Modules & VBA :: How To Generate Export Specification File - Access 2007

Feb 16, 2015

How to generate an export specification file by using Access 2007. Many instructions says click on "Advance" while exporting a text file manually but unfortunately i can not find that "Advanced" option in my access software.

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Modules & VBA :: Calling RDL File To Generate Reports From A Form Control Button In Access

Dec 2, 2014

So Access was unable to manage the amount of content that I needed to produce in a single report. The reports contain 12 charts/graphs all of which I needed on separate pages (one chart per page). As such I could not create large enough charts in access to fit to each page, as Access limits the amount of space one can use in a report.

I downloaded Microsoft Reports Builder 3.0 and built my reports as needed and can generate them as desired at current. I'm wondering if there a way to call that RDL file I created to generate my reports from a form control button in Access?

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Export To Txt Specification Help

Sep 21, 2005

hi all,
i found this forum recently and always seem to find my answers on it, this is the first time i havent.. so. firstly i am using access '97 (work is soon to upgrade to 2003 - finally).

my problem is
i'm trying to export a query to txt file, which i'm doing by

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, eParcelSpec, "QryeParcelExport", "G: est.txt", False

the eParcelSpec i had to make via importing a text file, then on import text wizard, chose advanced, setup my field dilemeter to * and text dilemeter to none. this is saved and i can open it up going through the above process.
however when my docmd runs i still get the standard output with "fieldvalue" , "fieldvalue2". instead of the * and no comma

its important for this to be the other delimeters, as the exported file is going to be used in a posting company's program that requires a certain format to import shipping address information.

also, is there anyway to add lines to before the data is exported? i need to have a start of file and end of file characters before any data and after the data.

thanks guys

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Modules & VBA :: Determine File Format Without Opening Database (Using Access 2007)

Jul 15, 2014

Using Access 2007, can I return a value for CurrentProject.FileFormat WITHOUT opening the database?

I'm looking for a way to determine the file version of a given Access database without actually "opening" the database in Access (I don't want it to ever be visible at all or in any way).

So to open a database in Access 2007 "without opening it," I'm using:

Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("C:Path-ToFile.accdb")

From here, there are at least two different "version" indicators that can be used, as in this example:

Debug.Print db.Properties("Version").Value
Debug.Print db.Properties("AccessVersion").Value

Now, if you run this code on an Access 2002/2003 .MDB file, you will get:


If you run this code on an Access 2007 .ACCDB file, you get:


Note two important factors:The db.Properties("Version") seems to be returning the JET version from what I can see in research. This is NOT what I'm after.

The db.Properties("AccessVersion") returns THE SAME VALUE for an '07 ACCDB as it does for an '02-'03 MDB, since Microsoft never updated it, apparently.

Now.... the one way that I have found that ACCURATELY describes the version of a given access database file is to use:

Debug.Print CurrentProject.FileFormat this will always return, for example, 2.0 for an Access 2.0 .MDB file; 10 for an Access 2002/03 .MDB file; and 12 for and Access 2007 .ACCDB file (and there are others; these are AcFileFormat bitmask constants as described in Access support).

BUT, this CurrentProject object doesn't seem to be available (so far as I can see) when using the "open without opening" method described above.

SO, is there any way to return the FileFormat value without opening the database visibly? (Merely basing it in the extension isn't right either.... that would be easy but not accurate as several formats use MDB.

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Skip Field In Export Specification

Nov 3, 2005

I run a query that I export out to a tab delimited file. This text file is used for another application. The problem I am having is if I select "skip field" in my text "export specification" it still exports out that piece of data, even though I have selected "Skip Field". The data type on this field is a number and field size is integer.

I thought I read in another access newsgroup that this is a known bug? Is that true? Is there a fix? I am anxious to fix this because, I have 90 query's that I export to text and I would hate to have to go to each query and select "Not Show" that field.


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Import/export Specification Editing?

Dec 16, 2004

I'm new to a particular access database that is having problems.
Basically, it is using transfertext to transfer a database to another file, at least as far as I know.
Unfortunately, it's hanging, and as best as I can guess, its because something in the export specification file is not quite right.
Can anyone offer me an explanation of how to edit an import or export specification file? The MS help seems to indicate that it stored in the database, but I haven't been able to locate the file that is specified in the vba code. Nor did I see it elsewhere in the folder where the database is stored.

Any help is appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: How To Export A Query To Excel If Access File Is Read Only

Feb 26, 2014

I have an access program that is stored on a SharePoint site. I want to be able to export report to the computer even if I just open the access program as read only. Here's my code:


Private Sub btnExport_Click()
On Error GoTo btnExport_Click_Err
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim qdfTemp As DAO.QueryDef
Dim qryFilter As DAO.QueryDef


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Generate Merge Between Access And Word 2007

Aug 16, 2012

I am trying to create a button which will merge data from specific fields from the active record in my impounded dog table/form into a pre-existing word template. I have the table & form set but am only trying to merge a few of the fields in the table. Things like the Impound ID (Primary Key), Time, Date, & Location of Seizure, Dog Breed, Colour, Markings, Age, Sex, & Collar.How would I put this in a macro or is it even possible to fit in a macro?

