Modules & VBA :: Get Column Name Based On Record
Jun 26, 2013
I have a table with 3 columns (Col1, Col2, Col3).
I have a record like: Col1=A, Col2=B, Col3=C.
I want to be able to do a sort of DLookup but searching all columns for "C" and returning the name of the coloumn "C" is actually in (Col3).
Is that possible at all?
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Nov 30, 2014
I need to input a string into a column named "EventType". The code should first check if the column "Agent Name" contains any strings. If there is none, it will input "IBM Director" into the EventType column.
Once it has looped through the agent names, the code will then loop through the Details column and input into EventTypes based on what is displayed within the string.
These are the codes that I am using to achieve this, however nothing is being input into the EventType column.
Private Sub Command11_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Final")
[Code] ....
I think the problem lies with the code that checks the agent name. When I removed it, it managed to populate the EventType column based on the details. But I still need to find out how to check the agent name too.
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Jul 11, 2013
I have a field called density which needs to be updated to show either 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,60, 70 or 80 depending on a number of variables, for example: If market location is 'hot' and unit type is 'house' and discounted is 'no' then show '10' in the density box.
or perhaps:
If market location is 'cold' and unit type is 'apartment' and discounted is 'no' then show '20' in the density box.
I have tried all sorts of expressions and queries but have really reached the limit of my know how and can't solve it. Is it even possible to do this in Access?
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Jun 29, 2015
I'm attempting to build an import module so that my users can take data from different walks of life and import it into my tables. I'm doing this by setting up a module and allowing the user to specify which column data will come from when importing data. So lets say I have a field that is CustomerID in my table and user one pulls data from 1 place and in his excel or csv file, customerid is in field 1. Another user does the same thing and its in field 2.
How can i make some form of a loop that when I'm attempting to update data, i pull the correct column?
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblImportTable"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
With rst
Do While .EOF = False
If IsNull(DLookup("DefaultValue", "dbo_tblImportTemplateDetails", "Template_ID=" & Forms!frmImport!TemplateName & " AND FieldName='CustomerID'")) Then
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Mar 30, 2015
I am designing a contact database for a diocese and the contacts record form is divided into several tabs, some of which are hidden by default. One of the controls on the form is a listbox (lboRoles), where a user can add one or more roles to contacts. The listbox has a hidden column that defines the TabIndex for the assigned role, and my goal is to make the associated tab on the form that was previously hidden, to now be visible.
For example, if a contact is assigned the role "Committee Member" and the tabindex value for that role is 3, the form should make the hidden tab (where the page index is also 3) now visible.
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Jul 8, 2013
I am looking to generate a total number of a given column based on two criteria.I would like a label (or textbox if necessary) to display a given total of "Active" devices based on a given month.The table name is "Blackberry" and the specific columns I would like to check would be "Activated?" and "Registration Date". I'm not sure if I should be using a dsum or dcount and the error i keep getting is a type active device would have the text value of "Yes.
Dim advalue As Integer
advalue = DCount("[Activated?]", "Blackberry", "[Activated?]=yes" And "[Registration Date] > #01/01/2000#")
lblad.Caption = advalue
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Jul 18, 2015
Is there a way to write a code or query to find the last value in the last Field (column) of a record in a table?
Or find the last field name that contains data, in a record?
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Mar 5, 2007
Hi all,
In the organisation that I work for employees get paid every 2 weeks on a Saturday. So for this financial year the pay period end dates have been 08/07/2006, 22/07/2006, 05/08/2006 etc
I have a column in an Access table listing various dates. I want the next column to be
populated with the next pay period end date after that date.
So if DATE is 05/07/2006 I want PAY PERIOD END to be 08/07/2006
and if DATE is 09/07/2006 I want PAY PERIOD END to be 22/07/2006 etc
How do I do this?
Kind Regards,
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Mar 24, 2014
I have created a cross tab to extract pipeline and sales for Q1 2014, Q2 2014, Q3 2014 & Q4 2014... the user can select the quater from a multivalued text box...
Now for the final output, have created another query which pull the above four quarter in each column from the cross the problem arises when i change the quarter to Q2 2014, Q3 2014, Q4 2014 & Q1 gives an error "Microsoft office Access database does not recognizes "Query name" as a valid field name or expression".
The error is because the second layer of query does not identifies Q1 2014.
How do i make access change the column automatically when the Q1 changes to Q2...
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Apr 24, 2015
I'm trying to use VBA to update a new column in a table with info I already have in another table.The table I want to update is an inventory details table, it has around 25,000 records. I added a column called "UnitCost", of course the column is empty for all 25,000 records so I would like to fill it easily using DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE" feature.
