Modules & VBA :: How To Force A Combo Box Trigger To Fire

Mar 11, 2014

I have about 4 combo boxes with a list value of dates in them, combo1 is the 'main control'. When a date from combo1 is chosen and a button is clicked, the other 3 combo boxes receive a default value that closely matches combo1. In fact the default value each of the 3 combo boxes receive exists in that combo box. For example, if I gave combo2 default value "2013/01/01", it actually has that date in its list. What I want to do is trigger a OnChange even after combo2,3,4 receive their values. Other things happen after the OnChage trigger is fired.

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Event Does Not Fire

Jul 8, 2015

Ihave implemented custom events to sync between open forms. I noticed that if the code is engaging in middle of the way referncing a form with form constant (Form_formName) then the listeners stops listening so the event isn't firing, without getting the reason of this i just avoid using it Now, i have a problem that i want to open multiple instances of the same form and i didn't find another way than set frm = new form_formName as this is the only way i seem to be able to reference a closed form, so my question as followes

1. whether the "breaking" issue can be solved without avoiding "Form_FormName"
2. or a way to open

eference a form without using "form_FormName"

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Variable From Excel To Fire Access Query

Dec 17, 2014

I'm running a VBA routine in Excel that loops through a lot of data. As part of the process, I'd like to pass a variable from Excel to an Access database that is open and have it run a query based on that value.

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Automatically Change Combo Box Value Trigger By Text Box

May 9, 2006

This is the first time I am join this web & forum. My name is Angie.
I have face some problem for Ms Access. I would like combo box to be auto change when date due. Eg: combo box name: Status. Inside have info such as Expired, Active, Ignore. This info will base on the text box name txtenddate. When the date is due, (eg:today:09 May 06), combo box will auto change the status from Active to Expired.

Any VB code can be used. Thanks.

Hope to heard from you soon.


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Forms :: Force Value In Unbound Combo Box?

Mar 26, 2013

Ive got a database with a combo box, called "combo1" (with 2 columns). It is unbound but uses a query as its row source. When i select a value in combo1 is places the data from combo1.column(1) into a textbox (text1). I then click the next record button (button1) and it then keeps the same value in combo1 because it is unbound. So i need it that when i go to the next record it displays the value in combo1 that relates to text1.

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Modules & VBA :: Report Function To Trigger On Next Record

Jun 25, 2014

im working on an access report and would like a little vba script to run on when the page prints out the next record (mostly just need to hide/unhide a few objects and change the value of a variable on the report when it prints the next record)how i can trigger this (as there seems to be no onNextRecord event handler)

edit: upon a better inspection of the reports record source i realized that on next record doesnt actually work (i could force it to by adding a few new fields to queries and forcing endless loops), what i needs actually a lil more complicated

my report has a header, in the header is a field called productionNo, the record source has multiple instances of prodno's with countless duplicates, what i need is a function to trigger when the productionno changes, there will probably be a few pages with the same production number (theyd be grouped together though), so it should only trigger when the value changes, not when it stays the same

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Modules & VBA :: Does Sending Email Trigger Event

Aug 25, 2014

I would like to set a flag when a report gets emailed.

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Modules & VBA :: Event That Trigger On Selecting A Record Of Subform

Jun 30, 2014

I've got a subform that im writing code for, once a user enters a value in one of the fields i want to make sure they cant change that field (and two other fields in that same record, though the rest of the fields are fine to edit at will)

I've got a function already written to validate the data in the record and decide whether or not the fields are enabled and disabled, however im having trouble finding an event in which to activate the function

Is there an event that triggers whenever a user selects a different record?

Any chart or list with all the handlers and how they trigger (in relation to each other) and when?

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Modules & VBA :: Update Value In Unbound Control Then Trigger Event?

Feb 4, 2015

I am updating a value in an unbound control on an unbound form. When the value in the control is changed I want a sequence of code to execute. Specifically changing the record source of a subform and refreshing it.

The problem I have is that when the value of the unbound text box is control is changed (I am using a button to change the value as a test) the after update event on the text box does not do anything.

I did a simple test using a button to change the value in the text box and in the afterupdate event of the text box asked it to output the value of the textbox to a message box as shown below.