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2007 / Code For Bulk Importing TXT File Into Separate Records Same Table?

Jul 9, 2014

I have 12,000 cvs that i need to get into An access database so i can start to extract email info etc. They are stored in one folder All Cvs under each of their names edc.txt (i have converted them to .txt) i want to create one table with two fields name (taken from the cv filename and contents (taken fromthe contents of the .txt file). I am using Access 2007.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Export Filtered Table To MS Excel 2007

Apr 7, 2014

VBA code to filter the table :

Dim db As Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim flnm As String
Dim appXl As Excel.Application
Dim bookXl As Excel.Workbook
Const wrksheetName As String = "Welder Performance Overall"

[Code] ....
if i use DoCmd.OutputTo function, its export the whole table to excel. how can i filter this table ?

Environment : Ms.Access 2010

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Linked CSV File Wont Use Link Specification

Jul 5, 2005

Hi there,

Am hoping someone can shine a light on my problem as this has me ripping my hair out.

first off I've set up a subform in my main form to display a query using a linked table as the data(a excel exported csv file). nothing special.

however, I have had to use a link specification to determine how the table is linked. i.e. what fields should be defined as double (as access treats them as integers for some reason even though the numbers are too big!) and which fields need renaming.
without this link specification, the data will not be handled correctly.
ok no problem. I've had this working. The table links fine.

When i came to roll out the database, I set up the security in order that multiple resources can use it at the same time.

Now when I log in and use the form I get the following error.

'Text file specification <filename> does not exist. You cannot import, export or link using the specification'

Arrgh. :confused: I used the specificition to link the table in the first place! I've tried refreshing the link using the Link Manager, I've tried re-linking it and I've also tried linking the table and creating new specifications, all with no luck. I get the same message each time.

My next step is to import the data instead(again I'd need to use a link specification). But I'd really like to solve this as I can see no reason why it shouldnt work.

Can anybody help?

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General :: Access 2007 Many-to-many Relationships Export To Excel?

Jul 18, 2014

how to export Access' many-to-many relationships in excel.

My database is a Project portfolio management tool. One project has many different fields, some of which can only be single values (one-to-one, easy to export to excel) and many others are multiple values fields, built as many-to-many relations (through junction tables).

One usage that was not specified at database creation time was the ability to export the portfolio to excel, so non-access-savvy users can browse, filter, sort and play with the portfolio however they want.

If I build a report, it will contain as many sub-reports as there are junction tables, rendering it un-exportable to excel. A Form would have to be continuous, barring the use of sub-forms for the m2m relations.

Building a query will generate many lines per project (as many as the most populous multiple field), making the excel sheet nearly unusable (in my users opinion, and here, the client's the king).

The best route I have been exploring so far involves "transforming" the multiple fields, so a the different "rows" become additional "columns".

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Export To Excel Button Is Always Disabled (Access 2007)

Mar 12, 2012

I notice that, no matter the context, the shortcut menu button to export to Excel is always disabled. The Export drop down button is enabled, but it only shows PDF and XPS as target formats. However there is no problem in exporting to Excel from tables, queries or even reports using the ribbon tools. I want users to be able to export selected reports to Excel but I don't want to give them full access to the ribbon. I'm using Access 2007 SP3.

Update: a further curiousity. If the database is in accdb format, I can use print preview, right-click on the preview, then select Export...>Excel and that works. But the Export option isn''t available after conversion to accde format.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Export Form To PDF File

Apr 7, 2014

In access i want to create a button that can export a form to a .pdf file i know this is possible true VBA, and i tried to google but all those vba codes do not work.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Report To PDF And File Name?

Aug 10, 2015

I'm trying to put together a few lines of VBA code to export a report called "Rework Label Report" to a specific network location in PDF Format, I have already achieved this level of code and it works fine (code below); however each report has a unique number in the database [ID] which I would like included in the title of the PDF when exported and saved?

Code so far:-

Private Sub Command20_Click()
Dim stReport As String
Dim stSubject As String


Me!Combo3 is a combobox on form which selects the number of the report to be viewed ,the user then sees a preview of their chosen report and then clicks Cmd20 to export to PDF, currently the file is named Rework Label Report when saved.

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Modules & VBA :: Export DAT File With Delimited Format

Aug 20, 2014

I need to export a .dat file with delimited format (using ";")

I have tried the following:

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "ED File", "Employee Data Output", "c: estfilesfile1.dat", False, ""

But when I execute the code the following error is shown:

Run-time error '3027'

Cannot update. Database or object is read-only

Using the same structure "DoCmd.TransferText" but with the .txt extension in the file works perfect.

Also I have tried export the .dat file using DoCmd.OutputTo, but even if the export is done, the format is not kept.

How can I export the .dat file keeping the delimited format needed?

