Modules & VBA :: How To Change Action Of Existing Shortcut Keys

Aug 19, 2013

I've discovered that when I press control and A inside a memo field instead of the whole field text being selected the whole record is selected.

How do I disable shortcut keys or how do change the action of the existing shortcut keys?

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Using AutoKeys Macro Group To Assign Shortcut Keys (2002) XP

Nov 9, 2006

Hope someone can help,

Just learning Access so may have missed something really basic!

I am trying to add some shortcut keys to existing toolbar functions such as FileGet External DataImport (&Import). My issue is that when I try to use the shortcut key I get a message saying:

"A macro can call itself a maximum of 20 times. Your macro contains a RunMacro action that calls the same macro more than 20 times. Use a condition to stop the macro after it has been run 20 times, or call another macro with the RunMacro action."

I have added the shortcut key "CTRL+I" to the button by going ViewToolbarsCustomise then right clicking on the button and under PropertiesShortcut Text adding "CTRL+I".

I have added the Macro Group "Autokeys", and within Autokeys added "^I" to the column named Macro Name, "RunMacro" under the column called Action, and "AutoKeys.^I" under Macro Name (at the bottom).

Both the Repeat Count and Repeat Expression fields at the bottom have been left blank.

Not sure why its entering into this loop.

Any help much appreciated.


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Change Existing Comments On A Report?

Nov 12, 2012

how to change existing comments on a report?

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Update/Change Existing Data To New Table With Query?

Feb 17, 2008

i'm a Access novice. I have tables with existing data in numerical form, and would like to know how I can use Queries or VBA code to update these values into a new format in a new table. for example the original data might be of race type:

1 - caucasian
2 - african american
3 - hispanic 1
4 - hispanic 2
5 - hispanic 3
6 - other

and i want to regroup these into less types, eg:

1 - caucasian
2 - african american
3 - hispanic
4 - other

how can i achieve this in Access? i know how i can do this conceptually with "if" and "case" statements, but I have no idea how i can do this in Access. I don't want to mess with the original data, so please help with CODE or QUERY examples.


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Forms :: How To Change Default Message Of Existing Table

Jan 7, 2014

How to change the default message of Exist table. the message shows like as. I wanna change this. How can i will do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Custom Shortcut Menu

Jun 5, 2014

I'm working to put together a shortcut menu for a form that will be viewed as a datasheet. I'm trying to put together the vba to create the menu. I'd like a lot of the standard options i.e. sort a-z, filter toggle etc. I'd also like to add the menu option that is displayed in the default menu called "Text Filters". I've been unable to find the id code for that option, and since it, when chosen opens another menu, I'm not real sure how to code it. Here is what I have so far:

Sub CreateWIPShortcutMenu()
Dim cmbRightClick As Office.CommandBar
Dim cmbControl As Office.CommandBarControl
' Create the shortcut menu.
Set cmbRightClick = CommandBars.Add("cmdWIP", msoBarPopup, False, True)


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Modules & VBA :: How To Have A Shortcut Option When Right Click On Each Item On List Box

Aug 1, 2013

how I can have a shortcut option when right click on each item on the list box. So I got my answer with below code that opens another form "frmshortcut" with a listbox inside that shows list of options like "new task" , "edit item" . Now my problem is (like attached picture) the shortcut list (frmshortcut) will be open in another place when I right click the mouse, it is far from location of click. Also it shows some default in access when I right click in the listbox ("subform", "cut", "copy"), actually I do not like it shows these, just I like it shows shortcut list I have defined by the list box.

Private Sub ItemList_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Const RIGHTBUTTON = 2 If Button = RIGHTBUTTON Then DoCmd.OpenForm "frmshortcut"
' DoCmd.OpenForm "frmshortcut", acNormal, , , , acDialog
Forms!frmshortcut!txtparameter = Me.ItemList.Value
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Yes / No Action Does Not Halt Macro

Sep 17, 2014

I have inserted a function via a module at the beginning of a Macro using the RunCode action:

Function Msgbox_Yes_No()
Dim Response As Integer
Response = MsgBox(prompt:="Select 'Yes' or 'No'.", Buttons:=vbYesNo)
If Response <> vbYes Then
End If
End Function

However, it doesnt stop the macro from continuing on its way to delete a load of records if the user chooses no.

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Modules & VBA :: OpenForm Action Was Canceled

Apr 4, 2015

I have a form that opens when you initially open the MS Access file...

This first form posts session and user ID data to a sessions table, then closes itself and opens an end user form (i.e. the main form in the application)

It's work just fine for many weeks, up until a few minutes ago. Now, when I open the MS Access file I get this error message:

Run-time error '2501':

The OpenForm action was canceled.

