Modules & VBA :: How To Avoid Duplication Without Closing And Reopening FrmPDMonitor

May 7, 2014

Once you open the db. open up the frmQuoteLog and the frmPDMontior. You will notice one record is displayed in the frmPDMonitor (Justin Ryan). This is correct.Now to test out the issue leave open the frmPDMonitor and frmQuoteLog at the same time. Go to frmQuotLog, go to the first record, make the "Sales Coordinator" = "Chris April", then check the box that says "Display on Product Design Monitor", then press the "Save Changes" button.Then look at the frmPDMonitor and you will notice the new record is now displayed on the form. This is correct as well.

Leaving open both forms, go to frmQuoteLog and uncheck the box you previous checked on the first record, then press "Save Changes".Then look again at the frmPDMontior and notice that the previous record is gone but the remaining record is now duplicated.

Only when I close the frmPDMonitor and reopen it, does the duplication go away.How can I avoid this duplication without closing and reopening the frmPDMonitor? The purpose of this form is to be ran 24/7.

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How To Avoid Duplication Without Closing And Reopening FrmPDMonitor

May 7, 2014

Once you open the db. open up the frmQuoteLog and the frmPDMontior. You will notice one record is displayed in the frmPDMonitor (Justin Ryan). This is correct.Now to test out the issue leave open the frmPDMonitor and frmQuoteLog at the same time. Go to frmQuotLog, go to the first record, make the "Sales Coordinator" = "Chris April", then check the box that says "Display on Product Design Monitor", then press the "Save Changes" button.

Then look at the frmPDMonitor and you will notice the new record is now displayed on the form. This is correct as well.Leaving open both forms, go to frmQuoteLog and uncheck the box you previous checked on the first record, then press "Save Changes".

Then look again at the frmPDMontior and notice that the previous record is gone but the remaining record is now duplicated.Only when I close the frmPDMonitor and reopen it, does the duplication go away.How can I avoid this duplication without closing and reopening the frmPDMonitor? The purpose of this form is to be ran 24/7.

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Modules & VBA :: Network Crash - Any Way To Reconnect Objects Without Closing And Reopening Database

Oct 23, 2013

I have a database that runs a macro/report every 2 hours, however our network has been up and down lately. This causes the macro to fail when trying to log into the system because the table that is storing your username is no longer in the database. When I check, all tables, linked tables, forms, reports, macros and modules are all gone. I find the only way to get them back is to close the database and reopen.

What I want is a way to reconnect the objects without closing and reopening.

Is there a way to do this?

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Requery? Need To Avoid Duplication!

Dec 14, 2006

is there a way that I can compare the ID number from a combo box selection and a table... in order to avoid duplicating that same entry?

If me.cbo1.column(0) = [table name].[field] then
me.cbo1.column(0) and me.cbo1.column(1), etc... = vbWhite

End if

What I am ultimatly trying to accomplish is a way to get rid of one selection in a combo box after it has been selected once and used for another record. is the .requery a better method... if it is, can someone please elaborate on how to use that a little more.

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Modules & VBA :: Datasheet View Custom Fields Duplication

Mar 2, 2015

I have a database with a large number of records: ~2000, so I use a form in datasheet view to filter and sort the records to find a particular one.

This works fine for locating a certain record.

Sometimes I then need to make a new record but I will be duplicating a few fields from the one I just found.

At the moment I manually do this by copying each field I want into word and then pasting as appropriate into fields in the new record.

Is there anyway I can still use datasheet view to search for a record, then select certain fields and have them duplicated into a new record?

I should add that the datasheet view is locked for editing, I have a separate form in single form view for entering a new record. Sort of vital information i missed out there.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Additional Sequential Number To Avoid Duplicate Value

Jun 10, 2013

I am not sure if it is possible to implement this but I would like your input. We get request from client via a web based form which contains a unique ID number called RDEFNumber. When we process the request internally, we use this number to identify the request throughout the process. The request from client contains processing of multiple files which are transmitted to us in different times of the day or days.

Every time we receive a file, an email is sent to the IT team with all the information about the file. We use an internal database to send the email to the IT team and use the RDEFNumber as the identifier in the subject line. What I am trying to do is to add an additional number at the end of the RDEFNumber automatically to differentiate the subject line.

For example, we take "1791" as a RDEFNumber. For the first time we enter 1791 to the database RDEFNumber field, it should check the table "tblRDEF" (record source) for duplicate value. If no Duplicate exists, it should keep the number as same. When we get the next file for processing with the same 1791 number and enter this number in the RDEFNumber field, it should automatically change it to "1791-1" since "1791" already exists in the database. When we get the next file, the number should change to "1791-2" and then "1791-3" and on.

