Modules & VBA :: How To Delay A Query But Continue To Enter Data

Jul 23, 2015

I am using Access 2007 & trying to update a database to include a check & balance.

Currently a user enters their name into a form, selects a check box (Pass or Fail) & clicks a save button. Real simple form. The actual testing is performed on a standalone piece of equipment separate or outside of the MS Access database.

Here is the challenge, if someone does select Fail, I want to ensure this person comes back into a blank form (new entry) & confirms they have eventually passed. I want to give a time limit of 10 minutes before an email is sent out to their superiors. (I have the email portion figured out already).

Other entries will take place before the failed user comes back to the entry form so the form needs to be available for other people to enter their results.

I believe this can be done using some VBA and a query but I am not sure where to start especially with the 10 minute allowance to recheck the test status.

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Modules & VBA :: Loop But Continue To Next Command

Nov 18, 2013

this is a progress bar, what i need is, while execute loop (progress bar) but also execute next command = "LedgerExe:

On Error GoTo Proc_Err
Dim inti As Integer
Dim dblPct As Double


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Modules & VBA :: Navigation Button Do Not Continue

Sep 3, 2013

I have made a contact form where particular member credentials are coming in text boxes, i have kept a combo box also on the top to view by the phone number, if the phone number is entered the credential of the member comes, and also the navigation buttons that is first, previous, next and last.

The main problem if i select phone number by combo box on the top, the navigation button do not continue from that part, even if i press next or previous it shows no records found.

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Modules & VBA :: DELAY FUNCTION - Opening Report

Sep 4, 2013

I am building a faux Electronic Medical Records database for the purpose of training med students. I need a command button to pull up a report , but i want to delay the opening of the report (as if waiting for "tests" to come back or be uploaded) is there a way to do this with VBA? i read about the sleep api but i dont know how to get it to work or where to put the code

so what would i add and where would i add it to delay opening the report that is called EKG W/ Subreport ...

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Modules & VBA :: 2 Minutes Delay When Code Is Within The Loop

May 15, 2015

I want to make delay, for example 2 minutes when the code is within the loop.


For i = 0 To 100
Debug.Print i
'Before go to the next to make the delay

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Modules & VBA :: Check User Level Then Continue

Aug 2, 2014

I am trying to check for certain user levels then if criteria is met it will ask to continue then clear a table..


Private Sub Command9_Click()
If strSecLvl = dev Or admin Or sprvsr Then
If MsgBox("Do you wish to clear the logs?", vbYesNo, "Clear Logs") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * from tblLogs"

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Delay Report Opening Until Parameters Are Chosen

Dec 22, 2014

I have a command button (well, I have a few) that I would like to open a report, first opening a form that allows the user to enter a start and end date.

The code so far is:

On Error Resume Next
If Err = 2501 Then Err.Clear
DoCmd.OpenForm "DateSelect", acNormal
DoCmd.OpenReport "All Events Report", acPreview

Now, when run, this code opens the form (DateSelect), but the report starts to run immediately - the On No Data event of the report kicks in (message box along the lines of "No data, closing report", so before the user has the opportunity to enter the dates, the report has decided that there is no data an closes.

Is there a way to pause the opening of the report until after the OK button is clicked on the pop up form?

Just for the sake of clarity, the pop-up form DateSelect is used to open various reports, so I can't add the open report command to the code for the OK button (that I know of?)

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Modules & VBA :: Compact And Close Database With Delay - Access 2007

Feb 12, 2014

"how to COMPACT the DB by introducing delay of 10 seconds and then close the DB".In the Database, I'm able to accomplish the "Compact" the database using the function below.

Function Compact()
SendKeys "%(FMC)", False
End Function

As my DB is quite huge, the Compact action takes around 10 seconds to complete.Now, i would like to Close the Database after Compacting the DB. I tried including "DoCmd.Quit" in the function. The commands in the function, closes the DB but the Compact function doesn't seem to have executed as it needs 10 seconds to complete.

Function Compact()
SendKeys "%(FMC)", False
End Function

how to introduce this delay of 10 seconds and then close the DB.

