Modules & VBA :: Grouping And Not Show Duplicates

Jan 14, 2015

I have a two part problem right now. I have a Table Labeled "MAIN" where I have three fields that I would like to pull from, lets call them solution, version and testcasename.

Solution and the application name in which there will be some duplicating and also the version also when it pertains to the testcasename for example:

Solution Version TestCaseName
CAT 1.0 TestCase 1
CAT 1.0 TestCase 2
CAT 1.1 TestCase 1
FPT 1.2 TestCase 1
FPT 1.2 TestCase 2
FPT 1.2 TestCase 3
FPT 1.2 TestCase 4

Now this is what I am wanting to do:

Solution Version TestCaseName
CAT 1.0 TestCase 1
TestCase 2
CAT 1.1 TestCase 1
FPT 1.2 TestCase 1
TestCase 2
TestCase 3
TestCase 4

I created a query(SplashSort) to pull just the information stated above.

Under Solution I am trying to apply the string;

Select (Main.ID), (Main.solution) FROM (Main) GROUP BY (Solution) ORDER BY (Solution)
Select (Main.ID), (Main.Version) FROM (Main) Group BY (Version) ORDER BY (Version)
Select (Main.ID), (Main.TestCaseName) FROM (Main) Group BY (TestCaseName) ORDER BY (TestCaseName)

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Grouping Duplicates

Aug 10, 2007

I need to create a report that groups duplicates and totals the quantity.

Here's an example:

Current Report:

Product# Type Qty Cost Total

i123 pen 2 1.00 2.00
a987 paper 3 1.00 3.00
i123 pen 1 1.00 1.00
a987 paper 4 1.00 4.00

What I need:

i123 pen 3 1.00 3.00
a987 paper 7 1.00 7.00

Please help......

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Queries :: Grouping From One Table - Show Result In 2 Columns

Sep 12, 2013

I have one table in my access, and out of that I need to show a queri that will show only following result in 2 columns ID (same as original table)

SCHOOL_YEAR (all the students that are):

1 year and 1 year (repeat) as 1 year
2 year and 1 year (repeat) as 2 year
3 year and 1 year (repeat) as 3 year

Not to show dripouts, na and finished

Original table:
11 year
42 year
53 year
12n/anot categorized
131 year (repeat)
142 year (repeat)
153 year (repeat)

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Query To Show Non-duplicates

Apr 4, 2007

I have a query that includes the following fields


Each event will have multiple corrective actions. For each corrective action assigned to a group, the "committment" is also assigned to them, but I also have to assigned a committment to our group (SRG). So this makes the query results show two records for each corrective action, one with the group assigned committment and one for my groups committment. I need a query that will show corrective actions that have the group committment assigned but not a corresponding SRG committment assigned. However since my query results in two separate records, I am unsure how to do this.

Any suggestions?


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Show Records Based On Duplicates Between 2 Tables

Aug 20, 2007

Ok.. I have been racking my brain for hours trying to figure out how to do this. Maybe someone here can help me figure this out.

I have 2 tables. "AR94" & "RPIN"
I need a query to look at the "Provider_PIN" field of both tables in order to find duplicates between that field in both separate tables at which point I need it to say If a duplicate provider_pin exists in the AR94 table & the RPIN table Then remove that provider_pin from the "RPIN" table.

The final result should be that the only records showing in the "RPIN" table would be those provider_pins' that were NOT found in both tables.

Starting Example (Before query):
AR94 Table:

RPIN Table:

Results that should be achieved (after running query):
RPIN Table:

Thereby deleting the 1234 & 12345678 values from the RPIN table leaving only records that were NOT found in both tables.

Please help me as I am trying to get this done for a project and can't figure it out..:confused: Thanks.

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Queries :: Excluding Duplicates - Show Only Unique Values

May 17, 2013

I have duplicate data in a cell, I want to hide duplicate data and display only non-duplicate data.. I changed the property sheet to only show unique values, but it keeps showing data I don't want to see...

