Modules & VBA :: HTML In Rich Text Field
Oct 21, 2014
I'm trying to output some logging to a form with a Rich text textbox
This is what the form is displaying:
14:16:32: check OK: 500<10000andS235='s460'>
14:16:32: check OK: 500<10000andS235='s355'>
14:16:32: check failed:too short 500<1000231231 >
14:16:32: Ready ...
There is some coloring in the text but I'm not display that here (copy/paste of the textbox)
This is the HTML behind it (? txtbox in imm.window):
14:16:32: <font color=black>check OK: 500<10000andS235='s460'</font><br />14:16:32: <font color=black>check OK: 500<10000andS235='s355'</font><br />14:16:32: <font color=red><strong>check failed:too short 500<1000231231 </strong></font><br />14:16:32: <font color=green><strong>Ready ... </strong></font><br />
The problem is in the red > that are added to each line. I have no clue where they are coming from, in fact: they are NOT in the HTML.When I display this piece of HTML in IE I don't get the red > behind each line.I have tried to use <p> of <div> instead of <br/> but that makes no difference
Forms!frm_Calculationlog.txtmsg = Forms!frm_Calculationlog.txtmsg & "<div>" & _
Format(Now(), "hh:nn:ss") & ": " & _
IIf(strColor <> "", "<font color=" & strColor & ">", "") & IIf(booBold, "<strong>", "") & strMessage & _
IIf(booBold, "</strong>", "") & IIf(strColor <> "", "</font></div>", "")
I can assure you that the > is NOT in the strMessage ... f.e. this is the ouput of strMessage on the first line: 500 <10000 and 'S235' ='s460'
strColor is a string in which I can set a color ("red", "blue")
booBold is a boolean with which I can set text to bold
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Jul 24, 2014
I'm about to connect my DB to word. So I made a form where the user has to choose what entry to export. The data is inserted in a word file in different bookmarks. But there is one special task to insert the rich text so in this case the html formatted text is displayed like this:
My Text is inserted like this:
wdApp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("-Bookmarkname-").Range.Text = Lrs("-ColumnName-")
Lrs is a Recordset.
So how is it possible to display the html code right in the Word doc?
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Jul 24, 2015
We need to move rich text from an Access memo field to a Word text box. So far the best Ive been able to come up with is in the code below. In this code pprs!What is a record set field of a table memo field that is bound to a text box enabled for rich text. The rich text seems to be stored as html as so I can get word to convert it by enclosing it in html tags.
Dim What As Word.Shape
Set What = doc.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal , doc.PageSetup.LeftMargin, 225, 534, 0)
Dim sPath As String
sPath = "G:Temp.html"
Open sPath For Output As 1
Print #1, "<HTML>" & pprs!What & " </HTML>"
Close #1
What.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertFile (sPath)
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Aug 14, 2013
I'm using Access 2010. I'm passing a string into the OpenArgs of my report - works fine. In the report there are 3 rich text fields which may contain the text I passed in, and if so I want to change the color of that text to red so it stands out.
The value passed to the report changes so I'll need to use VBA in the detail's format section to check each of the 3 rich text fields.
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May 6, 2014
When I changed the memo field from plain text to Rich Text, I got the below divs and slashes. Is there any way to get rid of them?
<div>GC in process - EB1.</div>
<div> </div>
I had only "GC in process - EB1" in plain text.
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Nov 21, 2013
I have a Memo field in my table. I have changed the Text Format property to Rich Text. I can now change the formats etc of the values in the field.
However, I now want to see the Markup HTML tags in the table fields i.e. <b>test</b> in order for me to make changes manually as well.
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Jul 23, 2015
I have been sending plain text emails for a while, but now I have a project where the formatting of the text needs to be specific and I need to send as rich text.
I can use the rich text from a table, excel, or word, but I am at a loss on how to get the data to Lotus Notes.
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Dec 3, 2014
I am generating a report that needs to have a hyperlink in part of one of the fields. Prior to saving the field to the database I do a bit of VBA coding on it and add some HTML. The result is this in the field:
"There are two ways to book with your preferred rate: <br>
1. <b><a href="">Click Here</a></b>! <br>
2. Call us directly or at 1-800-Hampton and use your Corporate ID 12345."
It works beautifully if you paste it into a web page but in the Access report, Access applies the Bold but just ignores the hyperlink.