When I choose "debug" from the error message, it's showing me that the error happens here:

Public Sub CloseMeAndOpenMain(frmMe As Form)
DoCmd.Close acForm, frmMe.Name
End Sub

The thing is, I can then walk through the code with no issues (i.e. when I hit F8, it runs...)

Also when I open the first "sessions" form from inside MS Access (as opposed the file open feature) it runs just fine and opens the main end user file without any issue.

I only get the error when I initially open the first form from the file...

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Custom CommandBarControl Objects For A Shortcut Menu?

Aug 16, 2013

I finally got tired of having 100 macros managing my different custom shortcut menus, and decided to figure out how to generate the shortcut menus programatically (because lets be honest, Macros are the devil.)

I found a good tutorial here : [URL] .....

and was able to create some basic shortcut menus like the following:

Sub CreateCopyShortcutMenu()
Dim cmbshortcutmenu As Office.CommandBar
Set cmbshortcutmenu = CommandBars.Add("CopyShortcutMenu", _
msoBarPopup, False, False)
'ID 19 adds copy command
cmbshortcutmenu.Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=19
End Sub

Nice and simple, now I have a copy command. But the problem is that I also need some custom commands. Most (possibly all?) of these would be function calls.

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Modules & VBA :: Add Contact From Outlook - Command Or Action Not Available

Jul 26, 2015

I am trying to use

command : AddContactFromOutlook

But i get this error message

"The command or action AddFromOutlook isn't available now "

on a demo access "project manager" it works but in my data base does not ...

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Modules & VBA :: Cannot Complete Action Whilst Processing

Jan 16, 2014

I'm trying to setup a process of opening a form, saving to a location, emailing it as a PDF, killing the PDF, move onto the next form - rinse wash repeat until done.The below works fine on a single click, however if I try to set it as an event timer of loop, I get an error saying: This action cannot be carried out whilst processing a form or report event.

Dim outputFileName, Ref As String
Ref = Vici_URN
outputFileName = CurrentProject.Path & "Claim PackagesCICA" & Ref & " - " & Format(Date, "yyyyMMdd") & ".pdf"


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Modules & VBA :: Output To PDF - On Click Action Cancelled

Jul 10, 2015

I have a button on-click action of:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Bladereport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", , True, "", , acExportQualityPrint

It works perfectly with the box appearing to choose the directory and file name, having done this it then outputs perfectly.

However if you choose cancel at the file and directory selector box it crashes:

Run-time error '2501':
The OutputTo action was cancelled.

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Modules & VBA :: Button Action On Double Select

Jun 2, 2015

I've got a continuous form, with a button (cmd1) on each record. Each record has a unique primary key, RecordID. cmd1 is clicked to open a form (frm1) based on the RecordID using the following code:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frm1", , , "RecordID = " & Me.RecordID

I want frm1 to open, ONLY when a user clicks on cmd1 while it's already in focus ON that specific record.

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Modules & VBA :: Way To Check If Series Of Action Queries Can Be Run

Mar 4, 2014

Is there a way to check if a series of action queries can be run (without any error) before actually running the queries?

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Modules & VBA :: Get File And Calculate Progress Of Downloading Action

Jun 21, 2015

Now I use wininet.dll library to get file and calculate progress of downloading action it is something like this:


If InternetReadFile(hRequest, VarPtr(Buffer(0)), BUF_SIZE, dwBytesRead) Then
If WriteFile(hFile, VarPtr(Buffer(0)), dwBytesRead, dwBytesWritten, 0) Then
' TODO:// calculate progress
dwStatus = (dwStatus + dwBytesWritten)
dwPercent = (dwStatus / dwFileSize) * 100
Debug.Print dwPercent
'form1.Caption = dwPercent '<-- change this


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Modules & VBA :: Using Access 2013 To Create Action Button In PowerPoint?

Nov 22, 2013

I am using VBA in Access 2013 to make a PowerPoint presentation using data from the access database. know if it is possible to use Access VBA to create a button in the presentation that runs a procedure itself?

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Modules & VBA :: Create Disable Alphabetic Keys Function Based On Case Statement

Jul 31, 2015

I have a Profile form that tracks the expiration date for each client's various certifications. These dates are set up in the Short Date format in the table design of Access.

When a user accidentally presses an alphabetic key while updating an expiration date, an Access error message is triggered. This is confusing to my users as these messages are written in Access lingo. I would rather that nothing occurs at all. I wrote a case statement to disable each letter of the alphabet and applied it to the On Key Down Event for each expiration date control on my Profile form to solve this problem, but this must be applied to 28 separate controls. I would rather call a function that disables alphabetic keys for each date control in my form when called.

How do I transform my Disable Alphabetic Keys Case Statement into a function that I can call for each expiration date control? I know that when writing a function certain variables have to be declared and/or initialized.

Also, will I need to create a function to re-enable alphabetic keys or is this unnecessary because the disable alpha keys function will only be called for specific controls, not the entire form?