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Error 2295 When Enter Data In Email

Nov 21, 2013

I have a database that stores expiration dates of department charge numbers. The database emails personnel, that I enter into each record, at 15 and 30 days prior to expiration using SendObject.the database emails personnel, that I enter into each record, at 15 and 30 days prior to expiration using SendObject. I have a total of three fields where I enter an email address for each record; Email, E2, and E3. If I enter data in Email and E2 an email is sent. If I enter data in Email,E2, and E3 an email is sent. The problem happens when I only enter data in Email, I get an error 2295. I'm sure that it has something to do with the below piece of code and my use of Nz:

strRecipient = rs!Email & (Nz(";" & (rs!E2))) & (Nz(";" & (rs!E3))

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Modules & VBA :: Get Msgbox To Let User Enter Data In Specific Text Boxes

Jun 17, 2014

i want to get a msgbox to let the user enter the data in specific text boxes so they can't let it empty if not empty then do..this is my code

If Me.Client_Name.Value = "" Then
MSG = MsgBox("You Should Enter The Client Name")
ElseIf Me.Username.Value = "" Then
MSG = MsgBox("You Should Enter The UserName")
ElseIf Me.Address.Value = "" Then
MSG = MsgBox("You Should Enter The Address")


the msgboxes that tell the user this textbox is empty is not appearing what's wrong with my code

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How To Get The (Debts Continue From) Value In A Access Query

Jun 21, 2014

how to get the "Debts Continue from" value in a Access Query

I only need to get the answer the name of the month or count of Months Debts finally continue from.

Supplier No
Debts Continue from

July or 1

April or 4

June or 2

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Modules & VBA :: Save Current Record In Form2 Before Enter And Send The Data To Form1

Dec 4, 2013

I have 2 form, form1 and form 2 (picture attached)

In Form 1
(main form) there are "reference" field with key pressed event
then call form 2 (list of reference that user can choose)

In form 2
the problem is, when "enter" key pressed (keypress event), selection will move to next record
so the data that transferred to form 1 is wrong (next record)

The question is : how to save current record in form 2 before enter and send the data to form 1

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Can Someone Help? Can't Enter Data Into A Query Field

Jan 5, 2008

Hi all, firstly please forgive me if i'm a little slow, i haven't done any access work for a year or so and i'm a bit rusty :o

Basically i have a customer database which holds customer details and orders. It's been created and working fine for a couple of years, but i recently found something that i'm having trouble with. tblCustomers holds most of the data and links to other tables such as tblCustomerPostCode/tblCustomerEmail with the primay key CustomerNumber. I put certain data such as these in other tables because i was taught to not include fields with lots of blanks and these wouldn't necessarily always have data. The relationships table is attached - relationships.jpg

I also have a main table for customer orders - tblCustomerPurchases which holds data such as date of purchase and purchase cost. This has a primary key field called PurchaseNumber, and links to tblCustomers with a CustomerNumber field. This meant i could have many purchases for one customer, etc.

Everything has worked great as i said and i have many forms, reports etc with no problems, and the problem i have hasn't shown itself until now.

If i have a query with tblCustomers and all the relevant other tables linked to it, all fields work perfectly and i can add, edit etc whatever data i need to. See qselcustdetails.jpg attached.

The moment i add the tblCustomerPurchases or anything that uses it to the query however, i can no longer add data to some of the fields such as tblCustomerPostcode, tblCustomerArea, tblCustomerEmail etc. If there is data in the field already then i can change it, but not add new data. See qselcustdet&purchase.jpg attached.

I believe it must be to do with the fact that tblCustomerPurchases uses the CustomerNumber field as well? And it then doesn't allow tables such as tblCustomerPostcode to create new data? But i can't understand why. Like i said i'm a little rusty and i can't figure it out at the mo :confused::rolleyes:

Also, can anyone tell me any suggestions for the easiest way of fixing it? The database already has 5000 customers and plenty of forms, reports etc.

Many thanks in advance :D

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User Enter Data To A Query

Jun 29, 2005

I am trying to build a query that would be pulled by indaviduals name entered by the user of the DB. I can't remember the santax to use in the critera field.

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Queries :: Enter Data Not Less Than Certain Data In Another Table (field)

Apr 22, 2013

I have a query called "Stock" containing field like (Item, Description, product_qty)

Another is a table called "Sales" with fields like (Sales_ID, Item, Sales_description, sales_Qty, date_Of_Sale) Item field on sales is a foreign key.

Now what i want is how can i make when the user enters new record, in field "Sales_Qty" the data entered here to be less than product_Qty.

NB; this is because you can not sell more than what you have.

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Can't Use Data Access Pages To Enter Data

Apr 14, 2012

I am trying to set up some data access pages as data entry into a table with access 2000. I can see the records in both the data access forms and the HTML forms, but cannot create new records into the table. I have tried to change the property to DataEntry etc... but nothing seems to work.