The problem is this does not work, nothing happens. If I tab out of the text box or change the value with the keyboard however the msgbox appears. Just not via a vba change.

Private Sub Prod_ID_AfterUpdate()
Dim pid As String
pid = Me.Prod_ID
MsgBox pid
End Sub
Private Sub Button_Test_Click()
Me.Prod_ID = "TEST"
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: How To Force Windows Task Bar To Always Be On Top

Apr 14, 2014

I write Access 2010 apps in VBA that require no knowledge of Microsoft Access on the part of the user. My forms contain all the necessary controls to use the program without relying on any of the Microsoft Access toolbars. I call this "de-Microsofting" the app. When I prepare the .accdb program to create a .accde app, I uncheck every checkbox (Options/Current Database) except "Compact on Close". This works well, but it also hides the Windows taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Some of my users need to be able to jump from my app to others (e.g., Excel) and back without having to exit my app. How can I force the Windows taxkbar to always be on top using VBA or, possibly, some setting?

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Modules & VBA :: Force Windows Sync To Run

May 7, 2015

I have an application that is using SQL Express as a backend and syncing to a SQL database through SQL web synchronization. This all works great and my clients have my custom application to interface with their local database and do work and it syncs back to the corporate database and I've got it scheduled to run in Windows every minute. What I would like to do is have a button or on event set of code that forces that sync pairing to run and I'm not exactly sure how to do that.

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Modules & VBA :: Editing To Force At Least One Space In The Field

Jul 10, 2013

Not = " " And InStr(1,"seat_person"," ") <> 0

I have a field into which I wish to place a person's name and I want to ensure that the field has a space in it but is not a blank field,

all blank - illegal
"Bob" - Illegal
"Bob Smith" - legal

the edit at the top is my attempt to code it but it isn't working.

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Modules & VBA :: Force Subform To Be Opened On First Record

Aug 20, 2013

I have an issue with my subform, that when opened inside the main form, I want the form to be opened on its last record (which works) and then I want the subform to be opened on the first record regarding that record ID coming from from the main form. The relationship is many to one, coming from the form to the subform. I have tried several code on many events on the subform so it can goes to the first record, but it sometimes goes to the first, othe times ot goes to the third, i don't know why. I have tried the following:

Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, 1
En Sub

DoCmd.GoToRecord , idsPreguntas, acFirst 'idsPreguntas is the control name of the record

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst

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Modules & VBA :: Force Disconnect From A Backend Database

Nov 17, 2014

I have a database stored out on a shared drive at my company that multiple users connect to via a front end application that they save on their own hard drives. Recently I have noticed that the back end database keeps getting opened exclusively which prevents other users from being able to access the back-end database. For the life of me I cannot figure out what about the front end opens the back end exclusively and cannot find any plausible solutions I thought I could develop something that could force close a back-end database or disconnect all users from it?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Force Save And Maintain Integrity Of Data Input To A Form

Jun 15, 2014

I have a button that when clicked moves a piece of data to a subform. I have put the whole sequence below. The trouble I am having is :

- The event will not happen until the form is saved. I think this is because fkTaskID is a new record (auto) number which hasn't generated yet.
- If I force the form to save it does work but then I get an error on the INSERT command when not all required fields of the form are complete (see sample in second part below).

Is there a way to save the record and maintain the integrity of the form input - and still have this code work?

Private Sub BTNAddReasonRw_Click()
Dim dIndex As Long
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
For dIndex = 0 To Me.LISTReworkReasonsUnselected.ListCount - 1

[Code] ......

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Forms :: Enter / Return Key - Does Not Fire Event

Jul 1, 2015

when pressing the return key (in a textbox field within a form) an action should be fired, but it does not.

here is my code:
Private Sub txmyTextbox_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
MsgBox "Return key pressed"
End If
End Sub

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Frame On_Click Event Doesn't Fire On "no Change"

Jan 2, 2006

I have an invoice program that allows users to select a shipping cost option as a toggle in a frame object. When selected "On_Click", the percentage is used to calculate the shipping of the items ordered. Occasionally users will then add additional items, re-click the toggle, but nothing happens. If they click another shipping percentage (there are 3) it calculates. If they click the original percentage now,(essentially CHANGING the frame.value) the calculation occurs fine. It almost seems that the On_Click event toggle in the frame is acting like an On_Change or AfterUpdate.