What I Have Tried:
I have tried copying and pasting my Disable Alphabetic Keys Case Statement into a module to attempt to create a function, but it needs work.

Below I have included 2 types of code:
(1) The original On Key Down code applied to each date control on my form
(2) The same code written as an attempt at a function

Original Profile Form Code to Disable Alphabetic Keys in the On Key Down event for each date control

Private Sub txtCert1ExpDate_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Select Case KeyCode
'All message box text is for me to test the code, not for the user to see
Case vbKeyA
MsgBox ("you pressed the A key")

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Importing New Records Into Existing Database

Jan 21, 2014

I have table1 in my (Access 2010) database that has exising records. I have another table2 that after I run a query, it first deletes the data in table 2, then imports new records into that table. I run the import into table 2 on a semi regular basis but have yet to copy those records into table 1.

With that said, using either a query or VB, how do I copy all the (new) records from table 2 into table 1 without altering any records that already exist in table1?

BTW, Table 1 has a main form with a subform within it

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Make Existing Date Into Today?

May 20, 2015

I've been using Allen Browns method [URL] to copy form and sub form data, and it works perfectly after some adaptation.

It changes dates to today from whatever the date 'was'.. perfect.. however, as I'm still learning SQL, is there a way, to make the copied subform's date into today as well...this is my adapted code from the SQL part..

'Duplicate the related records: append query.
If Forms!FRMREGISTERMain!frmJustSubRecordsDEPOSITS.Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount > 0 Then
strSql = "INSERT INTO [tblSplits] ( TopLineID, TransDate, Memo, Category, SubCategory, Credit, Debit) " & _


As I'm still learning, am I right in thinking that I'll use SELECT and/or WHERE somewhere in there?

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Modules & VBA :: Create New Backend File From Existing One

Nov 4, 2013

I'm trying to create a button that will open a save window so that user can select where and the name of a new backend file.

and create a new backend file from the one in use and link to the new open.

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Modules & VBA :: Message Box When Editing Existing Record?

Jun 7, 2013

What event would I attach code to, to have a message box pop up warning the user when that he is editing existing records.

I would like the message to appear not as the form loads, or as he tabs to the first control, but right as he makes any changes to the data displayed. Preferably the box should have a "OK" to continue the edit and a "Cancel" to undo it.

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Modules & VBA :: Editing Existing Record Using Subform

Jan 8, 2015

I'm successful in adding data from the form to the table using VBA. But I couldn't retrieve and edit the data. For retrieving and editing the data I have a different form "[Forms]![Editor]". I have all the fields listed in the image in both the form and table.

1. I want to allow the user to search and retrieve a specific row based on the condition Incident ID and the Package code are same
2. I want the user to edit the fields in the form and update it in the same row again.

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Modules & VBA :: Alert About Existing Records During Data Entry?

Jul 23, 2014

I need to alert the user of the database in case he/she enters a record that already exists in the database. If a person enters a key type and a serial number combination that already exists in the system and has status "issued", I need a pop up message to show up.

Am I missing some quotation marks somewhere in that DCount?

Private Sub SerialNumber_AfterUpdate()
If DCount("*", "tblIssuedKeys", "KeyType = '" & Me.KeyType & "' And "Status = 'Issued'" And SerialNumber = '" & Me.SerialNumber & "'") > 0 Then
MsgBox "This key has already been issued"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Automate Importing Xml Data Into Existing Table

May 22, 2014

what is the best way to import the data from the XML file into an access database table. The database I am working with has one large main table where all of the main record data is stored. There is a somewhat complex string of queries and reports based off this table that I am concerned about preserving. The problem is that the XML file is not structured in the same way the table is. The headings are named different, aren't in the same order, etc. I cannot use the import method and simply append it to the main table.After much searching around I have found two options:

1) Use the built in XML import method that access provides to create a secondary table. Then find a way to take data from individual fields in the second table and map and insert it into a new record in the main table.I already have the import part of this option working. The only part I can't seem to understand is how to take data from the second table and get it into a new record in the main table under the correct headings

2) Read the data from the XML file all at once and then map and insert it into the main table.I have not attempted this yet. I was having a hard time understanding how to retrieve the data from the XML file in the first place.

So.. which would be better/easiest to automate (most likely via button click on a form)? I only have a small understanding of VBA and even less understanding of anything XML.

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Modules & VBA :: Doesn't Find Existing Symbol In Table

Nov 1, 2013

I am tying to query the Symbol table to see if a recod exists with symbol code.

I am querying the tblSymbol table from Excelk vba and the Access DB is on my machine.

The code I am using is:

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "tblSymbol", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset
sql = "SELECT * FROM [tblSymbol] WHERE [SymbolCode] = """ & someSymbol & """"
rs2.Open sql, cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

[Code] ....

MsgBox Exists always returns -1 but i know the code exists in the table.

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