Modules & VBA :: Hide Fields When Field Is Cleared While Typing?

Jul 13, 2015

I am working on a database. I created a list box (ListBox) that filters record for a form. This list box is controlled by another field (SearchBox) where I type search string.

The ListBox visibility is hidden when the form loads. It only becomes visible when the user starts to type in the SearchBox. The records gets filtered and when the user clicks on the selection, the form goes to the record and the ListBox becomes hidden again. All this works fine. My problem is for some technical reasons I want the ListBox to show only when there is character in the the SearchBox. When I try to type in the SearchBox the ListBox shows but when I try to clear the SearchBox with backspace the ListBox is still visible

I tried:

If me.SearchBox = Null Then
me.ListBox.Visible = False
me.ListBox.Visible = True

I also tried

If IsNull (SearchBox) Then

Still when I type backspace the ListBox remains visible.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I put this code on the current event of the SearchBox Field.

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Fields Get Cleared Out When Specific Criteria Has Been Met

Oct 1, 2012

We have a PHP website that utilizes an Access 2003 SP3 database. This website is used as an authorization process for a business process in our company. On the website, 8 different people must "sign off" on the process. This sign off process simply consists of typing your name and date into two different text boxes, as well as a third drop-down menu for "APPROVED" or "DENIED". These, of course, correlate to their respective fields in the Access database.

Within the past year or so, the 8th approval section was added. Since then, there have been sporadic issues where all of the approval fields would simply be erased and everyone has to go back to the form and "re-approve" their fields. I believe we have narrowed the issue to when the 8th person signs off before the 7th person. However, the approvals are not cleared every single time this happens, but this condition exists every time data is cleared. So my question is, would this be an issue related to access, or with the coding of the website?

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Modules & VBA :: Working With Recordset - Is There A Cache That Needs To Be Cleared?

Nov 4, 2014

I have a Public Function that is being auto executed when my database opens. It is designed to change the value of a record from "Trailing" to "Critical" when the record is older than 90 days. Everything works as expected initially by changing the status and adding some text to a comment field for tracking purposes. However, I manually flipped the status of those records back to "Trailing" for continued testing purposes and they are no longer being included in the code execution. Do recordsets have a cache that is identifying these records as already having been updated and is, therefore, excluding them for all future executions of this module? Code is below. I added a counter just for the purposes of testing and it's counting zero records, even though there are several records that meet the necessary criteria.

Public Function Trailing()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim ND As Date
Dim CT As Integer


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Queries :: Yes / No Field Named Cleared For Checks In Table

Jun 6, 2014

I have a table with yes / no field named cleared for checks.

I want to make a search form with combo box to query for cleared (yes) and not cleared (no) checks.

I tried combo box with values set in it, yes and no.

But it didn't work.

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Find A Field Via Typing Part Of Its Characters

Aug 21, 2007


I hope you'll be able to help since I think it is going 2 B a tough one.
I'm looking for a code that will do the following:

I have a table (lets say customers) with a lot of names and instead of typing again and again the same name I would like to have a kind of an auto complete mechanism which will find the name from the table and use it to input it back to the table itself and if it isn't there then it will use the new name as an input, exp: in table customers I have the following names:
ACC, ABC, ABD, EFG .....
lets say I'm typing A then the ComboBox will show all the names that starts with A (e.g. ABC, ABD & ACC), if I will continue typing A=>B then only the names ABC & ABD will be shown then I can choose one of them or continue typing ABD which will cause only the name ABD to show up then I could use this as a name to input to the table or if I create a new name like ABDG then this one will be used.

I hope I didn't mess things up and explained myself correctly.
Thanks in advance

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Access Selects All Field Text When Typing

Oct 30, 2012

I have created a database.On opening the [Company] form opens up.After pressing the 'Add new company' button it creates a new record. when typing immediately into the 'Company Name' field, access highlights all the text whilst your typing making you delete what you have just typed.I have tried several macros and vba at various different events to try and solve including 'Gotocontrol', 'refesh'. I have even tried SelStart.

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Making Reports / Queries By Typing In Field Data?

Jan 12, 2012

I am creating a registration DB for a school. My tables are all set up and working, but what I cannot figure out how to do is to create a report such that upon opening it, a little dialogue box pops up and asks me "Term" and "Class" and then I type those things in and viola I get a class list.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Hide Field In Unfiltered Report

Feb 27, 2015

I have a form that has a drop down box with all of my project numbers in it. when I choose a project number, I can then choose from several report buttons on that same page that opens a report just showing that projects info (easy enough). I then have different report buttons that open those same reports, but showing every project (no filter).