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Using OrderBy Gives Error At Reopening Form.

Nov 15, 2006

I have a form where the recordsource is a stored procedure.

This forms shows a list. When the user clicks on a column title, the column is sorted by using OrderBy in VBA:


Private Sub lblCode_Click()

Me.OrderBy = "strCode"

End Sub

As a result, in the properties of the form, for the property Order By, the fieldname is filled in (f.i. strCode).

This works fine, but when the form is closed, access saves the property Order By.

Next time the form is opened, it gives an error: The recordsource <storedprocedurename> specified on this form does not exist.

When I remove the fieldname in the Order By property of the form, the form opens without an error.

I have tried to clear the Order By property by using Me.OrderBy = "" in the Close event of the form, but this does not work.

Any solution ?

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Forms :: Form After Close And Reopening Not Picking Up Fields

Sep 11, 2013

I have cleared the data out of the database and started testing it to check its usability.I entered in a full record, and flicked back and forth between the records, and everything was looking good.

Then I closed the form, and re-opened it and my record was no longer populating the form fields.I've literally changed nothing bar one field that was changed from number to text.

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Modules & VBA :: Forms Are Not Closing

Sep 11, 2014

I have a form which opens as a pop up when the system starts. On here are several buttons, which open other forms.Some of these just open another form and the user starts using the system, other close that form and open another one, and take go further into the structure of the system, then the forms that open have the same etc.For each of the buttons the code is very similar..For forms that open another one and don't close the main form:

Private Sub cmdescalations_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEscalations"
End Sub

for those that close the form:

Private Sub cmdStock_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name, acSaveNo
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMain_Stock"
End Sub

Just the main of the form it opens changes, and sometimes with ,,,dialog in the options if its required.The opening part works every time without fail, but the form doesn't always close and I end up with two forms open instead of one. If I close the newly opened one and press the button again it works fine. This is purely random and only started a few days ago, up until then it has been working fine.

There is a hidden form that is open as well when the system starts, which check for something on a timer event every 60 seconds. If that event is firing would the focus shift to the hidden form, between me pressing the button and the event firing and the hidden form is getting closed? then the new form opening?

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Modules & VBA :: Keep Form From Closing

Jun 16, 2014

I have a form that has some fields with validation rules, which are Not Is Null. I have a private function to validate records (here is a snipet)

Private Function ValidateRecord() As Boolean
ValidateRecord = False
Select Case Outcome
Case "Interpretation"
If IsNull(Me.[Date Provided]) Then
MsgBox [Date Provided].ValidationText
Exit Function
End If


The form has a save and close button. I was wondering if there was a way to keep the form from closing if those fields are null. Right now, you click the button, the validation text pops up (it pops up twice too), and then the form closes.

I thought about maybe having the (If...Then, Inputbox)code in the Form_BeforeUpdate instead. If I do that, is there a way to do that for date textboxes and comboboxes where you choose the value instead of typing it?

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Modules & VBA :: Closing Already Open Workbook

Aug 7, 2014

I have a workbook which is already opened and I want to close it. the code that i have is (see below) is not working.


Function CloseExcel(sExcelFile As String) As Integer
Dim XLapp As New Excel.Application
Dim ObjXL As Excel.Workbook
On Error GoTo ErrorTrap
Set ObjXL = XLapp.Workbooks.Open(sExcelFile)

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Openform Is Closing Form

Mar 20, 2015

I currently have 3 forms open and when I call a specific function and it gets to this line below it goes to the on close of 1 of my open forms closes that form before it opens the selected form in code (below) in design mode. It doesn't close all my forms....why does it do this?

DoCmd.OpenForm formname:=dynform, View:=acDesign, WindowMode:=acHidden

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Modules & VBA :: Navigation Pane Opening / Closing

Dec 4, 2013

I have a user login form wherein my users authenticate their employeeid as well as their person PIN. If the user authenticates with a valid username/ password combination, then the employee id and the role (permissions) for that user are stored on the form and it is minimized to stay open. If the user that authenticates has "Admin" role then I want to unhide the navigation pane. For all other roles I want the navigation pane to remain hidden.

That said, the default setting in the database is for the navigation pane to remain hidden. I have a piece of code on the login form as follows:

If Me.role = "Admin" Then
DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, "NavigationPaneObject", True
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowUnhide
Exit Sub
End If

This is successfully unhiding the navigation pane, but I'm getting the following error message and I don't know how to get it to go away."Run-time error '2544':

"Microsoft Access cannot find the NavigationPaneObject you referenced in the Object Name argument."The code is unhiding the navigation pane.