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Modules & VBA :: Order By Produces Duplicates

Jun 25, 2015

I need to be able to assign a title to a set of dependents that is not what they are normally called. As in, every dependent is either called "Dependent" or "Step Child", but I need to call them "Child1" "Child2" "Child3" etc, for however many children an employee has.

I have a function that does this, however, I need the oldest child to be Child1 and so on, but every time I add an ORDER BY clause to my sql, it duplicates the records. I confirmed this by adding the child's name to the end, and instead of this:

Child1 Martha (eldest)
Child2 Edward

I got:

Child1 Martha
Child2 Martha
Child3 Edward
Child4 Edward


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Modules & VBA :: Find Duplicates Of Values In Array

Oct 4, 2014

I have to deal with string arrays that store text. I need info on copying, comparing, appending arrays. Also on passing arrays as parameters to subs or functions. Where I can get to this info quickly without having to browse through many screens.

In addition to this I have some questions:

I have to find the duplicates of values in an array. Here is the code that I use.

Sub FindDuplicates()
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, IEND As Integer, text() As String
ReDim text(IEND)
For I = 1 To IEND - 1
For J = I + 1 To IEND
If text(I) = text(J) Then text(J) = ""
Next J
Next I
End Sub

It works but is not performing well. Are there more efficient ways of doing this?

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through A Table Count Duplicates Only Once

May 13, 2015

I am trying to loop through a table and count the duplicate records only once. Please see the attached file.

1) In the test table, I want to loop through all pt_accts.

2) In the countable column, if an acct repeats, I essentially just want to put "1" in one of the records. For the non-repeating accts, putting in a 1 is sufficient. Basically, I just don't want to count the duplicate ones multiple times.

In the example, acct "aaa" repeats, but there is just one "1" in the countable column. "eee" repeats as well, but there is just one "1" and the rest is 0.

Is this possible via VBA?

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Modules & VBA :: Using DLookup / DCount To Control Duplicates

Oct 15, 2013

I am trying to put in a control measure which won't allow the user to accidentally add a client to areferral more than once. The simplified relationship structure reads:

tblClient 1-------n tblClientReferral n---------1 tblReferral

I am as a far as using a dlookup which correctly gives the error message, but only if it is the first client added to the tblClientReferral table. If the hypothetical situation arises in which the user adds a client, then adds a second client to the referral and accidentally adds the second clientn twice, the Dlookup is not picking this up.

I suppose the solution is using a dlookup which has the criteria saying if the referralID = 'this' AND the clientID = 'this' Then 'do this'. But as far as I am aware you cannt use AND in the criteria?? atleast, it hasn't worked when I tried. A snippet of the vba code used is below:

Dim objClient As Object
Set objClient = Forms![frmAddClient]![cboClientID]

If (DLookup("clientID", "tblClientReferral", _
"referralID = Forms![frmReferral]![referralID]")) = objClient Then
MsgBox "Client already added"
GoTo ExitSub

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Find Duplicates And Create Table With Dates Of Duplicates

Feb 12, 2008

Hi this is my first post... so hi all :)

ok what i have is a table with contact details 900k plus

there are about 90k of which are duplicates.

this is the basic feilds that are important in this case.

Id, data_source, data_recived, data_code,

what i want is to have a table with unique records (no dups in data_code)

this table will look like this...

Id, data_code, Num_dups, dup1_source, dup1_date, daysbtw_Dup1_dup2, dup2_source, dup2_date, daysbtw_Dup2_dup3 ,dup3_source, dup3_date, daysbtw_Dup3_dup4 ,dup4_source, dup4_date,

I know there is no more than 4 dups of each record.

what i want from this is a table that will give me a record of how many dups for each record then all the dates that they were added and the date between each record entry.

if anyone can help it would be great .

thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Record Set And Delete Duplicates Items?

Oct 20, 2014

If there a way i can remove duplicates from an email list? I pull these emails from a recordset. But i email may appear more than once and it doesn't look good e.g;;

I'd like to remove the duplicated email, if its possible. Code below.