The reports have a cover page that has the field, 'project number' in the front, so when a particular project is chosen from the drop down, that project number will show on the cover page (still pretty easy).

My question is, when I open the full report(no filter), is there a way to tell the report not to show the 'project number' field? since the full reports show every project, the 'project number' field will show the first project number, which is not what I want to do.

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Use Auto Complete Feature When Typing Word In Middle Of Field

Feb 26, 2014

I'm working with a DB to enter orders for picking. I have an item list that I'm linking to when entering orders, and bringing in the data from the item list such as item location etc.

It's setup right now that when I type the first couple of letters into the item field it automatically brings up the matching items and if I click enter it completes the item and brings in the other fields from the item list.

Example: If I type in 'tom' I get back 'tomato', 'tomato sauce' etc. and when I choose the right one and hit enter it fills up the rest of the required info such as item location.

What I would like it to do is have the auto complete also check for middle words.

Example: when I type 'alm' it returns 'almonds', 'almond milk', but don't return 'container almonds' or 'container roasted almonds' etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Cycle Through Several Records And Hide Field If It Is Blank

Feb 10, 2014

I have code that I want to cycle through several fields and check instead of coding for each individual field. I thought this might worked on an earlier project but Im lost. When I try to add my code in the "If MyControls Then", I want it to hide the field on a report if it is blank. It doesnt allow me to do MyControls.Visible.

If Len(Reports!RecallReport!QAW1 & vbnullsting) = 0 Then
Reports!RecallReport!QAW1.Visible = False
End If

but I want the below code to go through each field With QAW in it and hide it if it is blank.Or having it go through each field individual. There are 10 Fields With QAW THen there are another 10 fiels with ShipDist. I would prefer a simple solution to check all at once.

Dim MyControls As Control
For Each MyControls In Me.Controls ' Iterate through each element.
If InStr(1, MyControls.Name, "QAW") Then
If MyControls Then
End If
End If

I don't even know if I am on the right track or what.

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Modules & VBA :: Display / Hide Subforms Based On Yes / No Field In The Form

Oct 4, 2013

I have created a form with 3 subforms on. i was just wondering is it possible to display/ hide these subforms based on a Yes/No field in the form. as the subforms would only be valid if the field is ticked as yes.

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Auto Rearrange Fields Or Hide Fields In DataSheet Based On Criteria

May 17, 2007

I have main form and that has one sub-form , this Main form governs/determines the data in the sub form.

This Sub form ( DataSheet Mode) has approximately 130 columns and based on the Main form criteria only ~ 20 columns has to be filled.

What I want to do is based on the main forms criteria I want to show only the columns that are applicable to main form criteria.

If I use Columnar or Tabular single form for the Sub Form I am able to hide the fields that are not required BUT IT LEAVES A SPACE/GAP on form ( for the hidden fields that are not required)

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Forms!frmShowPIforActiveAndCanAddNewPI!FrmSubFrmFi lterProductInformationPerFMT!CASETIF = True Then

Me.CASETIF.Visible = True
Me.CASETIF.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

And If I use DataSheet and hide ( visible = no) a particular filed it still shows up in Sub Form

Is there a way to Auto-Re Arrange all the fields in the sub form so that the hidden ( visible = no) fields no not leave gap

Or is there a way by VBA program to select fields ( Columns) from a table to be displayed on a sub form based on a criteria


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Setting Checkboxes Back To A Cleared State

Jul 13, 2005

Apologies first if there is an easy answer to my problem.

I have set up an option group with 3 checkboxes with choices Yes, No, Maybe. On data entry you can click any of the three boxes but after clicking one how do you revert to a situation with all 3 checkboxes cleared.
I don't want to use a default checkbox as that would add another row but I just want to clear out the boxes so it looks as though none of them have been ticked.

I hope somebody understands my problem.

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General :: When Enter A New Record / Combobox Is Not Being Cleared

Sep 30, 2013

I have a problem with a DB I just designed. It has a combobox that is populated from a query, and it works great. However, the problem is that when I enter a new record the combobox is not being cleared, and is "holding" the data from the previous record. How can I get it to "reset"?

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Hide Blank Fields

Nov 4, 2006

Hi Friends,

Sounds Impossible But i believe there must be a genius out there to solve this

I was wondering if there is a way to stop displaying fields on a form which contain spaces or blank values. I m using a query that takes data from a table named School

I have a table which have 5 fields. lets say: Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5

My fields from 1 to 3 have data but field4 and field5 do not have a value in it. What i wish to achieve is to show only those fields which have a value in it. Blank or field with spaces must not be displayed. Is It Possible.