I use that through-out the program however I'm unable to connect the dots for this one.What it needs to do is update "UnitCost" in "InventoryDetails" from "Products" where "InventoryDetails.ProductNumber" = "Products.ProductNumber"
The "Products" table has all the different unit cost, it just need to be placed in the "InventoryDetails" table for every record. Of course product1 needs products1 unit cost and product2 needs products2 unit cost, etc.
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Sep 6, 2014
I got this function which is supposed to find a record based on the primary key, and then give three fields a value if they should be empty.
Public Function DoesXrefExist(faPersonID As Long, faRoleCode As String, faDorpID As Long, faDorpCode As String)
If (DLookup("PersonID", "PEOPLE", "PersonID =" & faPersonID) > 0) Then
End Function
Thats as far as i have got...for the next part.I get the feeling that i need to use the recordset object that exists somewhere.How do i access that recordset object? I have not been using any DAO or ADO, just straight VBA. I know i can create recordsets and stuff using DAO/ADO, but there must be a recordset that has been created already by the Dlookup command...
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Jan 12, 2015
My table has a yes/no field and about 10 records. I have created a form for the user to select which of the records he wishes to use - the records are displayed in a continuous form with a check box for the yes/no field. The user is to select one record by checking the check box in the record.
I know this should be obvious, but I can't see it. How can I make it so the user can only select one of the records (when he clicks on one, that one is yes and the others revert to no?
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Sep 16, 2013
i have a database with a large number of records. Navigating through the records through a form one by one is a pain, so i want to create a text box where you can enter the ID number of the record, and whichever record has the matching ID number it changes to that specific record. I know that something like this is already apparent at the bottom of Access, but i want my user to do everything within the database itself, as all of the panes are removed whilst being used
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Aug 26, 2014
I am trying to write some vba code to auto fill a cell's value based on the value of the cell in the previous record (In a datasheet form) i.e. if the value in record one was '1' and the down-arrow key was pressed then the value '2' should be entered into the new ext record
I have written some pseudo-code to show what I am trying to accomplish:
if keydown = down-arrow and current cell contents isnumeric then
Cval = current cell contents
if current record = last record then
create new record
move down 1 record
set cell value of new record to cval+1
move down 1 record
if cell value = null then set cell value of record to cval+1
end if
end if
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Aug 11, 2014
I am having bit of confusion in trying to come up with a code that will assist in completing my database display (for a warehouse rental database).
My aim is to have a form display a layout of the site and overlay an image over a store if its occupied else leave the image off if otherwise.
I have everything in my table plus a checkbox field that states if vacancy is "yes' or "no"; say I have 60 stores to rent and they have specific names (unit = A09) and I already 'drew' the layout on a form (all 60 of them) with renaming the boxes for each unit (Name = A09).
How can I program a code that upon opening the form it will like
If 'Box Name on form' = 'unit name on table' AND 'Vacancy = No' then 'redbox.visible = yes'
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Jan 26, 2015
I have a form created from a table that contains item information.
I have a sub form linked to a different table that contains records.
Each item has multiple records associated with it, so for example 1 record on the main form could have 10 records displayed in the sub form.
Example: Main Form :
Item | Units | Serial Number
Thermometer1 | DegC | 123456
Sub Form:
Item | Date | Actual Measurement | Unit Reading
Thermometer1 | 01/01/15 | 25 DegC | 24 DegC
Thermometer1 | 01/01/14 | 25 DegC | 23 DegC
Thermometer1 | 01/01/13 | 25 DegC | 24 DegC
Thermometer1 | 01/01/12 | 25 DegC | 26 DegC
Thermometer1 | 01/01/11 | 25 DegC | 25 DegC
I want to be able to print preview a report based on 1 record record selected in the subform. So using the example above i'd like to print the record on say 01/01/13 as a report that contains all the information from the item table and only the information on the 01/01/13 from the record table.
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Mar 27, 2014
I have the following code that I need to modify:
Private Sub ChargeReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_ChargeReport_Click
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Charges_Report"
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName, acFormatPDF, , , , "Charge Sheet"
[Code] ....
Currently, this code opens an input box that accepts the ID number for a particular record. Then it attaches a specific report for the selected record to an email. It works fine for this purpose.
I want to modify it so that it attaches one of several different reports depending upon the value of a [Staff_ID] field in the selected record.
I've tried a number of different solutions using an InputBox to get the record ID along with an If/ElseIf/Else construct that evaluates the [Staff_ID] field in order to determine which report to attach to the email, but I cannot find my error.
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Dec 14, 2014
In order to arrive at the required solution I have to perform a calculation, using data from each successive table record (in chronological order). The result of each calculation must then be used to arrive at the result for the next calculation.