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from query")
With objMailItem
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
If Not IsNull(rs![email]) Then
vRecipientList = vRecipientList & rs![email] & ";"
End If
Loop Until rs.EOF
.To = vRecipientList

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Modules & VBA :: Append Data From One Table To Another - Skipping Duplicates

Mar 12, 2015

I have two tables, tblCandidate and tblNewHire. I am trying to transfer candidates to tblNewHire based on the date they are hired. However, I would like the database to skip any records that are already in tblNewHire, just in case someone inadvertently puts in the wrong date when running the query.

I created an append query (SQL below) but this enters the data regardless of duplication. I need to be able to check both SSN and LastName against the new table and can't set either one to be unique values as it's possible there could be two candidates with the same last name.

Any way to do this by creating a recordset and looping through to check for dupes.

INSERT INTO tblNewHire ( SSN, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Phone, Email, EOD, HiringMechanism )
SELECT tblCandidate.SSN, tblCandidate.FirstName, tblCandidate.MiddleName, tblCandidate.LastName, tblCandidate.Phone, tblCandidate.Email, tblCandidateTracking.ActionDate, tblCandidateTracking.HireMechanism
FROM tblCandidate INNER JOIN tblCandidateTracking ON tblCandidate.SSN = tblCandidateTracking.SSN
WHERE (((tblCandidateTracking.ActionDate)=[forms]![frmNewHireMain]![txtEODDate]) AND ((tblCandidateTracking.LastAction)="EOD"));

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Simple Report But Remove Duplicates

Nov 4, 2013

I have a simple spreadsheet:

Ref# Rev
97 b
98 c
99 c
99 e
100 c
100 b
101 a
102 b

I need to create a simple report but remove the duplicates (ex. Ref# 99,100). I need to delete the older Rev's (Ex Ref# 99 Rev C, Ref# 100 Rev B).Is this done throughRecordsets? will an SQL query do the trick?

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Modules & VBA :: Import To Access Table From Excel - Ignore Duplicates

May 6, 2015

I have code written which imports excel data to a access table but after the first import it fails due to duplicates, how can i tell it to ignore duplicates in the table and only copy new records?

code is below.

Function SyncEmployes()
Dim lngColumn As Long
Dim xlx As Object, xlw As Object, xls As Object, xlc As Object


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Modules & VBA :: Normalize Data In Array / Remove Duplicates And Import

Dec 18, 2013

I have some data in an array that I need to normalize, remove duplicates, and import.

Original Table

Every record in the array has a person, all but a few have an address, most have a phone, and some have an email.

Person----- Address ----- Phone ----- Email
Tom ----- 10 A Ln ----- 789... ----- e@a
Sue ----- 20 B Ln ----- 256... ----- _____
Sam ----- 30 C Ln ----- _____ ----- _____
Dan ----- 40 D Ln ----- 478... ----- _____
Jan ----- 40 D Ln ----- 567... ----- e@d
Stu ----- 50 E Ln ----- _____ ----- _____
Syd ----- ______ ------ 224... ----- _____

New Data Structure

I want to group the data by HouseHold; which Address will serve to define for this import.

adrID, hhID, Address
prsID, hhID, Person
phnID, hhID, Phone
emlID, hhID, Email

I've been working on a procedure to step through the recordset and add the data one record at a time so I can get rid of the duplicates.

I've tried a few approaches, but this is where I'm at now.


Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsHH As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsPhone As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsAddress As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsPerson As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Preventing Duplicates On Multiple Fields (Numeric And Text)

Oct 15, 2013

How to prevent duplicates on the combination of two fields - text & numeric?

I'm currently using the code below that warns users when the combination of two fields have already been used. (Combination of the TWO fields has to always be unique so if used again will warn the user)

Works well when both fields are numeric but fails when the JobDetails field is changed to text in the main table (tblPPMPLanner)

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Function IsDuplicateRecord() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim PreviousRecordID As Long
IsDuplicateRecord = False

[Code] ....

The field that should be a text field is called "JobDetails"

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Modules & VBA :: Finding Duplicates In A Table And Recording Values In That Record

May 2, 2014

I've been looking everywhere to find a better way of finding duplicates in a table and then recording and adding another value in that record together.

Let me try to explain better.