This is Access 2013 with MS SQL Server 2008 backend. Everything I have read suggests that this should work and is supported. Is there some trick I'm missing?
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Jan 1, 2013
In Access 2010, I'm creating a table with a rich text memo field.
I name the field (BugDescription), select "Memo" as the Data Type, and from the Text Format dropdown I select "Rich Text."
However, as soon as I do that, it switches back to plain text.
I can't find any documentation anywhere that would indicate why I can't set this property...
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Feb 6, 2015
I have a process that is getting data from sharepoint page, containing 2 list. Both list contain one field I am having issues in my export, a 'Multiple Lines of Text' type field which is Rich Text in sharepoint. I have an access DB with a linked table to those 2 list. Access show the one field I am having problems with as Memo.
The Linked table pulls/display the rich text data field correctly. My access query pulls/displays the data correctly.
My export procedure does not, the cell it exports to includes the HTML Tags. How can i modify my VBA export procedure to export to excel in plain text, i dont need the same format, just want to drop the html tags.
Public Sub StatusReportExport()
On Error Resume Next
' Test to see if the file currently exist, if so, delete file, so new file can be written.
Kill ("L:Connect SiteStatus Report " & Year(Date) & "-" & Month(Date) & "-" & Day(Date) & ".xls")
If Dir("L:Connect SiteStatus Report " & Year(Date) & "-" & Month(Date) & "-" & Day(Date) & ".xls") <> "" Then
MsgBox "Status Report.xls File already in use!" & vbNewLine & "Please Close File, then rerun Report."
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Sep 10, 2013
I have a VBA code to import mail from Lotus Notes into Access. The database user is able to read his email inside Access, similar to any email program.
Unfortunately, when I use the GetItemValue (lotusscript) method to read the body of the email message, Notes will render the Rich Text information as Plain Text, and I end up with no formatting information (bold letters, underline, text color, etc.)
How to import messages from Notes to Access and keep the text formatting? I am storing the data in a Rich Text Memo field in a table. I have found code to write HTML (MIME) messages, but not to import them into Access.
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Mar 14, 2013
I have an Access 2010 database with a memo field formatted for Rich Text.
I created a simple form. It accepts and shows paragraphs, i.e. I press Return and a new paragraph appears (with a blank line in between paragraphs).
I then created a report based on the same fields. In the memo field it shows the text entered in the form, but not the paragraph breaks. It just shows one big block of text without any paragraph breaks. I have looked for a field property in the report design and layout views that might affect how the text is displayed in the report but I cannot find one.
It is not much use if you can input paragraph breaks in a form but not see them in a report.
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May 5, 2015
I am simply trying to find text on a Web Browser Control htm page.
Using MS Access 2003, I have a form that includes the activeX Web Browser Control. On load of the form I initialize the web like below:
Dim strURL As String
strURL = ""
Me.WebBrowser0.Navigate strURL
Me.WebBrowser0.Silent = True
The page loads fine.
Now, also, on my form is an unbound text box I call: [txtFind] and a command button I call [cmdFind]. I want [cmdFind] to find the first occurrence of the value in [txtFind]. My code below doesn't do anything when I click the [cmdFind] button.
Public oRange As Object
Public myfindFirst As Boolean
Public intTextLength As Long
Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
Dim sSearch As String
Dim strText As String
[Code] .....
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Mar 15, 2014
I need to remove html text from a make table in access 2007. My table name is "Bad Actors Comments Column" and the column where the html text resides is "FirstOfADD_TEXT. VBA code to remove the html text?
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Sep 25, 2014
I have a table field defined as Plain Text. On a form I have a memo field set up also defined as Plain Text. When I enter data into the memo field on the form and save it, I see HTML characters in the field on the table.
I attached some screen shots of the table definition, form field properties and a look at the data saved to the table with the HTML characters.
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Feb 18, 2014
I have the following code which works perfectly BUT I want to be able to add another line of text if users enable a checkbox. I have tried everything I can think of but can't get it to work. When using an "IF check150" statement it just adds the extra text in regardless of selection or not.
Function Mail_Radio_Outlook6(activedoc As String)
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim strbody As String
Dim acc_req As String
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
[Code] ....