In other words I have to update a variable based on data from each record, sorted in chronological order, and use the final result to populate a field on a form.
Is it time to break out my copy of "VBA For Dummies" and start learning how to use Recordsets?
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Dec 4, 2014
I have 2 tables, one is like a main table, containing all of the main data, such as a Job Number, Customer, Quantity, etc. I have a second, related, table that acts a breakdown of information. There may be several related records to one main record, it entirely depends on the nature of the job.
What I'd like to do is run a function that looks at a main record, checks if all the related records COMPLETED field is ticked and then tick a field in the main record. I only want it to do this for records where all of the related records are COMPLETED.
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May 27, 2014
I have a table in Access that I have a form saving new records to. Before this save occurs, I would like Access to check if the account number already exists and if the account does exist if it is outstanding. If both of those conditions are met I would like a message box to display and cancel the save as it is a duplicate. I can't seem to get it to work though.
I was thinking to use a filtered recordset based on one of the conditions and then perform a find on that recordset to see if it is null.
dim acct as long
dim rstfiltered as DAO.Recordset
Set rstfiltered = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblclstrack WHERE [Request Status] <> 'Completed'")
acct = Me.cd_number.Value
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Jan 6, 2015
I'm making a database that so I can log calibration information about equipment every year.I have 2 tables:
The Equipment details table
The Calibration record table
ID Number is shared between the 2 tables so a calibration record can be linked to its' details.
For Example (simplified sample data):
Equipment Table
ID Item Unit Type
104 Thermometer DegC PT100
Calibration Table
ID Cal Point 1 Test Equipment Unit Under Test Date
104 20 21 22 06/01/15
What I want is a button on a form that creates a new blank record in my Calibration record table with the ID number already entered based on what record I selected in a combo box linked to my equipment table. I really don't know where to start.
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Jul 25, 2013
I have a piece of code that I'm using to display an image on a report based on a path saved to each record. the code is:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.ImagePath) Then
Me.ImgPic.Picture = "O:BellinghamIntranetProductionLabelsNo Label.bmp"
Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.ImagePath
End If
End Sub
It seems like every few months the code crashes access and then never works again. When I debug, the part that is highlighted is:
Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.ImagePath
The only way i've found to correct it is to delete the report and the module and copy them back in from a backup database. What could be causing this code to crash or how to stabalize my database to prevent this from happening again.
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Feb 28, 2014
I want to convert a number column into a text column.
Number Column is called Customer.
Below I can't match to the other table containing the text column Customer No.
How can I convert columns in vba?
" FROM USEFUL INNER JOIN CALCULATED_Forecast_TNS ON (CALCULATED_Forecast_TNS.[Reference No] = USEFUL.[Reference No]) AND (USEFUL.[Customer] = CALCULATED_Forecast_TNS.[Customer NO])"
Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("REPLACABLES", strSQL)
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Jun 18, 2015
I want Access to automatically generate a reference number for a record based on the values in on two other fields for a given record using a form.
The first field is called Operation Number.
The second is Bag Number.
The reference number needs to be in this format: 19C.3.1
Where 19C is the Operation Number, 3 is the bag number, and 1 is automatically generated. Additionally I need the last number --the automatically generated one--to go back to 1 if with each new bag number.
This is kind of like library catalog numbers. Not sure how to do this.
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Jul 22, 2014
I have a modal form which has a single record which is then linked to a sub-form on the same modal form. This all works fine and shows the relevant record and sub records but I want the modal form main record to change dependant on the record selected in the subform (which is basically order item history.
I found some code on another site which seemed to work for others but for me I am getting Run-time error 2465 and it doesn't like my reference to 'Me' - is this because it is a modal form?The code I am using is:
Public Function GotoRecord(RecordID As Long)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strCriteria As String
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
strCriteria = "ID = " & RecordID
rst.FindFirst strCriteria
If rst.NoMatch = False Then
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
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Apr 21, 2014
My table:
- HeatTreatmentID - PK
- HeatTreatmentDesc - Text
- HeatTreatmentDetails - Memo
My form has a listbox (lstHeatTreatments - Multi-Select disabled) that displays Heat Treatment descriptions and an unbound textbox (txtHTDetails) that I would like to have display the corresponding memo field when a description is selected from the listbox.
This is my code so far:
Private Sub lstHeatTreatments_AfterUpdate()
Dim myConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim myRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim mySQL As String
Dim selectedRequirementKey As Long
Set myConnection = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set myRecordSet.ActiveConnection = myConnection
When I run the code I get an error:
Run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)':
The Value you entered isn't valid for this field
When I debug, it highlights:
Me.txtHTDetails = myRecordSet.Fields
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