I have tried the mouse-down event, but this doesn't change the percentage.

I know I could add a separate "Calculate" button after the user makes the shipping selection, but someone is bound to forget to hit it.

Any ideas on how to make the frame On_Click work if the value doesn't change in doing so?

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"code" For Fire Only Once When Open

Feb 12, 2008

What I am trying to accomplish is when the Switchboard open, fire a report to my email. Of course I only want it to fire only one time per day.

I search form, but did not get any hits.

Running Access 2007
I know you code guys has something out there.


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Selection Of Trigger

Sep 20, 2005

Can anyone help with this. I have a query called trigger, which has 5 fields as follows

CONTACTID..............INV...............MSP...... ........SMS..............TRIGGER
456.............................................11 ......................................MSP
457..........................8.................... .......................................INV
458.............................................3. .......................................MSP
459............................................... ...................6...................SMS

Only 1 field between INV, MSP and SMS in any record will be >0
What I need to do is that if the value in these 3 fields are > then populate TRIGGER with the correct name

Can anyone help

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Trigger Query

Apr 24, 2006

Hi i am trying to create a query for reporting purposes that will run automatically on say a monthly or weekly basis. please help. I dont want it to run off a macro or button but for the report to be generated automatically and stored after a given time period.

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Trigger An Email

Oct 25, 2005

I have a database in Access. I have a form that is accessed by several users on a network. There is one field called the Employee ID. Whenever this field is changed, I should receive an email that says that the field has changed. We have Lotus Notes installed on the network. Can someone help me out thru this? Any help whether this can be done or not is also appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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Birthday Email Trigger Help

Sep 19, 2006


I am completely new to Access and I'm trying to make a Birthday auto email type thing.

I want the program to email people to say Happy Birthday on the day of their birthday but I haven't a clue where to start and the Microsoft website confuses even more.

I have used the database template Mailing List with the First Name Last Name Address Email Address & Date of birth.

Can someone help me please?

You can add me to Msn if you like...



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Trigger Like Behavior In Access

Dec 23, 2004

I'm not sure if this is the proper forum for this post. I have a database in access in which i need to mimick a trigger like behavior. As far as I know access does not support triggers. When a user updates a record I need a LastModified date field to be updated with the current date automatically.

I've seen several examples of how to accomplish this using forms, however, the users of this database do not use forms. They are editing the records by hand by opening up the table and simply typing.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.


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Update Query Trigger

Apr 17, 2006

im going to make an update query to deduct the quantity purchased of a product from the stock amounts but i need it to run the query automatically everytime a new record is added to the table

any ideas how to do it?

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Problem With Form_Close() Trigger

Feb 2, 2005

When the close button on the top right of the form is pressed I want the following code to be run:

Private Sub Form_Close()

Dim preview As Boolean
Dim checkForOldBooks
Dim count As Integer

preview = False

count = DCount("*", "tblOldItems")

If count > 0 Then
Call saveAndOutput_Reports("rOldBooks", "oldBooks", preview)
Call saveAndOutput_Reports("rBarCodeList", "BarcodesScanned", preview)
Call saveAndOutput_Reports("rBarCodeList", "BarcodesScanned", preview)
End If


End Sub

I put this code in the Form_Close trigger because I want it to execute everytime the form is closed. The problem I'm having is when I run the form and press the close button the code does not seem to execute. However if I put a breakpoint in the trigger, run the form and press the close button, the program does go into the trigger and the code executes as it should when I step through it.

To troubleshoot I also created a button and added the above code, when the form is run and the button is pressed the code executes as it should it just does'nt work in the close_form trigger.

Does anyone know why this may be happening.

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How To Trigger After Update Event

Nov 4, 2003

Thanks to S.baxter I have used some code to loop through a recordset and select each record in turn in a form that uses the recordset as the Rowsource of a combo box. However, there is an After_Update event attached to the combo box which is not being triggered.

MS Help says :- "If you move to another record or save the record, the form's BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events do occur." I have tried this but can't get it to work. Would it work if I could move the focus to another control on the form and if so how do I do that?


Mike Collard

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