Modules & VBA :: Form For Scheduling Appointments - Display Timeslot In Combobox

Jan 3, 2014

I created a form for scheduling appointments on access 2013 using a youtube tutorial. I got most of it work apart from the combo box that functions in a way that once the time slot has booked with a client it should no longer be shown in the list.

E.g.:-2/2/2014 10:00AM is already booked with a client

The combo box should no longer display the 10:00 AM timeslot but can be shown on other days

Below is the VBA code that i typed out. How to create the code to make the combo box work in that manner.

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cboTime_Enter()
Dim i As Date, n As Integer, oRS As DAO.Recordset, sSQL As String
Dim dLowerbreak As Date, dUpperBreak As Date, dDuration As Date
Dim dLowerPrecision As Date, dUpperPrecision As Date
cboTime.RowSourceType = "Value List"

[Code] ....

I found out that the combo box does not work like it does in the video i.e the option does not dissaspear even though their has been a booking with that time slot with another client.

Coding that is required to make the combo box work like that or is their an error within the code that is preventing the combo box to work in such manner ...

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Multiple Appointments From One Form

Oct 19, 2013

I have been putting together code from bits I have found online that will create an appointment in Outlook from a date field in my form.

My form has a number of dates and I need to create appointments for each one. Is there any way I can incorporate that into the existing code? Or will I need to add command buttons for each date?

The date fields are:
[Date Template Made]
[Date of Top Cut]
[Date of Bowl Cut]

Private Sub CreateAppt_Click()
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
End If
If Me.chkAddedtoOutlook = True Then
MsgBox "This appointment has already been added to Microsoft Outlook", vbCritical

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Calendar Form - Allow Multiple Appointments Scheduled For Same Time

Mar 4, 2015

I am making a calendar form in Access and want it to look like Google Calendar as much as possible. I am wondering if there is a good way to go about setting up the form to allow for multiple appointments scheduled for the same time. Designing the form to be in Week View with half hour blocks has me at 210 text boxes. As far as I can tell, there isn't a way to dynamically add in controls unless you are in design view. However, how many appointments might be scheduled at the same time. I could add in as many text boxes as possible I guess, but that doesn't seem to be very efficient (and the base form is already at 210). Is there anyway to add in controls (such as text box or label) if a new appointment is added at the same time as existing ones?

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Gantt Chart - Visual Scheduling Display

Jul 24, 2015

I'm able to create a gantt chart template in excel that will use date information to visually display the upcoming work. That's great, its exactly what I need. I'm unsure how to implement it.

The question is: Do I need to export data and have it generate these excel reports, or can I have it done in access somehow?

Either way that I do it I'm not sure where I'm going. I imagine its quite easy to export data to work with but I don't want to be spending time on access/excel creating a solution which isn't the best one.

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Forms :: Display Appointments For A Dentist And Click Customer And View Their Teeth Details

Feb 1, 2015

I am creating a dentist booking system and i need some way to display appointments today for a certain dentist and then from their to click the customer and view their teeth details that the dentist will use to update...

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through A Recordset And Send Appointments

Aug 2, 2013

I have this code (below) that loops through a recordset and sends appointments. It executes the queries correctly and sends all appointments in the table, but sends them only to the contacts listed in the first record of the query. How do I get it to loop the contact details?

Private Sub SchedFollowUp()
Dim rsFollow As DAO.Recordset
Set rsFollow = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Follow_Up WHERE HR_Approved = True AND Added_to_Outlook = False AND Cancelled = False;", dbOpenDynaset)
Dim rsEmployee As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Scheduling System That Automates Some Redundant Tasks - Expanding Subforms?

Jul 28, 2014

I'm working on a scheduling system for my fathers company that automates some redundant tasks. Most importantly the system manages the order of processes on different parts (ie, part "tubes" may be cut, then drilled, then welded, then shipped).