This is fine most of the time but If a user ticks check150 I want to add another paragraph.
Do I use an IF statement, if so in what format? is it a separate function etc?
I am slowly getting more familiar with Access but still come unstuck on the simplest of things at times.
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Dec 31, 2013
I am using Access 2007 to update a page on an external website (amongst other things) from an Access form using VBA, but that page has recently changed. I have dealt with most of the issues around this, but there is still a problem that I cannot see how to resolve. Previously all the fields on the page were uniquely named, and so I was able to assign values from my form to them using
But now there appear to be identically named fields on the webpage and I cannot see how to differentiate between them in my code. I have attached a text file with the two relevant sections, containing the HTML for the two relevant sections on that page only (the code for the whole page runs to 8000+ lines and I can add the lot if really necessary) and as you will see the names for things like runs (name="result[][runs]") and wickets ("result[][wickets]") are the same in both sections. So how do I tell one from the other in my code?
Currently I have the following:
With objIE
.Visible = True
'1st innings - new HTML field names but duplicated on the webpage
.Document.all.Item("result[][runs]").value = nz(Me![runs_for#])
.Document.all.Item("result[][wickets]").value = nz(Me![wickets_for#])
[Code] .....
How can I differentiate between the HTML field names in the attached file as simply as possible in my code above?
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Feb 16, 2015
I have code that will create an email and prepare it for sending.It will create a table inside the email and fill it in with some text and underscore characters to be replaced by data from the database. So far the data has to be done manually. I would like to know if it is possible to use the values from some fields inside the select record in the current form. So, if Me.Status would be "New" it should pass this to the table in the email.So far I have the below code:
Private Sub Command280_Click() 'send email with table
Dim objItem As Object
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set oMail = objItem
Dim oApp As Object
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Oct 1, 2012
Is there a way of searching a rich text box for any text which is highlighted and then deleting that text? I cannot find an answer to this anywhere..
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May 23, 2005
I have a .csv (MS Excel) file I need to import, but one of the fields contains rich text format text.
Is there anyway to clean this up before or after it is imported?
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Oct 4, 2006
I have created forms in MS Access.. Now i want to attach Rich Text Format with each of the Text Box or Text Area... How can i do that...
I was trying to search for a plugin which would get attached with MS Access and then while creating the forms it would get attached with the Text Box and Text Areas..
Kindly please help me in getting a solution to this problem..
Thanking you,
with regards,
Kapil Sharma
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Aug 12, 2011
how to make a line break in a rich textbox in access 2007? Chr(13) & Chr(10) worked until I changed the textbox to rich, which is necessary because certain words in the textbox need to be bold.
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May 24, 2012
In my form's text box I have noticed that I can;t write paragraphs ie use the TAB key to start a new line. If I use rich text I assume this will be possible. But are there any disadvantages to using rich text?
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Oct 16, 2006
I am using RTF2 ActiveX Control which enables me to include the Rict Text Controls in my Access Form.
I want to generate a doc document out of the information which i type in the RTF2 Area on the Access Form. And whatever Rich Text Format information i have written there (for eg in Bold, Italics, Indentation, Tables created, Bullets n Numbering etc), is retained as it is on the Doc document which i am generating with the help of bookmarks.
Please help in how do i do that 'coz i am not able to do it using the Rich Text Format...
Thanking you,
with regards,
Kapil Sharma
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Feb 25, 2005
Can anyone help?!
We are trying to export some reports into a Rich Text format using Access on Office 2003 on a Win XP op system. When doing this on Win 98 the Rich text document was slightly out of line but not too bad. Now we are doing it on XP it is completely out of line and unusable. Does anyone have any suggestions please?
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Feb 13, 2008
I've just installed Stephen Lebans Rich Text Control as I have a a couple of memo fields on a form on a 2003 database where the user needs to be able to bold parts of the memo. I've installed it fine, and put the text control onto a form and it doesn't seem to do what i need (i.e. the Bold button isn't even enabled on the toolbar). I've downloaded the sample database that he has on the site and this works fine suggesting ive installed it correctly and i am going through the properties of the control with a fine tooth comb but havent found anything different yet to what i am doing on my trial form.
Any ideas what I've missed?
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