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Modules & VBA :: Export Table To CSV File By Date

Nov 20, 2014

What I would like to achieve via code on a button. From the table orders

orderDate orderID ref name amt vat
02/02/2014 56789 01 magdi 600 100
22/06/2014 12122 01 magdi 654 100
22/06/2014 65897 02 simon 250 159
22/06/2014 12345 02 simon 156 140
23/07/2014 56781 01 magdi 400 250
01/08/2014 12457 01 magdi 250 900
01/09/2014 56787 02 simon 126 500
02/09/2014 56781 04 peter 400 250
02/09/2014 12345 02 simon 450 122
02/09/2014 65897 04 peter 250 231
02/09/2014 12122 05 hargr 654 100
02/09/2014 79457 05 hargr 254 200

I need to create csv files from the above based on unique date and ref and with filename showing date and ref. So from the above we should get 9 csv files in this format


How to produce the above result ...

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Modules & VBA :: Export To RTF Not Correct (Same File Exported)

Apr 24, 2015

I have this report that needs to be export - 1 report per record

The report exports out but its the same record export out each time ( the name changes - but the data doesn't)


Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim rsemail As DAO.Recordset
Dim RefernceNumber As String
Dim FilenameZ As String
Set MyDb = CurrentDb()

[Code] ....

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Access 2007 / Send Report To A New File?

Nov 23, 2011

In Access 2007 there a way to send a report to a file you create from the information in the form?

Right now my code for the command button is:

Dim strMyPath As String
Dim strMyName As String
strMyPath =" EBEBMainDigital Sender "
strMyName = "Permit " & Me.[Permit Number].Value
DoCmd.OpenReport "File Current Permit", acViewPreview, , "[ID] = " & Me.[ID]
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "File Current Permit", acFormatPDF, strMyPath + strMyName, False
DoCmd.Close acReport, "File Current Permit"

And that works perfect for sending the current report to the Digital Sender Folder... but I'd like to be able to send it to a certain county folder within the digital sender folder, based on what is listed for the county on the form. same for municipalities. and then, have it create a folder based on the name inside the form..... how to lead it through the path of the folder through the given information on the form, or how to make it create a folder.

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Zipping File Of Desktop With MS Access 2007?

Feb 24, 2014

I want to zip my file of my Desktop with MS Access 2007.

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Export XML File From Access

Sep 12, 2013

i have an access table with few blank cells inside.when i export xml file, those blank cells are not showing in the xml file.

eg: <work_note_table>

but there is another data cell for this row (WIType) and is blank.i want to show that entry also as empty.How can i export the file showing that entry too?

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Modules & VBA :: Export Pdf With Field Names Included With File Name

Feb 7, 2014

I have a report that I would like to export to a folder, and I would like to include the FullName within the naming convention of the PDF. When I run the report it prompts for the Employee ID..Here is what I have so far, I'm getting an error of "Run Time Error 424 object required" on the String Report Name,

Private Sub Create_PDF_Click()
Dim myPath As String
Dim strReportName As String
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report_Salary_Worksheet _Finalized_By_EmpID", acViewPreview
strReportName = Report_Salary_Worksheet_Finalized_By_EmpID.[FullName] + ".pdf"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "", acFormatPDF, myPath + strReportName, True
DoCmd.Close acReport, " Report_Salary_Worksheet _Finalized_By_EmpID "
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make Excel File And Export It To Mail

Aug 18, 2015

i want to make an excel file from a query and then export it to mail. i want to make an excel and then send it as an attachhment. also i want to insert the mail address to manually because each time it is sent to a different person.

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Export Access To Text File

May 4, 2007

Hi All,
I need to export an access table to text file automatically. It would be helpful if this could be done by some commands or a batch file etc..

I have 60 access tables. I need to export the data to one single text file (if not possible I dont have problem in exporting to 60 different text files).

This needs to be done daily. So I need a faster way. I cannot use any softwares since I dont have any budget for that. But If there is any source codes I could Look at it would be more helpful.

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Export Text File From Access

Nov 9, 2004

I am trying to export a text file from access. I know how to do it using the export wizard and it pretty much works with my VB code except 1 thing. I need the header column exported as well. There is a check box to include that in your export while using the wizard. When I save the specs and do it using the VB code everything works except it does not include the header row which I need. Is there a way to include this row without having to go through the wizard?

Here is my current code that works(except the header).
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "Amazon Spec", _
"Amazon SQL Export Query", "C:Documents and SettingspctesterMy DocumentsAmazonMorningside.txt"

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Modules & VBA :: Export Query Results To Excel With Specific File Name?

Jul 8, 2014

I have a form with a list of names. When a specific name is selected from the list, a button is clicked and a query is run with the specific name as the criteria/filter.

I've written code to export these same query results to an Excel sheet, and I want the Excel file name saved with the name selected in the form.

Below is the code that I've written that doesn't work.


Dim strFileName As String

strFileName = SelectedItems(Me.lstName)

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qryFocal_Sheet", acFormatXLS, "C:JRSWorkEquityFY2015" & strFileName & ".xls"

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