I'm trying to create a form that allows for the editing and viewing of all the parts and the processes for each part for a specific work Order. Ideally the information that applies to all the parts (Work order Number, due date etc) would appear at the top of the form with all of the processes to appear beneath (Separated into groups - all the parts to be welded shown together). My problem with using sub forms for this was that I need all the records to be shown without scrolling. Is there a way to dynamically change the size of each Subform to match the required size, or is there a better feature to use?

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Creating Appointment Scheduling Form

Sep 6, 2006

HI all, Im fairly new at Access, nut ive been given the task of creating an appointment scheduling form, so that we can schedule a client for an appointment via this form.

The idea i had in mind was to use a calendar to query the appointments table so that we can view all appointments for any particular day.

any suggestions?

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Scheduling Form With Calendar And DESPERATE

Sep 20, 2004

Here is my problem. I am hoping that someone here can be my hero on this one.

I am trying to figure out what would be the best possible way to track my hospital's staffing. I need a form that I can click on the Active X calendar and have it populate the staffing table. I have built the code and it works great.

The problem is that the way the code works now, I have to have a field in my table for every single date scheduled. For example, right now, I have the staffing table like this:

Date Scheduled
Date Scheduled1
Date Scheduled2
Date Scheduled3

Of course, after a month, an employee will have worked more than four shifts. I really don't want to add a field for every shift they could have worked because then, after a month, I'll have thirty date fields, and after a year, I'll have 365. So, do you have any ideas about how I can do this without having 365 date fields?? Thank you! If you can help me figure this out, you are my hero.


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Forms :: Database To Record Appointments - Filtered Lists On A Form?

Oct 18, 2014

I'm constructing a database to record appointments. I want my users to input their appointments on one half of a form (I can manage that bit) but on the other half I want them to be able to see a list of the appointments they already have booked that day (with any patient) or what the patients already have booked that day (with themselves and any other therapists).

The appointment fields they will need to see are:

start time
end time
patient/therapist (depending on if they are viewing their own or the chosen patients' appointments
type of appointment (physiotherapy etc)

The date won't need to be seen but will dictate which day's appointments are listed.

At it's simplest I could get away with a list of the day's appointments for the patient and date the therapist has typed into the form to start the record.

Ideally I'd like them to be able to choose whether to see a list of the patient's appointments for that day or their own. If there's room I would display both.

Here's the final, 'moon-on-a-stick' bit... it would be great if I could show the appointments in time slots rather than just as a list. From what I can tell that's quite tricky to pull off but i thought I would ask anyway...

At the moment I don't even know what keywords to look up - is this 'embedding a report in a form' or 'inserting a filtered list' and so on.

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Modules & VBA :: Validating Input In Combobox Of Form

Jan 24, 2015

I try to validate the input in a form combobox. In my table it works okay with a validation rule

validation rule: Like "[A][B]"
validation text: The input should be two numbers with A or B with two numbers Example: 01A01 or 21B43

But when i go to my form i can still input other letters than A or B. It will not save but there is no warning that the input is wrong.

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Modules & VBA :: Multiple Value Combobox Linked To Form

Oct 16, 2013

I have a Multiple Value Combobox that I have linked to one of my forms and I am trying to write some vba code that will allow on update, "if a certain item is clicked open up a different form".

Here is the Multiple Value Combobox Multiple value combobox3.JPG

Here is the formFormaccess.JPG.

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Modules & VBA :: Saving Combobox After Form Is Closed And Re-opened

Sep 26, 2013

I have a main form called frmAF54. In this main form I have a subform named frmPassdown. The subform record source is from a table called tblCards. This table contains many different cards. I have a combobox called lstOpCard in the main form as well. The combobox lists all of the different cards in "tblCards". I have a button called "buttonFilter".

A user opens the form and clicks (or selects) the different cards in the combo box "lstOpCard" that they want to filter for. Once their selections are made, they can click the "buttonFilter" button and the subform "frmPassdown" will be filtered based off of their selections.

The filter is applied using the IN() function as shown below:
Me.AF54PassDown.Form.Filter = "[OpCardID] IN ( " & sTemp & " )" --sTemp is a string containing the keyIDs of the cards selected.