I have a table that has 2 columns "Name", "DOB". I would like to find all duplicate "DOB" and add all of the "Name"'s together.


Name DOB
bob 19800201
Sam 19761211
Jim 19800201

The output I would like is to have Name = bob & Jim DOB = 19800201.

I've tried using the find duplicate wizard in access but I can't seem to group them together and just to find the duplicates it takes upwards of a minute.

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Modules & VBA :: Check For Duplicates When Importing Multiple Records Into Datasheet View Form

Aug 15, 2014

I am using the following code to check for duplicate tickets when importing multiple records into a datasheet view form by using the paste append function.

Private Sub Ticket_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If DLookup("Ticket_Number", "Record_Store", "Ticket_Number= '" & Me.Ticket_Number.Value & "'") > 0 Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "There were import errors, please open View Import Errors above."
End If
End Sub

The form is used to insert multiple records into the database at a single time.

That codes works to check for duplicates. And if there are none there are no popup messages.

If there are duplicates though it gives a popup for every single Ticket_Number that is a duplicate.

I am wondering if there is a way for it to give only a single popup once it completes checking all the records to be imported for duplicates.

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Find Duplicates Different Than Duplicates Deleted

Dec 8, 2005

Hey, all! Thanks for helping, here is my situation.

I have a table with about 70,000 records that have duplicate Address field values. The rest of the field values for those records are different. When I do a find duplicate querry I get the result that 17,000 records have the same address. However, when I do the append qurrey as instructed here: I get a total of only 600 records in the new table. I have tried deleting all of the indexes for both the new and old table, with no luck.

I'm using Access 2000 on XP Pro.

If anyone could help with this I would greatly appreciate it!



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Changing From Duplicates OK To No Duplicates

Nov 1, 2014

I have an Access table with an indexed key that is currently set to duplicates OK. There are not supposed to be any duplicates in that field. But it is possible than a small number have crept through.

Two questions:

1. What would happen to those duplicate records if I changed the setting from duplicates OK to no duplicates?

2. Is there any way to ferret out those duplicate records first and change them manually? The table currently has 48000 records so it would be a pain to go through them page by page. (I know how to export them to Excel, where the dups can easily be found; I was just wondering if something could do it within Access.)

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Modules & VBA :: Text Box To Show Time Taken?

Feb 26, 2015

I have some vba that ends with a text box being displayed that says "file created"

I would like to add to that text box how long it took.

My initial thoughts are to add to the start of the code a variable that stores the current time (stTime)

and at the line before the text box is shown get the time again (endTime) and subtract one from the other to get the time taken in mins and sec

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Modules & VBA :: Show Captions Instead Of Names?

Sep 25, 2014

I used the code below to check the empty fields in the form and populate it in a message

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim ctr As Control
Dim strMsg As String
'Loop through every control on the form
For Each ctr In Me.Controls


I want the message to show the captions of controls instead of its names

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Modules & VBA :: How To Hide / Show Button

Nov 7, 2013

I would like to hide/show button depend on is there anything in a field. My current code is not working at the moment:

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Form![fourniturenErrorsub]![Code Field] <> Null Then
errorbtn.Visible = True
errorbtn.Visible = False
End If

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Modules & VBA :: Show If Query Has Parameter

Feb 10, 2015

I am wondering if there is a was to know if a specific field in a query has a parameter. The reason I am wanting to know this is because I have a form with a combo box that lists all queries (query names) and would like to add a subform which would show the relevant text box's for those parameters.I am planning on showing/hiding each text box with as if statment that ends with .visable = true/false.

lets say for example the query ("qryTest") has 3 fields FirstName, LastName, Age with Age having the parameter forms!menu!age>=21. i would only like visable the text box for "Age" on the subform and have the other fields invisable.I think I can work out the coding for everything i need apart from the initial vba to work out if the query field has a parameter.

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Modules & VBA :: Show And Hide Command Buttons?

Apr 9, 2014

I'm trying to alter the look of my menu Menu Image.JPG. Depending on the User's Permission setting from the Table PermissionTable.JPG.

If they do not have permission for a company then, i want it to be hidden from the menu?

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