private Sub pay_type_AfterUpdate()
Select Case pay_type
Case Is = "1"
DoCmd.OpenForm "bank_pay", acNormal, "", """[forms]![main_many_1]![main_many_sub]![pay_num]="" & [num]", , acNormal

End Select
End Sub

no result :
file in attachments >>

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Modules & VBA :: Filter By Form With Multiple Options

Jul 23, 2014

I am using Select Case to filter a form on open and it works fine when I have this:


Case Is = 2
Forms![Open Opportunities List].Form.Filter = "[Employee] = 4"
Forms![Open Opportunities List].Form.FilterOn = True

But if I want the form to open filtering multiple employee records, like this:

Case Is = 6
Forms![Open Opportunities List].Form.Filter = "[Employee] = 2 & " And 9 & " And 10 & " And 11
Forms![Open Opportunities List].Form.FilterOn = True

I get a type mismatch error and I am stumped as to why and how to overcome.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Save A Form Filter To Reapply Later

May 11, 2015

I've taken over the running of the front end of an access database. It's old and antiquated, but is owned by our client and they don't want to move away from it. (it's probably worth pointing out I'm new to VBA, and not a programmer).

Most of what the users want in stored in one table which has a front end form. The users spend a lot of time setting up filters on the form (approx 20 different boxes to filter on).

I've been asked to add in a way of saving these filters so they can be recalled, and I'm wondering if there is an easy way of doing this?

I know that when a filter is set on a form that this creates a temporary query. So my thinking was to somehow save the SQL from the temp query to a new table (user can set a name for the filter from a subform when saving).

I was then hoping I could populate the sub form with a combobox (filtered on the logged in user) and display the appropriate items from the table.

The user could then select an item from the list, press apply, and the form would then be filtered using the previously saved query.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Filter On Form To Populate Labels

Oct 28, 2014

I'm trying to add onto the open report command but having problems.I'm using the filter on a form to populate labels

DoCmd.OpenReport "Labels_Contacts", acViewPreview, , Me.Filter & "and [Mail] = 'Yes'"

and Access doesn't like this.I'm getting a 3075 error "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'and [Mail] = Yes'.What is the correct syntax for this?

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Modules & VBA :: Filter A Report Via Unbound Form

Apr 22, 2014

When I have a value in "WorkCenter" everything works great and graph looks fine. When I leave blank in order to see all records, I get a blank graph.

Here's the code:

Private Sub Open_Downtime_Graph_Click()
Dim strCriteria As String
If IsNull(Me.WorkCenter) Then
strCriteria = "[WorkCenter] Like '*'"

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Not Triggering On Form Open

Jul 28, 2015

we have gotten in to a routine of copying, pasting and bastardizing old databases instead of creating new ones from scratch - and we've had a problem recently where we've started off with one master database back in 2011, which has then been the base for practically every single major DB we've created ever since.So this month we've copied and pasted (again) and started adding new features to what's already there, and the thing has corrupted. I've copied and pasted the same version three times and added all the new bits, and the same thing has happened every time.

So this time I've copied and pasted and tried my best to clean up, get rid of the dead weight and (where necessary) create completely new objects, split into FE and BE versions etc, and I've reduced the overall weight of the DB by about 50%.Due to time constraints I now need to crack on and get this thing working again and, for the most part, it does - but now I'm having trouble carrying the filter over from the OnClick Event of a form button to the next form it's opening.

We're using the DB to record attendees at an Event we're running later in the year. This is the code that I'm running from the OnClick Event of the button on Form1:

Private Sub btnBkg_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnBkg_Click
Dim stDocName, vFilt As String
Dim vBkgRef As Long
Dim vContactID As Long


You can see I've tried to use vFilt instead of the actual code for frmBooking's Where Condition, but for some reason it does not carry over to the form whichever way I try - when I open the immediate window and type ?vFilt it returns a blank entry. Not sure how to show the 'Where Condition' in the Immediate Window?Before Update, Open and Activate of frmBooking, but I'm hoping that the problem lies with what I've posted up here, as I don't want to get into posting the frmBooking code...

It may be worth noting that the button resides in the Header of a continuous form, with conditional formatting that changes the button caption depending on whether there is a value in the BkgRef text box of the record that has the focus.

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