My problem is that people will be opening and closing the form throughout the day / week. When the form closes, it loses the applied filter. How can I have my filter on the subform be saved after the form is closed and the filter is still applied when the form is opened later?

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Modules & VBA :: Continuous Form Combobox Search As You Type

Jul 28, 2014

What i want is to have a combo box on a continuous form that as you type it filters the Query it is based on using a Like *. and drops downs so the user can see the updated list after each key press? Is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Textbox In Form To Filter Combobox

Sep 16, 2014

I have a subform in datasheet view for tracking calls from clients. The Client Name is a combination of the first and last name. I want to create a text box that allows me to start typing in the client name and it will filter for only those Clients that match. Currently, I have the following code (below) for the textbox, however when I start typing in a client name all the clients disappear from the table. The client name is in a combo box so I don't know if that is making a difference.

Private Sub Text3_Change()
Dim strFilter As String


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Combobox Display

Jun 15, 2005

Hi I really have a problem in MS access.

I created a combo box which as 2 columns, eg Plant ID and Plant name
I need to have the Plant ID on the left and Plant Name on the right which it is at them moment, however....

When I choose an option inthe combo box, it will display the Plant ID number in the textbox because it is on left (its the 1st column in the drop down box)

.... I want it to show the plant name instead, but still have the plant id colun on the left and plant name onthe right when i click the arrow of the drop down box,

sry if its confusing, i need an anwser ASAP, thanks!

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Modules & VBA :: Show The First Primary Key Field In The Combobox When The Form Loads?

Aug 30, 2013

I'm using a combobox to select a record based off my primary key field, and then a separate button to print that particular record.

When the form loads, it has the first record selected but the combobox is empty so that if I press my button it will still print the first record.

when I press the combobox my list of entrys in the primary key field shows up and the combobox is no longer blank.

How do I show the first primary key field in the combobox when the form loads?

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General :: Combobox Display -1 For Yes And 0 For No

Jun 25, 2013

I have a combobox on a form linked to a table. The format of the column in the table is Yes/No. The form which inputs into the table is also set to Yes/No.

However of the form below, even though the combobox is set to Yes/No, when you open the box it displays as -1 for yes and 0 for no.

How has this happened?

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Forms :: How To Get Third Combobox To Display Its Contents

May 14, 2015

I have a requirement that will need three cascading combo boxes - the second box should only display the contents that match or are relevant to the first combo box, etc.The title of the YouTube video is:

Microsoft Access pt 9 (Cascade Combo Box)

It seems the first and second combo boxes cascade and works fine. However, the third combo box remains blank after the second combobox selection has been made.

I have three tables: Customer, CustomerSubOrg, and PORs. I have setup lookup fields that are using Primary keys for two of the tables (CustomerSubOrg and PORs). However, I ensured that the primary key fields display as the "Names" of each instead of the numbers. I also ensured I went back and changed their data type to "Text" instead of "Number" so the text appears (which seems to have worked for box #2).

How to get the third combobox to display its contents? I've attached some additional screen shots below. I know the problem is within the second combobox -- perhaps the query needs some adjustment?Unfortunately I cannot attach images yet since I am now. But I basically created two queries and used them each for the second and third combobox.The comboboxes on the form:

Sub Organization

The Suborg query looks like this:

Table: CustomerSubOrg
First Column:
From field SubOrg
From table CustomerSubOrg

Second Column:
From field CustomerID
From table CustomerSubOrg
Criteria [Forms]![frmMain]![cboCustomer]

The POR query looks like this:

Table: PORs

First Column:
From field PORName
From table PORs

Second Column:
From field SubOrgID
From table PORs
Criteria: [Forms]![frmMain]![cboSubOrganization]

Why wont the contents from the third combobox appear?