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Hide/unhide Txt Fields

Oct 16, 2004

This is complicated!
I need to be able to have user run 5 different queries,
I think, and have the results from those queries show
up one under the other on one form footer.
Ex. fld 1 fld 2 fld 3 Date Range
fld 1 fld 2 fld 3 Date Range
fld 1 fld 2 fld 3 Date Range

Each of the rows would be based on a different query.
part of the query has a date range, and I would like
to have the Date Range from query show up next
to each row.


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Queries :: Hide Zero Fields From Query

Aug 14, 2013

I have a query that selects different values from different tables.The values of these fields change all the time and I would like the result of my query to exclude - hide the fields that are zero. However, I only want to hide the specific zero fields not the hole record.Non zero fields should still be visible.

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Forms :: How To Hide Fields On A Form

Sep 10, 2013

I am trying to hide certain fields on a form based on the value in another field (if yes or no). I used the change event to enable/disable the fields in question. however, this doesn't work. This is the code below...

Private Sub Combo314_Change()
If Me.Combo314 = "Yes" Or Me.Combo314 = "No" Then
Me.Reason_Label.Visible = False
Me.Combo316.Enabled = False
Me.Label946.Visible = False
Me.Label77.Visible = False
Me.care_not_qualified_date.Enabled = False


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Continuous Models And Hide Some Fields

Oct 14, 2014

I have a continuous form. Is it possible to hide a particular field in one record only. Where I put in front of each record checkbox, which is hidden for example field (age).

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Remove/hide Unwanted Fields In A Query

Jan 11, 2005

I have a query which contains about 19 fields in it and some of the fields contain parameters. What I'm trying to do is to run the query using the parameters I've set, but at the same time remove fields that are empty (therefore only fields that are populated will be shown). I've tried using the 'is not null' parameter but it seems to interfere with the other parameters that I've set and as a result the query doesn't show any information. Also the field containing the 'is not null' parameter is still being shown. I'm not really sure what else to try!! Any suggestions would be most appreciated!!

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Hide Fields On A Form Dependant On Contents Of Txt Box?

May 16, 2005


How can I get access to hide certain fields or controls on a form if a certain field has no data?

Allow me to explain further:

I have a form that displays data = frmPlantMain
and a associated image = Image1
The image is stored outside of the db as a jpeg and the field in the record source table (Image1) contains a link to the image. For example: C:databasePicture1.jpg

There is also a hidden text box that contains the message "No Image available" = lbl_NoPix
This would be displayed in place of the image if no image has been inserted.

I also have a seperate "insert new image" command button = cmdInsertPic

If the current record has a image then I want to have the controls Image1,lbl_NoPix & cmdInsertPic hidden. This seems fairly easy but it gets more complicated now.

If there is no image I would like these controls visable so that the user can add a new image. I would then need the record to be requiried or refreshed to reflect the fact that a new image has been added.

This is where I fall down - I do not know how to tell access to look at the field in the table (Image1) and if there is no linked or associated image then set the visable propertys of controls a,b & c on the form to true.

I hope I have explained my problem correctly and I thank you for your time in advance.



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General :: Show / Hide Fields With Answers?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a combo box with the following

this is named "Permit_Holder"

when you click yes i want two extra fields to appear called


but i cannot seem to get them to hide or show?

I have used the below codes but no success

Private Sub Permit_Holder_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Permit_Holder = 1 Then
Me.Permit_Date_Issued.Visible = False
End If
End Sub


Private Sub Form_Current()
Me.Permit_Date_Issued.Visible = False
End Sub

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Typing In Combo Box

Feb 24, 2006

got a question, and couldn't find the answer :mad:

I have a combo box on a form, with some drop down values listed. however, when a preson clicks into the box they can type whatever they want, I don't want the combo box to do that. I don't want it to do anything at all if someone types into it. I want them to HAVE to select the value from the drop down.

Is there any way to do this?

Any help is appreciated.



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How To Stop Repetative Typing

Jun 9, 2005


I am fairly new to this and have set up tables to include specific details. I need to type in a name works number etc on a person already entered. So how do I once details have been entered stop having to put them in again. I have created a form for data entry

Please explain simply

Thanks :eek:

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Combo Box - Default Typing

Nov 30, 2005

Hi all...I have a combo drop down box that has the 50 states in it. I would like the list to pop to the first state that starts with a letter typed in. For exampe, you type 'C', takes you right to CA.

Anyone now how to do this? (silly question )

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Search (While Typing) In A ComboBox?

Dec 5, 2014

My goal is during typing in combobox to can search by keyword in the combobox it self.

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