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Control Tip Delay

Apr 6, 2005

I'd appreciate it if anyone could tell me how to edit the control tip delay in form design: ie: so as the controltip comes up much sooner than the default set by access?
many thanks

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Combobox Delay

May 22, 2005

I have a large Access application with several forms and modules. The form works fine and quickly. I have a combobox which queries the database containing 30,000 entries. This combobox is delayed in populating. So that if the user types into it the characters don't display for a couple of seconds. Is there anything to do to spped up the combobox? There is a join in the query so I removed it. It did not improve the delay.
Any suggestions?


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Delay Form_Current() ?

Jun 8, 2005

Is it possible to delay the Form_Current event? I use the code below to duplicate records, ask for a change in teh reference number and then resort the database according to the reference numbers. This works fine until I introduce some code into a Form_Current procedure. Now whenever I activate the macro below to copy a record the data in the copy record is wiped out and the form rendered with its defaul values. I am assuming this is because the code in the Form_Current section is rendering the form whilst something else is trying to paste values in it so is ther a way to delay either the pasting of the new data or the activation of the Form_Current procedure?

I have tried using a few basic counters but to no avail! Any help would be greatly appreciatted.



Private Sub cmdCopyPrevRec_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_cmdCopyPrevRec_Click

Dim TestNum As String

TestNum = Test_Number

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 2, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70

NewTestNum = InputBox("Please enter test number:", "Test Number", TestNum + ".1")

Test_Number = NewTestNum


DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSortAscending

DoCmd.FindRecord NewTestNum, , , , , acCurrent, True

Exit Sub

Display = MsgBox("Copied without updating Test Number", vbOKOnly)
Resume Exit_cmdCopyPrevRec_Click

End Sub

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Continue Message

Feb 27, 2006

I have an button on my form that exports the database to the A Drive. The[problem is that if the user hasn't put a disk in then an error is produced. I would like to create a message box saying 'Ensure that you have placed a disk in the A:/ Drive' then with a continue ox under it. I assume it needs some error handling with it as well, but I dont know how to do it. Anyone know?

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How To Delay The Processing For Seconds

Aug 1, 2007

Is there any function to delay the system processing for a number of seconds.

For the time being I am do it indirectly by using loops, however, it is un proper way, as it is not scalable.

Also I dont want to use the timer control.


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Pausing / Time Delay

Sep 30, 2005

I have some code that is running in a FOR NEXT loop. I am calling another form each pass of the loop. For some reason the form does not fully come up, the box and header text come up but nothing inside the Form.... Any thoughts.....

At the end I want to display another Form that confirms the updates/calculations. But I want the Form to close after say 2-3 seconds. I tried a wait function but that does not allow the form to fully open as above....the wait function is waiting for the time i want but it again does not allow the form to waits and then the form closes, never showing what is in the form?

Does anyone know how I could open a form display some information and then have it automatically close after a few seconds.

I call the Function TIMEDELAY below which is calling the Function Wait....Once in TIMEDELAY it opens the form and then supposed to wait then close....but the form never fully opens? .....

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Search Form, Continue To Browse

Aug 3, 2007

I adapted the findform from the address book sample database. After the search is performed I would like it to be able to continue to browse (continue scrolling through) the rest of contacts rather than excluding everything but matches. More like a go to kind of search rather than a select query. I'm betting this is a simple fix (I hope), I just don't know what it would be. Any help?

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Forms :: Typing Delay In Textboxes

Dec 16, 2013

When moving to a new a record in my form, i will click on a text box and the following happens:The black line will flash much faster than normal (This will happen on any text box i click on) No text will appear while this is happening When it stops al the text that was typed in that period will appear After this 5 to 10 second text delay the text box and all other textboxes will work fine, until i move to a new record and the process starts again

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Cannot Enter Data

Sep 3, 2007

I have built a database which has been running OK for 3 or 4 years. Something happened the other day (error - rebuild d/base) and now there are certain fields that I cannot enter any data into. Others are fine and I can see what is already there.
Any suggestions very welcome.

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Modules & VBA :: Enter Parameter Value

Apr 16, 2015

i have the following code

Dim str As String
str = "select combination from tbl_userinformation where Username= txtuser.value AND actualdate=txtdate.value ; "
If DCount("*", "tbl_userinformation", " [05-Henrichpiramid]=true AND " & _
"Username = '" & Me![txtuser] & _
"' AND [actualdate] = " & Format(Me![txtdate], "#mm/dd/yyyy#")) > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunSQL (" update tbl_userinformation SET combination = str &'05-Henrichpiramid' where Username= txtuser.value AND actualdate=txtdate.value ;")

but when i run it it asks me for enter parameter value for str

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