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Combobox To Display Result In A Text Field

Apr 12, 2006

Hi All, I hope someone can help with this, I have 2 tables, 1 main table that holds all my part data ( ie part num, description, etc) and a second table with vendor info. On my Form I have all my fields that display the record. I placed a combo box on my form that I need the user to be able to select a vendor, which is working but I need the form to show the vendors part number in a field. The main table has a manufactures part number, and I have 3 fields that have my 3 vendors part numbers for that part in it. I have the combo box so that it shows the vendor name but how do I get it to look at a certain field for the vendor part number. Im still really new to Access and am clueless any help would be greatly appreciated. I know I have not explained this every well so I am attaching a sample of the DB so you can see that I have Thanks again

Thanks everyone..

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Forms :: Display Data In Multicolumn Combobox

Jul 7, 2015

I have a main form and a several subforms. The main form displays potential customer data and 1 of the subforms displays the advertisement that prompted that customer to call. 1 of the Advertisements is newspaper ads and for that one we want to track which newspaper.

The subform has 3 pieces of data. The advertisement type, advertisement date and a hidden field for the customer ID to link those to the appropriate customer. There is also a requirement for a field for the advertisement source for newspaper ads.

Data Structure:
Customer Table
Customer demographic data as fields



sample data
1234 some st

1 google
2 Newspaper
3 Radio

Daily Press

I have a combo box that gets the advtype Then another combo box that gets the adv date the issue I'm having is I also need the source and If I put it in the combo box it only displays when that combobox has the focus otherwise only the date shows. If I try to use a textbox to display the data I can only get the firstcolumn in the combobox and not the column I want. If I use the same query the combobox uses but only having the source in the select criteria I get the same data for every record. Since there are multiple advertisements and a customer could reply to any of them or all of them.

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Modules & VBA :: Select 3 Records And Display On 1 Form

May 6, 2014

I have a problem in which in the user may need to select 3 records at random from my table and display some details of those records in from view so that they can edit certain fields and just look at others.

Ideally I'd want a form with 3 separate dropdown boxes and each dropdown has the option to select 1 record from all the records in my table.

All 3 records must be visible on the screen at the same time.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Amount Of Records On Form

Jul 1, 2013

I want to display on my form the amount of records and which one the form is displaying just like that, which is at the bottom, in text fields.

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Forms :: Display TextBox Value Based On Combobox Selections

Jun 5, 2015

I have a form that has 3 combo boxes and a text box that I want to be a lookup. I have a little experience with DLookUp, but I do not think that will work here. The three combo boxes are linked to queries, and Tables. The first combo box is for choosing "Precious" or "Base" metals. The second combo box is filtered from the first and displays the "Metal Names". The third combo box is to choose a "Metal Market". There are currently four options for that. I want the text box to display the "Metal Market Price" based on the second and third combo box selections.

Here is a screenshot of the table with all of the metals and their market prices filled in with dummy values for now:

metals screenshot 1.PNG
Metals screenshot 2.PNG

Here is a screenshot of the relevant Form: Metals form screenshot.PNG

Here is a screenshot of the Table that relates to the relevant form: Metals table design.PNG

Here is a screenshot of the Metal Market table that the Query is based on: Metal Market Table.PNG

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Modules & VBA :: Display Text Depending On Combo Box In Different Form

Aug 6, 2013

I want to display the text from one combo in a text box in another form based on what's selected in a second combo box. The text box is in a different form from the combo boxes.

Sub D_ComponentTypeCmb_Change()

If Me.D_ComponentNameCmb.Value = "Customise" Then
Forms!CustomComponentF!C_ComponentTxt.Value = Me.D_ComponentTypeCmb
Forms!CustomComponentF!C_ComponentTxt.Value = ""
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Continuous Form - Display Alternating Colors

Jul 23, 2013

Access 2007: I have a continuous form which, when it opens, uses code to display alternating colors... I need to set a default 'alternate' colour, and I want to find the code to use for Light Grey - on the design of a form, the color to use on a control would be #903C39 but when I try to set that as my default colour in the code it doesn't like it! I can use vbRed, vbBlue, vbYellow, etc, and that works perfectly but I can't find a vbLightGrey

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