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Modules & VBA :: Checking Multiple Subform For Values Before Closing

Jan 29, 2014

I am looking to check 3 sub forms for values and if they contain any then delete them. After a bit of googling I discovered that you should use recordset.recordcount - to which I tried but I get method or data not found - is this a valid method?

My code to which Im using is:

If Me.NoneChargeable_Admin_subform.Recordset.RecordCount >= 1 And Me.NoneChargeable_Manufact_subform.Recordset.RecordCount >= 1 And Me.NoneChargeable_Research_subform.Recordset.RecordCount >= 1 Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE NoneChargeable_Admin.*, NoneChargeable_Manufact.*, NoneChargeable_Research.* " & vbCrLf & _
"FROM NoneChargeable_Admin, NoneChargeable_Manufact, NoneChargeable_Research;"
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, "NoneChargeableHrs_frm", acSaveNo
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Code That Warns User Before Closing Form

Sep 17, 2013

I am very new to Microsoft Access...

Private Sub Command79_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command79_Click
'the following code is supposed to warn the user if there is no STOP filling time for each START filling time before the main form is closed

If [Text344] > #12:00:01 AM# Then
If [Text365] >= [Text344] Then

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Closing Already Open Excel File From Access

May 25, 2015

I want to delete an excel file from within access vba. Problem is that if the file is open, it obviously cannot be deleted. so I need to check to see if that specific excel workbook is open and if it is, I want to close it before I can delete it.

All of the answers here involve creating an excel object and opening it before closing it. If I do that all that happens is a second instance of the workbook opens then closes leaving the originally open workbook still open.

Sub xx()
Dim XLapp As New Excel.Application
Dim ObjXL As Excel.Workbook
Set ObjXL = XLapp.Workbooks.Open("C:dropboxexcelimport.xlsx ")
ObjXL.Application.Visible = True

[Code] .....

The above code demonstrates my problem, if the import.xlsx file is already open then the code just opens another instance of this workbook and then closes it again leaving the original workbook open and as such cannot be deleted.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Record To A Table - Closing A Form Without Saving

Nov 26, 2013

I have a form to add a record to a table. How can I give the user a way to close this form without saving the just created record.

I tried

If me.dirty then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord

This works, but gives a messagebox in return to confirm the command, and I don't want that. And I try to avoid sendkeys. I also don't want to change the options of access.

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Form Closing Unless Switching To Design View?

Oct 18, 2013

I've got this form called mainmenu and inside this form I've got this code to prevent it from being closed.

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = True
End Sub

Now then, when I try to switch to design view in this form it doesn't let me because of this code. Is there anyway to tweak this code so that I can get into design view without having to keep disabling it?

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Modules & VBA :: Refresh Linked Tables When Connection Lost Without Closing Access Database

Sep 4, 2014

I have MDB database linked to SQL SERVER through VPN connection.I created links to the sql server Links are dsnless..Everything works fine but when I lost VPN connection or sql connection has been broken I can't refresh links to the tables.I receive message 3146 sql connection failed..I must close database and start again...

I tried different methods like ado,dao, and vba docmd.transferdatabase,aclink... but no success, table cant be relinked.

Only way I can relink is to change ip adress in conn.string

E.g. (1st ip- router server ip) and after connection failed i can use (2nd ip - server local ip) and that's it if i lost connection for the 3rd time... i must restart application.

It seems that access database keep the previous to reset or drop database connection to the sql server and refresh links to the tables with vba code without closing access database...

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Duplication Problem

Apr 28, 2008

Thank you for taking the time to look my question. Hopefully I can be pointed in the correct direction.

I am trying to stop duplicates in my customer table, the table is as follows

CustomerID PK

I have the surname, address1, City & Phone number Indexed(Duplicates ok)
but if the combination of all 4 fields match then I want this to be not allowed.
I guess maybe I should make the primary key the combination of all 4 fields, not sure how to do that though.
Hope this makes sense.


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Duplication Of ID Field

Sep 29, 2004

Hi all
In my client data entry form i have a key field clientid if a duplicate id is entered it allows the whole form to be completed and wipes entire form on exit, this is ok but how can i get an error message to warn about the duplication of id.

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Best Way To Go About This, (stop Duplication Of Entries)

Aug 8, 2006


On our database, we have a form that has 2 calendars. A start date and an End Date. The users fill in the name, and a couple other fields. Then select the start date, and end dates.

When they hit submit, the form enters into the table this info for each date in-between the start and end dates. For example if the users enters they will be taking vacation, then they enter 8/1 as a start and 8/10 as a end date. It will make an entry for each day. This works pretty well for us.

But I would like to improve it if possible.

Let say, a user a month ago made an entry that they would be work 8/23 at home. So in the database it has 8/23 at home.

Well, this week they decide they are going to take a vacation 8/21-8/25. So they make the new entry with start date 8/21 and end date 8/25. The form enters all the info just fine.

But if someone runs a report they see 8/23 at home, and also 8/21, 8/22, 8/23 ect on vacation. So gets a little confusing to where they actually are

So I was wondering if there is a way, for the database to prompt the person making the entry, that there is already an entry for 8/23 and ask if they want to delete it or save it? Then continue on creating the entries for the rest (8/24 and 8/25 in this example?).

Has anyone seen something like this? I was going to search, but not really sure what to search for on the forum.


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No Duplication In Append Query

Jul 28, 2006

Hello, I am suing an append query to append new tables to an existing table. However, I only want to append the records that are not in the existing table. I have three variables: Category, Group, Project. None of them are unique. How to wirte this query.

For example: In existing Table:

Category Group Project
A 1 Pro1
A 1 Pro2
A 2 Pro1
B 1 Pro1
B 2 Pro1

Now I have two records:

A 1 Pro3
A 1 Pro1

I only want to append A 1 Pro3 to the existing table.

Thank you for your help.

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Duplication Of Records From A Form

Mar 28, 2006

Hi there,

I have a form with information on it relating to several linked tables. I would like this information to be duplicated in the tables and a new autonumber assigned.

Is there a way that I can do this by clicking one button and the autonumber will automatically generate a new number keeping the rest of the information in the form and updating the tables with a new record?.

Thanks for you help

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PLEASE HELP - Append Qry Is Duplication Records

Nov 17, 2004

I have two tables.

Table one - tblContent
Table two - tblConentImport

I have built a select query that will identify all records that from the tblConentImport table that do not already exist on the tblContent table.

Here is the SQL -
SELECT [tblConentImport].[ID], [tblConentImport].[LoginName], [tblConentImport].[Title], [tblConentImport].[Type], [tblConentImport].[Code], [tblConentImport].[Date Assigned], [tblConentImport].[Date Started], [tblConentImport].[Last Accessed], [tblConentImport].[Progress], [tblConentImport].[Date Completed], [tblConentImport].[Time Spent (min)], [tblConentImport].[Score], [tblConentImport].[Result]
FROM tblConentImport LEFT JOIN tblContent ON ([tblConentImport].[Code]=[tblContent].[Code]) AND ([tblConentImport].[Type]=[tblContent].[Type]) AND ([tblConentImport].[Title]=[tblContent].[Title]) AND ([tblConentImport].[LoginName]=[tblContent].[LoginName])
WHERE ((([tblContent].[LoginName]) Is Null) And (([tblContent].[Title]) Is Null) And (([tblContent].[Type]) Is Null) And (([tblContent].[Code]) Is Null));

I then built an append qry that appends the new records to the tblContent table.

Her is the SQL -

INSERT INTO tblContent
SELECT [qrySelectContentTable].[LoginName] AS LoginName, [qrySelectContentTable].[Title] AS Title, [qrySelectContentTable].[Type] AS Type, [qrySelectContentTable].[Code] AS Code, [qrySelectContentTable].[Date Assigned] AS [Date Assigned], [qrySelectContentTable].[Date Started] AS [Date Started], [qrySelectContentTable].[Last Accessed] AS [Last Accessed], [qrySelectContentTable].[Progress] AS Progress, [qrySelectContentTable].[Date Completed] AS [Date Completed], [qrySelectContentTable].[Time Spent (min)] AS [Time Spent (min)], [qrySelectContentTable].[Score] AS Score, [qrySelectContentTable].[Result] AS Result
FROM qrySelectContentTable;

This works great as long as the [tblContent].[type] is not equal to "Class".

This select query and append query have not created duplicate records in my tblContent

Please help me. I'm loosing my mind. Below is the address to view this database. The select qry is named - qrySelectContentTable. The append qry is named qryAppend Content Table.

Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

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Duplication Problem With Sql Function In A Query

Apr 23, 2006

Hi all,

Please note the following table:

ShopID | Desc | NumberItem | Price each | Total | ShopGrandTotal
01 | Drills | 2 | $200 | $400 | $425
01 | Nails | 5 | $5 | $25 | $425
02 | Hammer | 3 | $20 | $60 | $160
02 | Paint | 10 | $10 | $100 | $160

I try to do this in one query but resulted in heaps of duplicate values. Can anyone help?


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